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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// SVehicle
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SVehicle extends Vehicle
/** The main vehicle class pointer */
var native const pointer PVehicle{class PxVehicleDrive};
/** Its vehicle manager pointer */
var native const pointer MyVehicleManager{class FPhysXVehicleManager};
// UObject interface
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
// Actor interface.
virtual void physRigidBody(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void TickSimulated( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void TickAuthoritative( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void setPhysics(BYTE NewPhysics, AActor *NewFloor, FVector NewFloorV);
virtual void PostNetReceiveLocation();
INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
// SVehicle interface.
virtual void VehiclePackRBState();
virtual void VehicleUnpackRBState();
virtual FVector GetDampingForce(const FVector& InForce);
virtual void OnRigidBodyCollision(const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& MyInfo, const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& OtherInfo, const FCollisionImpactData& RigidCollisionData);
virtual void ModifyNxActorDesc(NxActorDesc& ActorDesc,UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, const class NxGroupsMask& GroupsMask, UINT MatIndex);
virtual void PostInitRigidBody(NxActor* nActor, NxActorDesc& ActorDesc, UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp);
virtual void PreTermRigidBody(NxActor* nActor);
virtual void TermRBPhys(FRBPhysScene* Scene);
virtual void OnRigidBodyCollision(const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& MyInfo, const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& OtherInfo, const FCollisionImpactData& RigidCollisionData);
virtual void PostInitRigidBody(PxActor* nActor, UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp);
virtual void TermRBPhys(FRBPhysScene* Scene);
/** Create vehicle util function. */
void CreateVehicleUtil();
void DrawWheelsDebug(BOOL bDrawForcePoints);
/** process vehicle control inputs */
void ProcessVehicleInputs(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void UpdateVehicle(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FLOAT DeltaTime) {}
/** Set any params on wheel particle effect */
virtual void SetWheelEffectParams(USVehicleWheel* VW, FLOAT SlipVel);
/** Chassis mass */
var(Vehicle) float ChassisMass;
/** If this vehicle is a tank */
var(Vehicle) BOOL bIsTank;
/** Enable debug rendering for this vehicle */
var(Vehicle) bool bEnableDebugRendering;
/** Current debug graph channels for wheel and engine */
var INT DebugRenderActiveGraphChannelWheel;
var INT DebugRenderActiveGraphChannelEngine;
/** Whether the vehicle is in reverse mode */
var bool bInReverseMode;
/** Object containing the actual vehicle simulation paramters and code. Allows you to 'plug' different vehicle types in. */
var() noclear const SVehicleSimBase SimObj;
/** Data for each wheel. Very important to list in this order FrontLeft, FrontRight, RearLeft, RearRight. */
var() editinline export array<SVehicleWheel> Wheels;
/** Center of mass location of the vehicle, in local space. */
var() vector COMOffset;
/** Inertia Tensor Multipler - allows you to scale the components of the pre-calculated inertia tensor */
var() vector InertiaTensorMultiplier;
/** Use the stay-upright world constraint */
var(UprightConstraint) bool bStayUpright;
/** Angle at which the vehicle will resist rolling */
var(UprightConstraint) float StayUprightRollResistAngle;
/** Angle at which the vehicle will resist pitching */
var(UprightConstraint) float StayUprightPitchResistAngle;
/** Amount of spring past the limit angles */
var(UprightConstraint) float StayUprightStiffness;
/** Amount of dampening past the limit angles */
var(UprightConstraint) float StayUprightDamping;
var editinline export RB_StayUprightSetup StayUprightConstraintSetup;
var editinline export RB_ConstraintInstance StayUprightConstraintInstance;
var bool bUseSuspensionAxis;
/** set this flag to cause wheel shape parameters to be updated. Cleared after update occurs. */
var bool bUpdateWheelShapes;
/** Percent the Suspension must want to move in one go for the heavy shift function to be called*/
var float HeavySuspensionShiftPercent;
/** Vehicle total speed will be capped to this value */
var() float MaxSpeed;
/** Vehicle angular velocity will be capped to this value */
var() float MaxAngularVelocity;
