/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class InterpGroupInstAI extends InterpGroupInst native(Interpolation); /** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * An instance of an InterpGroup for a particular Actor. There may be multiple InterpGroupInsts for a single * InterpGroup in the InterpData, if multiple Actors are connected to the same InterpGroup. * The Outer of an InterpGroupInst is the SeqAct_Interp */ cpptext { /** * Returns the Actor that this GroupInstance is working on. * Should use this instead of just referencing GroupActor, as it check bDeleteMe for you. */ virtual AActor* GetGroupActor(); virtual UBOOL HasActor(AActor * InActor); /** * Initialze this Group instance. Called from USeqAct_Interp::InitInterp before doing any interpolation. * Save the Actor for the group and creates any needed InterpTrackInsts */ virtual void InitGroupInst( UInterpGroup* InGroup, AActor* InGroupActor ); /** * Initialze this Group instance from Seq Variable */ void UpdatePreviewPawnFromSeqVarCharacter( UInterpGroup* InGroup, const USeqVar_Character* InGroupObject ); /** * Create Preview Pawn/Destroy Preview Pawn */ void CreatePreviewPawn(); void DestroyPreviewPawn(); /** * Get Stage Mark Actor ground position & rotation */ FVector GetStageMarkPosition(FRotator* Rotation = NULL); /** * Update Stage Mark Group Actor */ void UpdateStageMarkGroupActor(USeqAct_Interp * Seq); /** * Called when done with interpolation sequence. Cleans up InterpTrackInsts etc. * Do not do anything further with the Interpolation after this. */ virtual void TermGroupInst(UBOOL bDeleteTrackInst); /** * Update Physics state if it includes Movement Track * Or terminate if bInit = FALSE */ void UpdatePhysics(UBOOL bInit); } /** Cache data to AIGroup **/ var transient InterpGroupAI AIGroup; /** Saved Physics state to go back to **/ var EPhysics SavedPhysics; var bool bSavedNoEncroachCheck; var bool bSavedCollideActors; var bool bSavedBlockActors; /** Preview Pawn for only editor - in game it should be AI **/ var editoronly transient Pawn PreviewPawn; /** Stage Mark Actor - from StageMark Group **/ var transient Actor StageMarkActor; defaultproperties { }