2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// GameInfo.
// The GameInfo defines the game being played: the game rules, scoring, what actors
// are allowed to exist in this game type, and who may enter the game. While the
// GameInfo class is the public interface, much of this functionality is delegated
// to several classes to allow easy modification of specific game components. These
// classes include GameInfo, AccessControl, Mutator, and BroadcastHandler.
// A GameInfo actor is instantiated when the level is initialized for gameplay (in
// C++ UGameEngine::LoadMap() ). The class of this GameInfo actor is determined by
// (in order) either the URL ?game=xxx, or the
// DefaultGame entry in the game's .ini file (in the Engine.Engine section), unless
// its a network game in which case the DefaultServerGame entry is used.
// The GameType used can be overridden in the GameInfo script event SetGameType(), called
// on the game class picked by the above process.
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GameInfo extends Info
config ( Game )
dependson ( OnlineSubsystem ) ;
// Variables.
var bool bRestartLevel ; // Level should be restarted when player dies
var bool bPauseable ; // Whether the game is pauseable.
var bool bTeamGame ; // This is a team game.
var bool bGameEnded ; // set when game ends
var bool bOverTime ;
var bool bDelayedStart ;
var bool bWaitingToStartMatch ;
var globalconfig bool bChangeLevels ;
var bool bAlreadyChanged ;
var globalconfig bool bAdminCanPause ;
var bool bGameRestarted ;
var bool bLevelChange ; // level transition in progress
var globalconfig bool bKickLiveIdlers ; // if true, even playercontrollers with pawns can be kicked for idling
/** Whether this match is going to use arbitration or not */
var bool bUsingArbitration ;
/ * *
* Whether the arbitrated handshaking has occurred or not .
* NOTE : The code will reject new connections once handshaking has started
* /
var bool bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun ;
/** Whether the arbitrated handshaking has occurred or not. */
var bool bNeedsEndGameHandshake ;
/** Whether the arbitrated handshaking has completed or not. */
var bool bIsEndGameHandshakeComplete ;
/** Used to indicate when an arbitrated match has started its end sequence */
var bool bHasEndGameHandshakeBegun ;
/** Whether the game expects a fixed player start for profiling. */
var bool bFixedPlayerStart ;
/** The causeevent= string that the game passed in This is separate from automatedPerfTesting which is going to probably spawn bots / effects **/
var string CauseEventCommand ;
/** This is the BugIt String Data. Other info should be stored here **/
/** Currently stores the location string form **/
var string BugLocString ;
/** Currently stores the rotation in string form **/
var string BugRotString ;
/ * *
* List of player controllers we ' re awaiting handshakes with
* NOTE : Any PC in this list that does not complete the handshake within
* ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout will be kicked from the match
* /
var array < PlayerController > PendingArbitrationPCs ;
/ * *
* Holds the list of players that passed handshaking and require finalization
* of arbitration data written to the online subsystem
* /
var array < PlayerController > ArbitrationPCs ;
/** Amount of time a client can take for arbitration handshaking before being kicked */
var globalconfig float ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout ;
var globalconfig float GameDifficulty ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
var float GameDifficultyModifier ;
` endif
var globalconfig int GoreLevel ; // 0=Normal, increasing values=less gore
var float GameSpeed ; // Scale applied to game rate.
var class < Pawn > DefaultPawnClass ;
// user interface
var class < HUD > HUDType ; // HUD class this game uses.
var class < HUD > SecondaryHUDType ; // Secondary HUD class this game uses.
var globalconfig int MaxSpectators ; // Maximum number of spectators allowed by this server.
var int MaxSpectatorsAllowed ; // Maximum number of spectators ever allowed (MaxSpectators is clamped to this in initgame()
var int NumSpectators ; // Current number of spectators.
` if ( ` _ _TW _ )
var config int MaxPlayers ; // Maximum number of players allowed by this server.
` else
var globalconfig int MaxPlayers ; // Maximum number of players allowed by this server.
` endif
var int MaxPlayersAllowed ; // Maximum number of players ever allowed (MaxPlayers is clamped to this in initgame()
var int NumPlayers ; // number of human players
var int NumBots ; // number of non-human players (AI controlled but participating as a player)
//@SABER_EGS_BEGIN Crossplay support
var int NumEosPlayers ; // number of players, using epic online system
/** number of players that are still travelling from a previous map */
var int NumTravellingPlayers ;
var int CurrentID ; // used to assign unique PlayerIDs to each PlayerReplicationInfo
var localized string DefaultPlayerName ;
var localized string GameName ;
var float FearCostFallOff ; // how fast the FearCost in NavigationPoints falls off
var bool bDoFearCostFallOff ; // If true, FearCost will fall off over time in NavigationPoints. Reset to false once all reach FearCosts reach 0.
var config int GoalScore ; // what score is needed to end the match
var config int MaxLives ; // max number of lives for match, unless overruled by level's GameDetails
var config int TimeLimit ; // time limit in minutes
// Message classes.
var class < LocalMessage > DeathMessageClass ;
var class < GameMessage > GameMessageClass ;
// GameInfo components
var Mutator BaseMutator ; // linked list of Mutators (for modifying actors as they enter the game)
var class < AccessControl > AccessControlClass ;
var AccessControl AccessControl ; // AccessControl controls whether players can enter and/or become admins
var class < BroadcastHandler > BroadcastHandlerClass ;
var BroadcastHandler BroadcastHandler ; // handles message (text and localized) broadcasts
/** Class of automated test manager used by this game class */
var class < AutoTestManager > AutoTestManagerClass ;
/** Instantiated AutoTestManager - only exists if requested by command-line */
var AutoTestManager MyAutoTestManager ;
var class < PlayerController > PlayerControllerClass ; // type of player controller to spawn for players logging in
var class < PlayerReplicationInfo > PlayerReplicationInfoClass ;
// ReplicationInfo
var ( ) class < GameReplicationInfo > GameReplicationInfoClass ;
var GameReplicationInfo GameReplicationInfo ;
var CrowdPopulationManagerBase PopulationManager ;
var class < CrowdPopulationManagerBase > PopulationManagerClass ;
var globalconfig float MaxIdleTime ; // maximum time players are allowed to idle before being kicked
/** Max interval that client clock is allowed to get ahead of server clock before triggering speed hack detection */
var globalconfig float MaxTimeMargin ;
/** How fast we allow client clock to drift from server clock over time without ever triggering speed hack detection */
var globalconfig float TimeMarginSlack ;
/** Clamps how far behind server clock we let time margin get. Used to prevent speedhacks where client slows their clock down for a while then speeds it up. */
var globalconfig float MinTimeMargin ;
var array < PlayerReplicationInfo > InactivePRIArray ; /** PRIs of players who have left game (saved in case they reconnect) */
/** The list of delegates to check before unpausing a game */
var array < delegate < CanUnpause > > Pausers ;
/** Cached online subsystem variable */
var OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub ;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 6-16-16 - Playfab support
var PlayfabInterface PlayfabInter ;
/** Cached online game interface variable */
var OnlineGameInterface GameInterface ;
/** Class sent to clients to use to create and hold their stats */
var class < OnlineStatsWrite > OnlineStatsWriteClass ;
/** The leaderboard to write the stats to for skill/scoring */
var int LeaderboardId ;
/** The arbitrated leaderboard to write the stats to for skill/scoring */
var int ArbitratedLeaderboardId ;
/ * * p e r f o r m m a p t r a v e l s u s i n g S e a m l e s s T r a v e l ( ) w h i c h l o a d s i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d a n d d o e s n ' t d i s c o n n e c t c l i e n t s
