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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFAiBaseRangedBehavior.uc
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFAiBaseRangedBehavior extends Object within KFAiController
* RangedLocValidationData
struct native RangedLocValidationData
var bool bCalulatedThisEngagement;
var bool bLastLosArcCheckValid;
var float RadiusOfFireCheckPath;
var vector FireLastPointToStrikeFrom;
var vector FireLastLocOfEndOfArc;
var vector FireLastLocOfBlockage;
var array<vector> LogAlgosSegmentEnds;
var array<bool> LogAlgosSegmentValiditys;
var KFAIController MyAiCtrl;
// Ranged attack info
var transient array<RangedLocValidationData> StrikeLocValidationInfoList;
var protected transient int StrikeZoneForCurrentAttack;
var transient array<vector> ProjMeshLocations;
var transient vector ProjImpactLocation;
var transient vector ProjExplosionLocation;
var transient int StrikeLastCalcArcSuccessId;
var transient array<vector> LogAlgosSegmentEnds;
var transient array<bool> LogAlgosSegmentValiditys;
var transient vector FireLastLocOfBlockage;
var transient vector FireLastLocOfTarget;
var transient vector ProjStartLocation;
var int TotalNumberOfPossibileFireLocationsPerFormationSlot;
var protected bool bIntentionalMiss;
* RangedStrikeData
struct native RangedStrikeData
/** */
var() float HeightAboveTargetForRangedStrikeInUU;
/** */
var() float XY_DistanceFromTargetForRangedStrikeInUU;
/** */
var float XY_DistanceSqFromTargetForRangedStrikeInUU;
/** */
var() float RangedFireIdealSpeed;
/** */
var() float RangedFireMaxSpeed;
/** */
var() float RangedFireMinSpeed;
/** is the requested pct of the arc in the z direction (0=arc horizontally, 0.5 = arc at 45 degrees). This is the starting point for finding a arc. (Defaults to 0.05). the purpose of this is to bias the test in cases where there is more than one solution*/
var() float DesiredZPercentOfArc;
/** IntentionalMissRangedFireIdealSpeed */
var() float IntentionalMissRangedFireIdealSpeed;
/** IntentionalMissRangedFireMaxSpeed */
var() float IntentionalMissRangedFireMaxSpeed;
/** IntentionalMissRangedFireMinSpeed */
var() float IntentionalMissRangedFireMinSpeed;
/** is the requested pct of the arc in the z direction (0=arc horizontally, 0.5 = arc at 45 degrees). This is the starting point for finding a arc. (Defaults to 0.05). the purpose of this is to bias the test in cases where there is more than one solution*/
var() float IntentionalMissDesiredZPercentOf;
/** IntentionalMissFrontOffsetDistance */
var() float IntentionalMissFrontOffsetDistance;
/** IntentionalMissSideOffsetDistance */
var() float IntentionalMissSideOffsetDistance;
/** IntentionalMissHeightOffsetDistance */
var() float IntentionalMissHeightOffsetDistance;
/** */
var() vector ShapeOfProjectileForCalc;
/** */
var() float PercentOfArcToCheckForCalc;
/** Alternate percentage of arcs to check after the defult beam the pill in value in order of Preferred arc*/
var() array<float> AltDesiredZPercentOfList;
// Ranged Strike
/** SleepTimeDuringRangeAttackDamageAssessment */
var (RangedStrike) float SleepTimeDuringRangeAttackDamageAssessment;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) bool bUseTargetsCurrentLocAtRelease;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) float NumOfStrikeLocationsToLookForAtEachRange;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) float HorizontalSeperationBetweenPointsForStrike;
/** How far from the location of the pawn to the location where the projectile will be spawned */
var (RangedStrike) vector OffsetForCalcOfForStrike;
/** MinRangeFromOrbitBeforeLookingForTierOffsetStrikeLocations */
var (RangedStrike) float MinRangeFromOrbitBeforeLookingForTierOffsetStrikeLocations;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) int ForceAllAttacksFromThisTier;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) int ForceAllAttacksFromThisZone;
/** This data is used for normal from any where position ing */
var (RangedStrike) array<RangedStrikeData> StrikeInfoByZone;
/** bCheckIfCanMoveToStrikeLocationBeforeTestingForLane */
var (RangedStrike) bool bCheckIfCanMoveToStrikeLocationBeforeTestingForLane;
/** How far from the VS the flyer should be at when striking */
