2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSM_FleshpoundKing_ChestBeam
// Fleshpound king's chest beam attach. Beam particle code from
// KFSM_Matriarch_PlasmaCannon
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2017 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Matt 'Squirrlz' Farber
class KFSM _FleshpoundKing _ChestBeam extends KFSM _PlaySingleAnim ;
/** Cached king pawn owner */
var KFPawn _ZedFleshpoundKing KingPawnOwner ;
/** Template for the plasma beam */
var const ParticleSystem BeamPSCTemplate ;
/** PSC generated from the beam template. Gets recycled in and out of the emitter pool as needed. */
var ParticleSystemComponent BeamPSC ;
/** Template for beam hit location FX */
var const ParticleSystem BeamHitPSCTemplate ;
/** PSC for the hit location. On when the beam is hitting anything, off when missing everything */
var ParticleSystemComponent BeamHitPSC ;
/** AK Event for start of beam charge */
var AkEvent BeamStartSFX ;
/** AK Event for end of special move */
var AkEvent BeamEndSFX ;
/** Looping sound for beam hit */
var AkEvent BeamHitSFX ;
var AkEvent BeamHitStopSFX ;
/** Camera shake impact */
var CameraShake BeamHitShake ;
/** Socket to attach origin of beam */
var const Name ChestBeamSocketName ;
/** How much time to wait before attempting to sweep to a new target */
var const float TimeUntilTargetChange ;
/** Damagetype used for beam attack */
var const class < KFDamageType > BeamDamageType ;
/** The maximum length the beam can be (used both for FX and damage) */
var const float MaxBeamLength ;
/** The width, height, and depth of the beam, used for damage traces */
var const vector BeamExtent ;
/** How much time to wait between damage ticks */
var const float DamageInterval ;
/** How much damage to deal per damage tick */
var const int DamagePerTick ;
/** How much of a momentum impulse to apply each damage tick */
var const float DamageMomentumImpulse ;
/** Draws a debug line between the beam's start and end points */
var const bool bDrawDebugBeam ;
function SpecialMoveStarted ( bool bForced , Name PrevMove )
super . SpecialMoveStarted ( bForced , PrevMove ) ;
// Attempt a sweep attack if we have multiple targets in front of us
if ( KFPOwner . Role == ROLE _Authority )
KFPOwner . SetTimer ( TimeUntilTargetChange , false , nameOf ( Timer _AttemptTargetChange ) , self ) ;
// Use custom FX/lights
KFPOwner . UpdateGameplayMICParams ( ) ;
//Start KFP beam SFX
KFPOwner . SetWeaponAmbientSound ( BeamStartSFX ) ;
KingPawnOwner = KFPawn _ZedFleshpoundKing ( KFPOwner ) ;
/** Updates beam PSC */
function Tick ( float DeltaTime )
super . Tick ( DeltaTime ) ;
if ( KFPOwner . WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _DedicatedServer && BeamPSC != none && BeamPSC . bIsActive )
SetBeamTarget ( ) ;
function bool IsValidBeamTarget ( Actor HitActor )
//If we're a pawn or we're a non-resettable static mesh actor
return Pawn ( HitActor ) != none || ( StaticMeshActor ( HitActor ) != none && ! StaticMeshActor ( HitActor ) . bResetCapable ) || SkeletalMeshActor ( HitActor ) != none || StaticMeshCollectionActor ( HitActor ) != none ;
function SetBeamTarget ( )
local vector SocketLoc , BeamEnd , HitLocation , HitNormal ;
local rotator SocketRot ;
local Actor HitActor ;
local bool bShouldActivateHit ;
KFPOwner . Mesh . GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation ( ChestBeamSocketName , SocketLoc , SocketRot ) ;
