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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Base class of any sequence object that can be executed, such
* as SequenceAction, SequenceCondtion, etc.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SequenceOp extends SequenceObject
/** Kismet debugging state of the node, used for determining its border color */
var transient duplicatetransient noimport nontransactional editoronly bool bIsActivated;
/** Used for tracking the node that the Kismet debugger has broken on */
var transient duplicatetransient noimport nontransactional editoronly bool bIsCurrentDebuggerOp;
/** The last time this node was activated */
var editoronly transient float PIEActivationTime;
/** Kismet debugger uses this to build a callstack */
var editoronly transient SequenceOp ActivatorSeqOp;
var editoronly transient int LastActivatedInputLink;
var editoronly transient int LastActivatedOutputLink;
virtual void CheckForErrors();
// USequenceOp interface
virtual UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT deltaTime);
virtual void Activated();
virtual void DeActivated();
* Called after all the op has been deactivated and all linked variable values have been propagated to the next op
* in the sequence.
virtual void PostDeActivated() {};
* Notification that an input link on this sequence op has been given impulse by another op. Propagates the value of
* PlayerIndex from the ActivatorOp to this one.
* @param ActivatorOp the sequence op that applied impulse to this op's input link
* @param InputLinkIndex the index [into this op's InputLinks array] for the input link that was given impulse
virtual void OnReceivedImpulse( class USequenceOp* ActivatorOp, INT InputLinkIndex );
* Allows the operation to initialize the values for any VariableLinks that need to be filled prior to executing this
* op's logic. This is a convenient hook for filling VariableLinks that aren't necessarily associated with an actual
* member variable of this op, or for VariableLinks that are used in the execution of this ops logic.
virtual void InitializeLinkedVariableValues();
/** Gathers references to all values of the specified type from the linked variables, optionally specified by InDesc. */
template<typename VarType, typename SeqVarType>
void GetOpVars(TArray<VarType*> &outVars, const TCHAR *InDesc) const
for (INT Idx = 0; Idx < VariableLinks.Num(); Idx++)
const FSeqVarLink &VarLink = VariableLinks(Idx);
if (VarLink.SupportsVariableType(SeqVarType::StaticClass()) && (InDesc == NULL || VarLink.LinkDesc == InDesc))
for (INT LinkIdx = 0; LinkIdx < VarLink.LinkedVariables.Num(); LinkIdx++)
if (VarLink.LinkedVariables(LinkIdx) != NULL)
SeqVarType *LinkedVar = Cast<SeqVarType>(VarLink.LinkedVariables(LinkIdx));
if (LinkedVar != NULL)
VarType *VarRef = LinkedVar->GetRef();
if (VarRef != NULL)
/** Wrapper functions for GetOpVars() */
void GetBoolVars(TArray<UBOOL*> &outBools, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
void GetIntVars(TArray<INT*> &outInts, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
void GetFloatVars(TArray<FLOAT*> &outFloats, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
void GetVectorVars(TArray<FVector*> &outVectors, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
void GetStringVars(TArray<FString*> &outStrings, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
void GetObjectVars(TArray<UObject**> &outObjects, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL) const;
/** Retrieve list of UInterpData objects connected to this sequence op. */
void GetInterpDataVars(TArray<class UInterpData*> &outIData, const TCHAR *inDesc = NULL);
INT FindConnectorIndex(const FString& ConnName, INT ConnType);
void CleanupConnections();
/** Called via PostEditChange(), lets ops create/remove dynamic links based on data. */
virtual void UpdateDynamicLinks() {}
* Handles updating this sequence op when the ObjClassVersion doesn't match the ObjInstanceVersion, indicating that the op's
* default values have been changed.
virtual void UpdateObject();
/** Called after the object is loaded */
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual FColor GetConnectionColor( INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex );
* Sets a pending connector position recalculation on this sequence object.
