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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFPlayerCamera
// Camera class for KF players
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// John "Ramm-Jaeger" Gibson
class KFPlayerCamera extends GamePlayerCamera
/** Implements typical third person camera. */
var(Camera) editinline transient KFCustomizationCamera CustomizationCam;
/** Class to use for third person camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<KFCustomizationCamera> CustomizationCameraClass;
/** Implements the boss camera. */
var(Camera) editinline transient KFBossCamera BossCam;
/** Class to use for viewing the boss camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<KFBossCamera> BossCameraClass;
/** Implements typical first person camera. */
var(Camera) editinline transient KFFirstPersonCamera FirstPersonCam;
/** Class to use for first person camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<GameCameraBase> FirstPersonCameraClass;
/** Implements the Emote camera. */
var(Camera) editinline transient KFEmoteCamera EmoteCam;
/** Class to use for viewing the Emote camera. */
var(Camera) protected const class<KFEmoteCamera> EmoteCameraClass;
FOV Blending
********************************************************************************************* */
/** The FOV that the Camera is trying to acheive */
var() float TargetFOV;
/** The FOV that was being used at the start of the FOV Transition */
var float TransitionStartFOV;
/** How long (in seconds) the camera has been transitioning to TargetFOV */
var float TransitionTimeElapsed;
/** How long it should take to transition to the target FOV */
var float TransitionTimeTotal;
function PostBeginPlay()
// Setup camera modes
if ( (CustomizationCam == None) && (CustomizationCameraClass != None) )
CustomizationCam = KFCustomizationCamera( CreateCamera(CustomizationCameraClass) );
// Setup camera modes
if ( (BossCam == None) && (BossCameraClass != None) )
BossCam = KFBossCamera( CreateCamera(BossCameraClass) );
// Setup camera modes
if ( (FirstPersonCam == None) && (FirstPersonCameraClass != None) )
FirstPersonCam = KFFirstPersonCamera( CreateCamera(FirstPersonCameraClass) );
if ( EmoteCam == None && EmoteCameraClass != None )
EmoteCam = KFEmoteCamera( CreateCamera(EmoteCameraClass) );
/** Performs camera update. */
simulated function DoUpdateCamera(float DeltaTime)
// __TW_ZEDTIME_ : Adjust by Pawn's TimeDilation (partial zed time) for camera anims
Super.DoUpdateCamera(DeltaTime * ViewTarget.Target.CustomTimeDilation);
* UpdateViewTarget
* Overridden to support FOV Blending
simulated function UpdateViewTarget(out TViewTarget OutVT, float DeltaSeconds)
local float CurrentFOVAngle;
local float TransitionDelta;
if ( CameraActor(OutVT.Target) != None )
SetFOV(0); // Give CameraActor control over FOV
CurrentFOVAngle = GetFOVAngle();
// Updating the FOV
if( TransitionTimeTotal > 0.0f && CurrentFOVAngle != TargetFOV )
TransitionTimeElapsed += DeltaSeconds;
if( TransitionTimeElapsed > TransitionTimeTotal )
TransitionTimeElapsed = TransitionTimeTotal;
TransitionDelta = 1.0;
TransitionDelta = TransitionTimeElapsed/TransitionTimeTotal;
//`log("CurrentFOVAngle = "$CurrentFOVAngle$" TransitionDelta = "$TransitionDelta$" TransitionTimeTotal = "$TransitionTimeTotal$" TransitionTimeElapsed = "$TransitionTimeElapsed);
CurrentFOVAngle = Lerp( TransitionStartFOV, TargetFOV, TransitionDelta );
// Call this after the FOV has been adjusted
if( CameraLensEffects.Length > 0 )
UpdateCameraLensEffects( OutVT );
