//============================================================================= // GameEngine: The game subsystem. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //============================================================================= class GameEngine extends Engine native(GameEngine) config(Engine) transient; // URL structure. struct transient native URL { var string Protocol; // Protocol, i.e. "unreal" or "http". var string Host; // Optional hostname, i.e. "" or "unreal.epicgames.com", blank if local. var int Port; // Optional host port. var string Map; // Map name, i.e. "SkyCity", default is "Index". var array Op; // Options. var string Portal; // Portal to enter through, default is "". //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX - BWJ - 11/20/14 - Adding support for secure address (for use in XB1) var string SecureAddress; //@HSL_END_XBOX var int Valid; structcpptext { // Statics. static FString DefaultProtocol; static FString DefaultName; static FString DefaultMap; static FString DefaultLocalMap; static FString DefaultLocalOptions; static FString DefaultTransitionMap; // map used as in-between for seamless travel static FString DefaultHost; static FString DefaultPortal; static FString DefaultMapExt; static FString DefaultSaveExt; /** Additional map extension to look for when parsing urls for map loading */ static FString AdditionalMapExt; static INT DefaultPort; /** port to listen for new client peer connections */ static INT DefaultPeerPort; static UBOOL bDefaultsInitialized; // Constructors. FURL( const TCHAR* Filename=NULL ); FURL( FURL* Base, const TCHAR* TextURL, ETravelType Type ); static void StaticInit(); static void StaticExit(); /** * Static: Removes any special URL characters from the specified string * * @param Str String to be filtered */ static void FilterURLString( FString& Str ); //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX /** * Static: Replaces any special URL characters with encoded versions * * @param Str String to be encoded */ static void EncodeURLString( FString& Str ); /** * Static: Replaces any encoded versions of special URL characters with their decoded versions * * @param Str String to be decoded */ static void DecodeURLString( FString& Str ); //@HSL_END_XBOX // Functions. UBOOL IsInternal() const; UBOOL IsLocalInternal() const; UBOOL HasOption( const TCHAR* Test ) const; const TCHAR* GetOption( const TCHAR* Match, const TCHAR* Default ) const; void LoadURLConfig( const TCHAR* Section, const TCHAR* Filename=NULL ); void SaveURLConfig( const TCHAR* Section, const TCHAR* Item, const TCHAR* Filename=NULL ) const; void AddOption( const TCHAR* Str ); void RemoveOption( const TCHAR* Key, const TCHAR* Section = NULL, const TCHAR* Filename = NULL); FString String( UBOOL FullyQualified=0 ) const; friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FURL& U ); //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX - BWJ - 11-20-14- Adding support for secure address (for use in XB1) UBOOL HasSecureAddress() const; //@HSL_END_XBOX // Operators. UBOOL operator==( const FURL& Other ) const; } }; var PendingLevel GPendingLevel; `if(`__TW_) var string PendingLevelPlayerControllerClassName; `else /** The name of the class to spawn as the temporary pending level player controller */ var config string PendingLevelPlayerControllerClassName; `endif /** URL the last time we travelled */ var URL LastURL; /** last server we connected to (for "reconnect" command) */ var URL LastRemoteURL; var config array ServerActors; var string TravelURL; var byte TravelType; `if(`__TW_NETWORKING_) //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 8-10-16 - Saved client URL for takeover (contains client options) var string ClientOptionsForTakeoverURL; var string TakeoverURL; var globalconfig bool bUsedForTakeover; var bool bAvailableForTakeover; /** TRUE if this is a private server. Used for console */ var bool bPrivateServer; `endif /** set for one tick after completely loading and initializing a new world * (regardless of whether it's LoadMap() or seamless travel) */ var const transient bool bWorldWasLoadedThisTick; /** check to see if we need to start a movie capture * (used on the first tick when