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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* UISceneClient used when playing a game.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GameUISceneClient extends UISceneClient
within UIInteraction
/** Cached DeltaTime value from the last Tick() call */
var const transient float LatestDeltaTime;
/** The time (in seconds) that the last "key down" event was recieved from a key that can trigger double-click events */
var const transient double DoubleClickStartTime;
* The location of the mouse the last time a key press was received. Used to determine when to simulate a double-click
* event.
var const transient IntPoint DoubleClickStartPosition;
* map of controllerID to list of keys which were pressed when the UI began processing input
* used to ignore the initial "release" key event from keys which were already pressed when the UI began processing input.
var const transient native Map_Mirror InitialPressedKeys{TMap<INT,TArray<FName> >};
* Indicates that the input processing status of the UI has potentially changed; causes UpdateInputProcessingStatus to be called
* in the next Tick().
var const transient bool bUpdateInputProcessingStatus;
* Indicates that the viewport size being used by one or more scenes is out of date; triggers a call to NotifyViewportResized during the
* next tick.
var transient bool bUpdateSceneViewportSizes;
/** Controls whether debug input commands are accepted */
var config bool bEnableDebugInput;
/** Controls whether debug information about the scene is rendered */
var config bool bRenderDebugInfo;
* Controls whether the UI system should prevent the game from recieving input whenever it's active. For games with
* interactive menus that remain on-screen during gameplay, you'll want to change this value to FALSE.
var const config bool bCaptureUnprocessedInput;
/** The list of navigation aliases to check input support for */
var const transient array<name> NavAliases;
/** The list of axis input keys to check input support for */
var const transient array<name> AxisInputKeys;
/* =======================================
FExec interface
======================================= */
virtual UBOOL Exec(const TCHAR* Cmd,FOutputDevice& Ar);
/* =======================================
UUISceneClient interface
======================================= */
* Called when the UI controller receives a CALLBACK_ViewportResized notification.
* @param SceneViewport the viewport that was resized
virtual void NotifyViewportResized( FViewport* SceneViewport );
* Process an input event which interacts with the in-game scene debugging overlays
* @param Key the key that was pressed
* @param Event the type of event received
* @return TRUE if the input event was processed; FALSE otherwise.
UBOOL DebugInputKey( FName Key, EInputEvent Event );
* Check a key event received by the viewport.
* @param Viewport - The viewport which the key event is from.
* @param ControllerId - The controller which the key event is from.
* @param Key - The name of the key which an event occured for.
* @param Event - The type of event which occured.
* @param AmountDepressed - For analog keys, the depression percent.
* @param bGamepad - input came from gamepad (ie xbox controller)
* @return True to consume the key event, false to pass it on.
virtual UBOOL InputKey(INT ControllerId,FName Key,EInputEvent Event,FLOAT AmountDepressed=1.f,UBOOL bGamepad=FALSE);
* Check an axis movement received by the viewport.
* @param Viewport - The viewport which the axis movement is from.
* @param ControllerId - The controller which the axis movement is from.
* @param Key - The name of the axis which moved.
* @param Delta - The axis movement delta.
* @param DeltaTime - The time since the last axis update.
* @return True to consume the axis movement, false to pass it on.
virtual UBOOL InputAxis(INT ControllerId,FName Key,FLOAT Delta,FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bGamepad=FALSE);
* Check a character input received by the viewport.
* @param Viewport - The viewport which the axis movement is from.
* @param ControllerId - The controller which the axis movement is from.
* @param Character - The character.
* @return True to consume the character, false to pass it on.
virtual UBOOL InputChar(INT ControllerId,TCHAR Character);
/* =======================================
UGameUISceneClient interface
======================================= */
* Resets the time and mouse position values used for simulating double-click events to the current value or invalid values.
void ResetDoubleClickTracking( UBOOL bClearValues );
* Checks the current time and mouse position to determine whether a double-click event should be simulated.
UBOOL ShouldSimulateDoubleClick() const;
* Determines whether the any active scenes process axis input.
* @param bProcessAxisInput receives the flags for whether axis input is needed for each player.
virtual void CheckAxisInputSupport( UBOOL* bProcessAxisInput[UCONST_MAX_SUPPORTED_GAMEPADS] ) const;
* Called once a frame to update the UI's state.