var (RangedStrike) float HieghtOffTargetPointForEndOfFireArc;
/** bAbleToAdjustAimPositionForGameplay */
var (RangedStrike) bool bAbleToAdjustAimPositionForGameplay;
/** IntentionalMissChance */
var (RangedStrike) float IntentionalMissChance;
var transient int TotalNumOfAttemptsToFindFireStrikeLaneThisEngagement;
var transient ImpactInfo StrikeLaneBlockageImpactInfo;
function SetUp()
local RangedLocValidationData newLocData;
local int iter;
TotalNumOfAttemptsToFindFireStrikeLaneThisEngagement = -1;
TotalNumberOfPossibileFireLocationsPerFormationSlot = NumOfStrikeLocationsToLookForAtEachRange;
for( iter = 0; iter < TotalNumberOfPossibileFireLocationsPerFormationSlot; ++iter)
* InitRangeFireData
simulated function InitRangeFireData()
local int iter;
StrikeLastCalcArcSuccessId = -1;
for( iter = 0; iter < StrikeInfoByZone.Length; ++iter )
StrikeInfoByZone[iter].XY_DistanceSqFromTargetForRangedStrikeInUU = StrikeInfoByZone[iter].XY_DistanceFromTargetForRangedStrikeInUU * StrikeInfoByZone[iter].XY_DistanceFromTargetForRangedStrikeInUU;
function float GetRangedFireMidZoneRangeForThisZone( int Zone )
return 1000.0;
native final function int FindCurrentFireFromAnywhereZone( Actor TargetOfLob );
function vector GetBestCurrentVelocityForThisTarget( Actor TargetToCalcFor )
if( TargetToCalcFor != none )
return TargetToCalcFor.Velocity;
return Vect(0.0,0.0,0.0);
* SetRangedLobStrikeZoneInfo
function SetStrikeZoneInfo( int ZoneId )
StrikeZoneForCurrentAttack = ZoneId;
function DrawFireAttackDebug()
local int iter;
local int iterLobArc;
local vector previousLobArcLoc;
for( iter = 0; iter < StrikeLocValidationInfoList.Length; ++iter)
if( StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].bCalulatedThisEngagement )
previousLobArcLoc = StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].FireLastPointToStrikeFrom;
for( iterLobArc = 0; iterLobArc < StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentEnds.Length; ++iterLobArc)
if( StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentValiditys[iterLobArc] )
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iterLobArc], 127, 255, 212 );
if( StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].FireLastLocOfBlockage == Vect(0,0,0) )
// this arc failed because could not get it up enough
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iterLobArc], 28, 255, 174 );
DrawDebugStar( previousLobArcLoc, 75, 28, 255, 174);
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iterLobArc], 255, 28, 174 );
DrawDebugStar( StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].FireLastLocOfBlockage, 25, 255, 28, 174 );
previousLobArcLoc = StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iterLobArc];
} // end for( iter = 0; iter < StrikeLocValidationInfoList.Length; ++iter)
if( FireLastLocOfBlockage != vect(0,0,0) )
DrawDebugStar( FireLastLocOfBlockage, 25, 255, 0, 255);
if( FireLastLocOfTarget != vect(0,0,0) )
DrawDebugStar( FireLastLocOfTarget, 25, 0, 255, 0);
previousLobArcLoc = MyKfPawn.Location;
for( iter = 0; iter < LogAlgosSegmentEnds.Length; ++iter)
if( LogAlgosSegmentValiditys[iter] )
if( StrikeLastCalcArcSuccessId == 1 )
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter], 0, 255, 0 );
DrawDebugStar( LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter], 5, 0, 255, 0);
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter], 0, 0,255 );
DrawDebugStar( LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter], 5, 0, 0, 255);
DrawDebugLine( previousLobArcLoc, LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter], 255, 0, 0 );
DrawDebugStar( FireLastLocOfBlockage, 25, 255, 0, 255);
previousLobArcLoc = LogAlgosSegmentEnds[iter];
DrawDebugStar( ProjStartLocation, 25, 255, 0, 0);
for( iter = 0; iter < ProjMeshLocations.Length; ++iter)
DrawDebugStar( ProjMeshLocations[iter], 5, 0, 255, 255);
if( ProjExplosionLocation != vect(0,0,0) )
DrawDebugSphere( ProjExplosionLocation, 35, 8, 255,0,255);
if( ProjImpactLocation != vect(0,0,0) )
DrawDebugSphere( ProjImpactLocation, 25, 8, 0, 255, 255);
function SetAllPastStrikeLocValidationInfoToExpired()
local int iter;
for( iter = 0; iter < StrikeLocValidationInfoList.Length -1; ++iter)
StrikeLocValidationInfoList[iter].bCalulatedThisEngagement = false;