void SetPendingConnectorRecalc();
void MakeLinkedObjDrawInfo(struct FLinkedObjDrawInfo& ObjInfo, INT MouseOverConnType = -1, INT MouseOverConnIndex = INDEX_NONE);
INT VisibleIndexToActualIndex(INT ConnType, INT VisibleIndex);
// Gives op a chance to add realtime debugging information (when enabled)
virtual void GetRealtimeComments(TArray<FString> &OutComments);
FIntPoint GetLogicConnectorsSize(FCanvas* Canvas, INT* InputY=0, INT* OutputY=0);
FIntPoint GetVariableConnectorsSize(FCanvas* Canvas);
void DrawLogicConnectors(FCanvas* Canvas, const FIntPoint& Pos, const FIntPoint& Size, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex);
FColor GetVarConnectorColor(INT LinkIndex);
void DrawVariableConnectors(FCanvas* Canvas, const FIntPoint& Pos, const FIntPoint& Size, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex, INT VarWidth);
virtual void DrawLogicLinks(FCanvas* Canvas, TArray<USequenceObject*> &SelectedSeqObjs, USequenceObject* MouseOverSeqObj, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex);
virtual void DrawVariableLinks(FCanvas* Canvas, TArray<USequenceObject*> &SelectedSeqObjs, USequenceObject* MouseOverSeqObj, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex);
// USequenceObject interface
virtual void DrawSeqObj(FCanvas* Canvas, UBOOL bSelected, UBOOL bMouseOver, INT MouseOverConnType, INT MouseOverConnIndex, FLOAT MouseOverTime);
virtual FIntPoint GetConnectionLocation(INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex);
* Adjusts the postions of a connector based on the Delta position passed in.
* @param ConnType The connector type to be moved
* @param ConnIndex The index in the connector array where the connector is located
* @param DeltaX The amount to move the connector in X
* @param DeltaY The amount to move the connector in Y
virtual void MoveConnectionLocation(INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex, INT DeltaX, INT DeltaY );
* Sets the member variable on the connector struct to bMoving so we can perform different calculations in the draw code
* @param ConnType The connector type to be moved
* @param ConnIndex The index in the connector array where the connector is located
* @param bMoving True if the connector is moving
virtual void SetConnectorMoving( INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex, UBOOL bMoving );
virtual void OnVariableConnect(USequenceVariable *Var, INT LinkIdx) {}
virtual void OnVariableDisconnect(USequenceVariable *Var, INT LinkIdx) {}
virtual void DrawExtraInfo(FCanvas* Canvas, const FVector& BoxCenter){}
virtual void SetBreakpoint(UBOOL bBreakpointOn);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void ConvertObjectInternal(USequenceObject* NewSeqObj, INT LinkIdx = -1);
static INT CurrentSearchTag;
void GetLinkedObjectsInternal(TArray<USequenceObject*>& out_Objects, UClass* ObjectType, UBOOL bRecurse);
/** Is this operation currently active? */
var bool bActive;
/** Does this op use latent execution (can it stay active multiple updates?) */
var const bool bLatentExecution;
* Represents an input link for a SequenceOp, that is
* connected via another SequenceOp's output link.
struct native SeqOpInputLink
/** Text description of this link */
// @fixme - localization
var string LinkDesc;
* Indicates whether this input is ready to provide data to this sequence operation.
var bool bHasImpulse;
/** Number of activations received for this input when bHasImpulse == TRUE */
var int QueuedActivations;
/** Is this link disabled for debugging/testing? */
var bool bDisabled;
/** Is this link disabled for PIE? */
var bool bDisabledPIE;
/** Linked action that creates this input, for Sequences */
var SequenceOp LinkedOp;
// Temporary for drawing! Will think of a better way to do this! - James
var int DrawY;
var bool bHidden;
var float ActivateDelay;
/** True if the connector is moving */
var transient editoronly bool bMoving;
/** True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMax;
/** True if the connector cant be move to the left any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMin;
/** The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved */
var editoronly int OverrideDelta;
/** Constructors */
FSeqOpInputLink() {}
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FSeqOpInputLink));
* Activates this output link if bDisabled is not true
UBOOL ActivateInputLink()
if ( !bDisabled && !(bDisabledPIE && GIsEditor))
// if already active then mark in the queue, unless it's a latent op since those are handled uniquely currently
if (bHasImpulse)
bHasImpulse = TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
var array<SeqOpInputLink> InputLinks;
* Individual output link entry, for linking an output link
* to an input link on another operation.
