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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFProjectile
// Killing Floor base projectile class.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFProjectile extends Projectile
* @name Network
********************************************************************************************* */
/** The location this projectile spawned in */
var Repnotify Vector OriginalLocation;
/** This will cause the projectile to move to the Original Spawn location when first replicated. This solves the issue of the projectile spawning some distance away from the player when first replicated */
var() bool bSyncToOriginalLocation;
/** If bSyncToOriginalLocation && !Instigator.IsFirstPerson(), will move the projectile to the third person weapon attachment muzzle bone */
var() bool bSyncToThirdPersonMuzzleLocation;
/** Replicated and used by bSyncToThirdPersonMuzzleLocation for dual weapons */
var bool bFiredFromLeftHandWeapon;
/** Don't replicate this projectile to the Instigator. Used for client side hit detection so that we can spawn a local projectile to do the hit detection and won't have to wait for replication */
var bool bNoReplicationToInstigator;
/** Use client side hit detection for this projectile. Only compatible with projectiles that damage on impact in ProcessBulletTouch, not for projectiles that damage when they Explode() */
var bool bUseClientSideHitDetection;
/** Replicate the hits as sub projectile fragments. This is used for projectiles that aren't fired from a weapon, but rather are released as a projectile explodes.
Only compatible with projectiles that damage on impact in ProcessBulletTouch and have bUseClientSideHitDetection on */
var bool bReplicateClientHitsAsFragments;
/** Like Pawn setting with the same name */
var float AlwaysRelevantDistanceSquared;
/** Need to store the firemode of the weapon when spawning in case it changes during flight */
var byte WeaponFireMode;
* @name Penetration
********************************************************************************************* */
/** How much penetration power this projectile starts with. Set by the spawning weapon and replicated */
var repnotify float InitialPenetrationPower;
/** How much penetration power this projectile has remaining (not replicated) */
var float PenetrationPower;
/** Used to store information about projectile touches */
struct native TouchInfo
var Actor Actor;
var float Time;
/** The info for the last actor this projectile penetrated via ProcessTouch() */
var TouchInfo LastTouched;
/** World time of last HitWall/Bounce */
var TouchInfo LastBounced;
/** Ignore additional touches on the same actor within this threshhold */
var float TouchTimeThreshhold;
/** If true, this projectile will damage non-pawn actors it touches */
var bool bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch;
enum FracturedMeshGlassShatterType
var FracturedMeshGlassShatterType GlassShatterType;
* @name Physics
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Additional Z Axis velocity to apply when launching this projectile */
var(Projectile) float TossZ;
/** How much to scale gravity for this projectile. Used to get different kinds of projectile arcs */
var(Projectile) float GravityScale;
/** Cached OtherComp from Touch, useful for applying damage on touch */
var transient PrimitiveComponent LastTouchComponent;
/** (Advanced) Perform additional zero-extent collision traces at a given offset */
var array<vector> ExtraLineCollisionOffsets;
/** TerminalVelocity for this projectile when falling */
var(Projectile) float TerminalVelocity;
* @name Explosions
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Explosion actor class to spawn */
var class<GameExplosionActor> ExplosionActorClass;
/** Defines the explosion. */
var(Projectile) instanced editinline KFGameExplosion ExplosionTemplate;
/** True if this projectile has already blown up, used to ensure only a single explosion. */
var repnotify bool bHasExploded;
/** True if WorldInfo.TimeDilation was less than 1.0 on the server when it exploded */
var bool bWasTimeDilated;
/** If this projectile is being replicated, it's location will be force updated when it explodes. Ensure explosion happens the same place on client as it did on the server */
var bool bReplicateLocationOnExplosion;
/** When this projectile explodes in multiplayer, do extra checks to validate the explosion hitnormal. Useful for projectiles that explode when they hit something */
var bool bValidateExplosionNormalOnClient;
/** True if this projectile has been disintegrated (by Siren Scream, etc.). */
var repnotify bool bHasDisintegrated;
/** If true, always replicated bHasDisintegrated */
var bool bAlwaysReplicateDisintegration;
/** If true, always replicate bHasExploded intstead of relying on client to be correct */
var bool bAlwaysReplicateExplosion;
/** If TRUE, ExplosionActor will be attached to InterpActor if it hits one */
var bool bAttachExplosionToHitMover;
/** If TRUE, can be disintegrated (currently by Siren's scream) */
var bool bCanDisintegrate;
/** Sound to use when disintegrated */
var AkEvent DisintegrateSound;
/** Effects Template for projectile being disintegrated by siren's scream */
var(Projectile) ParticleSystem ProjDisintegrateTemplate;
var ParticleSystemComponent ProjDisintegrateEffects;
var rotator DisintegrateEffectRotation;
/** The explosion actor to store when this projectile is created */
var GameExplosionActor ExplosionActor;
/** The amount of time before this projectile is destroyed after exploding */
var float PostExplosionLifetime;
/** If true, use an alternate set of explosion effects */
var bool bAltExploEffects;
var KFImpactEffectInfo AltExploEffects;
/** Reference to upgrade damage modifer for any value that doesn't use projectile damage. */
var float UpgradeDamageMod;
/** Flag used in ReplicatedEvent() in order to check if already has been an explosion for solving 2 explosions at high pings. */
var bool bHasAlreadyExploded;
* @name Flight Effects
********************************************************************************************* */
/** This is the effect that is played while in flight */
