/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ // Base ambient sound actor class AmbientSound extends Keypoint AutoExpandCategories( Audio ) ClassGroup(Sounds) native( Sound ); /** Should the audio component automatically play on load? */ var() bool bAutoPlay; /** Audio component to play */ var( Audio ) editconst const AudioComponent AudioComponent; /** Is the audio component currently playing? */ var private bool bIsPlaying; defaultproperties { Begin Object NAME=Sprite Sprite=Texture2D'EditorResources.AmbientSoundIcons.S_Ambient_Sound' Scale=0.25 SpriteCategoryName="Sounds" End Object Begin Object Class=DrawSoundRadiusComponent Name=DrawSoundRadius0 SphereColor=(R=255,G=153,B=0) End Object Components.Add(DrawSoundRadius0) Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=AudioComponent0 PreviewSoundRadius=DrawSoundRadius0 bAutoPlay=false bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed=true bShouldRemainActiveIfDropped=true End Object AudioComponent=AudioComponent0 Components.Add(AudioComponent0) bAutoPlay=TRUE RemoteRole=ROLE_None }