struct native SeqOpOutputInputLink
/** SequenceOp this is linked to */
var SequenceOp LinkedOp;
/** Index to LinkedOp's InputLinks array that this is linked to */
var int InputLinkIdx;
/** Default ctor */
FSeqOpOutputInputLink() {}
FSeqOpOutputInputLink(EEventParm) : LinkedOp(NULL), InputLinkIdx(0)
FSeqOpOutputInputLink( USequenceOp* InOp, INT InLinkIdx=0 ) : LinkedOp(InOp), InputLinkIdx(InLinkIdx)
/** Operators */
/** native serialization operator */
friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FSeqOpOutputInputLink& OutputInputLink );
/** Comparison operator */
UBOOL operator==( const FSeqOpOutputInputLink& Other ) const;
UBOOL operator!=( const FSeqOpOutputInputLink& Other ) const;
* Actual output link for a SequenceOp, containing connection
* information to multiple InputLinks in other SequenceOps.
struct native SeqOpOutputLink
/** List of actual connections for this output */
var array<SeqOpOutputInputLink> Links;
/** Text description of this link */
// @fixme - localization
var string LinkDesc;
* Indicates whether this link is pending activation. If true, the SequenceOps attached to this
* link will be activated the next time the sequence is ticked
var bool bHasImpulse;
/** Is this link disabled for debugging/testing? */
var bool bDisabled;
/** Is this link disabled for PIE? */
var bool bDisabledPIE;
/** Linked op that creates this output, for Sequences */
var SequenceOp LinkedOp;
/** Delay applied before activating this output */
var float ActivateDelay;
// Temporary for drawing! Will think of a better way to do this! - James
var int DrawY;
var bool bHidden;
/** True if the connector is moving */
var transient editoronly bool bMoving;
/** True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMax;
/** True if the connector cant be move to the left any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMin;
/** The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved */
var editoronly int OverrideDelta;
/** The last time this link was activated */
var editoronly transient float PIEActivationTime;
/** Kismet debugging state of the link, used for determining its color */
var transient noimport nontransactional editoronly bool bIsActivated;
/** Constructors */
FSeqOpOutputLink() {}
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FSeqOpOutputLink));
* Activates this output link if bDisabled is not true
UBOOL ActivateOutputLink()
if ( !bDisabled && !(bDisabledPIE && GIsEditor))
bHasImpulse = TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
UBOOL HasLinkTo(USequenceOp *Op, INT LinkIdx = -1)
if (Op != NULL)
for (INT Idx = 0; Idx < Links.Num(); Idx++)
if (Links(Idx).LinkedOp == Op &&
(LinkIdx == -1 || Links(Idx).InputLinkIdx == LinkIdx))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
var array<SeqOpOutputLink> OutputLinks;
* Represents a variable linked to the operation for manipulation upon
* activation.
* NOTE: if you are adding vars to this you will need recreate var links on existing kismet actions to get non default values propagated
struct native SeqVarLink
/** Class of variable that can be attached to this connector. */
var class<SequenceVariable> ExpectedType;
/** SequenceVariables that we are linked to. */
var array<SequenceVariable> LinkedVariables;
/** Text description of this variable's use with this op */
// @fixme - localization
var string LinkDesc;
/** Name of the linked external variable that creates this link, for sub-Sequences */
var Name LinkVar;
/** Name of the property this variable is associated with */
var Name PropertyName;
/** Is this variable written to by this op? */
var bool bWriteable;
* Determines if this variable ONLY allowed to be written to by this SeqAct. (e.g. never grab data from it) This is needed to stop
* USequence::ExecuteActiveOps from immediately reading from a var and overwriting any member var data. Then the SeqAct
* will more than likely use PopulateLinkedVariableValues() in UpdateOp to push data to the vars which other kismet actions
* can read from.
