/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ParticleModuleSubUV extends ParticleModuleSubUVBase native(Particle) editinlinenew hidecategories(Object); /** * The index of the sub-image that should be used for the particle. * The value is retrieved using the RelativeTime of the particles. */ var(SubUV) rawdistributionfloat SubImageIndex; /** * If TRUE, use *real* time when updating the image index. * The movie will update regardless of the slomo settings of the game. */ var(RealTime) bool bUseRealTime; cpptext { virtual void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT SpawnTime); virtual void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT DeltaTime); /** * Determine the current image index to use... * * @param Owner The emitter instance being updated. * @param Offset The offset to the particle payload for this module. * @param Particle The particle that the image index is being determined for. * @param eMethod The EParticleSubUVInterpMethod method used to update the subUV. * @param SubUVPayload The FFullSubUVPayload for this particle. * @param ImageIndex [out] The image index to use for the particle. * @param Interp [out] The current interpolation value (for blending 2 sub-images). * @param DeltaTime The time slice for this update. * * @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. */ virtual UBOOL DetermineImageIndex(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FBaseParticle* Particle, EParticleSubUVInterpMethod eMethod, FFullSubUVPayload& SubUVPayload, INT& ImageIndex, FLOAT& Interp, FLOAT DeltaTime); /** * Called when the module is created, this function allows for setting values that make * sense for the type of emitter they are being used in. * * @param Owner The UParticleEmitter that the module is being added to. */ virtual void SetToSensibleDefaults(UParticleEmitter* Owner); } defaultproperties { bSpawnModule=true bUpdateModule=true Begin Object Class=DistributionFloatConstant Name=DistributionSubImage End Object SubImageIndex=(Distribution=DistributionSubImage) }