we want to record a matinee) */ var const transient bool bCheckForMovieCapture; /** * Triggers a call to PostLoadMap() the next Tick, turns off loading movie if LoadMap() has been called. */ var const transient bool bTriggerPostLoadMap; /** * TRUE if the loading movie was started during LoadMap(). */ var const transient bool bStartedLoadMapMovie; /** The singleton online interface for all game code to use */ var const transient OnlineSubsystem OnlineSubsystem; //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 4-5-16 - Playfab support var const transient PlayfabInterface PlayfabInterfaceInst; //@HSL_END //@zombie_ps4_begin - Adding a gamepad light system var const transient GamePadLightbarSubSystem GamePadLightBarSubsystem; //@zombie_ps4_end /** The singleton interface that enumerates available DLC */ var const transient DownloadableContentEnumerator DLCEnumerator; `if(`__TW_) var string DownloadableContentEnumeratorClassName; `else /** The name of the class to use for the DLC enumeration */ var config string DownloadableContentEnumeratorClassName; `endif /** The singleton interface that manages the installation and removal of DLC */ var const transient DownloadableContentManager DLCManager; `if(`__TW_) var bool bSaveBenchmarkGraphs; struct native transient BenchmarkSample { var float AppTime, RenderThreadTime, GameThreadTime, GPUFrameTime, FrameTime; }; var array BenchmarkSamples; `endif `if(`__TW_) var string DownloadableContentManagerClassName; `else /** The name of the class to use for the DLC manager */ var config string DownloadableContentManagerClassName; `endif /** * Array of package/ level names that need to be loaded for the pending map change. First level in that array is * going to be made a fake persistent one by using ULevelStreamingPersistent. */ var const array LevelsToLoadForPendingMapChange; /** Array of already loaded levels. The ordering is arbitrary and depends on what is already loaded and such. */ var const array LoadedLevelsForPendingMapChange; /** Human readable error string for any failure during a map change request. Empty if there were no failures. */ var const string PendingMapChangeFailureDescription; /** If TRUE, commit map change the next frame. */ var const bool bShouldCommitPendingMapChange; /** Maximium delta time the engine uses to populate GDeltaTime. If 0, unbound. */ var config float MaxDeltaTime; /** * If true - clear all AnimSet LinkupCaches during map load. * You need to do this is the set of skeletal meshes that you are playing anims on is not bounded. */ var config bool bClearAnimSetLinkupCachesOnLoadMap; /** If true, and the platform allows it, the game engine will utilize a secondary screen */ var config bool bEnableSecondaryDisplay; /** * If true, the game engine will create a secondary viewport on init * Dependent on bEnabledSecondaryDisplay being enabled. * If false, and bEnableSecondaryDisplay is true, the secondary screen will just copy the first. */ var config bool bEnableSecondaryViewport; `if(`__TW_) var string SecondaryViewportClientClassName; `else /** String name for any secondary viewport clients created for secondary screens */ var config string SecondaryViewportClientClassName; `endif /** Secondary viewport clients inside of secondary windows (not for split screen) */ var init array SecondaryViewportClients; /** Array parallel to SecondaryViewportClients - these are the frames that render the SecondaryViewport clients */ var init array SecondaryViewportFrames{FViewportFrame}; //@HSL_MOD_BEGIN - amiller 4/11/2016 - Adding support to ignore specific packages for Using Handshake /** An Array of config package names to ignore GUID mismatch errors during connection handshake*/ var const config array IgnoredUsesGUIDPackages; //@HSL_MOD_END /** level streaming updates that should be applied immediately after committing the map change */ struct native LevelStreamingStatus { var name PackageName; var bool bShouldBeLoaded, bShouldBeVisible; structcpptext { /** Constructors */ FLevelStreamingStatus(FName InPackageName, UBOOL bInShouldBeLoaded, UBOOL bInShouldBeVisible) : PackageName(InPackageName), bShouldBeLoaded(bInShouldBeLoaded), bShouldBeVisible(bInShouldBeVisible) {} FLevelStreamingStatus() {} FLevelStreamingStatus(EEventParm) { appMemzero(this, sizeof(FLevelStreamingStatus)); } } }; var