/** * With this you can store the exact time a particle system was spawned. This is useful for additional effects based off the * time when the parent effect's particles were spawned. You need to the spawn time because the RelativeTime is for when that * specific particle system will die. Due to having random durations you are not guarenteed for that value to represent the order in * which the individual particles were spawned. * * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ParticleModuleStoreSpawnTime extends ParticleModuleStoreSpawnTimeBase native(Particle) editinlinenew hidecategories(Object); cpptext { virtual void Spawn(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT SpawnTime); /** * Returns the number of bytes that the module requires in the particle payload block. * * @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle. * * @return UINT The number of bytes the module needs per particle. */ virtual UINT RequiredBytes(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner = NULL); } defaultproperties { }