/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class GenericParamListStatEntry extends Object native; cpptext { // don't leak the stat event if we get destroyed before disk-commit for some reason virtual void BeginDestroy(); }; var native transient pointer StatEvent{struct FGenericParamListEvent}; var protected transient GameplayEventsWriter Writer; // setters for supported data types function native AddFloat(name ParamName, float Value); function native AddInt(name ParamName, Int Value); function native AddVector(name ParamName, Vector Value); function native AddString(name ParamName, coerce String Value); // getters for supported data types function native bool GetFloat(name ParamName, out float out_Float); function native bool GetInt(name ParamName, out int out_int); function native bool GetVector(name ParamName, out vector out_vector); function native bool GetString(name ParamName, out string out_string); // will write this event to disk function native CommitToDisk();