const array PendingLevelStreamingStatusUpdates; /** Handles to object references; used by the engine to e.g. the prevent objects from being garbage collected. */ var const array ObjectReferencers; enum EFullyLoadPackageType { /** Load the packages when the map in Tag is loaded */ FULLYLOAD_Map, /** Load the packages before the game class in Tag is loaded. The Game name MUST be specified in the URL (game=Package.GameName). Useful for loading packages needed to load the game type (a DLC game type, for instance) */ FULLYLOAD_Game_PreLoadClass, /** Load the packages after the game class in Tag is loaded. Will work no matter how game is specified in UWorld::SetGameInfo. Useful for modifying shipping gametypes by loading more packages (mutators, for instance) */ FULLYLOAD_Game_PostLoadClass, /** Fully load the package as long as the DLC is loaded */ FULLYLOAD_Always, /** Load the package for a mutator that is active */ FULLYLOAD_Mutator, }; /** Struct to help hold information about packages needing to be fully-loaded for DLC, etc */ struct native FullyLoadedPackagesInfo { /** When to load these packages */ var EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType; /** When this map or gametype is loaded, the packages in the following array will be loaded and added to root, then removed from root when map is unloaded */ var string Tag; /** The list of packages that will be fully loaded when the above Map is loaded */ var array PackagesToLoad; /** List of objects that were loaded, for faster cleanup */ var array LoadedObjects; }; /** A list of tag/array pairs that is used at LoadMap time to fully load packages that may be needed for the map/game with DLC, but we can't use DynamicLoadObject to load from the packages */ var array PackagesToFullyLoad; //keeps track of whether we launched on partial install ie playgo, etc var bool bPartialInstallLaunch; /** Struct to hold a UNetDriver and an assoicated name */ struct native NamedNetDriver { /** The name associated with the driver */ var name NetDriverName; /** A pointer to a UNetDriver */ var const native pointer NetDriver{class UNetDriver}; }; /** A list of named UNetDrivers */ var const transient array NamedNetDrivers; /** Temporary Animation Tagging Information: until we integrate Content Tagging * This is configurable information in Engine * Tag: Name of Tag * Contains: Contains text * Priority is index of array */ struct native AnimTag { var string Tag; // This is Tag name var array Contains; // This is contains strings, i.e. _cvr_ or _cover_ for Tag name Cover }; /** * Animation tag for stat system: This is temporary until we can add content tag to animation * Currently it auto tags based on "contains" - Check DefaultEngine.ini for modification */ var config array AnimTags; //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX /** True if trial mode is active */ var const transient bool bTrialActive; //@HSL_END_XBOX /** * Creates a UNetDriver and associates a name with it. * * @param NetDriverName The name to associate with the driver. * * @return True if the driver was created successfully, false if there was an error. */ native final function bool CreateNamedNetDriver(name NetDriverName); /** * Destroys a UNetDriver based on its name. * * @param NetDriverName The name associated with the driver to destroy. */ native final function DestroyNamedNetDriver(name NetDriverName); /** Returns the global online subsytem pointer. This will be null for PIE */ native static final noexport function OnlineSubsystem GetOnlineSubsystem(); //@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 4-5-16 - Playfab support native static final function PlayfabInterface GetPlayfabInterface(); //@HSL_END /** Returns the DLC enumerator object pointer. This will be null for PIE */ native static final noexport function DownloadableContentEnumerator GetDLCEnumerator(); /** Returns the DLC manager object pointer. This will be null for PIE */ native static final noexport function DownloadableContentManager GetDLCManager(); /** Returns whether this game engine has any secondary screens attached */ native static