* @ see WorldInfo : : SeamlessTravel ( )
* /
var bool bUseSeamlessTravel ;
/** Base copy of cover changes that need to be replicated to clients on join */
var protected CoverReplicator CoverReplicatorBase ;
/** Tracks whether the server can travel due to a critical network error or not */
var bool bHasNetworkError ;
/** Whether this game type requires voice to be push to talk or not */
var const bool bRequiresPushToTalk ;
/** The class to use when registering dedicated servers with the online service */
var const class < OnlineGameSettings > OnlineGameSettingsClass ;
/** The options to apply for dedicated server when it starts to register */
var string ServerOptions ;
/** Current adjusted net speed - Used for dynamically managing netspeed for listen servers*/
var int AdjustedNetSpeed ;
/** Last time netspeed was updated for server (by client entering or leaving) */
var float LastNetSpeedUpdateTime ;
/** Total available bandwidth for listen server, split dynamically across net connections */
var globalconfig int TotalNetBandwidth ;
/** Minimum bandwidth dynamically set per connection */
var globalconfig int MinDynamicBandwidth ;
/** Maximum bandwidth dynamically set per connection */
var globalconfig int MaxDynamicBandwidth ;
/** Standby cheat detection vars */
/** Used to determine if checking for standby cheats should occur */
var config bool bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled ;
/** Tracks standby checking status */
var bool bIsStandbyCheckingOn ;
/** Used to determine whether we've already caught a cheat or not */
var bool bHasStandbyCheatTriggered ;
/** The amount of time without packets before triggering the cheat code */
var config float StandbyRxCheatTime ;
/** The amount of time without packets before triggering the cheat code */
var config float StandbyTxCheatTime ;
/** The point we determine the server is either delaying packets or has bad upstream */
var config int BadPingThreshold ;
/** The percentage of clients missing RX data before triggering the standby code */
var config float PercentMissingForRxStandby ;
/** The percentage of clients missing TX data before triggering the standby code */
var config float PercentMissingForTxStandby ;
/** The percentage of clients with bad ping before triggering the standby code */
var config float PercentForBadPing ;
/** The amount of time to wait before checking a connection for standby issues */
var config float JoinInProgressStandbyWaitTime ;
/** Material used for drawing a streaming pause icon. */
var Material StreamingPauseIcon ;
/** Describes which standby detection event occured so the game can take appropriate action */
enum EStandbyType
STDBY _BadPing
} ;
/** End standby cheat vars */
struct native GameClassShortName
var string ShortName ;
var string GameClassName ;
} ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
var ( ) protected const array < GameClassShortName > GameInfoClassAliases ;
` else
var ( ) protected config const array < GameClassShortName > GameInfoClassAliases ;
` endif
/ * *
* GameTypePrefix helper structure .
* Used to find valid gametypes for a map via its prefix .
* /
struct native GameTypePrefix
/** map prefix, e.g. "DM" */
var string Prefix ;
/** if TRUE, generate a common package for the gametype */
var bool bUsesCommonPackage ;
/** gametype used if none specified on the URL */
var string GameType ;
/** additional gametypes supported by this map prefix via the URL (used for cooking) */
var array < string > AdditionalGameTypes ;
/** forced objects (and classes) that should go into the common package to avoid cooking into every map */
var array < string > ForcedObjects ;
} ;
/** The default game type to use on a map */
var config string DefaultGameType ;
/** Used for loading appropriate game type if non-specified in URL */
var config array < GameTypePrefix > DefaultMapPrefixes ;
/** Used for loading appropriate game type if non-specified in URL */
var config array < GameTypePrefix > CustomMapPrefixes ;
/** Size of the AnimTree pool. System will keep this number of extra AnimTrees around per Template */
var config int AnimTreePoolSize ;
/ * *
* Retrieve the FGameTypePrefix struct for the given map filename .
* @ param InFilename The map file name
* @ param OutGameType The gametype prefix struct to fill in
* @ param bCheckExt Optional parameter to check the extension of the InFilename to ensure it is a map
* @ return UBOOL TRUE if successful , FALSE if map prefix not found .
* NOTE : FALSE will fill in with the default gametype .
* /
function native bool GetSupportedGameTypes ( const out string InFilename , out GameTypePrefix OutGameType , optional bool bCheckExt = false ) const ;
/ * *
* Retrieve the name of the common package ( if any ) for the given map filename .
* @ param InFilename The map file name
* @ param OutCommonPackageName The nane of the common package for the given map
* @ return UBOOL TRUE if successful , FALSE if map prefix not found .
* /
function native bool GetMapCommonPackageName ( const out string InFilename , out string OutCommonPackageName ) const ;
/ * * c a l l e d o n t h e d e f a u l t o b j e c t o f t h e c l a s s s p e c i f i e d b y D e f a u l t G a m e i n t h e [ E n g i n e . G a m e I n f o ] s e c t i o n o f G a m e . i n i
* whenever worlds are saved .
* Gives the game a chance to add supported gametypes to the WorldInfo ' s GameTypesSupportedOnThisMap array
* ( used for console cooking )
* @ param Info : the WorldInfo of the world being saved
* /
virtual void AddSupportedGameTypes ( AWorldInfo * Info , const TCHAR * WorldFilename , TArray < FString > & AdditionalPackagesToCook ) const
/** Allows for game classname remapping and/or aliasing (e.g. for shorthand names) */
static FString StaticGetRemappedGameClassName ( FString const & GameClassName ) ;
# if _ _TW _SDK _
virtual void PreBeginPlay ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsWhitelisted ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsStandardGame ( ) ;
virtual void SetGameUnranked ( UBOOL bUnranked ) { }
virtual UBOOL IsUnrankedGame ( ) { return true ; }
# endif
// Engine notifications.
event PreBeginPlay ( )
AdjustedNetSpeed = MaxDynamicBandwidth ;
SetGameSpeed ( GameSpeed ) ;
GameReplicationInfo = Spawn ( GameReplicationInfoClass ) ;
WorldInfo . GRI = GameReplicationInfo ;
InitGameReplicationInfo ( ) ;
InitCrowdPopulationManager ( ) ;
function CoverReplicator GetCoverReplicator ( )
if ( CoverReplicatorBase == None && WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone )
CoverReplicatorBase = Spawn ( class 'CoverReplicator' ) ;
return CoverReplicatorBase ;
event PostBeginPlay ( )
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( MaxIdleTime > 0 )
MaxIdleTime = FMax ( MaxIdleTime , 20 ) ;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 6-16-16 - Playfab support
PlayfabInter = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetPlayfabInterface ( ) ;
//@SABER_EGS IsEOSDedicatedServer() case added
if ( WorldInfo . IsConsoleDedicatedServer ( ) || WorldInfo . IsEOSDedicatedServer ( ) )
if ( PlayfabInter != none )
if ( PlayfabInter . GetGameSettings ( ) == None )
PlayfabInter . CreateGameSettings ( OnlineGameSettingsClass ) ;
GameSettings = PlayfabInter . GetGameSettings ( ) ;
GameSettings . UpdateFromURL ( ServerOptions , self ) ;
// If this server wasn't launched by playfab, register the server now
if ( ! WasLaunchedByPlayfab ( ) )
// First we update game settings
UpdateGameSettings ( ) ;
// Now register the game
PlayfabInter . ServerRegisterGame ( ) ;
// Initialize title data, see also TWRefreshOnlineGameData
PlayfabInter . AddTitleDataReadCompleteDelegate ( OnServerTitleDataRead ) ;
PlayfabInter . ReadTitleData ( ) ;
else // So that it'll get deleted if Hardsuit ever removes this block
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
// Update any online advertised settings
UpdateGameSettings ( ) ;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 1-5-17 - Support for reading title data
function OnServerTitleDataRead ( )
PlayfabInter . ClearTitleDataReadCompleteDelegate ( OnServerTitleDataRead ) ;
/ * *
* Use 'ShowGameDebug' console command to show this debug info
* Useful to show general debug info not tied to a particular actor physically in the level .