var bool bSequenceNeverReadsOnlyWritesToThisVar;
/** do the object(s) pointed to by this variable get modified by this op? (ignored if not an object variable) */
var bool bModifiesLinkedObject;
/** Should draw this connector in Kismet. */
var bool bHidden;
/** Minimum number of variables that should be attached to this connector. */
var int MinVars;
/** Maximum number of variables that should be attached to this connector. */
var int MaxVars;
/** For drawing. */
var int DrawX;
/** Cached property ref */
var const transient Property CachedProperty;
/** Does this link support any type of property? */
var bool bAllowAnyType;
/** True if the connector is moving */
var transient editoronly bool bMoving;
/** True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMax;
/** True if the connector cant be move to the left any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMin;
/** The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved */
var editoronly int OverrideDelta;
/** Constructors */
FSeqVarLink() {}
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FSeqVarLink));
* Determines whether this variable link can be associated with the specified sequence variable class.
* @param SequenceVariableClass the class to check for compatibility with this variable link; must be a child of SequenceVariable
* @param bRequireExactClass if FALSE, child classes of the specified class return a match as well.
* @return TRUE if this variable link can be linked to the a SequenceVariable of the specified type.
UBOOL SupportsVariableType( UClass* SequenceVariableClass, UBOOL bRequireExactClass=TRUE ) const;
/** All variables used by this operation, both input/output. */
var array<SeqVarLink> VariableLinks;
* Represents an event linked to the operation, similar to a variable link. Necessary
* only since SequenceEvent does not derive from SequenceVariable.
* @todo native interfaces - could be avoided by using interfaces, but requires support for native interfaces
struct native SeqEventLink
var class<SequenceEvent> ExpectedType;
var array<SequenceEvent> LinkedEvents;
// @fixme - localization
var string LinkDesc;
// Temporary for drawing! - James
var int DrawX;
var bool bHidden;
/** True if the connector is moving */
var transient editoronly bool bMoving;
/** True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMax;
/** True if the connector cant be move to the left any further */
var editoronly bool bClampedMin;
/** The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved */
var editoronly int OverrideDelta;
var array<SeqEventLink> EventLinks;
* The index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that this action is associated with. Currently only used in UI sequences.
var transient noimport int PlayerIndex;
* The ControllerId for the player that generated this action; generally only relevant in UI sequences.
var transient noimport byte GamepadID;
/** Number of times that this Op has had Activate called on it. Used for finding often-hit ops and optimising levels. */
var transient int ActivateCount;
/** indicates whether all output links should be activated when this op has finished executing */
var bool bAutoActivateOutputLinks;
/** used when searching for objects to avoid unnecessary recursion */
var transient duplicatetransient const protected{protected} int SearchTag;
/** True if there is currently a moving variable connector */
var transient editoronly bool bHaveMovingVarConnector;
/** True if there is currently moving input connector */
var transient editoronly bool bHaveMovingInputConnector;
/** True if there is currently moving output connector */
var transient editoronly bool bHaveMovingOutputConnector;
/** True if there is a pending variable connector position recalculation (I.E when a connector has just moved, or a connector as added or deleted */
var transient editoronly bool bPendingVarConnectorRecalc;
/** True if there is a pending input connector position recalculation (I.E when a connector has just moved, or a connector as added or deleted */
var transient editoronly bool bPendingInputConnectorRecalc;
/** True if there is a pending output connector position recalculation (I.E when a connector has just moved, or a connector as added or deleted */
var transient editoronly bool bPendingOutputConnectorRecalc;
/** Editor breakpoint is set */
var editoronly bool bIsBreakpointSet;
/** Used for marking what nodes to break on when using the "run to next" functionality in the Kismet debugger */
var transient duplicatetransient noimport nontransactional editoronly bool bIsHiddenBreakpointSet;
* Determines whether this sequence op is linked to any other sequence ops through its variable, output, event or (optionally)
* its input links.
