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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class AudioComponent extends ActorComponent
var() SoundCue SoundCue;
var native const SoundNode CueFirstNode; // This is just a pointer to the root node in SoundCue.
* Struct used for storing one per-instance named paramter for this AudioComponent.
* Certain nodes in the SoundCue may reference parameters by name so they can be adjusted per-instance.
struct native AudioComponentParam
var() name ParamName;
var() float FloatParam;
var() SoundNodeWave WaveParam;
/** Array of per-instance parameters for this AudioComponent. */
var() editinline array<AudioComponentParam> InstanceParameters;
/** Spatialise to the owner's coordinates */
var bool bUseOwnerLocation;
/** Auto start this component on creation */
var bool bAutoPlay;
/** Auto destroy this component on completion */
var bool bAutoDestroy;
/** Stop sound when owner is destroyed */
var bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed;
/** Whether the wave instances should remain active if they're dropped by the prioritization code. Useful for e.g. vehicle sounds that shouldn't cut out. */
var bool bShouldRemainActiveIfDropped;
/** whether we were occluded the last time we checked */
var bool bWasOccluded;
/** If true, subtitles in the sound data will be ignored. */
var transient bool bSuppressSubtitles;
/** Set to true when the component has resources that need cleanup */
var transient bool bWasPlaying;
/** Is this audio component allowed to be spatialized? */
var bool bAllowSpatialization;
/** Whether the current component has finished playing */
var transient bool bFinished;
/** If TRUE, this sound will not be stopped when flushing the audio device. */
var transient bool bApplyRadioFilter;
/** If TRUE, the decision on whether to apply the radio filter has been made. */
var transient bool bRadioFilterSelected;
/** Whether this audio component is previewing a sound */
var transient bool bPreviewComponent;
/** If TRUE, this sound will not be stopped when flushing the audio device. */
var transient bool bIgnoreForFlushing;
* Properties of the audio component set by its owning sound class
/** The amount of stereo sounds to bleed to the rear speakers */
var transient float StereoBleed;
/** The amount of a sound to bleed to the LFE channel */
var transient float LFEBleed;
/** Whether audio effects are applied */
var transient bool bEQFilterApplied;
/** Whether to artificially prioritise the component to play */
var transient bool bAlwaysPlay;
/** Whether or not this sound plays when the game is paused in the UI */
var transient bool bIsUISound;
/** Whether or not this audio component is a music clip */
var transient bool bIsMusic;
/** Whether or not the audio component should be excluded from reverb EQ processing */
var transient bool bReverb;
/** Whether or not this sound class forces sounds to the center channel */
var transient bool bCenterChannelOnly;
var duplicatetransient native const array<pointer> WaveInstances{struct FWaveInstance};
var duplicatetransient native const array<byte> SoundNodeData;
* We explicitly disregard SoundNodeOffsetMap/WaveMap/ResetWaveMap for GC as all references are already
* handled elsewhere and we can't NULL references anyways.
var duplicatetransient native const Map{USoundNode*,UINT} SoundNodeOffsetMap;
var duplicatetransient native const multimap_mirror SoundNodeResetWaveMap{TMultiMap<USoundNode*,FWaveInstance*>};
var duplicatetransient native const pointer Listener{struct FListener};
var duplicatetransient native const float PlaybackTime;
var duplicatetransient native const PortalVolume PortalVolume;
var duplicatetransient native vector Location;
var duplicatetransient native const vector ComponentLocation;
/** Remember the last owner so we can remove it from the actor's component array even if it's already been detached */
var transient const Actor LastOwner;
/** Used by the subtitle manager to prioritize subtitles wave instances spawned by this component. */
var native float SubtitlePriority;
var float FadeInStartTime;
var float FadeInStopTime;
/** This is the volume level we are fading to **/
var float FadeInTargetVolume;
var float FadeOutStartTime;
var float FadeOutStopTime;
/** This is the volume level we are fading to **/
var float FadeOutTargetVolume;
var float AdjustVolumeStartTime;
var float AdjustVolumeStopTime;
/** This is the volume level we are adjusting to **/
var float AdjustVolumeTargetVolume;
var float CurrAdjustVolumeTargetVolume;
// Temporary variables for node traversal.