* /
simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD , out float out _YL , out float out _YPos )
local Canvas Canvas ;
Canvas = HUD . Canvas ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Game:" $GameName ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
if ( WorldInfo . PopulationManager != None )
WorldInfo . PopulationManager . DisplayDebug ( HUD , out _YL , out _YPos ) ;
/ * R e s e t ( ) - r e s e t a c t o r t o i n i t i a l s t a t e - u s e d w h e n r e s t a r t i n g l e v e l w i t h o u t r e l o a d i n g .
@ note : GameInfo : : Reset ( ) called after all other actors have been reset * /
function Reset ( )
super . Reset ( ) ;
bGameEnded = false ;
bOverTime = false ;
InitGameReplicationInfo ( ) ;
/ * * @ r e t u r n t r u e i f A c t o r T o R e s e t s h o u l d h a v e R e s e t ( ) c a l l e d o n i t w h i l e r e s t a r t i n g t h e g a m e , f a l s e i f t h e G a m e I n f o w i l l m a n u a l l y r e s e t i t
or if the actor does not need to be reset
* /
function bool ShouldReset ( Actor ActorToReset )
return true ;
/** Resets level by calling Reset() on all actors */
function ResetLevel ( )
local Controller C ;
local Actor A ;
local Sequence GameSeq ;
local array < SequenceObject > AllSeqEvents ;
local array < int > ActivateIndices ;
local int i ;
` Log("Reset" @ self);
// Reset ALL controllers first
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'Controller' , C )
if ( PlayerController ( C ) != None )
PlayerController ( C ) . ClientReset ( ) ;
C . Reset ( ) ;
// Reset all actors (except controllers, the GameInfo, and any other actors specified by ShouldReset())
foreach AllActors ( class 'Actor' , A )
if ( A != self && ! A . IsA ( 'Controller' ) && ShouldReset ( A ) )
A . Reset ( ) ;
// reset the GameInfo
Reset ( ) ;
// reset Kismet and activate any Level Reset events
GameSeq = WorldInfo . GetGameSequence ( ) ;
if ( GameSeq != None )
// reset the game sequence
GameSeq . Reset ( ) ;
// find any Level Loaded events that exist
GameSeq . FindSeqObjectsByClass ( class 'SeqEvent_LevelLoaded' , true , AllSeqEvents ) ;
// activate them
ActivateIndices [ 0 ] = 2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AllSeqEvents . Length ; i ++ )
SeqEvent _LevelLoaded ( AllSeqEvents [ i ] ) . CheckActivate ( WorldInfo , None , false , ActivateIndices ) ;
event Timer ( )
BroadcastHandler . UpdateSentText ( ) ;
// Update navigation point fear cost fall off.
if ( bDoFearCostFallOff )
DoNavFearCostFallOff ( ) ;
/ * *
* Check to see if we should start in cinematic mode ( e . g . matinee movie capture ) .
* @ param OutHidePlayer Whether to hide the player
* @ param OutHideHud Whether to hide the HUD
* @ param OutDisableMovement Whether to disable movement
* @ param OutDisableTurning Whether to disable turning
* @ param OutDisableInput Whether to disable input
* @ return UBOOL TRUE if we should turn on cinematic mode ,
* FALSE if if we should not .
* /
final native function bool ShouldStartInCinematicMode ( out int OutHidePlayer , out int OutHideHud , out int OutDisableMovement , out int OutDisableTurning , out int OutDisableInput ) ;
/** Update navigation point fear cost fall off. */
final native function DoNavFearCostFallOff ( ) ;
/** notification when a NavigationPoint becomes blocked or unblocked */
function NotifyNavigationChanged ( NavigationPoint N ) ;
// Called when game shutsdown.
event GameEnding ( )
if ( AccessControl != none )
AccessControl . NotifyGameEnding ( ) ;
ClearOnlineDelegates ( ) ;
EndLogging ( "serverquit" ) ;
/ * K i c k I d l e r ( ) c a l l e d i f
if ( ( Pawn != None ) || ( PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator && ( ViewTarget != self ) )
|| ( WorldInfo . Pauser != None ) || WorldInfo . Game . bWaitingToStartMatch || WorldInfo . Game . bGameEnded )
LastActiveTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
else if ( ( WorldInfo . Game . MaxIdleTime > 0 ) && ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds - LastActiveTime > WorldInfo . Game . MaxIdleTime ) )
KickIdler ( self ) ;
* /
event KickIdler ( PlayerController PC )
` log("Kicking idle player " $ PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName);
AccessControl . KickPlayer ( PC , AccessControl . IdleKickReason ) ;
// This will kick any player, even if they are an admin.
event ForceKickPlayer ( PlayerController PC , string KickReason )
` log("Force kicking player " $ PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName);
AccessControl . ForceKickPlayer ( PC , KickReason ) ;
// Replication
function InitGameReplicationInfo ( )
GameReplicationInfo . GameClass = Class ;
GameReplicationInfo . ReceivedGameClass ( ) ;
native function string GetNetworkNumber ( ) ;
function int GetNumPlayers ( )
return NumPlayers + NumTravellingPlayers ;
// Misc.
/ * *
* Default delegate that provides an implementation for those that don ' t have
* special needs other than a toggle
* /
delegate bool CanUnpause ( )
return true ;
/ * *
* Adds the delegate to the list if the player controller has the right to pause
* the game . The delegate is called to see if it is ok to unpause the game , e . g .
* the reason the game was paused has been cleared .
* @ param PC the player controller to check for admin privs
* @ param CanUnpauseDelegate the delegate to query when checking for unpause
* /
function bool SetPause ( PlayerController PC , optional delegate < CanUnpause > CanUnpauseDelegate = CanUnpause )
local int FoundIndex ;
if ( AllowPausing ( PC ) )
// Don't add the delegate twice (no need)
FoundIndex = Pausers . Find ( CanUnpauseDelegate ) ;
if ( FoundIndex == INDEX _NONE )
// Not in the list so add it for querying
FoundIndex = Pausers . Length ;
Pausers . Length = FoundIndex + 1 ;
Pausers [ FoundIndex ] = CanUnpauseDelegate ;
// Let the first one in "own" the pause state
if ( WorldInfo . Pauser == None )
WorldInfo . Pauser = PC . PlayerReplicationInfo ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Checks the list of delegates to determine if the pausing can be cleared . If
* the delegate says it ' s ok to unpause , that delegate is removed from the list
* and the rest are checked . The game is considered unpaused when the list is
* empty .
* /
event ClearPause ( )
local int Index ;
local delegate < CanUnpause > CanUnpauseCriteriaMet ;
if ( ! AllowPausing ( ) && Pausers . Length > 0 )
` log("Clearing list of UnPause delegates for" @ Name @ "because game type is not pauseable");
Pausers . Length = 0 ;
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < Pausers . Length ; Index ++ )
CanUnpauseCriteriaMet = Pausers [ Index ] ;
if ( CanUnpauseCriteriaMet ( ) )
Pausers . Remove ( Index -- , 1 ) ;
// Clear the pause state if the list is empty
if ( Pausers . Length == 0 )
WorldInfo . Pauser = None ;
/ * *
* Forcibly removes an object 's CanUnpause delegates from the list of pausers. If any of the object' s CanUnpause delegate
* handlers were in the list , triggers a call to ClearPause ( ) .