BeamEnd = SocketLoc + vector ( KFPOwner . Rotation ) * MaxBeamLength ; // for now use Pawn's rotation, I don't know why but this socket's rotation freaks out during the animation
bShouldActivateHit = false ;
foreach KFPOwner . TraceActors ( class 'Actor' , HitActor , HitLocation , HitNormal , BeamEnd , SocketLoc , BeamExtent , , KFPOwner . TRACEFLAG _Bullet )
//Beam will be stopped on all valid targets
if ( IsValidBeamTarget ( HitActor ) )
if ( HitActor != none && HitActor . bCanBeDamaged )
BeamEnd = HitLocation - vect ( 0 , 0 , 64 ) ;
BeamEnd = HitLocation ;
bShouldActivateHit = HitActor != none ;
break ;
BeamPSC . SetBeamTargetPoint ( 0 , BeamEnd , 0 ) ;
//Setup impact sound/fx if valid
if ( bShouldActivateHit )
//Trigger sound and VFX at the same time, use the more reliable SFX
if ( BeamHitPSC == none )
BeamHitPSC = KFPOwner . WorldInfo . MyEmitterPool . SpawnEmitter ( BeamHitPSCTemplate , BeamEnd ) ;
KingPawnOwner . BeamHitAC . PlayEvent ( BeamHitSFX ) ;
if ( BeamHitPSC != none && BeamHitPSC . bIsActive )
BeamHitPSC . DeactivateSystem ( ) ;
BeamHitPSC = none ;
KingPawnOwner . BeamHitAC . PlayEvent ( BeamHitStopSFX ) ;
//Update location of sound/fx
if ( BeamHitPSC != none )
BeamHitPSC . SetAbsolute ( true , true , false ) ;
BeamHitPSC . SetTranslation ( BeamEnd ) ;
BeamHitPSC . SetRotation ( KFPOwner . Rotation ) ;
if ( bDrawDebugBeam )
KFPOwner . FlushPersistentDebugLines ( ) ;
KFPOwner . DrawDebugLine ( SocketLoc , BeamEnd , 100 , 128 , 255 , true ) ;
function ToggleBeam ( bool bEnable )
local ParticleSysParam SourceParam ;
if ( bEnable )
//Startup visual FX
if ( BeamPSCTemplate != none )
BeamPSC = KFPOwner . WorldInfo . MyEmitterPool . SpawnEmitterMeshAttachment ( BeamPSCTemplate , KFPOwner . Mesh , ChestBeamSocketName , true ) ;
if ( BeamPSC != none )
SourceParam . Name = 'SourceActor' ;
SourceParam . ParamType = PSPT _Actor ;
SourceParam . Actor = KFPOwner ;
BeamPSC . InstanceParameters . AddItem ( SourceParam ) ;
SetBeamTarget ( ) ;
// Start damage timer. We'll do damage on the client too so we affect ragdolls!
KFPOwner . SetTimer ( DamageInterval , true , nameOf ( Timer _TickDamage ) , self ) ;
DisableBeamFX ( ) ;
// Stop dealing damage
KFPOwner . ClearTimer ( nameOf ( Timer _TickDamage ) , self ) ;
/** Turns the beam particle system/sound OFF */
function DisableBeamFX ( )
if ( BeamPSC != none && BeamPSC . bIsActive )
BeamPSC . DeactivateSystem ( ) ;
BeamPSC = none ;
if ( BeamHitPSC != none )
BeamHitPSC . DeactivateSystem ( ) ;
BeamHitPSC = none ;
if ( KingPawnOwner . BeamHitAC != none )
KingPawnOwner . BeamHitAC . StopEvents ( ) ;
function Timer _AttemptTargetChange ( )
local Pawn P , BestTarget ;
local KFAIController _ZedFleshpoundKing KingFPController ;
local vector PawnDir ;
local float DotAngle , BestAngle ;
PawnDir = vector ( KFPOwner . Rotation ) ;
foreach KFPOwner . WorldInfo . AllPawns ( class 'Pawn' , P )
if ( P != KFPOwner
&& P != AIOwner . Enemy
&& P . GetTeamNum ( ) != KFPOwner . GetTeamNum ( )
&& P . IsAliveAndWell ( )
&& P . CanAITargetThisPawn ( KFPOwner . Controller ) )
DotAngle = PawnDir dot Normal ( P . Location - KFPOwner . Location ) ;
if ( DotAngle < 0.2 f )
continue ;
// Choose the target furthest from the center to create the widest sweep
if ( BestAngle == 0. f || DotAngle < BestAngle )
BestAngle = DotAngle ;
BestTarget = P ;
// Set our new target if we can
if ( BestTarget != none )
KingFPController = KFAIController _ZedFleshpoundKing ( AIOwner ) ;
if ( KingFPController != none )
KingFPController . ForceTargetChange ( BestTarget ) ;