/** OUTPUT: True if _any_ SVehicleWheel is currently touching the ground (ignores contacts with chassis etc) */
var const bool bVehicleOnGround;
/** OUTPUT: Time that bVehicleOnGround has been false for. */
var const float TimeOffGround;
/** OUTPUT: True if _any_ SVehicleWheel is currently touching water */
var const bool bVehicleOnWater;
/** OUTPUT: True if vehicle is mostly upside down. */
var const bool bIsInverted;
/** OUTPUT: True if there are any contacts between the chassis of the vehicle and the ground. */
var const bool bChassisTouchingGround;
/** OUTPUT: True if there were any contacts between the chassis of the vehicle and the ground last tick */
var const bool bWasChassisTouchingGroundLastTick;
/** @name Vehicle uprighting */
/** true if vehicle can be uprighted by player */
var bool bCanFlip;
/** Scales the lifting force applied to the vehicle during uprighting. */
var(Uprighting) float UprightLiftStrength;
/** Scales the torque applied to the vehicle during uprighting. */
var(Uprighting) float UprightTorqueStrength;
/** Time in seconds to apply uprighting force/torque. */
var(Uprighting) float UprightTime;
/** Changes the direction the car gets flipped (used to prevent flipping car onto player */
var bool bFlipRight;
/** Internal variable. True while uprighting forces are being applied. */
var bool bIsUprighting;
/** Internal variable. Marks the time that uprighting began. */
var float UprightStartTime;
/** @name Sounds */
/** Ambient engine-running sound. Pitch modulated based on RPMS. */
var(Sounds) editconst const AudioComponent EngineSound;
/** Volume-modulated wheel squeeling. */
var(Sounds) editconst const AudioComponent SquealSound;
/** Played when the vehicle slams into things. */
var(Sounds) SoundCue CollisionSound;
/** Engine startup sound played upon entering the vehicle. */
var(Sounds) SoundCue EnterVehicleSound;
/** Engine switch-off sound played upon exiting the vhicle. */
var(Sounds) SoundCue ExitVehicleSound;
/** Minimum time passed between the triggering collision sounds; generally set to longest collision sound. */
var(Sounds) float CollisionIntervalSecs;
/** Slip velocity cuttoff below which no wheel squealing is heard. */
var(Sounds) const float SquealThreshold;
/** Lateral Slip velocity cut off below which no wheel squealing is heard */
var(Sounds) const float SquealLatThreshold;
/** multiplier for volume level of Lateral squeals relative to straight slip squeals. */
var(Sounds) const float LatAngleVolumeMult;
/** Time delay between the engine startup sound and the engine idling sound. */
var(Sounds) const float EngineStartOffsetSecs;
/** Time delay between the engine shutdown sound and the deactivation of the engine idling sound. */
var(Sounds) const float EngineStopOffsetSecs;
/** Internal variable; prevents collision sounds from being triggered too frequently. */
var float LastCollisionSoundTime;
// Internal
var float OutputBrake;
var float OutputGas;
var float OutputSteering;
var float OutputRise;
var bool bOutputHandbrake;
var bool bHoldingDownHandbrake;
var float ForwardVel;
var int NumPoweredWheels;
// camera
var() vector BaseOffset;
var() float CamDist;
var int DriverViewPitch; // The driver's view pitch
var int DriverViewYaw; // The driver's view yaw
// replication
struct native VehicleState
var RigidBodyState RBState;
var byte ServerBrake;
var byte ServerGas;
var byte ServerSteering;
var byte ServerRise;
var bool bServerHandbrake;
var int ServerView; // Pitch and Yaw - 16 bits each
var native const VehicleState VState;
var native const float AngErrorAccumulator;
/** Hacky - used to scale hurtradius applied impulses */
var float RadialImpulseScaling;
if (Physics == PHYS_RigidBody)
VState, MaxSpeed;
// Physics interface
native function AddForce(Vector Force);
native function AddImpulse(Vector Impulse);
native function AddTorque(Vector Torque);
native function bool IsSleeping();
/** Actual draw call for vehicle debug rendering */
// native function to be called from C++
native function DrawGraphsAndPrintTireSurfaceTypes(HUD HUD, FLOAT YL, FLOAT YPos);
/** turns on or off a wheel's collision
* @param WheelNum the index of the wheel in the Wheels array to change
* @param bCollision whether to turn collision on or off
native final function SetWheelCollision(int WheelNum, bool bCollision);
* Called when gameplay begins. Used to make sure the engine sound audio component
* has the right properties set to ensure it gets restarted if it has been cut out
* due to the audio code running out of HW channels to play the sound in.