var ParticleSystemComponent ProjEffects;
var(Projectile) ParticleSystem ProjFlightTemplate;
/** We're currently fading out ProjEffects */
var bool bFadingOutProjEffects;
/** If set to something greater than zero the ProjEffects won't be instantly stopped on shutdown, they'll need to do a custom fade out that will shut them down over time*/
var float ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration;
/** (optional) This is the light attached while in flight */
var PointLightComponent ProjFlightLight;
var LightPoolPriority ProjFlightLightPriority;
/** Effects Template for the bullet flying through the air in Zed time */
var(Projectile) ParticleSystem ProjFlightTemplateZedTime;
/** if True, this projectile will remain alive (but hidden) until the flight effect is done */
var bool bWaitForEffects;
/** if true, the shutdown function has been called and 'new' effects shouldn't happen */
var bool bShuttingDown;
* @name Sounds
********************************************************************************************* */
var bool bSuppressSounds;
/** The AKEvent to trigger the ambient sound to start playing */
var AKEvent AmbientSoundPlayEvent;
/** The AKEvent to trigger the ambient sound to stop playing */
var AKEvent AmbientSoundStopEvent;
/** The audio component for the ambient sound (private: use function calls!) */
var private AkComponent AmbientComponent;
/** Whether to start playing the ambient sound automatically */
var bool bAutoStartAmbientSound;
/** Whether to stop the ambient sound when the projectile explodes/impacts */
var bool bStopAmbientSoundOnExplode;
/** If true, never cut out ambient sound for detail settings */
var bool bImportantAmbientSound;
/** If true, only this ambient sound should only play in Zed Time */
var bool bAmbientSoundZedTimeOnly;
/** Impact info (sfx, vfx, etc.), so that each projectile type can have different effects if desired (assigned by weapon) */
var KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactEffects;
* @name Perk
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Grenades do not have a weapoon owner, we have to store the associated perk in the projectile */
var class<KFPerk> AssociatedPerkClass;
* @name AI
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Set to TRUE when spawned by an AI */
var protected bool bIsAIProjectile;
/** If TRUE, warns AI along a cone when this projectile is spawned */
var protected const bool bWarnAIWhenFired;
/** The maximum distance at which to warn AI, squared */
var protected const float MaxAIWarningDistSQ;
/** The maximum distance from the danger point that AI should be warned */
var protected const float MaxAIWarningDistFromPointSQ;
* @name Stick/Pin
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Whether projectile can stick to actors */
var const bool bCanStick;
/** Whether projectile can pin pawns */
var const bool bCanPin;
/** Actor projectile is stuck to */
var transient repnotify Actor StuckToActor;
var transient Actor PrevStuckToActor;
/** Index of bone projectile is stuck to (if stuck to actor) */
var transient int StuckToBoneIdx;
/** replicated stuck loc/rot (relative for skeletal meshes, absolute otherwise) */
var transient vector StuckToLocation;
var transient rotator StuckToRotation;
/** Actor projectile has pinned */
var transient repnotify Actor PinActor;
/** Bone projectile has pinned */
var transient int PinBoneIdx;
var instanced KFProjectileStickHelper StickHelper;
* @name Shrapnel
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Don't process touch events when hitting this actor, used by shrapnel to avoid hitting the actor that caused the sharpnel to spawn */
var repnotify Actor IgnoreTouchActor;
/** Whether this projectile spawns sharpnel when it hits a zed or environment object*/
var bool bSpawnShrapnel;
/** Show lines where the shrapnel will travel*/
var bool bDebugShrapnel;
/** Number of shrapnel to spawn */
var int NumSpawnedShrapnel;
/** The projectile type of the shrapnel */
var class<KFProjectile> ShrapnelClass;
/** The spread width when sharpnel is spawned due to colliding with the environment */
var float ShrapnelSpreadWidthEnvironment;
/** The spread height when shrapnel is spawned due to colliding with the environment */
var float ShrapnelSpreadHeightEnvironment;
/** The spread width when shrapnel is spawned due to colliding with a zed*/
var float ShrapnelSpreadWidthZed;
/** The spread height when shrapnel is spawned due to colliding with a zed*/
var float ShrapnelSpreadHeightZed;
/** Sound that plays once when shrapnel are created */
var AkEvent ShrapnelSpawnSoundEvent;
/** VFX that plays once when shrapnel are created */
var ParticleSystem ShrapnelSpawnVFX;
* End Vars
********************************************************************************************* */
virtual UBOOL IsNetRelevantFor(APlayerController* RealViewer, AActor* Viewer, const FVector& SrcLocation);
virtual void performPhysics(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void TickExtraTouchCollision(FLOAT DeltaTime, FVector MoveDelta);
virtual INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
virtual void TickSpecial(float DeltaTime);
if( bNetDirty && bCanDisintegrate )
bHasDisintegrated, DisintegrateEffectRotation;
// Location
if ( bNetInitial && bSyncToOriginalLocation )
if ( bNetInitial && bSyncToThirdPersonMuzzleLocation )
// send initially so that if the projectile exploded on the first tick it was alive, the client handles it correctly
// in other cases the client should be able to simulate everything
if ( bNetInitial || bAlwaysReplicateExplosion )
bWasTimeDilated, bHasExploded;
// Need to replicate the penetration power so the clients can properly simulate the penetration
if( bNetInitial )
InitialPenetrationPower, bAltExploEffects;
// Only need to replicate this to owner
if( bNetInitial && bNetOwner )
if (bCanStick && (bNetInitial || !bNetOwner))
StuckToActor, StuckToBoneIdx, StuckToLocation, StuckToRotation;
if (bCanPin && bNetDirty)
PinActor, PinBoneIdx;
if (bNetInitial || bNetDirty)
/** returns terminal velocity (max speed while falling) for this actor. Unless overridden, it returns the TerminalVelocity of the PhysicsVolume in which this actor is located.
