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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Class that implements the Steamworks specific auth functionality
Class OnlineAuthInterfaceSteamworks extends OnlineAuthInterfaceImpl within OnlineSubsystemCommonImpl
* Sends a client auth request to the specified client
* NOTE: It is important to specify the ClientUID from PreLogin
* @param ClientConnection The NetConnection of the client to send the request to
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client (as taken from PreLogin)
* @return whether or not the request kicked off successfully
native function bool SendClientAuthRequest(Player ClientConnection, UniqueNetId ClientUID);
* Sends a server auth request to the server
* @param ServerUID The UID of the server
* @return whether or not the request kicked off successfully
native function bool SendServerAuthRequest(UniqueNetId ServerUID);
* Client auth functions, for authenticating clients with a game server
* Creates a client auth session with the server; the session doesn't start until the auth ticket is verified by the server
* NOTE: This must be called clientside
* @param ServerUID The UID of the server
* @param ServerIP The external/public IP address of the server
* @param ServerPort The port of the server
* @param bSecure whether or not the server has cheat protection enabled
* @param OutAuthTicketUID Outputs the UID of the auth data, which is used to verify the auth session on the server
* @return whether or not the local half of the auth session was kicked off successfully
native function bool CreateClientAuthSession(UniqueNetId ServerUID, IpAddr ServerIP, int ServerPort, bool bSecure, out int OutAuthTicketUID);
* Kicks off asynchronous verification and setup of a client auth session, on the server;
* auth success/failure is returned through OnClientAuthComplete
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client
* @param ClientIP The IP address of the client
* @param ClientPort The port the client is on
* @param AuthTicketUID The UID for the auth data sent by the client (as obtained through OnClientAuthResponse)
* @return whether or not asynchronous verification was kicked off successfully
native function bool VerifyClientAuthSession(UniqueNetId ClientUID, IpAddr ClientIP, int ClientPort, int AuthTicketUID);
* Server auth functions, for authenticating the server with clients
* Creates a server auth session with a client; the session doesn't start until the auth ticket is verified by the client
* NOTE: This must be called serverside; if using server auth, the server should create a server auth session for every client
* @param ClientUID The UID of the client
* @param ClientIP The IP address of the client
* @param ClientPort The port of the client
* @param OutAuthTicketUID Outputs the UID of the auth data, which is used to verify the auth session on the client
* @return whether or not the local half of the auth session was kicked off successfully
native function bool CreateServerAuthSession(UniqueNetId ClientUID, IpAddr ClientIP, int ClientPort, out int OutAuthTicketUID);
* Kicks off asynchronous verification and setup of a server auth session, on the client;
* auth success/failure is returned through OnServerAuthComplete
* @param ServerUID The UID of the server
* @param ServerIP The external/public IP address of the server
* @param AuthTicketUID The UID of the auth data sent by the server (as obtained through OnServerAuthResponse)
* @return whether or not asynchronous verification was kicked off successfully
native function bool VerifyServerAuthSession(UniqueNetId ServerUID, IpAddr ServerIP, int AuthTicketUID);
* Platform-specific server information
* If this is a server, retrieves the platform-specific UID of the server; used for authentication (not supported on all platforms)
* NOTE: This is primarily used serverside, for listen host authentication
* @param OutServerUID The UID of the server
* @return whether or not the server UID was retrieved
native function bool GetServerUniqueId(out UniqueNetId OutServerUID);
* If this is a server, retrieves the platform-specific IP and port of the server; used for authentication
* NOTE: This is primarily used serverside, for listen host authentication
* @param OutServerIP The public IP of the server (or, for platforms which don't support it, the local IP)
* @param OutServerPort The port of the server
native function bool GetServerAddr(out IpAddr OutServerIP, out int OutServerPort);