* Called when the player controller is being destroyed to prevent the game from being stuck in a paused state when a PC that
* paused the game is destroyed before the game is unpaused .
* /
native final function ForceClearUnpauseDelegates ( Actor PauseActor ) ;
/ * *
* Dumps the pause delegate list to track down who has the game paused
* /
function DebugPause ( )
local int Index ;
local delegate < CanUnpause > CanUnpauseCriteriaMet ;
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < Pausers . Length ; Index ++ )
CanUnpauseCriteriaMet = Pausers [ Index ] ;
if ( CanUnpauseCriteriaMet ( ) )
` Log("Pauser in index " $ Index $ " thinks it's ok to unpause:" @ CanUnpauseCriteriaMet);
` Log("Pauser in index " $ Index $ " thinks the game should remain paused:" @ CanUnpauseCriteriaMet);
// Game parameters.
// Set gameplay speed.
function SetGameSpeed ( Float T )
GameSpeed = FMax ( T , 0.00001 ) ;
WorldInfo . TimeDilation = GameSpeed ;
SetTimer ( WorldInfo . TimeDilation , true ) ;
// Player start functions
// Grab the next option from a string.
static function bool GrabOption ( out string Options , out string Result )
if ( Left ( Options , 1 ) == "?" )
// Get result.
Result = Mid ( Options , 1 ) ;
if ( InStr ( Result , "?" ) >= 0 )
Result = Left ( Result , InStr ( Result , "?" ) ) ;
// Update options.
Options = Mid ( Options , 1 ) ;
if ( InStr ( Options , "?" ) >= 0 )
Options = Mid ( Options , InStr ( Options , "?" ) ) ;
Options = "" ;
return true ;
else return false ;
// Break up a key=value pair into its key and value.
static function GetKeyValue ( string Pair , out string Key , out string Value )
if ( InStr ( Pair , "=" ) >= 0 )
Key = Left ( Pair , InStr ( Pair , "=" ) ) ;
Value = Mid ( Pair , InStr ( Pair , "=" ) + 1 ) ;
Key = Pair ;
Value = "" ;
/ * P a r s e O p t i o n ( )
Find an option in the options string and return it .
* /
static function string ParseOption ( string Options , string InKey )
local string Pair , Key , Value ;
while ( GrabOption ( Options , Pair ) )
GetKeyValue ( Pair , Key , Value ) ;
if ( Key ~ = InKey )
return Value ;
return "" ;
// HasOption - return true if the option is specified on the command line.
static function bool HasOption ( string Options , string InKey )
local string Pair , Key , Value ;
while ( GrabOption ( Options , Pair ) )
GetKeyValue ( Pair , Key , Value ) ;
if ( Key ~ = InKey )
return true ;
return false ;
static function int GetIntOption ( string Options , string ParseString , int CurrentValue )
local string InOpt ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , ParseString ) ;
if ( InOpt != "" )
return int ( InOpt ) ;
return CurrentValue ;
/ * * @ r e t u r n t h e f u l l p a t h t o t h e o p t i m a l G a m e I n f o c l a s s t o u s e f o r t h e s p e c i f i e d m a p a n d o p t i o n s
* this is used for preloading cooked packages , etc . and therefore doesn ' t need to include any fallbacks
* as SetGameType ( ) will be called later to actually find / load the desired class
* /
static event string GetDefaultGameClassPath ( string MapName , string Options , string Portal )
return PathName ( Default . Class ) ;
/ * * @ r e t u r n t h e c l a s s o f G a m e I n f o t o s p a w n f o r t h e g a m e o n t h e s p e c i f i e d m a p a n d t h e s p e c i f i e d o p t i o n s
* this function should include any fallbacks in case the desired class can ' t be found
* /
static event class < GameInfo > SetGameType ( string MapName , string Options , string Portal )
return Default . Class ;
/ * I n i t i a l i z e t h e g a m e .
The GameInfo ' s InitGame ( ) function is called before any other scripts ( including
PreBeginPlay ( ) ) , and is used by the GameInfo to initialize parameters and spawn
its helper classes .
Warning : this is called before actors ' PreBeginPlay .
* /
event InitGame ( string Options , out string ErrorMessage )
local string InOpt , LeftOpt ;
local int pos ;
local class < AccessControl > ACClass ;
local AccessControl CurAC ;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
MaxPlayers = Clamp ( GetIntOption ( Options , "MaxPlayers" , MaxPlayers ) , 0 , MaxPlayersAllowed ) ;
MaxSpectators = Clamp ( GetIntOption ( Options , "MaxSpectators" , MaxSpectators ) , 0 , MaxSpectatorsAllowed ) ;
GameDifficulty = FMax ( 0 , GetIntOption ( Options , "Difficulty" , GameDifficulty ) ) ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "GameSpeed" ) ;
if ( InOpt != "" )
` log("GameSpeed"@InOpt);
SetGameSpeed ( float ( InOpt ) ) ;
TimeLimit = Max ( 0 , GetIntOption ( Options , "TimeLimit" , TimeLimit ) ) ;
BroadcastHandler = spawn ( BroadcastHandlerClass ) ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "AccessControl" ) ;
if ( InOpt != "" )
ACClass = class < AccessControl > ( DynamicLoadObject ( InOpt , class 'Class' ) ) ;
if ( ACClass == None )
ACClass = AccessControlClass ;
LeftOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "AdminName" ) ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "AdminPassword" ) ;
/ * @ F I X M E : t h i s i s a c o m p i l e r e r r o r , " c a n ' t s e t d e f a u l t s o f n o n - c o n f i g p r o p e r t i e s " . F i x o r r e m o v e a t s o m e p o i n t .
