/** * AnimNodeBlendByBase.uc * Looks at the base of the Pawn that owns this node and blends accordingly. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNodeBlendByBase extends AnimNodeBlendList native(Anim); cpptext { virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); } enum EBaseBlendType { BBT_ByActorTag, BBT_ByActorClass, }; /** Type of comparison to do */ var() EBaseBlendType Type; /** Actor tag that will match the base */ var() Name ActorTag; /** Actor class that will match the base */ var() class ActorClass; /** Duration of blend */ var() float BlendTime; /** Cached Base Actor */ var transient Actor CachedBase; defaultproperties { bFixNumChildren=TRUE Children(0)=(Name="Normal") Children(1)=(Name="Based") BlendTime=0.2f }