class InterpTrackAkRTPC extends InterpTrackFloatBase native; cpptext { // InterpTrack interface virtual INT AddKeyframe(FLOAT Time, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, EInterpCurveMode InitInterpMode); virtual void UpdateKeyframe(INT KeyIndex, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst); virtual void PreviewUpdateTrack(FLOAT NewPosition, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst); virtual void UpdateTrack(FLOAT NewPosition, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, UBOOL bJump); /** Get the name of the class used to help out when adding tracks, keys, etc. in UnrealEd. * @return String name of the helper class.*/ virtual const FString GetEdHelperClassName() const; virtual class UMaterial* GetTrackIcon() const; } /** Name of game parameter */ var() string Param; defaultproperties { TrackInstClass=class'AkAudio.InterpTrackInstAkRTPC' TrackTitle="AkRTPC" }