if ( LeftOpt != "" && InOpt != "" )
ACClass . default . bDontAddDefaultAdmin = true ;
* /
// Only spawn access control if we are a server
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _ListenServer || WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
// If we are coming out of seamless travel, and there is an access control carried over from the previous level,
// use that instead of creating a new one
if ( WorldInfo . IsInSeamlessTravel ( ) )
foreach DynamicActors ( Class 'AccessControl' , CurAC )
AccessControl = CurAC ;
break ;
if ( AccessControl == none )
AccessControl = Spawn ( ACClass ) ;
if ( AccessControl != None && InOpt != "" )
AccessControl . SetAdminPassword ( InOpt ) ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "Mutator" ) ;
if ( InOpt != "" )
` log("Mutators"@InOpt);
while ( InOpt != "" )
pos = InStr ( InOpt , "," ) ;
if ( pos > 0 )
LeftOpt = Left ( InOpt , pos ) ;
InOpt = Right ( InOpt , Len ( InOpt ) - pos - 1 ) ;
LeftOpt = InOpt ;
InOpt = "" ;
AddMutator ( LeftOpt , true ) ;
InOpt = ParseOption ( Options , "GamePassword" ) ;
if ( InOpt != "" && AccessControl != None )
AccessControl . SetGamePassWord ( InOpt ) ;
` log( "GamePassword" @ InOpt );
bFixedPlayerStart = ( ParseOption ( Options , "FixedPlayerStart" ) ~ = "1" ) ;
CauseEventCommand = ( ParseOption ( Options , "causeevent" ) ) ;
if ( ParseOption ( Options , "AutoTests" ) ~ = "1" )
if ( MyAutoTestManager == None )
MyAutoTestManager = spawn ( AutoTestManagerClass ) ;
MyAutoTestManager . InitializeOptions ( Options ) ;
BugLocString = ParseOption ( Options , "BugLoc" ) ;
BugRotString = ParseOption ( Options , "BugRot" ) ;
if ( BaseMutator != none )
BaseMutator . InitMutator ( Options , ErrorMessage ) ;
// Cache a pointer to the online subsystem
OnlineSub = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) ;
if ( OnlineSub != None )
// And grab one for the game interface since it will be used often
GameInterface = OnlineSub . GameInterface ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Grab the current game settings object out
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( GameSettings != None )
// Check for an arbitrated match
bUsingArbitration = GameSettings . bUsesArbitration ;
if ( ( WorldInfo . IsConsoleBuild ( CONSOLE _Any ) == false ) &&
( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone ) &&
// Don't register the session if the UI already has
( GameSettings == None ) )
// Cache this so it can be used later by async processes
ServerOptions = Options ;
// If there isn't a login to process, immediately register the server
// Otherwise the server will be registered when the login completes
if ( ! ProcessServerLogin ( ) )
RegisterServer ( ) ;
/** Called when a connection closes before getting to PostLogin() */
event NotifyPendingConnectionLost ( ) ;
function AddMutator ( string mutname , optional bool bUserAdded )
local class < Mutator > mutClass ;
local Mutator mut ;
local int i ;
if ( ! Static . AllowMutator ( MutName ) )
return ;
mutClass = class < Mutator > ( DynamicLoadObject ( mutname , class 'Class' ) ) ;
if ( mutClass == None )
return ;
if ( mutClass . Default . GroupNames . length > 0 && BaseMutator != None )
// make sure no mutators with same groupname
for ( mut = BaseMutator ; mut != None ; mut = mut . NextMutator )
for ( i = 0 ; i < mut . GroupNames . length ; i ++ )
if ( mutClass . default . GroupNames . Find ( mut . GroupNames [ i ] ) != INDEX _NONE )
` log("Not adding " $ mutClass $ " because already have a mutator in the same group - " $ mut);
return ;
// make sure this mutator is not added already
for ( mut = BaseMutator ; mut != None ; mut = mut . NextMutator )
if ( mut . Class == mutClass )
` log("Not adding " $ mutClass $ " because this mutator is already added - " $ mut);
return ;
mut = Spawn ( mutClass ) ;
// mc, beware of mut being none
if ( mut == None )
return ;
// Meant to verify if this mutator was from Command Line parameters or added from other Actors
mut . bUserAdded = bUserAdded ;
if ( BaseMutator == None )
BaseMutator = mut ;
BaseMutator . AddMutator ( mut ) ;
/ * R e m o v e M u t a t o r ( )
Remove a mutator from the mutator list
* /
function RemoveMutator ( Mutator MutatorToRemove )
local Mutator M ;
// remove from mutator list
if ( BaseMutator == MutatorToRemove )
BaseMutator = MutatorToRemove . NextMutator ;
else if ( BaseMutator != None )
for ( M = BaseMutator ; M != None ; M = M . NextMutator )
if ( M . NextMutator == MutatorToRemove )
M . NextMutator = MutatorToRemove . NextMutator ;
break ;
` if ( ` _ _TW _ )
function string CheckNextMap ( string NextMap )
return NextMap ;
static function bool GetShouldShowLength ( )
return true ;
` endif
/ * P r o c e s s S e r v e r T r a v e l ( )
Optional handling of ServerTravel for network games .
* /
function ProcessServerTravel ( string URL , optional bool bAbsolute )
local PlayerController LocalPlayer ;
local bool bSeamless ;
local string NextMap , EncodedPlayerName ;
local Guid NextMapGuid ;
local int OptionStart ;
bLevelChange = true ;
EndLogging ( "mapchange" ) ;
// force an old style load screen if the server has been up for a long time so that TimeSeconds doesn't overflow and break everything
bSeamless = ( bUseSeamlessTravel && WorldInfo . TimeSeconds < 172800.0 f ) ; // 172800 seconds == 48 hours
if ( InStr ( Caps ( URL ) , "?RESTART" ) != INDEX _NONE )
NextMap = string ( WorldInfo . GetPackageName ( ) ) ;
OptionStart = InStr ( URL , "?" ) ;
if ( OptionStart == INDEX _NONE )
NextMap = URL ;
NextMap = Left ( URL , OptionStart ) ;
` if ( ` _ _TW _ )
NextMap = CheckNextMap ( NextMap ) ;
if ( OptionStart == INDEX _NONE )
URL = NextMap ;
URL = NextMap $ Right ( URL , Len ( URL ) - OptionStart ) ;
` endif
NextMapGuid = GetPackageGuid ( name ( NextMap ) ) ;
// Notify clients we're switching level and give them time to receive.
LocalPlayer = ProcessClientTravel ( URL , NextMapGuid , bSeamless , bAbsolute ) ;
` log("ProcessServerTravel:"@URL);
WorldInfo . NextURL = URL ;
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _ListenServer && LocalPlayer != None )
// is this necessary or can we assume the DefaultURL name is valid?
EncodedPlayerName = LocalPlayer . GetDefaultURL ( "Name" ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . EncodeURLString ( EncodedPlayerName ) ;
WorldInfo . NextURL $ = "?Team=" $LocalPlayer . GetDefaultURL ( "Team" )
$ "?Name=" $EncodedPlayerName
$ "?Class=" $LocalPlayer . GetDefaultURL ( "Class" )
$ "?Character=" $LocalPlayer . GetDefaultURL ( "Character" ) ;
// Notify access control, to cleanup online subsystem references
if ( AccessControl != none )
AccessControl . NotifyServerTravel ( bSeamless ) ;
// Trigger cleanup of online delegates
ClearOnlineDelegates ( ) ;
if ( bSeamless )
WorldInfo . SeamlessTravel ( WorldInfo . NextURL , bAbsolute ) ;
WorldInfo . NextURL = "" ;
// Switch immediately if not networking.
else if ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _DedicatedServer && WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _ListenServer )
WorldInfo . NextSwitchCountdown = 0.0 ;
/ * *
* Notifies all clients to travel to the specified URL .
* @ param URL a string containing the mapname ( or IP address ) to travel to , along with option key / value pairs
* @ param NextMapGuid the GUID of the server ' s version of the next map
* @ param bSeamless indicates whether the travel should use seamless travel or not .
* @ param bAbsolute indicates which type of travel the server will perform ( i . e . TRAVEL _Relative or TRAVEL _Absolute )
* /
function PlayerController ProcessClientTravel ( out string URL , Guid NextMapGuid , bool bSeamless , bool bAbsolute )
local PlayerController P , LP ;
// We call PreClientTravel directly on any local PlayerPawns (ie listen server)
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , P )
if ( NetConnection ( P . Player ) != None )
// remote player
P . ClientTravel ( URL , TRAVEL _Relative , bSeamless , NextMapGuid ) ;
// local player
LP = P ;
P . PreClientTravel ( URL , bAbsolute ? TRAVEL _Absolute : TRAVEL _Relative , bSeamless ) ;
return LP ;
function byte GetModifiedGameDifficulty ( )
return GameDifficulty ;
function bool RequiresPassword ( )
return ( ( AccessControl != None ) && AccessControl . RequiresPassword ( ) ) ;
// Accept or reject a player on the server.
// Fails login if you set the Error to a non-empty string.