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
if( EngineSound != None )
EngineSound.bShouldRemainActiveIfDropped = TRUE;
if (CollisionSound != None && CollisionIntervalSecs <= 0.0)
CollisionIntervalSecs = CollisionSound.GetCueDuration() / WorldInfo.TimeDilation;
/** Store pointer to each wheel's SkelControlWheel. */
simulated event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp)
local int WheelIndex;
local SVehicleWheel Wheel;
if (SkelComp == Mesh)
for(WheelIndex = 0; WheelIndex<Wheels.length; WheelIndex++)
Wheel = Wheels[WheelIndex];
Wheel.WheelControl = SkelControlWheel( Mesh.FindSkelControl(Wheel.SkelControlName) );
simulated event Destroyed()
/** TurnOff()
Freeze pawn - stop sounds, animations, physics, weapon firing
simulated function TurnOff()
simulated function StopVehicleSounds()
if ( EngineSound != None )
if ( SquealSound != None )
* Take Radius Damage
* by default scales damage based on distance from HurtOrigin to Actor's location.
* This can be overriden by the actor receiving the damage for special conditions (see KAsset.uc).
* @param InstigatedBy, instigator of the damage
* @param Base Damage
* @param Damage Radius (from Origin)
* @param DamageType class
* @param Momentum (float)
* @param HurtOrigin, origin of the damage radius.
* @param bFullDamage, if true, damage not scaled based on distance HurtOrigin
* @param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage
Controller InstigatedBy,
float BaseDamage,
float DamageRadius,
class<DamageType> DamageType,
float Momentum,
vector HurtOrigin,
bool bFullDamage,
Actor DamageCauser,
optional float DamageFalloffExponent=1.f
local vector HitLocation, Dir, NewDir;
local float Dist, DamageScale;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
if ( Role < ROLE_Authority )
// calculate actual hit position on mesh, rather than approximating with cylinder
HitLocation = Location;
Dir = Location - HurtOrigin;
CheckHitInfo( HitInfo, Mesh, Dir, HitLocation );
NewDir = HitLocation - HurtOrigin;
Dist = VSize(NewDir);
if ( bFullDamage )
DamageScale = 1.f;
else if ( dist > DamageRadius )
DamageScale = FMax(0,1 - Dist/DamageRadius);
DamageScale = DamageScale ** DamageFalloffExponent;
RadialImpulseScaling = DamageScale;
BaseDamage * DamageScale,
(DamageScale * Momentum * Normal(dir)),
RadialImpulseScaling = 1.0;
if (Health > 0)
DriverRadiusDamage(BaseDamage, DamageRadius, InstigatedBy, DamageType, Momentum, HurtOrigin, DamageCauser);
* Utility for switching the vehicle from a single body to an articulated ragdoll-like one given a new mesh and physics asset.
