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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
class InterpTrackFaceFX extends InterpTrack
* InterpTrackFaceFX
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// UObject interface
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
// InterpTrack interface
virtual INT GetNumKeyframes() const;
virtual void GetTimeRange(FLOAT& StartTime, FLOAT& EndTime) const;
virtual FLOAT GetTrackEndTime() const;
virtual FLOAT GetKeyframeTime(INT KeyIndex) const;
virtual INT AddKeyframe(FLOAT Time, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, EInterpCurveMode InitInterpMode);
virtual INT SetKeyframeTime(INT KeyIndex, FLOAT NewKeyTime, UBOOL bUpdateOrder=true);
virtual void RemoveKeyframe(INT KeyIndex);
virtual INT DuplicateKeyframe(INT KeyIndex, FLOAT NewKeyTime);
//virtual UBOOL GetClosestSnapPosition(FLOAT InPosition, TArray<INT> &IgnoreKeys, FLOAT& OutPosition);
//virtual FColor GetKeyframeColor(INT KeyIndex) const;
virtual void PreviewUpdateTrack(FLOAT NewPosition, class UInterpTrackInst* TrInst);
virtual void UpdateTrack(FLOAT NewPosition, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, UBOOL bJump);
virtual void PreviewStopPlayback(class UInterpTrackInst* TrInst);
/** Get the name of the class used to help out when adding tracks, keys, etc. in UnrealEd.
* @return String name of the helper class.*/
virtual const FString GetEdHelperClassName() const;
virtual class UMaterial* GetTrackIcon() const;
virtual void DrawTrack( FCanvas* Canvas, UInterpGroup* Group, const FInterpTrackDrawParams& Params );
// InterpTrackFaceFX interface
// WWISEMODIF_START, alessard, nov-28-2008, WwiseAudioIntegration
void GetSeqInfoForTime( FLOAT InTime, FString& OutGroupName, FString& OutSeqName, FLOAT& OutPosition, FLOAT& OutSeqStart, USoundCue*& OutSoundCue, UAkEvent*& OutAkEvent );
/** Updates references to sound cues for all of this track's FaceFX animation keys. Should be called at
load time in the editor as well as whenever the track's data is changed. */
void UpdateFaceFXSoundCueReferences( class UFaceFXAsset* FaceFXAsset );
/** Structure used for holding information for one FaceFX animation played by the track. */
struct native FaceFXTrackKey
/** Position in the Matinee sequence to start playing this FaceFX animation. */
var float StartTime;
/** Name of FaceFX group containing sequence to play. */
var string FaceFXGroupName;
/** Name of FaceFX sequence to play. */
var string FaceFXSeqName;
/** Extra sets of animation that you wish to use on this Group's Actor during the matinee sequence. */
var() array<FaceFXAnimSet> FaceFXAnimSets;
/** Track of different animations to play and when to start playing them. */
var array<FaceFXTrackKey> FaceFXSeqs;
/** In Matinee, cache a pointer to the Actor's FaceFXAsset, so we can get info like anim lengths. */
var transient FaceFXAsset CachedActorFXAsset;
/** Structure used for holding information for one FaceFX animation played by the track. */
struct native FaceFXSoundCueKey
/** Sound cue associated with this key's FaceFX sequence. Currently this is maintained automatically by
the editor and saved out when the map is saved to disk. The game requires the sound cue reference
in order to play FaceFX animations with audio. */
var private const SoundCue FaceFXSoundCue;
/** AkEvent associated with this key's FaceFX sequence. Currently this is maintained automatically by
the editor and saved out when the map is saved to disk. The game requires the AkEvent reference
in order to play FaceFX animations with audio. */
var private const AkEvent FaceFXAkEvent;
/** One key for each key in the associated FaceFX track's array of keys */
var private const array< FaceFXSoundCueKey > FaceFXSoundCueKeys;