// NOTE: UniqueId should not be trusted at this stage, it requires authentication
event PreLogin ( string Options , string Address , const UniqueNetId UniqueId , bool bSupportsAuth , out string ErrorMessage )
local bool bSpectator ;
local bool bPerfTesting ;
// Check for an arbitrated match in progress and kick if needed
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone && bUsingArbitration && bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun )
ErrorMessage = PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".ArbitrationMessage" ;
return ;
// If this player is banned, reject him
if ( AccessControl != none && AccessControl . IsIDBanned ( UniqueId ) )
` log(Address@"is banned, rejecting...");
ErrorMessage = "Engine.AccessControl.SessionBanned" ;
return ;
bPerfTesting = ( ParseOption ( Options , "AutomatedPerfTesting" ) ~ = "1" ) ;
bSpectator = bPerfTesting || ( ParseOption ( Options , "SpectatorOnly" ) ~ = "1" ) || ( ParseOption ( Options , "CauseEvent" ) ~ = "FlyThrough" ) ;
if ( AccessControl != None )
AccessControl . PreLogin ( Options , Address , UniqueId , bSupportsAuth , ErrorMessage , bSpectator ) ;
/ * *
* If called from within PreLogin , pauses the login process for the currently connecting client ( usually to delay login for authentication )
* @ return A reference to the Player / NetConnection representing the connecting client ; used to resume the login process
* /
native static final function Player PauseLogin ( ) ;
/ * *
* Resumes the login process for the specified client Player / NetConnection
* @ param InPlayer The Player / NetConnection to resume logging in
* /
native static final function ResumeLogin ( Player InPlayer ) ;
/ * *
* Rejects login for the specified client / NetConnection , with the specified error message
* NOTE : Error is the same error format PreLogin would take in OutError
* NOTE : Not restricted to clients at login ; can be used on any valid NetConnection to disconnect a client
* @ param InPlayer The Player / NetConnection to reject from the server
* @ param Error The error message to give the player
* /
native static final function RejectLogin ( Player InPlayer , string Error ) ;
/ *
* Is the server currently at capacity ?
* @ param bSpectator - Whether we should check against player or spectator limits
* @ return TRUE if the server is full , FALSE otherwise
* /
` if ( ` _ _TW _ONLINESUBSYSTEM _ )
function bool AtCapacity ( bool bSpectator , optional const UniqueNetId PlayerID )
` else
function bool AtCapacity ( bool bSpectator )
` endif
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone )
return false ;
if ( bSpectator )
return ( ( NumSpectators >= MaxSpectators )
&& ( ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _ListenServer ) || ( NumPlayers > 0 ) ) ) ;
return ( ( MaxPlayers > 0 ) && ( GetNumPlayers ( ) >= MaxPlayers ) ) ;
native final function int GetNextPlayerID ( ) ;
/** spawns a PlayerController at the specified location; split out from Login()/HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer() for easier overriding */
function PlayerController SpawnPlayerController ( vector SpawnLocation , rotator SpawnRotation )
return Spawn ( PlayerControllerClass , , , SpawnLocation , SpawnRotation ) ;
// Log a player in.
// Fails login if you set the Error string.
// PreLogin is called before Login, but significant game time may pass before
// Login is called, especially if content is downloaded.
// NOTE: If the AccessControl utilizes PauseLogin, UniqueID should be fully authenticated here
event PlayerController Login ( string Portal , string Options , const UniqueNetID UniqueID , out string ErrorMessage )
local NavigationPoint StartSpot ;
local PlayerController NewPlayer ;
local string InName , InCharacter /*, InAdminName*/ , InPassword ;
local byte InTeam ;
local bool bSpectator , bAdmin , bPerfTesting ;
local rotator SpawnRotation ;
local UniqueNetId ZeroId ;
bAdmin = false ;
// Kick the player if they joined during the handshake process
if ( bUsingArbitration && bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun )
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
ErrorMessage = "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".ArbitrationMessage>" ;
` else
ErrorMessage = PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".ArbitrationMessage" ;
` endif
return None ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . ModifyLogin ( Portal , Options ) ;
bPerfTesting = ( ParseOption ( Options , "AutomatedPerfTesting" ) ~ = "1" ) ;
bSpectator = bPerfTesting || ( ParseOption ( Options , "SpectatorOnly" ) ~ = "1" ) ;
// Get URL options.
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
InName = ParseOption ( Options , "Name" ) ;
// Steam names can contain up to 32 characters
InName = Left ( ParseOption ( Options , "Name" ) , 32 ) ;
class 'GameEngine' . static . DecodeURLString ( InName ) ;
` else
InName = Left ( ParseOption ( Options , "Name" ) , 20 ) ;
` endif
InTeam = GetIntOption ( Options , "Team" , 255 ) ; // default to "no team"
//InAdminName= ParseOption ( Options, "AdminName");
InPassword = ParseOption ( Options , "Password" ) ;
//InChecksum = ParseOption ( Options, "Checksum" );
if ( AccessControl != None )
bAdmin = AccessControl . ParseAdminOptions ( Options ) ;
// Make sure there is capacity except for admins. (This might have changed since the PreLogin call).
if ( ! bAdmin && AtCapacity ( bSpectator ) )
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
ErrorMessage = "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".MaxedOutMessage>" ;
` else
ErrorMessage = PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".MaxedOutMessage" ;
` endif
return None ;
// if this player is banned, kick him
if ( ( WorldInfo . Game . AccessControl != none ) && ( WorldInfo . Game . AccessControl . IsIDBanned ( UniqueId ) ) )
` Log(InName @ "is banned, rejecting...");
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
ErrorMessage = "<Strings:Engine.AccessControl.SessionBanned>" ;
` else
ErrorMessage = "Engine.AccessControl.SessionBanned" ;
` endif
return None ;
// If admin, force spectate mode if the server already full of reg. players
if ( bAdmin && AtCapacity ( false ) )
bSpectator = true ;
// Pick a team (if need teams)
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
InTeam = PickTeam ( InTeam , None , UniqueID ) ;
` else
InTeam = PickTeam ( InTeam , None ) ;
` endif
// Find a start spot.
StartSpot = FindPlayerStart ( None , InTeam , Portal ) ;
if ( StartSpot == None )
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
ErrorMessage = "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".FailedPlaceMessage>" ;
` else
ErrorMessage = PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".FailedPlaceMessage" ;
` endif
return None ;
SpawnRotation . Yaw = StartSpot . Rotation . Yaw ;
NewPlayer = SpawnPlayerController ( StartSpot . Location , SpawnRotation ) ;
// Handle spawn failure.
if ( NewPlayer == None )
` log("Couldn't spawn player controller of class " $ PlayerControllerClass);
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
ErrorMessage = "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".FailedSpawnMessage>" ;
` else
ErrorMessage = PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".FailedSpawnMessage" ;
` endif
return None ;
NewPlayer . StartSpot = StartSpot ;
// Set the player's ID.