* Overridden so we can have projectiles falling faster than the PhysicsVolume terminal velocity
native function float GetTerminalVelocity();
native function StopAmbientSound(optional bool bForce);
* @name Initialization / construction / replication
********************************************************************************************* */
event PreBeginPlay()
bIsAIProjectile = InstigatorController == none || !InstigatorController.bIsPlayer;
* When this actor begins its life, play any ambient sounds attached to it
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
if ( bDeleteMe || bShuttingDown)
// Spawn any effects needed for flight
* Initialize the Projectile
function Init(vector Direction)
local KFWeapon KFW;
Velocity = Speed * Direction;
Velocity.Z += TossZ;
KFW = KFWeapon( Owner );
if( KFW != none )
// used in SyncOriginalLocation, called below
bFiredFromLeftHandWeapon = KFW.GetCurrentMuzzleID() == 1;
WeaponFireMode = KFW.CurrentFireMode;
if( bSyncToOriginalLocation )
OriginalLocation = Location;
// Warn AI, let them handle evades, etc
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client && ShouldWarnAIWhenFired() )
WarnAI( Direction );
/** Warns AI that this projectile has been fired */
function WarnAI( vector Direction )
local Pawn P;
local KFPawn_Monster HitMonster;
local vector Projection, DangerPoint;
// Iterate through pawns and find AI we want to warn
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'Pawn', P )
if( P.GetTeamNum() != Instigator.GetTeamNum() && !P.IsHumanControlled() && P.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Determine if AI is within range as well as within our field of view
Projection = P.Location - Location;
if( VSizeSQ(Projection) < MaxAIWarningDistSQ )
PointDistToLine( P.Location, Direction, Location, DangerPoint );
if( VSizeSQ(DangerPoint - P.Location) < MaxAIWarningDistFromPointSQ )
// Tell the AI to evade away from the DangerPoint
HitMonster = KFPawn_Monster( P );
if( HitMonster != none && HitMonster.MyKFAIC != none )
HitMonster.MyKFAIC.ReceiveLocationalWarning( DangerPoint, Location, self );
/** Can be overridden in subclasses to add additional criteria */
function bool ShouldWarnAIWhenFired()
return bWarnAIWhenFired;
/** Accessor */
function bool IsAIProjectile()
return bIsAIProjectile;
/* epic ===============================================
* ::ReplicatedEvent
* Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated
* =====================================================
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
local vector ExplosionNormal;
if (VarName == nameof(bHasExploded) && !bHasAlreadyExploded)
bHasAlreadyExploded = true;
bHasExploded = false;
ExplosionNormal = vect(0,0,1);
if( bValidateExplosionNormalOnClient )
ExplosionNormal = ValidateExplosionNormal();
CallExplode(Location, ExplosionNormal);
else if (VarName == nameof(bHasDisintegrated))
Disintegrate( DisintegrateEffectRotation );
else if (VarName == nameof(OriginalLocation))
else if (VarName == nameof(InitialPenetrationPower))
PenetrationPower = InitialPenetrationPower;
else if (VarName == nameof(StuckToActor))
if (StuckToActor == none)
else if (StuckToActor != PrevStuckToActor)
StickHelper.ReplicatedStick(StuckToActor, StuckToBoneIdx);
else if (VarName == nameof(PinActor))
if (PinActor != none && PinBoneIdx != INDEX_None)
StickHelper.Pin(PinActor, PinBoneIdx);
/** Validate an explosion normal on the client */
simulated function vector ValidateExplosionNormal()
local vector ExplosionNormal;
local vector AimDir;
local vector HitLocation, HitNormal;
local Actor TraceActor, HitActor;
// Set the aim direction to the vector along the line where the
// projectile would hit based on velocity. This is the most accurate
if( !IsZero(Velocity) )
AimDir = Normal(Velocity);
// Set the aim direction to the vector along the line where the
// projectile would hit based on where it has moved away from
// the original location
if( IsZero(Velocity) && !IsZero(OriginalLocation) )
AimDir = Normal(Location-OriginalLocation);
// Use the rotation if the location calcs give a zero direction
if( IsZero(AimDir) )
AimDir = Normal(Vector(Rotation));
// Perform trace to retrieve hit info
TraceActor = Instigator != None ? Instigator : self;
HitActor = TraceActor.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location + AimDir * 32.0, Location - AimDir * 32.0, TRUE,,, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
//Instigator.DrawDebugLine(Location - AimDir * 32.0,Location + AimDir * 32.0,255,255,0,TRUE);
//DrawDebugSphere(Location + AimDir * 32.0, 4, 6, 255, 255, 0, TRUE);
// If we hit something set the ExplosionNormal
if( HitActor != None )
ExplosionNormal = HitNormal;
return ExplosionNormal;
/** This will cause the projectile to move to the Original Spawn location when first replicated. This solves the issue of the projectile spawning some distance away from the player when first replicated */
simulated function SyncOriginalLocation()
local vector MuzzleLocation, PredictedHitLocation, AimDir, EndTrace, MuzzleToPredictedHit;
