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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This class holds a list of players met online that the players on this PC/console
* encountered. It does not persist the list. Both parties and individuals are tracked
* with the individuals containing all party members. Note that it only holds the
* unique ids of the players.
class OnlineRecentPlayersList extends Object
/** The set of players that players on this PC/console have recently encountered */
var array<UniqueNetId> RecentPlayers;
/** Holds a set of players that made up a party */
struct RecentParty
/** The player that was the party leader */
var UniqueNetid PartyLeader;
/** The list of players that comprise the party (should include the leader) */
var array<UniqueNetId> PartyMembers;
/** The list of recent parties that the players on this PC/console has encountered */
var array<RecentParty> RecentParties;
/** Holds the information about the last party that a player on this pc/console was in */
var RecentParty LastParty;
/** The size of the recent player list to allow before losing the oldest entries */
var config int MaxRecentPlayers;
/** The size of the recent party list to allow before losing the oldest entries */
var config int MaxRecentParties;
/** The position in the array that new players should be added at */
var int RecentPlayersAddIndex;
/** The position in the array that new parties should be added at */
var int RecentPartiesAddIndex;
/** The set of people that the player/PC/console are currently playing with/against */
struct CurrentPlayerMet
/** The team the player is on */
var int TeamNum;
/** The skill rating of the player */
var int Skill;
/** The unique net id for the player */
var UniqueNetId NetId;
/** Holds the list of current players (the set of players currently in a session */
var private array<CurrentPlayerMet> CurrentPlayers;
* Adds a player to the recent players list
* @param NewPlayer the player being added
function AddPlayerToRecentPlayers(UniqueNetId NewPlayer)
local int FindIndex;
// Search the list of players for this one and only add if not present
FindIndex = RecentPlayers.Find('Uid',NewPlayer.Uid);
if (FindIndex == INDEX_NONE)
// Wrap back to the oldest entry if we've hit our max
if (RecentPlayersAddIndex >= MaxRecentPlayers)
RecentPlayersAddIndex = 0;
// Make sure the array has space
if (RecentPlayersAddIndex + 1 >= RecentPlayers.Length)
RecentPlayers.Length = RecentPlayersAddIndex + 1;
RecentPlayers[RecentPlayersAddIndex] = NewPlayer;
// Move to the next available slot. This will wrap to zero if it grows too large
/** Clears the recent players list and resets the add index */
function ClearRecentPlayers()
RecentPlayersAddIndex = 0;
RecentPlayers.Length = 0;
* Adds a player to the recent players list
* @param PartyLeader the player being added
* @param PartyMembers the members of the party
function AddPartyToRecentParties(UniqueNetId PartyLeader,const out array<UniqueNetId> PartyMembers)
local int FindIndex;
// Search the list of parties for the leader and only add if not present
FindIndex = RecentParties.Find('PartyLeader',PartyLeader);
if (FindIndex == INDEX_NONE)
// Wrap back to the oldest entry if we've hit our max
if (RecentPartiesAddIndex >= MaxRecentParties)
RecentPartiesAddIndex = 0;
// Make sure the array has space
if (RecentPartiesAddIndex + 1 >= RecentParties.Length)
RecentParties.Length = RecentPartiesAddIndex + 1;
RecentParties[RecentPartiesAddIndex].PartyLeader = PartyLeader;
RecentParties[RecentPartiesAddIndex].PartyMembers = PartyMembers;
// Move to the next available slot. This will wrap to zero if it grows too large
/** Clears the recent parties list and resets the add index */
function ClearRecentParties()
RecentPartiesAddIndex = 0;
RecentParties.Length = 0;
* Builds a single list of players from the recent parties list
* @param Players the array getting the data copied into it
function GetPlayersFromRecentParties(out array<UniqueNetId> Players)
local int PartyIndex;
local int MemberIndex;
local int AddMemberAt;
Players.Length = 0;
AddMemberAt = 0;
// Look at each registered party and add them for showing
for (PartyIndex = 0; PartyIndex < RecentParties.Length; PartyIndex++)
for (MemberIndex = 0; MemberIndex < RecentParties[PartyIndex].PartyMembers.Length; MemberIndex++)
Players.Length = AddMemberAt + 1;
Players[AddMemberAt] = RecentParties[PartyIndex].PartyMembers[MemberIndex];
* Builds a single list of players from the current players list