* @param DeltaTime - The time since the last frame.
virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime);
#if WITH_GFx
* @return TRUE if the scene meets the conditions defined by the bitmask specified.
UBOOL GFxMovieMatchesFilter( DWORD FilterFlagMask, class FGFxMovie* TestMovie ) const;
#endif //WITH_GFx
* Returns true if there is an unhidden fullscreen UI active
* @param Flags modifies the logic which determines whether the UI is active
* @return TRUE if the UI is currently active
virtual UBOOL IsUIActive( DWORD Flags=SCENEFILTER_Any ) const;
* Updates the value of UIInteraction.bProcessingInput to reflect whether any scenes are capable of processing input.
void UpdateInputProcessingStatus();
* Clears the arrays of pressed keys for all local players in the game; used when the UI begins processing input. Also
* updates the InitialPressedKeys maps for all players.
void FlushPlayerInput();
* Ensures that the game's paused state is appropriate considering the state of the UI. If any scenes are active which require
* the game to be paused, pauses the game...otherwise, unpauses the game.
* @param PlayerIndex the index of the player that owns the scene that was just added or removed, or 0 if the scene didn't have
* a player owner.
virtual void UpdatePausedState( INT PlayerIndex );
/* == Delegates == */
/* == Natives == */
* @return the current netmode, or NM_MAX if there is no valid world
native static final function WorldInfo.ENetMode GetCurrentNetMode();
* Triggers a call to UpdateInputProcessingStatus on the next Tick().
native final function RequestInputProcessingUpdate();
* Callback which allows the UI to prevent unpausing if scenes which require pausing are still active.
* @see PlayerController.SetPause
native final function bool CanUnpauseInternalUI();
/* == Events == */
* Wrapper for pausing the game.
* @param bDesiredPauseState TRUE indicates that the game should be paused.
* @param PlayerIndex the index [into Engine GamePlayers array] for the player that should be used for pausing the game; can
* affect whether the game is actually paused or not (i.e. if the player is an admin in a multi-player match,
* for example).
event PauseGame( bool bDesiredPauseState, optional int PlayerIndex=0 )
local PlayerController PlayerOwner;
if ( GamePlayers.Length > 0 )
PlayerIndex = Clamp(PlayerIndex, 0, GamePlayers.Length - 1);
PlayerOwner = GamePlayers[PlayerIndex].Actor;
if ( PlayerOwner != None )
PlayerOwner.SetPause(bDesiredPauseState, CanUnpauseInternalUI);
* Called when the local player is about to travel to a new URL. This callback should be used to perform any preparation
* tasks, such as updating status text and such. All cleanup should be done from NotifyGameSessionEnded, as that function
* will be called in some cases where NotifyClientTravel is not.
* @param TravellingPlayer the player that received the call to ClientTravel
* @param TravelURL a string containing the mapname (or IP address) to travel to, along with option key/value pairs
* @param TravelType indicates whether the player will clear previously added URL options or not.
* @param bIsSeamlessTravel indicates whether seamless travelling will be used.
function NotifyClientTravel( PlayerController TravellingPlayer, string TravelURL, ETravelType TravelType, bool bIsSeamlessTravel );
* Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.
function NotifyGameSessionEnded();
* Called when a new player has been added to the list of active players (i.e. split-screen join)
* @param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was inserted
* @param AddedPlayer the player that was added
function NotifyPlayerAdded( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer AddedPlayer )
if ( IsUIActive(SCENEFILTER_InputProcessorOnly) )
* Called when a player has been removed from the list of active players (i.e. split-screen players)
* @param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was located
* @param RemovedPlayer the player that was removed
function NotifyPlayerRemoved( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer RemovedPlayer )
if ( IsUIActive(SCENEFILTER_InputProcessorOnly) )
* Helper function to deduce the PlayerIndex of a Player
* @param P - The LocalPlayer for whom you wish to deduce their PlayerIndex
* @return Returns the index into the GamePlayers array that references this Player. If it cannot find the player, it returns 0.
function int FindLocalPlayerIndex(Player P)
local Engine Engine;
local int i;
Engine = class'Engine'.static.GetEngine();
for (i = 0; i < Engine.GamePlayers.length; i++)
if (Engine.GamePlayers[i] == P)
return i;
return 0;