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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This interface provides accessors to the platform specific content
* system (ie downloadable content, etc)
interface OnlineContentInterface
* Delegate used in content change (add or deletion) notifications
* for any user
delegate OnContentChange();
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that (downloaded) content changed
* @param Content Delegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum whether to watch for changes on a specific slot or all slots
function AddContentChangeDelegate(delegate<OnContentChange> ContentDelegate, optional byte LocalUserNum = 255);
* Removes the delegate from the set of delegates that are notified
* @param Content Delegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum whether to watch for changes on a specific slot or all slots
function ClearContentChangeDelegate(delegate<OnContentChange> ContentDelegate, optional byte LocalUserNum = 255);
* Delegate used when the content read request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadContentComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadContentComplete(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,delegate<OnReadContentComplete> ReadContentCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadContentComplete(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,delegate<OnReadContentComplete> ReadContentCompleteDelegate);
* Starts an async task that retrieves the list of downloaded/savegame content for the player.
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param DeviceId optional value to restrict the enumeration to a particular device
* @return true if the read request was issued successfully, false otherwise
function bool ReadContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,optional int DeviceId = -1);
* Starts an async task that frees any downloaded content resources for that player
* @param LocalUserNum The user to clear the content list for
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
function ClearContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType);
* Retrieve the list of content the given user has downloaded or otherwise retrieved
* to the local console.
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ContentList The out array that receives the list of all content
* @return OERS_Done if the read has completed, otherwise one of the other states
function EOnlineEnumerationReadState GetContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,out array<OnlineContent> ContentList);
* Starts an async task that retrieves the list of downloaded/savegame content for the player across all titles
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param TitleId the title id to filter on. Zero means all titles
* @param DeviceId optional value to restrict the enumeration to a particular device
* @return true if the read request was issued successfully, false otherwise
function bool ReadCrossTitleContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,optional int TitleId = 0,optional int DeviceId = -1);
* Starts an async task that frees any downloaded content resources for that player
* @param LocalUserNum The user to clear the content list for
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
function ClearCrossTitleContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType);
* Retrieve the list of content the given user has downloaded or otherwise retrieved
* to the local console.
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ContentList The out array that receives the list of all content
* @return OERS_Done if the read has completed, otherwise one of the other states
function EOnlineEnumerationReadState GetCrossTitleContentList(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,out array<OnlineCrossTitleContent> ContentList);
* Delegate used when the content read request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadCrossTitleContentComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadCrossTitleContentCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleContentComplete> ReadContentCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentType the type of content being read
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadCrossTitleContentCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineContentType ContentType,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleContentComplete> ReadContentCompleteDelegate);
* Reads a player's cross title save game data from the specified content bundle
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is initiating the data read (also used in validating ownership of the data)
* @param DeviceId the device to read the same game from
* @param TitleId the title id the save game is from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
* @return true if the async read was started successfully, false otherwise
function bool ReadCrossTitleSaveGameData(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,int TitleId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName);
* Copies a player's cross title save game data from the cached async read data
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is initiating the data read (also used in validating ownership of the data)
* @param DeviceId the device to read the same game from
* @param TitleId the title id the save game is from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
* @param bIsValid out value indicating whether the save is corrupt or not
* @param SaveGameData the array that is filled with the save game data
* @return true if the async read was started successfully, false otherwise
function bool GetCrossTitleSaveGameData(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,int TitleId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName,out byte bIsValid,out array<byte> SaveGameData);
* Delegate used when the cross title content read request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
* @param LocalUserNum the user that was initiating the data read
* @param DeviceId the device that the read was on
* @param TitleId the title id the save game is from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
delegate OnReadCrossTitleSaveGameDataComplete(bool bWasSuccessful,byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,int TitleId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a cross title save game read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was reading a save game
* @param ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadCrossTitleSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleSaveGameDataComplete> ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a cross title save game read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was reading a save game
* @param ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadCrossTitleSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleSaveGameDataComplete> ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Clears any cached save games
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is deleting data