* @param Players the array getting the data copied into it
function GetPlayersFromCurrentPlayers(out array<UniqueNetId> Players)
local int PlayerIndex;
Players.Length = 0;
// Look at each registered party and add them for showing
for (PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < CurrentPlayers.Length; PlayerIndex++)
* Finds the player indicated and returns their skill rating
* @param Player the player to search for
* @return the skill for the specified player
function int GetSkillForCurrentPlayer(UniqueNetId Player)
local int PlayerIndex;
// Search for the specified player and return their skill
for (PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < CurrentPlayers.Length; PlayerIndex++)
if (CurrentPlayers[PlayerIndex].NetId == Player)
return CurrentPlayers[PlayerIndex].Skill;
return 0;
* Finds the player indicated and returns their team that was assigned
* @param Player the player to search for
* @return the team number for the specified player
function int GetTeamForCurrentPlayer(UniqueNetId Player)
local int PlayerIndex;
// Search for the specified player and return their team number
for (PlayerIndex = 0; PlayerIndex < CurrentPlayers.Length; PlayerIndex++)
if (CurrentPlayers[PlayerIndex].NetId == Player)
return CurrentPlayers[PlayerIndex].TeamNum;
return 255;
* Adds a player to the recent players list
* @param PartyLeader the player being added
* @param PartyMembers the members of the party
function SetLastParty(UniqueNetId PartyLeader,const out array<UniqueNetId> PartyMembers)
LastParty.PartyLeader = PartyLeader;
LastParty.PartyMembers = PartyMembers;
* Helper function for showing the recent players list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowRecentPlayerList(byte LocalUserNum,string Title,string Description)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx != None)
// Use the custom UI list to display them
return OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx.ShowCustomPlayersUI(LocalUserNum,RecentPlayers,Title,Description);
return false;
* Builds a single player list out of the various parties encountered and shows
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowRecentPartiesPlayerList(byte LocalUserNum,string Title,string Description)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
local array<UniqueNetId> Players;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx != None)
// Use the custom UI list to display them
return OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx.ShowCustomPlayersUI(LocalUserNum,Players,Title,Description);
return false;
* Shows the last party that you were in as a player list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowLastPartyPlayerList(byte LocalUserNum,string Title,string Description)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx != None)
// Use the custom UI list to display them
return OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx.ShowCustomPlayersUI(LocalUserNum,LastParty.PartyMembers,Title,Description);
return false;
* Builds a single player list out of the players in the current players list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowCurrentPlayersList(byte LocalUserNum,string Title,string Description)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
local array<UniqueNetId> Players;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx != None)
// Use the custom UI list to display them
return OnlineSub.PlayerInterfaceEx.ShowCustomPlayersUI(LocalUserNum,Players,Title,Description);
return false;
/** Log list of players for debugging */
function DumpPlayersList(const out array<CurrentPlayerMet> Players)
local OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
local int PlayerIdx,TeamNum;
local UniqueNetId NetId;
OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem();
if (OnlineSub != None)
for (PlayerIdx=0; PlayerIdx<Players.Length; PlayerIdx++)
NetId = Players[PlayerIdx].NetId;
TeamNum = Players[PlayerIdx].TeamNum;
`Log("DumpPlayersList: "
$" TeamNum="$TeamNum
$" PlayerIdx="$PlayerIdx
$" UniqueId="$OnlineSub.UniqueNetIdToString(NetId)
/** Log current players list for debugging */
function DumpCurrentPlayers()
* Sets the current player list to the data specified
* @param Players the list of players to copy
function SetCurrentPlayersList(const array<CurrentPlayerMet> Players)
CurrentPlayers = Players;
/** @return the number of players in the current player session */
function int GetCurrentPlayersListCount()
return CurrentPlayers.Length;