* ActorMove is an extra translation applied to Actor during the transition, which can be useful to avoid ragdoll mesh penetrating into the ground.
native function InitVehicleRagdoll( SkeletalMesh RagdollMesh, PhysicsAsset RagdollPhysAsset, vector ActorMove, bool bClearAnimTree );
function AddVelocity( vector NewVelocity, vector HitLocation,class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
if (!IsZero(NewVelocity))
NewVelocity = RadialImpulseScaling * MomentumMult * DamageType.Default.VehicleMomentumScaling * DamageType.Default.KDamageImpulse * Normal(NewVelocity);
if (!bIgnoreForces && !IsZero(NewVelocity))
if (Location.Z > WorldInfo.StallZ)
NewVelocity.Z = FMin(NewVelocity.Z, 0);
if (InGodMode())
NewVelocity *= 0.25;
Mesh.AddImpulse(NewVelocity, HitLocation);
RadialImpulseScaling = 1.0;
function bool Died(Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation)
if ( Super.Died(Killer, DamageType, HitLocation) )
bDriving = false;
AddVelocity(TearOffMomentum, HitLocation, DamageType);
return true;
return false;
* Calculate camera view point, when viewing this actor.
* @param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
* @param out_CamLoc Camera Location
* @param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
* @param out_FOV Field of View
* @return true if Pawn should provide the camera point of view.
simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV )
local vector Pos, HitLocation, HitNormal;
// Simple third person view implementation
GetActorEyesViewPoint( out_CamLoc, out_CamRot );
out_CamLoc += BaseOffset;
Pos = out_CamLoc - Vector(out_CamRot) * CamDist;
if( Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Pos, out_CamLoc, false, vect(0,0,0)) != None )
out_CamLoc = HitLocation + HitNormal*2;
out_CamLoc = Pos;
return true;
simulated function name GetDefaultCameraMode( PlayerController RequestedBy )
return 'Default';
function bool TryToDrive(Pawn P)
// Does the vehicle need to be uprighted?
if ( bIsInverted && !bVehicleOnGround && VSize(Velocity) <= 0.1f )
if ( bCanFlip )
bIsUprighting = true;
UprightStartTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
return false;
return Super.TryToDrive(P);
/** HasWheelsOnGround()
returns true if any of vehicles wheels are currently in contact with the ground (wheel has bWheelOnGround==true)
simulated native function bool HasWheelsOnGround();
/** turns on the engine sound */
simulated function StartEngineSound()
if (EngineSound != None)
/** starts a timer of EngineStartOffsetSecs duration to turn on the engine sound */
simulated function StartEngineSoundTimed()
if (EngineStartOffsetSecs > 0.f)
SetTimer( EngineStartOffsetSecs, false, nameof(StartEngineSound) );
/** turns off the engine sound */
simulated function StopEngineSound()
if (EngineSound != None)
/** starts a timer of EngineStopOffsetSecs duration to turn off the engine sound */
simulated function StopEngineSoundTimed()
if (EngineStopOffsetSecs > 0.f)
SetTimer( EngineStopOffsetSecs, false, nameof(StopEngineSound) );
simulated function VehiclePlayEnterSound()
// For efficiency we're removing this fix and replacing the sounds with cues instead of components.
// Deactivate any engine stopping sounds that were happening.
// Trigger the engine starting sound.
if (EnterVehicleSound != None)
simulated function VehiclePlayExitSound()
// For efficiency we're removing this fix and replacing the sounds with cues instead of components.
// Deactivate any engine starting sounds that were happening.
// Trigger the engine stopping sound.