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
// For remote pawns, have the projectile look like its actually
// coming from the muzzle of the third person weapon
if( bSyncToThirdPersonMuzzleLocation && Instigator != none
&& !Instigator.IsFirstPerson() && KFPawn(Instigator) != none
&& KFPawn(Instigator).WeaponAttachment != none )
MuzzleLocation = KFPawn(Instigator).WeaponAttachment.GetMuzzleLocation(bFiredFromLeftHandWeapon ? 1 : 0);
// Set the aim direction to the vector along the line where the
// projectile would hit based on velocity. This is the most accurate
if( !IsZero(Velocity) )
AimDir = Normal(Velocity);
// Set the aim direction to the vector along the line where the
// projectile would hit based on where it has moved away from
// the original location
if( IsZero(Velocity) )
AimDir = Normal(Location-OriginalLocation);
// Use the rotation if the location calcs give a zero direction
if( IsZero(AimDir) )
AimDir = Normal(Vector(Rotation));
if( Location != MuzzleLocation )
// if projectile is spawned at different location than the third
// person muzzle location, then simulate an instant trace where
// the projectile would hit
EndTrace = Location + AimDir * 16384;
PredictedHitLocation = GetPredictedHitLocation(Location, EndTrace);
MuzzleToPredictedHit = Normal(PredictedHitLocation - MuzzleLocation);
// only adjust AimDir if PredictedHitLocation is "forward" (i.e. don't let projectile fire back towards the shooter)
//@todo: still need to make this less wonky (can still shoot straight up sometimes when using long weapons, like the sawblade shooter)
if( MuzzleToPredictedHit dot vector(Rotation) > 0.f )
// Then we realign projectile aim direction to match where the projectile would hit.
AimDir = MuzzleToPredictedHit;
// Move the projectile to the MuzzleLocation
// If the Velocity is zero (usually because the projectile impacted
// something on the server in its first tick before replicating)
// then turn its phyics and collion back on
if( IsZero(Velocity) )
SetCollision( default.bCollideActors, default.bBlockActors );
// Adjust the velocity of the projectile so it will hit where
// it is supposed to
Velocity = Speed * Normal(AimDir);
// set location based on 'OriginalLocation'
else if ( Role < ROLE_Authority )
// If the Velocity is zero (usually because the projectile impacted
// something on the server in its first tick before replicating)
// then turn its physics and collion back on and give it velocity
// again so the simulation will work properly on the client
if( IsZero(Velocity) )
// Set the aim direction to the vector along the line where the
// projectile would hit
AimDir = Normal(Location-OriginalLocation);
// Use the rotation if the location calcs give a zero direction
if( IsZero(AimDir) )
AimDir = Vector(Rotation);
Velocity = Speed * AimDir;
SetCollision( default.bCollideActors, default.bBlockActors );
* Trace out and see where this projectile would hit if it kept going in a straight line
simulated function vector GetPredictedHitLocation(vector StartTrace, vector EndTrace)
local vector HitLocation, HitNormal;
local Actor HitActor;
// Perform trace to retrieve hit info
HitActor = Instigator.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, EndTrace, StartTrace, TRUE,,, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
// If we didn't hit anything, then set the HitLocation as being the EndTrace location
if( HitActor == None )
HitLocation = EndTrace;
return HitLocation;
* @name Collision
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Calculates rotator that aligns actor to hit surface */
native function Rotator CalculateStickOrientation( vector HitNormal );
/** Mostly copied from Projectile.uc, overridden to handle destructibles properly */
simulated singular event HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp )
local KActorFromStatic NewKActor;
local StaticMeshComponent HitStaticMesh;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
Super(Actor).HitWall(HitNormal, Wall, WallComp);
if (bCanStick || bCanPin)
LastTouchComponent = WallComp;
// pass in the location of the projectile as the hit location
// ignoring this parameter will have the projectile try to stick to (0,0,0)
StickHelper.TryStick(HitNormal, Location, Wall);
if (bSpawnShrapnel)
//spawn reflecting off the environment object
SpawnShrapnel(Wall, Location, HitNormal, rotator(Velocity - 2.0*HitNormal*(Velocity dot HitNormal)), ShrapnelSpreadWidthEnvironment, ShrapnelSpreadHeightEnvironment);
if ( Wall.bWorldGeometry )
HitStaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent(WallComp);
if ( (HitStaticMesh != None) && HitStaticMesh.CanBecomeDynamic() )
NewKActor = class'KActorFromStatic'.Static.MakeDynamic(HitStaticMesh);
if ( NewKActor != None )
Wall = NewKActor;
else if( !Wall.bStatic && Wall.bCanBeDamaged && Wall.bProjTarget )
LastBounced.Actor = Wall;
LastBounced.Time = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NotifyHitDestructible( HitNormal, Wall, WallComp );
ImpactedActor = Wall;
if( !Wall.bStatic && (DamageRadius == 0 || bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch) )