* @param bConsiderInputLinks specify TRUE to check this sequence ops InputLinks array for linked ops as well
* @return TRUE if this sequence op is linked to at least one other sequence op.
native final function bool HasLinkedOps( optional bool bConsiderInputLinks ) const;
* Gets all SequenceObjects that are contained by this SequenceObject.
* @param out_Objects will be filled with all ops that are linked to this op via
* the VariableLinks, OutputLinks, or InputLinks arrays. This array is NOT cleared first.
* @param ObjectType if specified, only objects of this class (or derived) will
* be added to the output array.
* @param bRecurse if TRUE, recurse into linked ops and add their linked ops to
* the output array, recursively.
native final function GetLinkedObjects( out array<SequenceObject> out_Objects, optional class<SequenceObject> ObjectType, optional bool bRecurse );
* Returns all the objects linked via SeqVar_Object, optionally specifying the
* link to filter by.
* @fixme - localization
native noexport final function GetObjectVars(out array<Object> objVars,optional string inDesc) const;
/** Retrieve list of UInterpData objects connected to this sequence op. */
native noexport final function GetInterpDataVars(out array<InterpData> outIData,optional string inDesc);
// @fixme - localization
native noexport final function GetBoolVars(out array<BYTE> boolVars,optional string inDesc) const;
/** returns all linked variables that are of the specified class or a subclass
* @param VarClass the class of variable to return
* @param OutVariable (out) the returned variable for each iteration
* @param InDesc (optional) if specified, only variables connected to the link with the given description are returned
@fixme - localization
native noexport final iterator function LinkedVariables(class<SequenceVariable> VarClass, out SequenceVariable OutVariable, optional string InDesc);
* Activates an output link by index
* @param OutputIdx output index to set impulse on (if it's not disabled)
native final function bool ActivateOutputLink( int OutputIdx );
* Activates an output link by searching for the one with a matching LinkDesc.
* @param LinkDesc the string used as the value for LinkDesc of the output link to activate.
* @return TRUE if the link was found and activated.
native final function bool ActivateNamedOutputLink( string LinkDesc );
* Called when this event is activated.
event Activated();
* Called when this event is deactivated.
event Deactivated();
* Called when the version is updated, in case any special handling is desired script-side.
event VersionUpdated(int OldVersion, int NewVersion);
* Copies the values from member variables contained by this sequence op into any VariableLinks attached to that member variable.
native final virtual function PopulateLinkedVariableValues(); // ApplyPropertiesToVariables
* Copies the values from all VariableLinks to the member variable [of this sequence op] associated with that VariableLink.
native final virtual function PublishLinkedVariableValues(); // ApplyVariablesToProperties
/* Reset() - reset to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading */
function Reset();
/** utility to try to get a Pawn out of the given Actor (tries looking for a Controller if necessary) */
function Pawn GetPawn(Actor TheActor)
local Pawn P;
local Controller C;
P = Pawn(TheActor);
if (P != None)
return P;
C = Controller(TheActor);
return (C != None) ? C.Pawn : None;
/** utility to try to get a Controller out of the given Actor (tries looking for a Pawn if necessary) */
function Controller GetController(Actor TheActor)
local Pawn P;
local Controller C;
C = Controller(TheActor);
if (C != None)
return C;
P = Pawn(TheActor);
return (P != None) ? P.Controller : None;
native final function ForceActivateInput(int InputIdx);
native final function ForceActivateOutput(int OutputIdx);
// define the base input link required for this op to be activated
// define the base output link that this action generates (always assumed to generate at least a single output)
bHaveMovingVarConnector = false;
bHaveMovingInputConnector = false;
bHaveMovingOutputConnector = false;
// Force an update right off the bat.
bPendingVarConnectorRecalc = true;
bPendingInputConnectorRecalc = true;
bPendingOutputConnectorRecalc = true;
LastActivatedInputLink = -1
LastActivatedOutputLink = -1