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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKPickupFactory extends PickupFactory
var repnotify bool bIsRespawning;
/** When set to true, this base will begin pulsing its emissive */
var repnotify bool bPulseBase;
/** In disabled state */
var repnotify bool bIsDisabled;
/** pickup base mesh */
var transient StaticMeshComponent BaseMesh;
/** Used to pulse the emissive on the base */
var MaterialInstanceConstant BaseMaterialInstance;
/** The baseline material colors */
var LinearColor BaseBrightEmissive; // When the pickup is on the base
var LinearColor BaseDimEmissive; // When the pickup isn't on the base
/** How fast does the base pulse */
var float BasePulseRate;
/** How much time left in the current pulse */
var float BasePulseTime;
/** This pickup base will begin pulsing when there are PulseThreshold seconds left before respawn. */
var float PulseThreshold;
/** The TargetEmissive Color */
var LinearColor BaseTargetEmissive;
var LinearColor BaseEmissive;
/** This material instance parameter for adjusting the emissive */
var name BaseMaterialParamName;
var bool bFloatingPickup; // if true, the pickup mesh floats (bobs) slightly
var bool bRandomStart; // if true, this pickup will start at a random height
var float BobTimer; // Tracks the bob time. Used to create the position
var float BobOffset; // How far to bob. It will go from +/- this number
var float BobSpeed; // How fast should it bob
var float BobBaseOffset; // The base offset (Translation.Y) cached
var bool bRotatingPickup; // if true, the pickup mesh rotates
var float YawRotationRate;
/** whether this pickup is updating */
var bool bUpdatingPickup;
/** Translation of pivot point */
var vector PivotTranslation;
/** Determines whether this pickup fades in or not when respawning. */
var bool bDoVisibilityFadeIn;
var name VisibilityParamName;
/** holds the pickups material so parameters can be set **/
var MaterialInstanceConstant MIC_Visibility;
/** holds the pickups 2nd material so parameters can be set **/
var MaterialInstanceConstant MIC_VisibilitySecondMaterial;
/** the glowing effect that comes from the base on spawn. */
var ParticleSystemComponent Glow;
var name GlowEmissiveParam;
/** extra spinning component (rotated in C++ when visible) */
var PrimitiveComponent Spinner;
/** spinning particles (rotated in C++ when visible) */
var UDKParticleSystemComponent SpinningParticleEffects;
virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
virtual void Spawned();
INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
if ( bNetDirty && (Role == Role_Authority) )
if (bNetInitial && ROLE==ROLE_Authority )
* Make pickup mesh and associated effects visible.
simulated function SetPickupVisible()
if(SpinningParticleEffects != none)
* Make pickup mesh and associated effects hidden.
simulated function SetPickupHidden()
if(SpinningParticleEffects != none)