if (ExitVehicleSound != None)
simulated function DrivingStatusChanged()
// turn parking friction on or off
bUpdateWheelShapes = true;
if ( bDriving )
else if ( Health > 0 )
simulated event RigidBodyCollision( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent,
const out CollisionImpactData RigidCollisionData, int ContactIndex )
if( CollisionSound != None && WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastCollisionSoundTime > CollisionIntervalSecs )
PlaySound(CollisionSound, true);
LastCollisionSoundTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** called when the suspension moves a large amount, passes the delta*/
simulated event SuspensionHeavyShift(float Delta);
function PostTeleport(Teleporter OutTeleporter)
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local Array<String> DebugInfo;
local int i;
super.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPOS);
GetSVehicleDebug( DebugInfo );
for (i=0;i<DebugInfo.Length;i++)
Hud.Canvas.DrawText( " " @ DebugInfo[i] );
out_YPos += out_YL;
Hud.Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
// Uncomment to see detailed per-wheel debug info
DisplayWheelsDebug(HUD, out_YL);
// Draw telemetry data
DrawGraphsAndPrintTireSurfaceTypes(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos);
* Special debug information for the wheels that is displayed at each wheel's location
simulated function DisplayWheelsDebug(HUD HUD, float YL)
local int i, j;
local vector WorldLoc, ScreenLoc, X, Y, Z, EndPoint, ScreenEndPoint;
local Color SaveColor;
local float LastForceValue;
local float GraphScale;
local float ForceValue;
local vector ForceValueLoc;
if (SimObj == None)
GraphScale = 100.0f;
SaveColor = HUD.Canvas.DrawColor;
for (i=0; i<Wheels.Length; i++)
GetAxes(Rotation, X, Y, Z);
WorldLoc = Location + (Wheels[i].WheelPosition >> Rotation);
ScreenLoc = HUD.Canvas.Project(WorldLoc);
if( ScreenLoc.X >= 0 && ScreenLoc.X < HUD.Canvas.ClipX && ScreenLoc.Y >= 0 && ScreenLoc.Y < HUD.Canvas.ClipY )
// Draw Text
HUD.Canvas.DrawColor = MakeColor(255,255,0,255);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y);
HUD.Canvas.DrawText("Force "$Wheels[i].ContactForce);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - (1 * YL));
HUD.Canvas.DrawText("SR "$Wheels[i].LongSlipRatio);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - (2 * YL));
HUD.Canvas.DrawText("SA "$Wheels[i].LatSlipAngle * RadToDeg$" ("$Wheels[i].LatSlipAngle$")");
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - (3 * YL));
HUD.Canvas.DrawText("Torque "$Wheels[i].MotorTorque);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - (4 * YL));
HUD.Canvas.DrawText("SpinVel "$Wheels[i].SpinVel);
// Draw Lines
HUD.Canvas.DrawColor = HUD.RedColor;
EndPoint = WorldLoc + (Wheels[i].LongImpulse * 100 * Wheels[i].LongDirection) - (Wheels[i].WheelRadius * Z);
ScreenEndPoint = HUD.Canvas.Project(EndPoint);
DrawDebugLine(WorldLoc - (Wheels[i].WheelRadius * Z), EndPoint, 255, 0, 0);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenEndPoint.X, ScreenEndPoint.Y);
HUD.Canvas.DrawColor = HUD.GreenColor;
EndPoint = WorldLoc + (Wheels[i].LatImpulse * 100 * Wheels[i].LatDirection) - (Wheels[i].WheelRadius * Z);
ScreenEndPoint = HUD.Canvas.Project(EndPoint);
DrawDebugLine(WorldLoc - (Wheels[i].WheelRadius * Z), EndPoint, 0, 255, 0);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenEndPoint.X, ScreenEndPoint.Y);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y + YL);
// Draw Axes
HUD.Canvas.DrawColor = MakeColor(255,255,255,255);
HUD.Draw2DLine(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y, ScreenLoc.X + GraphScale, ScreenLoc.Y, MakeColor(0,0,255,255));