HitInfo.HitComponent = WallComp;
HitInfo.Item = INDEX_None; // force TraceComponent on fractured meshes
Wall.TakeDamage( Damage, InstigatorController, Location, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType, HitInfo, self);
Explode(Location, HitNormal);
ImpactedActor = None;
simulated function NotifyHitDestructible( vector HitNormal, actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp );
simulated event Touch( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal )
local StaticMeshComponent HitStaticMesh;
// Catch CanBecomeDynamic actors with BlockActors=FALSE and process as a wall hit
if ( Other.bStatic && Other.bWorldGeometry )
HitStaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent(OtherComp);
if ( (HitStaticMesh != None) && HitStaticMesh.CanBecomeDynamic() )
HitWall(HitNormal, Other, OtherComp);
LastTouchComponent = OtherComp;
Super.Touch(Other, OtherComp, HitLocation, HitNormal);
simulated function ProcessTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal)
if (Other != Instigator)
if (bCanStick || bCanPin)
StickHelper.TryStick(HitNormal, HitLocation, Other);
if (ExplosionTemplate != None)
TriggerExplosion(HitLocation, HitNormal, Other);
Shutdown(); // cleanup/destroy projectile
// Don't touch the same actor multiple time's immediately after just
// touching it if the TouchTimeThreshhold is set to greater than 0.
// This was causing projectiles just to "stop" sometimes when hitting
// dead/ragdolled pawns because it was counting as multiple penetrations
simulated function bool CheckRepeatingTouch(Actor Other)
if( LastTouched.Actor == Other && TouchTimeThreshhold > 0
&& `TimeSince(LastTouched.Time) <= TouchTimeThreshhold )
return true;
// Store the past touch by this projectile
LastTouched.Actor = Other;
LastTouched.Time = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
return false;
/** Adjusts movement/physics of projectile.
* Returns true if projectile actually bounced / was allowed to bounce */
simulated function bool Bounce( vector HitNormal, Actor BouncedOff );
* Called by projectiles that bounce off world geometry when they touch a damagable non-pawn actor
* @note: This may be deprecated now that KFDestructibleActor has bWorldGeometry=true
simulated function ProcessDestructibleTouchOnBounce( Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal )
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
if ( !Other.bWorldGeometry && Other.bCanBeDamaged )
// @todo: look into CheckRepeatingTouch here. For some reason it didn't really work, but why not?
if ( LastBounced.Actor == Other && `TimeSince(LastBounced.Time) <= TouchTimeThreshhold )
if( bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch )
HitInfo.HitComponent = LastTouchComponent;
HitInfo.Item = INDEX_None; // force TraceComponent on fractured meshes
Other.TakeDamage(Damage, InstigatorController, HitLocation, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType, HitInfo, self);// special cases for types of destructibles, bShouldBreakSolidGlassOnBounce
if ( Other.bBlockActors )
LastBounced.Actor = Other;
LastBounced.Time = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
HitWall(HitNormal, Other, LastTouchComponent);
/** Handle bullet collision and damage */
simulated function ProcessBulletTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal)
local Pawn Victim;
local array<ImpactInfo> HitZoneImpactList;
local vector StartTrace, EndTrace, Direction;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local KFWeapon KFW;
// Do the impact effects
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
// Use ImpactEffectManager to handle material based impacts
`ImpactEffectManager.PlayImpactEffects(HitLocation, Instigator,, ImpactEffects);
Victim = Pawn( Other );
if ( Victim == none )
if ( bDamageDestructiblesOnTouch && Other.bCanBeDamaged )
HitInfo.HitComponent = LastTouchComponent;
HitInfo.Item = INDEX_None; // force TraceComponent on fractured meshes
Other.TakeDamage(Damage, InstigatorController, Location, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType, HitInfo, self);
// Reduce the penetration power to zero if we hit something other than a pawn or foliage actor
if( InteractiveFoliageActor(Other) == None )
PenetrationPower = 0;
if (bSpawnShrapnel)
//spawn straight forward through the zed
SpawnShrapnel(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, rotator(Velocity), ShrapnelSpreadWidthZed, ShrapnelSpreadHeightZed);
StartTrace = HitLocation;
Direction = Normal(Velocity);
EndTrace = StartTrace + Direction * (Victim.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius * 6.0);
TraceProjHitZones(Victim, EndTrace, StartTrace, HitZoneImpactList);
// Right now we just send the first impact. TODO: Figure out what the
// most "important" or high damage impact is and send that one! Or,
// if we need the info on the server send the whole thing - Ramm
if ( HitZoneImpactList.length > 0 )
HitZoneImpactList[0].RayDir = Direction;
if( bReplicateClientHitsAsFragments )
if( Instigator != none )
KFW = KFWeapon( Instigator.Weapon );
