2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFMGA_Target
// Actor used as an individual target in any of the target minigames. Calls
// back into the base target game that spawned it when it takes valid
// damage.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Dan Weiss
class KFMGA_Target extends Actor
/** Visual component of the target */
var() StaticMeshComponent Mesh;
/** Collision cylinder*/
var() CylinderComponent CollisionCylinder;
/** How many hits before the game is notified of "death" */
var() repnotify int NumHits;
/** Rigged target game that spawned this target. Used to sync owner chain on remote clients */
var repnotify KFMG_TargetGame SpawnerOwner;
/** Index this was added in to make sure arrays stay fully in sync */
var repnotify int SpawnerOwnerIndex;
/** Whether or not to ignore radius damage sources (ex: grenades) */
var() bool bIgnoreRadiusDamage;
/** Whether or not target is active */
var repnotify bool bActiveTarget;
/** List of acceptable damage types */
var array< class<DamageType> > AcceptedDamageTypes;
/** Name of bone we are based on */
var name AttachBoneName;
// Client FX
var() ParticleSystem DeathVFXTemplate;
var() AkEvent DeathSFX;
var() AkComponent DeathSFXComponent;
var() AkEvent InvalidHitSFX;
if (bNetDirty)
SpawnerOwner, SpawnerOwnerIndex, bActiveTarget, NumHits;
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
//Allow the target to manage its own state in the main rig's targets array.
if (VarName == 'SpawnerOwner' || VarName == 'SpawnerOwnerIndex')
if (SpawnerOwner != none && SpawnerOwnerIndex >= 0)
else if (VarName == 'bActiveTarget')
if (bActiveTarget)
else if (VarName == 'NumHits')
if (NumHits == 0)
/** Called via repnotify on clients to sync with main spawner's target array */
simulated function AddToOwnerArray()
if (SpawnerOwner.MinigameTargets.Find(self) == INDEX_NONE)
SpawnerOwner.MinigameTargets[SpawnerOwnerIndex] = self;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage(Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser, optional float DamageFalloffExponent = 1.f, optional bool bAdjustRadiusDamage=true)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if (!bIgnoreRadiusDamage || AcceptedDamageTypes.Find(DamageType) != INDEX_NONE)
TakeDamage(BaseDamage, InstigatedBy, HurtOrigin, vect(0,0,0), DamageType, , DamageCauser);
/** The amount of damage is unimportant in this case. These targets will never be killed, but simply be reset
* to their initial condition upon "death". Track number of hits and go into death condition once
* specified hit count has been reached.
simulated event TakeDamage(int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
local int i;
if (!bActiveTarget)
for (i = 0; i < AcceptedDamageTypes.Length; ++i)
//Valid hit
if (DamageType == AcceptedDamageTypes[i] || ClassIsChildOf(DamageType, AcceptedDamageTypes[i]))
ValidHit(EventInstigator, DamageCauser);
InvalidHit(EventInstigator, DamageCauser);
function ValidHit(Controller EventInstigator, Actor HitActor)
local KFMG_TargetGame TargetGame;
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
if (NumHits <= 0)
TargetGame = KFMG_TargetGame(Owner);
if (TargetGame != none)
TargetGame.TargetHit(self, EventInstigator);
simulated function InvalidHit(Controller EventInstigator, Actor HitActor)
if (DeathSFXComponent != none)
DeathSFXComponent.PlayEvent(InvalidHitSFX, , false, true);
/** Do any resets necessary here, including health and visual items. */
simulated event Reset()
SetRelativeLocation(vect(0, 0, 0));
NumHits = default.NumHits;
simulated event SetActive()
bActiveTarget = true;
simulated event SetInactive()
bActiveTarget = false;
simulated event Finalize();
simulated event PlayDeath()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && !IsAlive())
if (DeathVFXTemplate != none)
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(DeathVFXTemplate, Location);
if (DeathSFXComponent != none)
DeathSFXComponent.PlayEvent(DeathSFX, , false, true);
simulated function bool IsAlive()
return NumHits > 0;
NumHits = 1
bStatic = false
Begin Object class=CylinderComponent Name=Cylinder0
CollisionRadius = 25.0
CollisionHeight = 25.0
BlockNonZeroExtent = true
BlockZeroExtent = true
BlockActors = true
CollideActors = true
End Object
CollisionCylinder = Cylinder0
CollisionComponent = Cylinder0
Begin Object class=StaticMeshComponent Name=Mesh0
End Object
Mesh = Mesh0
Begin Object class=AkComponent Name=DeathSFX0
End Object
RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy
NetPriority = +00002.500000
bCollideActors = true
bBlockActors = false
bProjTarget = true
bCanBeDamaged = true
CollisionType = COLLIDE_TouchAll
bIgnoreRadiusDamage = true
SpawnerOwnerIndex = -1
bAlwaysRelevant = true