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X + GraphScale, ScreenLoc.Y);
HUD.Canvas.DrawText(PI * 0.5f);
HUD.Draw2DLine(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y, ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - GraphScale, MakeColor(0,0,255,255));
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y - GraphScale);
// Draw Graph
LastForceValue = 0.0f;
for (j=0; j<=GraphScale; j++)
ForceValue = HermiteEval(j * ((PI * 0.5f) / GraphScale));
ForceValue = (ForceValue / SimObj.WheelLatExtremumValue) * GraphScale;
HUD.Draw2DLine(ScreenLoc.X + (j - 1), ScreenLoc.Y - LastForceValue, ScreenLoc.X + j, ScreenLoc.Y - ForceValue, MakeColor(0,255,0,255));
LastForceValue = ForceValue;
// Draw Force Value
ForceValue = HermiteEval(Abs(Wheels[i].LatSlipAngle));
ForceValueLoc.X = ScreenLoc.X + (Abs(Wheels[i].LatSlipAngle) / (PI * 0.5f)) * GraphScale;
ForceValueLoc.Y = ScreenLoc.Y - (ForceValue / SimObj.WheelLatExtremumValue) * GraphScale;
HUD.Draw2DLine(ForceValueLoc.X - 5, ForceValueLoc.Y, ForceValueLoc.X + 5, ForceValueLoc.Y, MakeColor(255,0,0,255));
HUD.Draw2DLine(ForceValueLoc.X, ForceValueLoc.Y - 5, ForceValueLoc.X, ForceValueLoc.Y + 5, MakeColor(255,0,0,255));
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenLoc.X, ForceValueLoc.Y);
HUD.Canvas.SetPos(ForceValueLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y + YL);
HUD.Canvas.DrawColor = SaveColor;
* Hermite spline evaluation for use with the slip curve debug display
simulated function float HermiteEval(float Slip)
local float LatExtremumSlip;
local float LatExtremumValue;
local float LatAsymptoteSlip;
local float LatAsymptoteValue;
local float SlipSquared, SlipCubed;
local float C0, C1, C3;
LatExtremumSlip = SimObj.WheelLatExtremumSlip;
LatExtremumValue = SimObj.WheelLatExtremumValue;
LatAsymptoteSlip = SimObj.WheelLatAsymptoteSlip;
LatAsymptoteValue = SimObj.WheelLatAsymptoteValue;
if (Slip < LatExtremumSlip)
Slip /= LatExtremumSlip;
SlipSquared = Slip * Slip;
SlipCubed = SlipSquared * Slip;
C3 = -2.0f * SlipCubed + 3.0f * SlipSquared;
C1 = SlipCubed - 2.0f * SlipSquared + Slip;
return ((C1 + C3) * LatExtremumValue);
else if (Slip > LatAsymptoteSlip)
return (LatAsymptoteValue);
Slip /= (LatAsymptoteSlip - LatExtremumSlip);
Slip -= LatExtremumSlip;
SlipSquared = Slip * Slip;
SlipCubed = SlipSquared * Slip;
C3 = -2.0f * SlipCubed + 3.0f * SlipSquared;
C0 = 2.0f * SlipCubed - 3.0f * SlipSquared + 1.0f;
return (C0 * LatExtremumValue + C3 * LatAsymptoteValue);
* Retrieves important SVehicle debug information as an array of strings. That can then be dumped or displayed on HUD.
simulated function GetSVehicleDebug( out Array<String> DebugInfo )
DebugInfo[DebugInfo.Length] = "----Vehicle----: ";
DebugInfo[DebugInfo.Length] = "Speed: "$VSize(Velocity)$" Unreal -- "$VSize(Velocity) * 0.0426125$" MPH";
if (Wheels.length > 0)
DebugInfo[DebugInfo.Length] = "MotorTorque: "$Wheels[0].MotorTorque;
DebugInfo[DebugInfo.Length] = "Throttle: "$OutputGas;
DebugInfo[DebugInfo.Length] = "Brake: "$OutputBrake;
Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SVehicleMesh
End Object
// Stay-upright constraint
Begin Object Class=RB_StayUprightSetup Name=MyStayUprightSetup
End Object
Begin Object Class=RB_ConstraintInstance Name=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance
End Object
// Absolute max physics speed
// Absolute max physics angular velocity (Unreal angular units)
// Inertia Tensor
// Initialize uprighting parameters.
UprightLiftStrength = 225.0;
UprightTorqueStrength = 50.0;
UprightTime = 1.5;
bIsUprighting = false;
// Initialize sound members.
SquealThreshold = 250.0;
EngineStartOffsetSecs = 2.0;
EngineStopOffsetSecs = 1.0;