if( KFW != none )
KFW.HandleGrenadeProjectileImpact(HitZoneImpactList[0], class);
// Owner is none on a remote client, or the weapon on the server/local player
else if( Owner != none )
KFW = KFWeapon( Owner );
if( KFW != none )
KFW.HandleProjectileImpact(WeaponFireMode, HitZoneImpactList[0], PenetrationPower);
/** Pre-process calling the Explode function so it can be overridden in subclasses */
simulated function CallExplode( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal )
Explode(HitLocation, HitNormal);
/** Returns a list of hitzone impacts for a collision with a given pawn
* @note: To trace the PhysicsAsset the pawn cylinder should have BlockZeroExtent=FALSE
simulated function bool TraceProjHitZones(Pawn P, vector EndTrace, vector StartTrace, out array<ImpactInfo> out_Hits)
local Matrix RotMatrix;
local vector WorldOffset;
local int i;
// Default trace
if ( TraceAllPhysicsAssetInteractions(P.Mesh, EndTrace, StartTrace, out_Hits, vect(0,0,0), true) )
return true;
// If no hit is found, try using the extra line collision. This shouldn't happen for zero-extent
// collision because the StartTrace is the HitLocation, but it could happen if we have a cylinder extent.
if ( ExtraLineCollisionOffsets.Length > 0 )
RotMatrix = MakeRotationMatrix(Rotation);
for (i = 0; i < ExtraLineCollisionOffsets.Length ; i++)
WorldOffset = TransformVector(RotMatrix, ExtraLineCollisionOffsets[i]);
if ( TraceAllPhysicsAssetInteractions(P.Mesh, EndTrace + WorldOffset, StartTrace + WorldOffset, out_Hits, vect(0,0,0), true) )
return true;
return false;
* Explode when the projectile comes to rest on the floor. It's called from the native physics processing functions. By default,
* when we hit the floor, we just explode.
simulated event Landed( vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor )
HitWall(HitNormal, FloorActor, None);
* This is only here to handle Projectile class calls
* Should use TriggerExplosion instead which handles delayed shutdown
simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal)
TriggerExplosion(HitLocation, HitNormal, None);
Shutdown(); // cleanup/destroy projectile
/** Updates bCanDisintegrate based on perk abilities and possibly other things */
simulated function AdjustCanDisintigrate()
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk;
local KFPawn InstigatorPawn;
InstigatorPawn = KFPawn(Instigator);
if( InstigatorPawn != none )
InstigatorPerk = InstigatorPawn.GetPerk();
if( InstigatorPerk != none && InstigatorPerk.ShouldRandSirenResist() )
bCanDisintegrate = false;
simulated function Disintegrate( rotator InDisintegrateEffectRotation )
if( bHasExploded )
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
DisintegrateEffectRotation = Rotator(-Velocity);
SetPhysics( PHYS_None );
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if( ProjDisintegrateTemplate != None )
ProjDisintegrateEffects = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter( ProjDisintegrateTemplate, Location, inDisintegrateEffectRotation );
if ( DisintegrateSound != None )
PlaySoundBase(DisintegrateSound, true);
bHasDisintegrated = true;
DeferredDestroy(0.1f); // cleanup/destroy projectile
/** Added effects for the impact */
simulated static function PlayAddedImpactEffect(Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal);
* Explode this Projectile
simulated function TriggerExplosion(Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Actor HitActor)
local vector NudgedHitLocation, ExplosionDirection;
local Pawn P;
if( bHasDisintegrated )
if (!bHasExploded)
// On local player or server, we cache off our time dilation setting here
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || InstigatorController != None )
bWasTimeDilated = WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f;
// Stop ambient sounds when this projectile explodes
if( bStopAmbientSoundOnExplode )
if (ExplosionTemplate != None)
// using a hit location slightly away from the impact point is nice for certain things
NudgedHitLocation = HitLocation + (HitNormal * 32.f);
if( ExplosionActorClass == class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeExplosionActorClass() )
P = Pawn(HitActor);
if( P != none )
NudgedHitLocation = P.Location - vect(0,0,1) * P.GetCollisionHeight();
ExplosionActor = Spawn(ExplosionActorClass, self,, NudgedHitLocation, rotator(HitNormal));
if (ExplosionActor != None)
ExplosionActor.Instigator = Instigator;
ExplosionActor.InstigatorController = InstigatorController;
// If the locations are zero (probably because this exploded in the air) set defaults
if( IsZero(HitLocation) )
HitLocation = Location;
if( IsZero(HitNormal) )
HitNormal = vect(0,0,1);
// these are needed for the decal tracing later in GameExplosionActor.Explode()
ExplosionTemplate.HitLocation = HitLocation;// NudgedHitLocation
ExplosionTemplate.HitNormal = HitNormal;
// If desired, attach to mover if we hit one
if(bAttachExplosionToHitMover && InterpActor(HitActor) != None)
ExplosionActor.Attachee = HitActor;
ExplosionTemplate.bAttachExplosionEmitterToAttachee = TRUE;
// directional?
