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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class InterpCurveEdSetup extends Object
// Information about a particule curve being viewed.
// Property could be an FInterpCurve, a DistributionFloat or a DistributionVector
struct native CurveEdEntry
var Object CurveObject;
var color CurveColor;
var string CurveName;
var int bHideCurve;
var int bColorCurve;
var int bFloatingPointColorCurve;
var int bClamp;
var float ClampLow;
var float ClampHigh;
struct native CurveEdTab
var string TabName;
var array<CurveEdEntry> Curves;
// Remember the view setting for each tab.
var float ViewStartInput;
var float ViewEndInput;
var float ViewStartOutput;
var float ViewEndOutput;
var array<CurveEdTab> Tabs;
var int ActiveTab;
// UObject interface
void PostLoad();
void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
// InterpCurveEdSetup interface
static FCurveEdInterface* GetCurveEdInterfacePointer(const FCurveEdEntry& Entry);
void AddCurveToCurrentTab(UObject* InCurve, const FString& CurveName, const FColor& CurveColor,
UBOOL bInColorCurve=false, UBOOL bInFloatingPointColor=false, UBOOL bInClamp=false,
FLOAT InClampLow=0.f, FLOAT InClampHigh=0.f);
void RemoveCurve(UObject* InCurve);
void ReplaceCurve(UObject* RemoveCurve, UObject* AddCurve);
void CreateNewTab(const FString& InTabName);
void RemoveTab(const FString& InTabName);
UBOOL ShowingCurve(UObject* InCurve);
void ChangeCurveColor(UObject* InCurve, const FColor& CurveColor);
void ChangeCurveName(UObject* InCurve, const FString& NewCurveName);
void ResetTabs();