/** * An actor which specifies a reflection primitive used by materials that use image based reflections. * This actor also captures the scene in a texture at lighting build time and uses that texture for image reflections. * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ImageReflectionSceneCapture extends ImageReflection showcategories(Movement) AutoExpandCategories(ImageReflectionSceneCapture) AutoExpandCategories(ImageBasedReflectionComponent) native(Mesh) placeable; /** * Distance in world units from the image plane that defines the depth range that will be captured. * Anything outside of the depth range will be clipped away. * Changes will be propagated on the next lighting build. */ var() float DepthRange; /** Maximum linear space color value that will be stored in the generated texture. */ var() float ColorRange; cpptext { protected: virtual void PostDuplicate(); } defaultproperties { DepthRange=200 ColorRange=4 }