final noexport function bool HasSecondaryScreenActive(); `if(`__TW_NETWORKING_) native function TakeoverServer( string InHostStr, string InUrlStr ); native static function int GetWebAdminPort(); native final function DisableServerTakeover(); `endif //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX /** Encodes special URL characters in a string */ native static final noexport function EncodeURLString(out string Str); /** Decodes special URL characters in a string */ native static final noexport function DecodeURLString(out string Str); //@HSL_END_XBOX //@HSL_BEGIN /** Retrieves percentage of installation finished for streaming install */ native static final function float GetPercentageOfStreamingInstallComplete(); /** Checks to see if streaming install has finished */ native static final function bool IsGameFullyInstalled(); /** Checks to see if some particular chunks have finished installing */ native static final function bool AreChunksInstalled(const out array ChunksToCheck); /** Gets the install progress of some particular chunks */ native static final function float GetChunksInstallProgress(const out array ChunksToCheck); /** Gets the install progress of a particular chunk */ native static final function float GetChunkInstallProgress(int ChunkToCheck); //@HSL_END //function to determine whether or not the game was launched on partial install, ie playgo, etc native static final function bool WasLaunchedOnPartialInstall(); cpptext { // Constructors. UGameEngine(); /** * Redraws all viewports. * * @param bShouldPresent Whether we want this frame to be presented */ void RedrawViewports( UBOOL bShouldPresent = TRUE ); /** * Called to allow overloading by child engines */ virtual void LoadMapRedrawViewports(void) { RedrawViewports(); } // UObject interface. void FinishDestroy(); // UEngine interface. void Init(); /** * Called at shutdown, just before the exit purge. */ virtual void PreExit(); virtual void Tick( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ); UBOOL Exec( const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar=*GLog ); void SetClientTravel( const TCHAR* NextURL, ETravelType TravelType ); virtual FLOAT GetMaxTickRate( FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bAllowFrameRateSmoothing = TRUE ); virtual void SetProgress( EProgressMessageType MessageType, const FString& Title, const FString& Message ); /** * Handles freezing/unfreezing of rendering */ virtual void ProcessToggleFreezeCommand(); /** * Handles frezing/unfreezing of streaming */ virtual void ProcessToggleFreezeStreamingCommand(); // UGameEngine interface. virtual UBOOL Browse( FURL URL, FString& Error ); virtual UBOOL LoadMap( const FURL& URL, class UPendingLevel* Pending, FString& Error ); virtual void PostLoadMap(); virtual void CancelPending(); `if(`__TW_ONLINESUBSYSTEM_) virtual void PerformBetweenMapTasks(); `endif /** * Spawns all of the registered server actors */ virtual void SpawnServerActors(void); /** * Construct a UNetDriver object based on an .ini setting * * @return The created NetDriver object, or NULL if it fails */ virtual class UNetDriver* ConstructNetDriver(); /** * Returns the online subsystem object. Returns null if GEngine isn't a * game engine */ static UOnlineSubsystem* GetOnlineSubsystem(void); /** * Creates the online subsystem that was specified in UEngine's * OnlineSubsystemClass. This function is virtual so that licensees * can provide their own version without modifying Epic code. */ virtual void InitOnlineSubsystem(void); /** * Creates the specified objects for dealing with DLC. */ void InitGameSingletonObjects(void); /** * @return the DLC enumerator, or null if GEngine isn't a game engine */ static UDownloadableContentEnumerator* GetDLCEnumerator(void) { UGameEngine* GameEngine = Cast(GEngine); if (GameEngine) { return GameEngine->DLCEnumerator; } return NULL; } /** * @return the DLC manager, or null if GEngine isn't a game engine */ static UDownloadableContentManager* GetDLCManager(void) { UGameEngine* GameEngine = Cast(GEngine); if (GameEngine) { return GameEngine->DLCManager; } return NULL; } /** * @return TRUE, if the GEngine is a game engine and has any secondary screens active */ static UBOOL