/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MorphNodeWeightBase extends MorphNodeBase native(Anim) hidecategories(Object) abstract; cpptext { virtual void GetNodes(TArray& OutNodes); /** * Draws this morph node in the AnimTreeEditor. * * @param Canvas The canvas to use. * @param SelectedNodes Reference to array of all currently selected nodes, potentially including this node */ virtual void DrawMorphNode(FCanvas* Canvas, const TArray& SelectedNodes); virtual FIntPoint GetConnectionLocation(INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex); } struct native MorphNodeConn { /** Array of nodes attached to this connector. */ var array ChildNodes; /** Name of this connector. */ var name ConnName; /** Used in editor to draw line to this connector. */ var int DrawY; }; /** Array of connectors to which you can connect other MorphNodes. */ var array NodeConns; defaultproperties { CategoryDesc = "Weight" }