function Timer _TickDamage ( )
local vector SocketLoc , BeamDir , EndTrace , HitLocation , HitNormal ;
local rotator SocketRot ;
local Actor HitActor ;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo ;
KFPOwner . Mesh . GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation ( ChestBeamSocketName , SocketLoc , SocketRot ) ;
BeamDir = vector ( KFPOwner . Rotation ) ; // for now use Pawn's rotation, I don't know why but this socket's rotation freaks out during the animation
EndTrace = SocketLoc + BeamDir * MaxBeamLength ;
foreach KFPOwner . TraceActors ( class 'Actor' , HitActor , HitLocation , HitNormal , EndTrace , SocketLoc , BeamExtent , , KFPOwner . TRACEFLAG _Bullet )
//Beam will be stopped on all valid targets
if ( IsValidBeamTarget ( HitActor ) )
if ( HitActor . bCanBeDamaged )
HitActor . TakeDamage ( DamagePerTick , KFPOwner . Controller , HitLocation , BeamDir * DamageMomentumImpulse , BeamDamageType , HitInfo , KFPOwner ) ;
if ( Pawn ( HitActor ) != none && PlayerController ( Pawn ( HitActor ) . Controller ) != none )
PlayerController ( Pawn ( HitActor ) . Controller ) . ClientPlayCameraShake ( BeamHitShake , 1. f , true ) ;
return ;
function SpecialMoveEnded ( Name PrevMove , Name NextMove )
super . SpecialMoveEnded ( PrevMove , NextMove ) ;
ToggleBeam ( false ) ;
//Start KFP beam SFX
KFPOwner . SetWeaponAmbientSound ( BeamEndSFX ) ;
// Restore FX/lights
if ( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner . IsAliveAndWell ( ) )
KFPOwner . UpdateGameplayMICParams ( ) ;
KFPOwner . FlushPersistentDebugLines ( ) ; // temp, @todo: remove
// ---------------------------------------------
// SpecialMove
Handle = KFSM _FleshpoundKing _ChestBeam
AnimName = Atk _ChestBeam
AnimStance = EAS _FullBody
bDisableSteering = false
bDisableMovement = true
bDisableTurnInPlace = true
bCanBeInterrupted = false
bUseCustomRotationRate = true
CustomRotationRate = ( Pitch = 50000 , Yaw = 25000 , Roll = 50000 )
// ---------------------------------------------
// Effects
BeamPSCTemplate = ParticleSystem 'ZED_Fleshpound_King_EMIT.FX_ChestBeam'
BeamHitPSCTemplate = ParticleSystem 'ZED_Fleshpound_King_EMIT.FX_ChestBeam_Impact'
ChestBeamSocketName = ChestBeamSocket
BeamStartSFX = AkEvent 'ww_zed_fleshpound_2.Play_King_FP_Beam_Start_LP'
BeamEndSFX = AkEvent 'ww_zed_fleshpound_2.Play_King_FP_Beam_End'
BeamHitSFX = AkEvent 'ww_zed_fleshpound_2.Play_FP_Beam_Hit_LP'
BeamHitStopSFX = AkEvent 'ww_zed_fleshpound_2.Stop_FP_Beam_Hit_LP'
Begin Object Class = CameraShake Name = BeamHitShake0
bSingleInstance = true
OscillationDuration = 0.35 f
RotOscillation = { ( Pitch = ( Amplitude = 250. f , Frequency = 60. f ) ,
Yaw = ( Amplitude = 150. f , Frequency = 70. f ) ,
Roll = ( Amplitude = 150. f , Frequency = 100. f ) ) }
End Object
BeamHitShake = BeamHitShake0
// ---------------------------------------------
// KFSM_FleshpoundKing_ChestBeam
BeamDamageType = class 'KFDT_FleshpoundKing_ChestBeam'
BeamExtent = ( X = 15.0 f , Y = 15.0 f , Z = 15.0 f )
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
MaxBeamLength = 3000.0 f //2500.0f //1300
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
DamageInterval = 0.1 f
2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00
DamagePerTick = 12 //10 //15 //7
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
DamageMomentumImpulse = 100.0 f
TimeUntilTargetChange = 0.75 f
// ---------------------------------------------
// Debug
bDrawDebugBeam = false