HasSecondaryScreenActive(void) { UGameEngine* GameEngine = Cast(GEngine); if (GameEngine) { check(GameEngine->SecondaryViewportClients.Num() == GameEngine->SecondaryViewportFrames.Num()); return (GameEngine->SecondaryViewportFrames.Num() > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); } return FALSE; } // Async map change/ persistent level transition code. /** * Prepares the engine for a map change by pre-loading level packages in the background. * * @param LevelNames Array of levels to load in the background; the first level in this * list is assumed to be the new "persistent" one. * * @return TRUE if all packages were in the package file cache and the operation succeeded, * FALSE otherwise. FALSE as a return value also indicates that the code has given * up. */ UBOOL PrepareMapChange(const TArray& LevelNames); /** * Returns the failure description in case of a failed map change request. * * @return Human readable failure description in case of failure, empty string otherwise */ FString GetMapChangeFailureDescription(); /** * Returns whether we are currently preparing for a map change or not. * * @return TRUE if we are preparing for a map change, FALSE otherwise */ UBOOL IsPreparingMapChange(); /** * Returns whether the prepared map change is ready for commit having called. * * @return TRUE if we're ready to commit the map change, FALSE otherwise */ UBOOL IsReadyForMapChange(); /** * Finalizes the pending map change that was being kicked off by PrepareMapChange. * * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE if there were errors (use GetMapChangeFailureDescription * for error description) */ UBOOL CommitMapChange(); /** * Commit map change if requested and map change is pending. Called every frame. */ void ConditionalCommitMapChange(); /** * Cancels pending map change. */ void CancelPendingMapChange(); /** * Adds a map/package array pair for pacakges to load at LoadMap * * @param FullyLoadType When to load the packages (based on map, gametype, etc) * @param Tag Map/game for which the packages need to be loaded * @param Packages List of package names to fully load when the map is loaded * @param bLoadPackagesForCurrentMap If TRUE, the packages for the currently loaded map will be loaded now */ void AddPackagesToFullyLoad(EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType, const FString& Tag, const TArray& Packages, UBOOL bLoadPackagesForCurrentMap); /** * Empties the PerMapPackages array, and removes any currently loaded packages from the Root */ void CleanupAllPackagesToFullyLoad(); /** * Loads the PerMapPackages for the given map, and adds them to the RootSet * * @param FullyLoadType When to load the packages (based on map, gametype, etc) * @param Tag Name of the map/game to load packages for */ void LoadPackagesFully(EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType, const FString& Tag); /** * Removes the PerMapPackages from the RootSet * * @param FullyLoadType When to load the packages (based on map, gametype, etc) * @param Tag Name of the map/game to cleanup packages for */ void CleanupPackagesToFullyLoad(EFullyLoadPackageType FullyLoadType, const FString& Tag); /** * Finds a UNetDriver based on its name. * * @param NetDriverName The name associated with the driver to find. * * @return A pointer to the UNetDriver that was found, or NULL if it wasn't found. */ UNetDriver* FindNamedNetDriver(FName NetDriverName); /** * Creates a new FViewportFrame with a viewport client of class SecondaryViewportClientClassName */ void CreateSecondaryViewport(UINT SizeX, UINT SizeY); /** * Closes all secondary viewports opened with CreateSecondaryViewport */ void CloseSecondaryViewports(); //@HSL_BEGIN_XBOX /** Encodes special URL characters in a string */ static void EncodeURLString(FString& Str) { // Simply forward the call to FURL FURL::EncodeURLString(Str); } /** Decodes special URL characters in a string */ static void DecodeURLString(FString& Str) { // Simply forward the call to FURL FURL::DecodeURLString(Str); } //@HSL_END_XBOX /** * When enabled, this will save the profile stats to file which can be used for */ #if __TW_ void UpdateBenchmarkStats(); void SaveBenchmarkStats(); void SecureConnect(const TCHAR* URL); #endif }