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . PlayerID = GetNextPlayerID ( ) ;
// If the access control is currently authenticating the players UID, don't store the UID until it is authenticated
if ( AccessControl == none || ! AccessControl . IsPendingAuth ( UniqueId ) )
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . SetUniqueId ( UniqueId ) ;
if ( OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub . GameInterface != None &&
UniqueId != ZeroId )
// Go ahead and register the player as part of the session
WorldInfo . Game . OnlineSub . GameInterface . RegisterPlayer ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName , UniqueId , HasOption ( Options , "bIsFromInvite" ) ) ;
// Now that the unique id is replicated, this player can contribute to skill
RecalculateSkillRating ( ) ;
// Init player's name
if ( InName == "" )
InName = DefaultPlayerName$NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . PlayerID ;
ChangeName ( NewPlayer , InName , false ) ;
InCharacter = ParseOption ( Options , "Character" ) ;
NewPlayer . SetCharacter ( InCharacter ) ;
if ( bSpectator || NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator || ! ChangeTeam ( newPlayer , InTeam , false ) )
NewPlayer . GotoState ( 'Spectating' ) ;
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator = true ;
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bIsSpectator = true ;
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOutOfLives = true ;
return NewPlayer ;
// perform auto-login if admin password/name was passed on the url
if ( AccessControl != None && AccessControl . AdminLogin ( NewPlayer , InPassword ) )
AccessControl . AdminEntered ( NewPlayer ) ;
// if delayed start, don't give a pawn to the player yet
// Normal for multiplayer games
if ( bDelayedStart )
// @todo ib2merge: Chair had this commented out
NewPlayer . GotoState ( 'PlayerWaiting' ) ;
return NewPlayer ;
return newPlayer ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
static function bool AllowAnalyticsLogging ( ) ;
function ScoreDamage ( int DamageAmount , int HealthBeforeDamage , Controller InstigatedBy , Pawn DamagedPawn , class < DamageType > DamageType ) ;
function ScoreHeal ( int HealAmount , int HealthBeforeHeal , Controller InstigatedBy , Pawn HealedPawn , class < DamageType > DamageType ) ;
// OnlineSubsystem
event bool SeatPlayer ( const UniqueNetId SeatedPlayerID ) ;
event MakeReservations ( const string URLOptions , const UniqueNetId PlayerId , out string OutError ) ;
event bool ConfirmReservation ( const UniqueNetId PlayerID ) ;
native function SetNeedsRestart ( ) ;
native function SetNeedsReload ( ) ;
` endif
/ * S t a r t M a t c h ( )
Start the game - inform all actors that the match is starting , and spawn player pawns
* /
function StartMatch ( )
local Actor A ;
if ( MyAutoTestManager != None )
MyAutoTestManager . StartMatch ( ) ;
// tell all actors the game is starting
ForEach AllActors ( class 'Actor' , A )
A . MatchStarting ( ) ;
// start human players first
StartHumans ( ) ;
// start AI players
StartBots ( ) ;
bWaitingToStartMatch = false ;
StartOnlineGame ( ) ;
// fire off any level startup events
WorldInfo . NotifyMatchStarted ( ) ;
/ * *
* Tells the online system to start the game and waits for the callback . Tells
* each connected client to mark their session as in progress
* /
function StartOnlineGame ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Tell clients to mark their game as started
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
// Skip notifying local PCs as they are handled automatically
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientStartOnlineGame ( ) ;
// Register the start callback so that the stat guid can be read
GameInterface . AddStartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnStartOnlineGameComplete ) ;
// Start the game locally and wait for it to complete
GameInterface . StartOnlineGame ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
// Notify all clients that the match has begun
GameReplicationInfo . StartMatch ( ) ;
/ * *
* Callback when the start completes
* @ param SessionName the name of the session this is for
* @ param bWasSuccessful true if it worked , false otherwise
* /
function OnStartOnlineGameComplete ( name SessionName , bool bWasSuccessful )
local PlayerController PC ;
local string StatGuid ;
GameInterface . ClearStartOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnStartOnlineGameComplete ) ;
if ( bWasSuccessful && OnlineSub . StatsInterface != None )
// Get the stat guid for the server
StatGuid = OnlineSub . StatsInterface . GetHostStatGuid ( ) ;
if ( StatGuid != "" )
// Send the stat guid to all clients
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) == false )
PC . ClientRegisterHostStatGuid ( StatGuid ) ;
// Notify all clients that the match has begun
GameReplicationInfo . StartMatch ( ) ;
function StartHumans ( )
local PlayerController P ;
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , P )
if ( P . Pawn == None )
if ( bGameEnded )
return ; // telefrag ended the game with ridiculous frag limit
else if ( P . CanRestartPlayer ( ) )
RestartPlayer ( P ) ;
function StartBots ( )
local Controller P ;
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'Controller' , P )
if ( P . bIsPlayer && ! P . IsA ( 'PlayerController' ) )
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone )
RestartPlayer ( P ) ;
P . GotoState ( 'Dead' , 'MPStart' ) ;
2023-02-24 20:06:51 +03:00
function bool CanAssignDefaultWeaponsToPlayer ( Controller NewPlayer )
return true ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Restart a player.
function RestartPlayer ( Controller NewPlayer )
local NavigationPoint startSpot ;
local int TeamNum , Idx ;
local array < SequenceObject > Events ;
local SeqEvent _PlayerSpawned SpawnedEvent ;
local LocalPlayer LP ;
local PlayerController PC ;
if ( bRestartLevel && WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _DedicatedServer && WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _ListenServer )
` warn("bRestartLevel && !server, abort from RestartPlayer"@WorldInfo.NetMode);
return ;
// figure out the team number and find the start spot
TeamNum = ( ( NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo == None ) || ( NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team == None ) ) ? 255 : NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team . TeamIndex ;
StartSpot = FindPlayerStart ( NewPlayer , TeamNum ) ;
// if a start spot wasn't found,
if ( startSpot == None )
// check for a previously assigned spot
if ( NewPlayer . StartSpot != None )
StartSpot = NewPlayer . StartSpot ;
` warn("Player start not found, using last start spot");
// otherwise abort
` warn("Player start not found, failed to restart player");
return ;
// try to create a pawn to use of the default class for this player
if ( NewPlayer . Pawn == None )
NewPlayer . Pawn = SpawnDefaultPawnFor ( NewPlayer , StartSpot ) ;
if ( NewPlayer . Pawn == None )
` log("failed to spawn player at " $ StartSpot);
NewPlayer . GotoState ( 'Dead' ) ;
if ( PlayerController ( NewPlayer ) != None )
PlayerController ( NewPlayer ) . ClientGotoState ( 'Dead' , 'Begin' ) ;
// initialize and start it up
NewPlayer . Pawn . SetAnchor ( startSpot ) ;
if ( PlayerController ( NewPlayer ) != None )
PlayerController ( NewPlayer ) . TimeMargin = - 0.1 ;
startSpot . AnchoredPawn = None ; // SetAnchor() will set this since IsHumanControlled() won't return true for the Pawn yet
NewPlayer . Pawn . LastStartSpot = PlayerStart ( startSpot ) ;
NewPlayer . Pawn . LastStartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
NewPlayer . Possess ( NewPlayer . Pawn , false ) ;
NewPlayer . Pawn . PlayTeleportEffect ( true , true ) ;
NewPlayer . ClientSetRotation ( NewPlayer . Pawn . Rotation , TRUE ) ;
if ( ! WorldInfo . bNoDefaultInventoryForPlayer )
2023-02-24 20:06:51 +03:00
if ( CanAssignDefaultWeaponsToPlayer ( NewPlayer ) )
AddDefaultInventory ( NewPlayer . Pawn ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
SetPlayerDefaults ( NewPlayer . Pawn ) ;
// activate spawned events
if ( WorldInfo . GetGameSequence ( ) != None )
WorldInfo . GetGameSequence ( ) . FindSeqObjectsByClass ( class 'SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned' , TRUE , Events ) ;
for ( Idx = 0 ; Idx < Events . Length ; Idx ++ )
SpawnedEvent = SeqEvent _PlayerSpawned ( Events [ Idx ] ) ;
if ( SpawnedEvent != None &&
SpawnedEvent . CheckActivate ( NewPlayer , NewPlayer ) )
SpawnedEvent . SpawnPoint = startSpot ;
SpawnedEvent . PopulateLinkedVariableValues ( ) ;
// To fix custom post processing chain when not running in editor or PIE.