var native const SoundNode CurrentNotifyBufferFinishedHook;
var native const vector CurrentLocation;
var native const vector CurrentVelocity;
var native const float CurrentVolume;
var native const float CurrentPitch;
var native const float CurrentHighFrequencyGain;
var native const int CurrentUseSpatialization;
var native const int CurrentNotifyOnLoop;
var native const float OmniRadius;
// Multipliers used before propagation to WaveInstance
var native const float CurrentVolumeMultiplier;
var native const float CurrentPitchMultiplier;
var native const float CurrentHighFrequencyGainMultiplier;
var native const float CurrentVoiceCenterChannelVolume;
var native const float CurrentRadioFilterVolume;
var native const float CurrentRadioFilterVolumeThreshold;
// To remember where the volumes are interpolating to and from
var native const double LastUpdateTime;
var native const float SourceInteriorVolume;
var native const float SourceInteriorLPF;
var native const float CurrentInteriorVolume;
var native const float CurrentInteriorLPF;
/** location last time playback was updated */
var transient const vector LastLocation;
/** cache what volume settings we had last time so we don't have to search again if we didn't move */
var native const InteriorSettings LastInteriorSettings;
var native const int LastReverbVolumeIndex;
// Serialized multipliers used to e.g. override volume for ambient sound actors.
var() float VolumeMultiplier;
var() float PitchMultiplier;
var() float HighFrequencyGainMultiplier;
/** while playing, this component will check for occlusion from its closest listener every this many seconds and call OcclusionChanged() if the status changes */
var float OcclusionCheckInterval;
/** last time we checked for occlusion */
var transient float LastOcclusionCheckTime;
var const DrawSoundRadiusComponent PreviewSoundRadius;
var SkeletalMeshComponent SkelMeshBase;
var name SkelMeshBaseBoneName;
`endif // __TW_
native final function Play();
native final function Stop();
/** @return TRUE if this component is currently playing a SoundCue. */
native final function bool IsPlaying();
/** @return TRUE if this component is currently fading in. */
native final function bool IsFadingIn();
/** @return TRUE if this component is currently fading out. */
native final function bool IsFadingOut();
* This is called in place of "play". So you will say AudioComponent->FadeIn().
* This is useful for fading in music or some constant playing sound.
* If FadeTime is 0.0, this is the same as calling Play() but just modifying the volume by
* FadeVolumeLevel. (e.g. you will play instantly but the FadeVolumeLevel will affect the AudioComponent)
* If FadeTime is > 0.0, this will call Play(), and then increase the volume level of this
* AudioCompoenent to the passed in FadeVolumeLevel over FadeInTime seconds.
* The VolumeLevel is MODIFYING the AudioComponent's "base" volume. (e.g. if you have an
* AudioComponent that is volume 1000 and you pass in .5 as your VolumeLevel then you will fade to 500 )
* @param FadeInDuration how long it should take to reach the FadeVolumeLevel
* @param FadeVolumeLevel the percentage of the AudioComponents's calculated volume in which to fade to
native final function FadeIn( FLOAT FadeInDuration, FLOAT FadeVolumeLevel );
* This is called in place of "stop". So you will say AudioComponent->FadeOut().
* This is useful for fading out music or some constant playing sound.
* If FadeTime is 0.0, this is the same as calling Stop().
* If FadeTime is > 0.0, this will decrease the volume level of this
* AudioCompoenent to the passed in FadeVolumeLevel over FadeInTime seconds.
* The VolumeLevel is MODIFYING the AudioComponent's "base" volume. (e.g. if you have an
* AudioComponent that is volume 1000 and you pass in .5 as your VolumeLevel then you will fade to 500 )
* @param FadeOutDuration how long it should take to reach the FadeVolumeLevel
* @param FadeVolumeLevel the percentage of the AudioComponents's calculated volume in which to fade to
native final function FadeOut( FLOAT FadeOutDuration, FLOAT FadeVolumeLevel );
* This will allow one to adjust the volume of an AudioComponent on the fly
native final function AdjustVolume( FLOAT AdjustVolumeDuration, FLOAT AdjustVolumeLevel );
native final function SetFloatParameter(name InName, float InFloat);
native final function SetWaveParameter(name InName, SoundNodeWave InWave);
/** stops the audio (if playing), detaches the component, and resets the component's properties to the values of its template */
native final function ResetToDefaults();
/** called when we finish playing audio, either because it played to completion or because a Stop() call turned it off early */
delegate OnAudioFinished(AudioComponent AC);
/** Called when subtitles are sent to the SubtitleManager. Set this delegate if you want to hijack the subtitles for other purposes */
delegate OnQueueSubtitles(array<SubtitleCue> Subtitles, float CueDuration);
/** called when OcclusionCheckInterval > 0.0 and the occlusion status changes */
event OcclusionChanged(bool bNowOccluded)
VolumeMultiplier *= bNowOccluded ? 0.5 : 2.0;
LastLocation=(X=1.0,Y=2.0,Z=3.0) // so spawning at origin doesn't use cached values