if (ExplosionTemplate.bDirectionalExplosion)
ExplosionDirection = GetExplosionDirection(HitNormal);
//DrawDebugLine(ExplosionActor.Location, ExplosionActor.Location+ExplosionDirection*64, 255, 255, 0, TRUE);
// @todo: make this function responsible for setting explosion instance parameters, and take instance parameters
// out of GearExplosion (e.g. Attachee)
ExplosionActor.Explode(ExplosionTemplate, ExplosionDirection); // go bewm
// done with it
if (!bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe)
// defer destruction so any replication of explosion stuff can happen if necessary
bHasExploded = true;
/** Can be overridden in subclasses to exclude specific projectiles from nuking */
simulated function bool AllowNuke()
return true;
2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00
/** Can be overridden in subclasses to exclude specific projectiles from using changing explosion radius */
simulated function bool AllowDemolitionistExplosionChangeRadius()
return true;
/** Can be overridden in subclasses to exclude specific projectiles from using concussive */
simulated function bool AllowDemolitionistConcussive()
return true;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Give the projectiles a chance to situationally customize/tweak any explosion parameters.
* We will also copy in any data we exposed here for .ini file access.
simulated protected function PrepareExplosionTemplate()
local KFWeapon KFW;
GetRadialDamageValues(ExplosionTemplate.Damage, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent);
ExplosionTemplate.Damage *= UpgradeDamageMod;
KFW = KFWeapon(Owner);
if (KFW == none && Instigator != none)
KFW = KFWeapon(Instigator.Weapon);
if (KFW != none)
KFW.ModifyExplosionRadius(ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, WeaponFireMode);
/** Returns values for radial damage. */
simulated protected function GetRadialDamageValues(out float outDamage, out float outRadius, out float outFalloff);
* Give the projectile the chance to situationally customize the explosion actor before it actually explodes.
simulated function vector GetExplosionDirection(vector HitNormal);
simulated protected function PrepareExplosionActor(GameExplosionActor GEA)
// pass along InstigatorController so explosion know who caused it,
// in case the instigating player dies before the explosion goes off
if (GEA.InstigatorController == none)
GEA.InstigatorController = InstigatorController;
simulated protected function SetExplosionActorClass();
* @name Cleanup
********************************************************************************************* */
* Clean up
simulated function Shutdown()
// Stop ambient sounds when this projectile ShutsDown
if( bStopAmbientSoundOnExplode )
// If cleanup has already begun, just wait
if ( bShuttingDown )
bShuttingDown = true;
// If we have to wait for effects, tweak the death conditions
if (ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration > 0.0)
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
// We are on a dedicated server and not replicating anything nor do we have effects so destroy right away
// At least give us some time to replicate if we are spawned/destroyed in the same tick!
DeferredDestroy(ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration + 0.1f);
/** Stops projectile simulation without destroying it. Projectile is resting, essentially. */
simulated protected function StopSimulating()
Velocity = vect(0,0,0);
Acceleration = vect(0,0,0);
RotationRate = rot(0,0,0);
SetCollision(FALSE, FALSE);
bRotationFollowsVelocity = FALSE;
/** Makes projectile "dead", but doesn't actually kill it for some time. */
simulated protected function DeferredDestroy(float DelaySec)
local MeshComponent ComponentIt;
foreach ComponentList(class'MeshComponent', ComponentIt)
SetCollision(false, false);
bCollideWorld = false;
// So that shutdown doesn't call this more than once
bShuttingDown = true;
LifeSpan = DelaySec;
simulated function Destroyed()
if (ProjEffects != None)
ProjEffects = None;
// Stop ambient sounds when this projectile is destroyed
* @name Actor
********************************************************************************************* */
* Get gravity currently affecting this actor
native function float GetGravityZ();
* @name Effects
********************************************************************************************* */
* Spawns any effects needed for the flight of this projectile
simulated function SpawnFlightEffects()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
// Set its Ambient Sound
if (bAutoStartAmbientSound && AmbientSoundPlayEvent != None
&& !bSuppressSounds && (!bAmbientSoundZedTimeOnly || `IsInZedTime(self)) )
if ( bImportantAmbientSound || (!WorldInfo.bDropDetail && (WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() != DM_Low)) )
if ( AmbientComponent != None )
AmbientComponent.PlayEvent( AmbientSoundPlayEvent );
// Set its light if it has one
if ( ProjFlightLight != None )
`LightPool.RegisterPointLight(ProjFlightLight, ProjFlightLightPriority);
// Play zed time flight effects
if( `IsInZedTime(self) && ProjFlightTemplateZedTime != none )
ProjEffects = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitterCustomLifetime(ProjFlightTemplateZedTime);
// Play normal speed flight effects
else if( ProjFlightTemplate != None )
ProjEffects = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitterCustomLifetime(ProjFlightTemplate);
// No flight effects specified, return
ProjEffects.SetAbsolute(false, false, false);
ProjEffects.SetLODLevel(WorldInfo.bDropDetail ? 1 : 0);
ProjEffects.bUpdateComponentInTick = true;
simulated protected function StopFlightEffects()
if (ProjEffects!=None)
// If the ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration is greater than zero we need to
// wait to turn off the effects because we are going to fade them out
// in the Tick function by setting bFadingOutProjEffects.