/** Function that allows us to control the FOV value. Needed for half-res checkerboard rendering */
function float GetActualFOV()
local LocalPlayer LP;
local vector2D ViewportSize;
local float ActualFOV;
// Scale FOV by aspect ratio
if( WorldInfo.IsNeoCheckerboardRendering() )
LP = LocalPlayer( PCOwner.Player );
if( LP != none && LP.ViewportClient != none )
// Grab our viewport size, not our canvas size
LP.ViewportClient.GetViewportSize( ViewportSize );
class'KFPlayerController'.static.CalcFOVForAspectRatio( GetFOVAngle(), ViewportSize.X, ViewportSize.Y, ActualFOV );
return ActualFOV;
return super.GetActualFOV();
/** Update any attached camera lens effects (e.g. blood) **/
simulated function UpdateCameraLensEffects( const out TViewTarget OutVT )
local EmitterCameraLensEffectBase CameraEffect;
local float ActualFOV;
ActualFOV = GetActualFOV();
foreach CameraLensEffects( CameraEffect )
if( CameraEffect != none )
if( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsNeoCheckerboardRendering() )
CameraEffect.UpdateLocation( OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, UnModifiedFOV );
CameraEffect.UpdateLocation( OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, ActualFOV );
* Handle smoothly transitioning between FOVs
* @param NewFOV specifies the new TargetFOV
* @param TransitionTime specifies how long in seconds the transition should take
function TransitionFOV(float NewFOV, float TransitionTime)
NewFOV *= GetOptionsFOVScale();
if( TransitionTime > 0.0f )
TargetFOV = NewFOV;
TransitionTimeTotal = TransitionTime;
TransitionStartFOV = GetFOVAngle();
TransitionTimeElapsed = 0.0f;
TransitionTimeTotal = 0.0f; // The system won't attempt an FOV transition if TimeTotal is 0.
function float GetOptionsFOVScale()
local float FOVScale;
local KFProfileSettings Settings;
FOVScale = 1.0f;
Settings = KFProfileSettings(class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem().PlayerInterface.GetProfileSettings(LocalPlayer(PCOwner.Player).ControllerId));
if(Settings != None)
FOVScale = Settings.GetProfileFloat(KFID_FOVOptionsPercentageValue);
else // PC
FOVScale = class'KFGameEngine'.default.FOVOptionsPercentageValue;
return FClamp(FOVScale, 0.75f, 1.25f);
* Directly set the FOV with no transition
function SetFOV(float NewFOV)
TransitionTimeTotal = 0.0f;
TargetFOV = NewFOV;
/** Overriden to use CameraCache.Pov.Location */
static function float CalcRadialShakeScale(Camera Cam, vector Epicenter, float InnerRadius, float OuterRadius, float Falloff)
local Vector POVLoc;
local float DistPct;
// using camera location so stuff like spectator cameras get shakes applied sensibly as well
// need to ensure server has reasonably accurate camera position
POVLoc = Cam.CameraCache.POV.Location;
if (InnerRadius < OuterRadius)
DistPct = (VSize(Epicenter - POVLoc) - InnerRadius) / (OuterRadius - InnerRadius);
DistPct = 1.f - FClamp(DistPct, 0.f, 1.f);
return DistPct ** Falloff;
// ignore OuterRadius and do a cliff falloff at InnerRadius
return (VSize(Epicenter - POVLoc) < InnerRadius) ? 1.f : 0.f;
* Polls game state to determine best camera to use.
protected function GameCameraBase FindBestCameraType(Actor CameraTarget)
if (CameraStyle == 'ThirdPerson')
return ThirdPersonCam;
else if (CameraStyle == 'Boss')
return BossCam;
else if (CameraStyle == 'Customization')
return CustomizationCam;
else if( CameraStyle == 'FirstPerson' )
return FirstPersonCam;
else if( CameraStyle == 'Emote' )
return EmoteCam;
return Super.FindBestCameraType(CameraTarget);
simulated function Reset();
// Our default FOV is in 16:9, and then scaled based on the aspect ratio