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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKUIDataStore_StringList extends UIDataStore_StringBase
struct native EStringListData
/** the tag used for binding this data to a list cell */
var name Tag;
/** the string to use as the column header for cells bound to this field */
var localized string ColumnHeaderText;
/** the currently selected value from the Strings array */
var string CurrentValue;
/** the index into the Strings array for the element that should be selected by default */
var int DefaultValueIndex;
/** the available value choices */
var localized array<string> Strings;
/** provider for the list of strings associated with this tag */
var transient UDKUIDataProvider_StringArray DataProvider;
var config array<EStringListData> StringData;
* Called when this data store is added to the data store manager's list of active data stores.
* @param PlayerOwner the player that will be associated with this DataStore. Only relevant if this data store is
* associated with a particular player; NULL if this is a global data store.
event Registered( LocalPlayer PlayerOwner )
local int FieldIdx;
// Go through all of the config defined string items and set the default value string.
for(FieldIdx=0; FieldIdx<StringData.length; FieldIdx++)
if(StringData[FieldIdx].Strings.length > StringData[FieldIdx].DefaultValueIndex && StringData[FieldIdx].DefaultValueIndex >= 0)
StringData[FieldIdx].CurrentValue = StringData[FieldIdx].Strings[StringData[FieldIdx].DefaultValueIndex];
* @param FieldName Name of the String List to find
* @return the index of a string list
native function INT GetFieldIndex(Name FieldName);
* Remove a string from the list
* @Param FieldName The string list to work on
* @Param StringToRemove The string to remove
* @param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()
native function RemoveStr(name FieldName, string StringToRemove, optional bool bBatchOp);
* Remove a string (or multiple strings) by the index.
* @Param FieldName The string list to work on
* @Param Index The index to remove
* @Param Count <Optional> # of strings to remove
* @param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()
native function RemoveStrByIndex(name FieldName, int Index, optional int Count=1, optional bool bBatchOp);
* Empty a string List
* @Param FieldName The string list to work on
* @param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()
native function Empty(name FieldName, optional bool bBatchOp);
* Finds a string in the list
* @Param FieldName The string list to add the new string to
* @Param SearchStr The string to find
* @returns the index in the list or INVALIDFIELD
native function INT FindStr(name FieldName, string SearchString);
* Returns the a string by the index
* @Param FieldName The string list to add the new string to
* @Param StrIndex The index of the string to get
* @returns the string.
native function string GetStr(name FieldName, int StrIndex);
* Returns the current value of a field.
* @param FieldName Field to search.
* @param out_Value Variable to store the result string in.
* @return TRUE if the field was found, FLASE otherwise.
event bool GetCurrentValue(name FieldName, out string out_Value)
local bool Result;
local int FieldIndex;
Result = FALSE;
FieldIndex = GetFieldIndex(FieldName);
Result = TRUE;
out_Value = StringData[FieldIndex].CurrentValue;
return Result;
* Returns the current value index of a given field.
* @param FieldName Field to search.
event int GetCurrentValueIndex(name FieldName)
local int Result;
local int FieldIndex;
Result = INDEX_NONE;
FieldIndex = GetFieldIndex(FieldName);
Result = FindStr(FieldName, StringData[FieldIndex].CurrentValue);
return Result;
* Sets the current value index of a given field.
* @param FieldName Field to change.
* @param int NewValueIndex
event int SetCurrentValueIndex(name FieldName, int NewValueIndex)
local int Result;
local int FieldIndex;
Result = INDEX_NONE;
FieldIndex = GetFieldIndex(FieldName);
if(FieldIndex!=INDEX_NONE && StringData[FieldIndex].Strings.length > NewValueIndex)
StringData[FieldIndex].CurrentValue = StringData[FieldIndex].Strings[NewValueIndex];
//@fixme - should we call refresh subscribers here?
return Result;
* Get the number of strings in a given list
* @Param FieldName The string list to work on
* @returns the # of strings or -1 if the list does not exist
event int Num(name FieldName)
local int FieldIndex;
FieldIndex = GetFieldIndex(FieldName);
if ( FieldIndex > INDEX_NONE ) // Found it, add the string
return StringData[FieldIndex].Strings.Length;
return -1;