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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Provides the interface for ClashMob Mcp services
class McpClashMobBase extends McpServiceBase
/** The class name to use in the factory method to create our instance */
var config String McpClashMobClassName;
enum McpChallengeFileStatus
/** No action yet */
/** Cache load or web download pending */
/** Data was successfully loaded */
/** Data was not successfully loaded */
/** Single file entry that can be downloaded for a challenge */
struct McpClashMobChallengeFile
// JSON imported properties
var bool should_keep_post_challenge;
var string title_id;
var string file_name;
var string dl_name;
var string hash_code;
var string type;
/** Status of file load/download */
var McpChallengeFileStatus Status;
/** Parameters of a push notification */
struct McpClashMobPushNotificationParams
// JSON imported properties
var int bah;
/* Info about notifications that will be triggered for a challenge */
struct McpClashMobPushNotification
// JSON imported properties
var array<string> device_tokens;
var string badge_type;
var string sound;
var string message;
var McpClashMobPushNotificationParams params;
/** Single challenge event that is queried from the server */
struct McpClashMobChallengeEvent
// JSON imported properties
var string unique_challenge_id;
var string visible_date;
var string start_date;
var string end_date;
var string completed_date;
var string purge_date;
var string challenge_type;
var int num_attempts;
var int num_successful_attempts;
var int goal_value;
var int goal_start_value;
var int goal_current_value;
var bool has_started;
var bool is_visible;
var bool has_completed;
var bool was_successful;
var array<McpClashMobChallengeFile> file_list;
var int facebook_likes;
var int facebook_comments;
var float facebook_like_scaler;
var float facebook_comment_scaler;
var int facebook_like_goal_progress;
var int facebook_comment_goal_progress;
var string facebook_id;
var int twitter_retweets;
var float twitter_retweets_scaler;
var int twitter_goal_progress;
var string twitter_id;
/** Current user status with respect to a single challenge event that is queried from the server */
struct McpClashMobChallengeUserStatus
// JSON imported properties
var string unique_challenge_id;
var string unique_user_id;
var int num_attempts;
var int num_successful_attempts;
var int goal_progress;
var bool did_complete;
var string last_update_time;
var int user_award_given;
var string accept_time;
var bool did_preregister;
var string facebook_like_time;
var bool enrolled_via_facebook;
var bool liked_via_facebook;
var bool commented_via_facebook;
var string twitter_retweet_time;
var bool enrolled_via_twitter;
var bool retweeted;
* @return the object that implements this interface or none if missing or failed to create/load
final static function McpClashMobBase CreateInstance()
local class<McpClashMobBase> McpClashMobBaseClass;
local McpClashMobBase NewInstance;
McpClashMobBaseClass = class<McpClashMobBase>(DynamicLoadObject(default.McpClashMobClassName,class'Class'));
// If the class was loaded successfully, create a new instance of it
if (McpClashMobBaseClass != None)
NewInstance = new McpClashMobBaseClass;
return NewInstance;
* Delegate called when the challenge list query has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the challenge list was retrieved from the server
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnQueryChallengeListComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, String Error);
* Initiates a web request to retrieve the list of available challenge events from the server.
function QueryChallengeList();
* Access the currently cached challenge list that was downloaded. Use QueryChallengeList first
* @param OutChallengeEvents the list of events that should be filled in
function GetChallengeList(out array<McpClashMobChallengeEvent> OutChallengeEvents);
* Delegate called when a single challenge file is loaded/downloaded
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the file was loaded from cache or downloaded from server
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that owns the file
* @param DlName download name of the file
* @param FileName logical name of the file
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnDownloadChallengeFileComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string UniqueChallengeId, string DlName, string FileName, string Error);
* Get the list of files for a given challenge
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that may have files
* @param OutChallengeFiles list of files that should be filled in
function GetChallengeFileList(string UniqueChallengeId, out array<McpClashMobChallengeFile> OutChallengeFiles);
* Starts the load/download of a challenge file
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that owns the file
* @param DlName download name of the file
function DownloadChallengeFile(string UniqueChallengeId, string DlName);
* Access the cached copy of the file data
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that owns the file
* @param DlName download name of the file
* @param OutFileContents byte array filled in with the file contents
function GetChallengeFileContents(string UniqueChallengeId, string DlName, out array<byte> OutFileContents);
* Clear the cached memory copy of a challenge file
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that owns the file
* @param DlName download name of the file
function ClearCachedChallengeFile(string UniqueChallengeId, string DlName);
* Clear the cached memory copy of a challenge file
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge that owns the file
* @param DlName download name of the file
function DeleteCachedChallengeFile(string UniqueChallengeId, string DlName);
* Called when the web request to have user accept a challenge completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if request completed successfully
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to accept
* @param UniqueUserId id of user that wants to accept challenge
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnAcceptChallengeComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, String Error);
* Initiates a web request to have user accept a challenge
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to accept
* @param UniqueUserId id of user that wants to accept challenge
function AcceptChallenge(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId);
* Called when the web request to retrieve the current status of a challenge for a user completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if request completed successfully
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to query
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to retrieve challenge status for
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnQueryChallengeUserStatusComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, String Error);
* Initiates a web request to retrieve the current status of a challenge for a user
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to query
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to retrieve challenge status for
function QueryChallengeUserStatus(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId);
* Initiates a web request to retrieve the current status of a challenge for a list of users user
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to query
* @param UniqueUserId id of user that is initiating the request
* @param UserIdsToRead list of ids to read status for
function QueryChallengeMultiUserStatus(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, const out array<string> UserIdsToRead);
* Get the cached status of a user for a challenge. Use QueryChallengeUserStatus first
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to retrieve
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to retrieve challenge status for
* @param OutChallengeUserStatus user status values to be filled in
function GetChallengeUserStatus(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, out McpClashMobChallengeUserStatus OutChallengeUserStatus);
* Called when the web request to update the current progress of a challenge for a user completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if request completed successfully
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to update
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to update challenge progress for
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnUpdateChallengeUserProgressComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, String Error);
* Initiates a web request to update the current progress of a challenge for a user
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to update
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to update challenge progress for
function UpdateChallengeUserProgress(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, bool bDidComplete, int GoalProgress);
* Called when the web request to update the current reward of a challenge for a user completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if request completed successfully
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to update
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to update challenge progress for
* @param Error info string about why the error occurred
delegate OnUpdateChallengeUserRewardComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, String Error);
* Initiates a web request to update the current reward given to a user for a challenge
* @param UniqueChallengeId id of challenge to update
* @param UniqueUserId id of user to update challenge progress for
function UpdateChallengeUserReward(string UniqueChallengeId, string UniqueUserId, int UserReward);