* @return true if the clear succeeded, false otherwise
function bool ClearCrossTitleSaveGames(byte LocalUserNum);
* Asks the online system for the number of new and total content downloads
* @param LocalUserNum the user to check the content download availability for
* @param CategoryMask the bitmask to use to filter content by type
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
function bool QueryAvailableDownloads(byte LocalUserNum,optional int CategoryMask = -1);
* Called once the download query completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnQueryAvailableDownloadsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content download query has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to check the content download availability for
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddQueryAvailableDownloadsComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnQueryAvailableDownloadsComplete> QueryDownloadsDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the content download query has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to check the content download availability for
* @param ReadContentCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearQueryAvailableDownloadsComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnQueryAvailableDownloadsComplete> QueryDownloadsDelegate);
* Returns the number of new and total downloads available for the user
* @param LocalUserNum the user to check the content download availability for
* @param NewDownloads out value of the number of new downloads available
* @param TotalDownloads out value of the number of total downloads available
function GetAvailableDownloadCounts(byte LocalUserNum,out int NewDownloads,out int TotalDownloads);
* Reads a player's save game data from the specified content bundle
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is initiating the data read (also used in validating ownership of the data)
* @param DeviceId the device to read the same game from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
* @return true if the async read was started successfully, false otherwise
function bool ReadSaveGameData(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName);
* Copies a player's save game data from the cached async read data
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is initiating the data read (also used in validating ownership of the data)
* @param DeviceId the device to read the same game from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
* @param bIsValid out value indicating whether the save is corrupt or not
* @param SaveGameData the array that is filled with the save game data
* @return true if the async read was started successfully, false otherwise
function bool GetSaveGameData(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName,out byte bIsValid,out array<byte> SaveGameData);
* Delegate used when the content read request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
* @param LocalUserNum the user that was initiating the data read
* @param DeviceId the device that the read was on
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file to read from inside of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
delegate OnReadSaveGameDataComplete(bool bWasSuccessful,byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a save game read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was reading a save game
* @param ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadSaveGameDataComplete> ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a save game read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was reading a save game
* @param ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadSaveGameDataComplete> ReadSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Writes a player's save game data to the specified content bundle and file
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is initiating the data write
* @param DeviceId the device to write the same game to
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file name of the content package
* @param SaveFileName the file name of the save game inside the content package
* @param SaveGameData the data to write to the save game file
* @return true if the async write was started successfully, false otherwise
function bool WriteSaveGameData(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName,const out array<byte> SaveGameData);
* Delegate used when the content write request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
* @param LocalUserNum the user that was initiating the data write
* @param DeviceId the device to write the same game to
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game
* @param FileName the file to write to inside of the content package
* @param SaveGameData the data to write to the save game file
delegate OnWriteSaveGameDataComplete(bool bWasSuccessful,byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a save game write request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was writing a save game
* @param WriteSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddWriteSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWriteSaveGameDataComplete> WriteSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a save game write request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum The user that was writing a save game
* @param WriteSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearWriteSaveGameDataComplete(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWriteSaveGameDataComplete> WriteSaveGameDataCompleteDelegate);
* Deletes a player's save game data
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is deleting data
* @param DeviceId the device to delete the same game from
* @param FriendlyName the friendly name of the save game that was returned by enumeration
* @param FileName the file name of the content package to delete
* @return true if the delete succeeded, false otherwise
function bool DeleteSaveGame(byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName);
* Clears any cached save games
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is deleting data
* @return true if the clear succeeded, false otherwise
function bool ClearSaveGames(byte LocalUserNum);
* Starts an async task that retrieves the list of downloaded content for the player.
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @return true if the read request was issued successfully, false otherwise
function bool ReadDownloadableContentList(byte LocalUserNum);
* Starts an async task that frees any downloaded content resources for that player
* @param LocalUserNum The user to clear the content list for
function ClearDownloadableContentList(byte LocalUserNum);
* Retrieve the list of content the given user has downloaded
* to the local console.
* @param LocalUserNum The user to read the content list of
* @param ContentList The out array that receives the list of all content
* @return OERS_Done if the read has completed, otherwise one of the other states
function EOnlineEnumerationReadState GetDownloadableContentList(byte LocalUserNum, out array<OnlineContent> ContentList);