if( ProjEffectsFadeOutDuration > 0.0 )
// Disable flight light if it has one
if ( ProjFlightLight != None && ProjFlightLight.bAttached )
// Turn off the projectile effects. In the emitter, some parts of the
// effect can be set not to shut down on deactivate, and those are the
// ones you can fade out over time (like the zed time bullet trail)
/** Can be overridden to detonate a projectile right away */
function Detonate();
/** Can be overridden to trigger a latent explosion */
function Timer_Explode();
/** Called when the owning instigator controller has left a game */
simulated function OnInstigatorControllerLeft();
* @name Residual/Splash flame spawner (Perf warning: use with caution)
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Calculates residual flame velocity using */
function vector CalculateResidualFlameVelocity( vector HitNormal, vector HitVelDir, float HitVelMag )
local vector SpawnDir;
// apply some spread
SpawnDir = VRandCone( HitVelDir, PI/4 );
// make HitVelDir parallel to contact surface by subtracting component parallel to HitNormal
SpawnDir = SpawnDir + (-(SpawnDir dot HitNormal) * HitNormal);
// apply some more spread to get some of the flames to stick to the wall and others the ground beneath the wall
// (makes it looks kind of smeared down the wall, like a real molotov)
SpawnDir = VRandCone( SpawnDir, PI/4 );
return SpawnDir * (HitVelMag / 3.f);
function SpawnResidualFlame( class<KFProjectile> SpawnClass, vector SpawnLoc, vector SpawnVel )
local KFProjectile SpawnedProjectile;
SpawnedProjectile = Spawn( SpawnClass, Self,, SpawnLoc );
if( SpawnedProjectile != none && !SpawnedProjectile.bDeleteMe )
// pass along InstigatorController so projectile, and ultimately explosion, know who caused it,
// in case the instigating player dies before the explosion goes off
if (SpawnedProjectile.InstigatorController == none)
SpawnedProjectile.InstigatorController = InstigatorController;
SpawnedProjectile.Init( Normal(SpawnVel) );
SpawnedProjectile.Velocity = SpawnVel;
SpawnedProjectile.Speed = VSize( SpawnedProjectile.Velocity );
* @name Stick/Pin
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated function SetStickOrientation(vector HitNormal);
reliable server function ServerStick(Actor StickTo, int BoneIdx, vector StickLoc, rotator StickRot)
StickHelper.ServerStick(StickTo, BoneIdx, StickLoc, StickRot);
* @name Shrapnel
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated function SpawnShrapnel(Actor InitialHitActor, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, rotator BaseAim, float SpreadWidth, float SpreadHeight)
local vector SpawnPos;
local rotator SpawnRot;
local int i;
local KFProjectile SpawnedShrapnel;
local vector X, Y, Z;
local float RandY, RandZ;
SpawnPos = HitLocation + 10.f * HitNormal;
if (Instigator != none && Instigator.Role == ROLE_Authority)
// Play one sound when spawning the shrapnel at the explosion location instead of one sound for each piece of shrapnel
if(ShrapnelSpawnSoundEvent != none)
Instigator.PlaySoundBase(ShrapnelSpawnSoundEvent, , , , Location);
for (i = 0; i < NumSpawnedShrapnel; i++)
GetAxes(BaseAim, X, Y, Z);
RandY = FRand() - 0.5;
RandZ = Sqrt(0.5 - Square(RandY)) * (FRand() - 0.5);
SpawnRot = rotator(X + RandY * SpreadWidth * Y + RandZ * SpreadHeight * Z);
SpawnedShrapnel = Spawn(ShrapnelClass, Instigator != none ? Instigator.Weapon : self, , SpawnPos, SpawnRot);
if (SpawnedShrapnel != None)
SpawnedShrapnel.IgnoreTouchActor = InitialHitActor;
SpawnedShrapnel.InitialPenetrationPower = KFWeapon(Instigator.Weapon).GetInitialPenetrationPower(Instigator.Weapon.CurrentFireMode);
SpawnedShrapnel.PenetrationPower = SpawnedShrapnel.InitialPenetrationPower;
SpawnedShrapnel.bForceNetUpdate = true;
if (bDebugShrapnel)
DrawDebugLine(SpawnPos, SpawnPos + normal(vector(SpawnRot)) * 500.0, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
if (ShrapnelSpawnVFX != none)
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(ShrapnelSpawnVFX, Location, Rotation, None);
// global shared content