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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class AnimNode_MultiBlendPerBone extends AnimNodeBlendBase
/** Internal cached pointer to Pawn Owner */
var const transient Pawn PawnOwner;
/** Enum specifying how the weight should be checked */
enum EWeightCheck
/** If AnimNodeSlot is not playing an animation, pass through */
/** Rule put on a node. */
struct native WeightNodeRule
/** Name of node */
var() Name NodeName;
/** Reference to node */
var AnimNodeBlendBase CachedNode;
/** Reference to cached slot node */
var AnimNodeSlot CachedSlotNode;
/** How the weight should be checked. */
var() EWeightCheck WeightCheck;
/** Child index of node to check weight for */
var() INT ChildIndex;
/** Definition of a mask rule. */
struct native WeightRule
var() WeightNodeRule FirstNode;
var() WeightNodeRule SecondNode;
struct native BranchInfo
// Exposed properties
/** Name of bone branch is starting from */
var() Name BoneName;
/** Used to set up smooth blending */
var() float PerBoneWeightIncrease;
/** Per bone masking definition */
struct native PerBoneMaskInfo
// Exposed properties
var() Array<BranchInfo> BranchList;
/** Desired weight for this Mask */
var() float DesiredWeight;
var() float BlendTimeToGo;
* Rules for turning off Mask.
* This system allows to turn off a mask based on a set of rules.
* Most of the time BlendPerBone is associated with a AnimNodeSlot
* to play cutsom animations.
* So with this system, it's possible to make the BlendPerBone a pass through node
* when no custom animation is played on the AnimNodeSlot. Hence optimizing significantly the tree.
* Example:
* - NodeName = Name of AnimNodeSlot
* - ChildIndex = 0 (source of AnimNodeSlot, when no custom animation is playing)
* - WeightCheck = EWC_ChildIndexFullWeight
* So this reads, if the Source children of the AnimNodeSlot is full weight
* (ie no custom animation is playing), then turn off this mask and
* make this BlendPerBone a pass through node.
* @note: When setting up multiple rules, ALL of them must be true in order to turn off the mask.
* if one fails, then the mask will NOT be disabled.
var() Array<WeightRule> WeightRuleList;
var() bool bWeightBasedOnNodeRules;
* If the owner is not a local human player, then ignore this branch.
* (ie AI, other players in network...)
var() bool bDisableForNonLocalHumanPlayers;
/** Set when there is a blend pending, and it's being delayed by CanBlendTo()/CanBlendOutFrom() */
var transient bool bPendingBlend;
// Internal properties
/** Weight scaling for each bone of the skeleton. Must be same size as RefSkeleton of SkeletalMesh. If all 0.0, no animation can ever be drawn from Child2. */
var transient Array<FLOAT> PerBoneWeights;
* Bones required to be transformed to mesh space.
* When doing a MeshSpace blending, this array defines which bones need to be blended that way
* as an optimization. As it is expensive to convert from Parent Bone Space -> Mesh Space and back.
* So this ensures that the conversion is only performed on the critical bones.
* These are the bones which have a different mask weight than their parents (so they will be blended)
* and their parents (needed to build the mesh space skeleton, as we are converting from PARENT bone space.
* The other bones can be done with the faster parent bone space blend.
var transient Array<BYTE> TransformReqBone;
/** Index to navigate above array */
var transient INT TransformReqBoneIndex;
/** List of Masks. Matches size of Children array - 1 */
var() editfixedsize editinline Array<PerBoneMaskInfo> MaskList;
/** Describes how a blend should be performed. */
enum EBlendType
/** How rotation should be blended */
var() EBlendType RotationBlendType;
/** Do any initialisation, and then call InitAnim on all children. Should not discard any existing anim state though. */
virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent);
/** Ticking, updates weights... */
virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
/** @see UAnimNode::GetBoneAtoms. */
virtual void GetBoneAtoms(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, FCurveKeyArray& CurveKeys);
// Special Optimized Paths
FORCEINLINE void MeshSpaceBlendMultipleMasks(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, TArray<INT>& RelevantChildren, FArrayBoneAtomArray& ChildAtomsArray, FArrayMatrixArray& MaskTMArray, const TArray<INT> & ChildrenHasRootMotion, const FBoneAtomArray & ChildrenRootMotion);
FORCEINLINE void LocalBlendMultipleMasks(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, TArray<INT>& RelevantChildren, FArrayBoneAtomArray& ChildAtomsArray, const TArray<INT> & ChildrenHasRootMotion, const FBoneAtomArray & ChildrenRootMotion);
FORCEINLINE void MeshSpaceBlendSingleMask(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, TArray<INT>& RelevantChildren, FArrayBoneAtomArray& ChildAtomsArray, FArrayMatrixArray& MaskTMArray, const TArray<INT> & ChildrenHasRootMotion, const FBoneAtomArray & ChildrenRootMotion);
FORCEINLINE void LocalBlendSingleMask(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, TArray<INT>& RelevantChildren, FArrayBoneAtomArray& ChildAtomsArray, const TArray<INT> & ChildrenHasRootMotion, const FBoneAtomArray & ChildrenRootMotion);
/** Parent node is requesting a blend out. Give node a chance to delay that. */
virtual UBOOL CanBlendOutFrom();
/** parent node is requesting a blend in. Give node a chance to delay that. */
virtual UBOOL CanBlendTo();
* Utility for creating the Mask PerBoneWeights array.
* Walks down the hierarchy increasing the weight by PerBoneWeightIncrease each step.
virtual void CalcMaskWeight(INT MaskIndex);
virtual void UpdateRules();
/** Track Changes, and trigger updates */
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
/** Rename Child connectors upon edit/remove */
virtual void RenameChildConnectors();
// AnimNodeBlendBase interface
virtual void OnAddChild(INT ChildNum);
virtual void OnRemoveChild(INT ChildNum);
* Control the weight of a given Mask.
native final function SetMaskWeight(INT MaskIndex, FLOAT DesiredWeight, FLOAT BlendTime);
CategoryDesc = "Filter"