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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This class is the base class for the client/host beacon classes.
class PartyBeacon extends Object
/** The port that the party beacon will listen on */
var config int PartyBeaconPort;
/** The object that is used to send/receive data with the remote host/client */
var native transient pointer Socket{FSocket};
/** The types of packets being sent */
enum EReservationPacketType
// Sent by a client that wants to reserve space
// Sent by a client that wants to update an existing party reservation
// Sent by a client that is backing out of its request
// Sent by the host telling the client whether the reservation was accepted or not
// Sent by the host telling all clients the current reservation count
// Sent by the host telling all clients to travel to a specified destination
// When doing full party matching, tells the clients the host is ready
// Tells the clients that the host has canceled this matching session
// Sent periodically to tell the host/client that the other end is there
/** The result code that will be returned during party reservation */
enum EPartyReservationResult
// An unknown error happened
// All available reservations are booked
// Wrong number of players to join the session
// No response from the host
// Already have a reservation entry for the requesting party leader
// Couldn't find the party leader specified for a reservation update request
// Space was available and it's time to join
// The beacon is paused and not accepting new connections
/** A player that has/is requesting a reservation */
struct native PlayerReservation
/** The unique identifier for this player */
var UniqueNetId NetId;
/** The skill of the player */
var int Skill;
/** The player experience level */
var int XpLevel;
/** The raw skill value */
var double Mu;
/** The uncertainty of that raw skill value */
var double Sigma;
/** Seconds since we checked to see if the player reservation exists in the session */
var float ElapsedSessionTime;
/** Constructors */
FPlayerReservation() {}
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FPlayerReservation));
* Serialize from NBO buffer to FPlayerReservation
friend FNboSerializeFromBuffer& operator>>(FNboSerializeFromBuffer& Ar,FPlayerReservation& PlayerRes);
* Serialize from FPlayerReservation to NBO buffer
friend FNboSerializeToBuffer& operator<<(FNboSerializeToBuffer& Ar,const FPlayerReservation& PlayerRes);
/** Holds information about a party that has reserved space in the session */
struct native PartyReservation
/** The team this party was assigned to */
var int TeamNum;
/** The party leader that has requested a reservation */
var UniqueNetId PartyLeader;
/** The list of members of the party (includes the party leader) */
var array<PlayerReservation> PartyMembers;
/** Used to determine whether to use deferred destruction or not */
var bool bIsInTick;
/** True if the beacon should be destroyed at the end of the tick */
var bool bWantsDeferredDestroy;
/** The maximum amount of time to pass between heartbeat packets being sent */
var config float HeartbeatTimeout;
/** The elapsed time that has passed since the last heartbeat */
var float ElapsedHeartbeatTime;
/** Whether to the socket(s) or not (not during travel) */
var bool bShouldTick;
/** The name to use when logging (helps debugging) */
var name BeaconName;
// FTickableObject interface
* Returns whether it is okay to tick this object. E.g. objects being loaded in the background shouldn't be ticked
* till they are finalized and unreachable objects cannot be ticked either.
* @return TRUE if tickable, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL IsTickable() const
// We cannot tick objects that are unreachable or are in the process of being loaded in the background.
return !HasAnyFlags( RF_Unreachable | RF_AsyncLoading );
* Used to determine if an object should be ticked when the game is paused.
* @return always TRUE as networking needs to be ticked even when paused
virtual UBOOL IsTickableWhenPaused() const
return TRUE;
* Ticks the network layer to see if there are any requests or responses to requests
* @param DeltaTime the amount of time that has elapsed since the last tick
virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime);
* Converts a host response code to a readable string
* @param Result the code to translate
* @return the string that maps to it
inline const TCHAR* PartyReservationResultToString(EPartyReservationResult Result)
switch (Result)
case PRR_PartyLimitReached: return TEXT("PRR_PartyLimitReached");
case PRR_IncorrectPlayerCount: return TEXT("PRR_IncorrectPlayerCount");
case PRR_RequestTimedOut: return TEXT("PRR_RequestTimedOut");
case PRR_ReservationDuplicate: return TEXT("PRR_ReservationDuplicate");
case PRR_ReservationNotFound: return TEXT("PRR_ReservationNotFound");
case PRR_ReservationAccepted: return TEXT("PRR_ReservationAccepted");
case PRR_ReservationDenied: return TEXT("PRR_ReservationDenied");
return TEXT("PRR_GeneralError");
* Sends a heartbeat packet to the specified socket
* @param Socket the socket to send the data on
* @return TRUE if it sent ok, FALSE if there was an error
UBOOL SendHeartbeat(FSocket* Socket);
* @return the max value for the packet types handled by this beacon
virtual BYTE GetMaxPacketValue()
return RPT_MAX;
* Stops listening for requests/responses and releases any allocated memory
native event DestroyBeacon();
* Called when the beacon has completed destroying its socket
delegate OnDestroyComplete();