/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class InterpTrackInstProperty extends InterpTrackInst native(Interpolation); cpptext { /** * Retrieves the update callback from the interp property's metadata and stores it. * * @param InActor Actor we are operating on. * @param TrackProperty Property we are interpolating. */ void SetupPropertyUpdateCallback(AActor* InActor, const FName& TrackPropertyName); /** * Tries to call the property update callback. * * @return TRUE if the callback existed and was called, FALSE otherwise. */ UBOOL CallPropertyUpdateCallback(); /** Called when interpolation is done. Should not do anything else with this TrackInst after this. */ virtual void TermTrackInst(UInterpTrack* Track); } /** Function to call after updating the value of the color property. */ var function PropertyUpdateCallback; /** Pointer to the UObject instance that is the outer of the color property we are interpolating on, this is used to process the property update callback. */ var object PropertyOuterObjectInst;