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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* LevelStreaming
* Abstract base class of container object encapsulating data required for streaming and providing
* interface for when a level should be streamed in and out of memory.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class LevelStreaming extends Object
/** Name of the level package name used for loading. */
var() editconst const name PackageName;
/** Pointer to Level object if currently loaded/ streamed in. */
var transient const level LoadedLevel;
/** Offset applied to actors after loading. */
var() const vector Offset;
/** Transform applied to actors after loading. */
var() const Matrix LevelTransform;
/** Current/ old offset required for changing the offset at runtime, e.g. in the Editor. */
var const vector OldOffset;
/** Whether the level is currently visible/ associated with the world */
var const transient bool bIsVisible;
/** Whether we currently have a load request pending. */
var const transient bool bHasLoadRequestPending;
/** Whether we currently have an unload request pending. */
var const transient bool bHasUnloadRequestPending;
/** Whether this level should be visible in the Editor */
var() editoronly const bool bShouldBeVisibleInEditor;
/** Whether this level's bounding box should be visible in the Editor. */
var const bool bBoundingBoxVisible;
/** Whether this level is locked; that is, its actors are read-only. */
var() const bool bLocked;
/** Whether this level is fully static - if it is, then assumptions can be made about it, ie it doesn't need to be reloaded since nothing could have changed */
var() const bool bIsFullyStatic;
/** Whether the level should be loaded */
var const transient bool bShouldBeLoaded;
/** Whether the level should be visible if it is loaded */
var const transient bool bShouldBeVisible;
/** Whether we want to force a blocking load */
var transient bool bShouldBlockOnLoad;
/** The level's color; used to make the level easily identifiable in the level browser, for actor level visulization, etc. */
var() const color DrawColor;
/** The level streaming volumes bound to this level. */
var() const editconst array<LevelStreamingVolume> EditorStreamingVolumes;
/** If TRUE, will be drawn on the 'level streaming status' map (STAT LEVELMAP console command) */
var() bool bDrawOnLevelStatusMap;
/** Cooldown time in seconds between volume-based unload requests. Used in preventing spurious unload requests. */
var() float MinTimeBetweenVolumeUnloadRequests;
/** Time of last volume unload request. Used in preventing spurious unload requests. */
var const transient float LastVolumeUnloadRequestTime;
/** Whether this level streaming object's level should be unloaded and the object be removed from the level list. */
var const transient bool bIsRequestingUnloadAndRemoval;
/** List of keywords to filter on in the level browser */
var editoronly array<string> Keywords;
/** The grid volume bound to this level, if any */
var() const editconst LevelGridVolume EditorGridVolume;
/** Row, column and depth of this streaming level in a streaming grid network */
var() const editconst int GridPosition[ 3 ];
* Returns whether this level should be present in memory which in turn tells the
* streaming code to stream it in. Please note that a change in value from FALSE
* to TRUE only tells the streaming code that it needs to START streaming it in
* so the code needs to return TRUE an appropriate amount of time before it is
* needed.
* @param ViewLocation Location of the viewer
* @return TRUE if level should be loaded/ streamed in, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL ShouldBeLoaded( const FVector& ViewLocation );
* Returns whether this level should be visible/ associated with the world if it is
* loaded.
* @param ViewLocation Location of the viewer
* @return TRUE if the level should be visible, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL ShouldBeVisible( const FVector& ViewLocation );
/** Get a bounding box around the streaming volumes associated with this LevelStreaming object */
FBox GetStreamingVolumeBounds();
// UObject interface.
virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(FPropertyChangedChainEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);