PC = PlayerController ( NewPlayer ) ;
if ( PC != none )
LP = LocalPlayer ( PC . Player ) ;
if ( LP != None )
LP . RemoveAllPostProcessingChains ( ) ;
LP . InsertPostProcessingChain ( LP . Outer . GetWorldPostProcessChain ( ) , INDEX _NONE , true ) ;
if ( PC . myHUD != None )
PC . myHUD . NotifyBindPostProcessEffects ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a pawn of the default pawn class
* @ param NewPlayer - Controller for whom this pawn is spawned
* @ param StartSpot - PlayerStart at which to spawn pawn
* @ return pawn
* /
function Pawn SpawnDefaultPawnFor ( Controller NewPlayer , NavigationPoint StartSpot )
local class < Pawn > DefaultPlayerClass ;
local Rotator StartRotation ;
local Pawn ResultPawn ;
DefaultPlayerClass = GetDefaultPlayerClass ( NewPlayer ) ;
// don't allow pawn to be spawned with any pitch or roll
StartRotation . Yaw = StartSpot . Rotation . Yaw ;
ResultPawn = Spawn ( DefaultPlayerClass , , , StartSpot . Location , StartRotation ) ;
if ( ResultPawn == None )
` log("Couldn't spawn player of type " $ DefaultPlayerClass $ " at " $ StartSpot);
return ResultPawn ;
/ * *
* Returns the default pawn class for the specified controller ,
* @ param C - controller to figure out pawn class for
* @ return default pawn class
* /
function class < Pawn > GetDefaultPlayerClass ( Controller C )
// default to the game specified pawn class
return DefaultPawnClass ;
/** replicates the current level streaming status to the given PlayerController */
function ReplicateStreamingStatus ( PlayerController PC )
local int LevelIndex ;
local LevelStreaming TheLevel ;
// don't do this for local players or players after the first on a splitscreen client
if ( LocalPlayer ( PC . Player ) == None && ChildConnection ( PC . Player ) == None )
// if we've loaded levels via CommitMapChange() that aren't normally in the StreamingLevels array, tell the client about that
if ( WorldInfo . CommittedPersistentLevelName != 'None' )
PC . ClientPrepareMapChange ( WorldInfo . CommittedPersistentLevelName , true , true ) ;
// tell the client to commit the level immediately
PC . ClientCommitMapChange ( ) ;
if ( WorldInfo . StreamingLevels . length > 0 )
// Tell the player controller the current streaming level status
for ( LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < WorldInfo . StreamingLevels . Length ; LevelIndex ++ )
// streamingServer
TheLevel = WorldInfo . StreamingLevels [ LevelIndex ] ;
if ( TheLevel != none )
` log( "levelStatus: " $ TheLevel.PackageName $ " "
$ TheLevel . bShouldBeVisible $ " "
$ TheLevel . bIsVisible $ " "
$ TheLevel . bShouldBeLoaded $ " "
$ TheLevel . LoadedLevel $ " "
$ TheLevel . bHasLoadRequestPending $ " "
) ;
PC . ClientUpdateLevelStreamingStatus (
TheLevel . PackageName ,
TheLevel . bShouldBeLoaded ,
TheLevel . bShouldBeVisible ,
TheLevel . bShouldBlockOnLoad ) ;
PC . ClientFlushLevelStreaming ( ) ;
// if we're preparing to load different levels using PrepareMapChange() inform the client about that now
if ( WorldInfo . PreparingLevelNames . length > 0 )
for ( LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < WorldInfo . PreparingLevelNames . length ; LevelIndex ++ )
PC . ClientPrepareMapChange ( WorldInfo . PreparingLevelNames [ LevelIndex ] , LevelIndex == 0 , LevelIndex == WorldInfo . PreparingLevelNames . length - 1 ) ;
// DO NOT commit these changes yet - we'll send that when we're done preparing them
/ * * h a n d l e s a l l p l a y e r i n i t i a l i z a t i o n t h a t i s s h a r e d b e t w e e n t h e t r a v e l m e t h o d s
* ( i . e . called from both PostLogin ( ) and HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( ) )
* /
function GenericPlayerInitialization ( Controller C )
local PlayerController PC ;
PC = PlayerController ( C ) ;
if ( PC != None )
// Keep track of the best host to migrate to in case of a disconnect
UpdateBestNextHosts ( ) ;
// Notify the game that we can now be muted and mute others
UpdateGameplayMuteList ( PC ) ;
// tell client what hud class to use
PC . ClientSetHUD ( HudType ) ;
// tell client what secondary hud class to use
PC . ClientSetSecondaryHUD ( SecondaryHudType ) ;
ReplicateStreamingStatus ( PC ) ;
// see if we need to spawn a CoverReplicator for this player
if ( CoverReplicatorBase != None )
PC . SpawnCoverReplicator ( ) ;
// Set the rich presence strings on the client (has to be done there)
PC . ClientSetOnlineStatus ( ) ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . NotifyLogin ( C ) ;
/ * *
* Sort the list of best hosts . Clients with the most peer connections come first .
* Then sort based on time of join so that newest players are preferred .
* @ param A first item to compare
* @ param B second item to compare
* @ return 0 if A == B , < 0 if A < B , > 0 if A > B
* /
function int BestNextHostSort ( PlayerController A , PlayerController B )
local int Result ;
if ( A . ConnectedPeers . Length == B . ConnectedPeers . Length &&
A . PlayerReplicationInfo != None && B . PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
// sort by newest start time
Result = FCeil ( B . PlayerReplicationInfo . StartTime ) - FCeil ( A . PlayerReplicationInfo . StartTime ) ;
// sort by largest connected peers
Result = A . ConnectedPeers . Length - B . ConnectedPeers . Length ;
return Result ;
/ * *
* Updates the list of best next hosts on the current server and also replicates this list to all clients .
* /
function UpdateBestNextHosts ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
local array < PlayerController > SortedPCList ;
local UniqueNetId SortedPlayerIdList [ 10 ] ;
local UniqueNetId ZeroId ;
local int Idx , NumEntries ;
// copy list of remote PCs
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) &&
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo != None &&
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId != ZeroId &&
PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) )
SortedPCList . AddItem ( PC ) ;
// sort list of PCs from best to worst host
SortedPCList . Sort ( BestNextHostSort ) ;
// copy to list of unique net ids
NumEntries = Min ( SortedPCList . Length , 10 ) ;
for ( Idx = 0 ; Idx < NumEntries ; Idx ++ )
SortedPlayerIdList [ Idx ] = SortedPCList [ Idx ] . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId ;
// send list of best hosts to clients
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientUpdateBestNextHosts ( SortedPlayerIdList , NumEntries ) ;
// Called after a successful login. This is the first place
// it is safe to call replicated functions on the PlayerController.
event PostLogin ( PlayerController NewPlayer )
local string Address , StatGuid ;
local int pos , i ;
local Sequence GameSeq ;
local array < SequenceObject > AllInterpActions ;
local int HidePlayer , HideHud , DisableMovement , DisableTurning , DisableInput ;
// update player count
if ( NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
NumSpectators ++ ;
else if ( WorldInfo . IsInSeamlessTravel ( ) || NewPlayer . HasClientLoadedCurrentWorld ( ) )
NumPlayers ++ ;
NumTravellingPlayers ++ ;
//@SABER_EGS_BEGIN Crossplay support
if ( WorldInfo . IsEOSDedicatedServer ( ) && NewPlayer . bIsEosPlayer && ! NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
NumEosPlayers ++ ;
// Tell the online subsystem the number of players in the game
UpdateGameSettingsCounts ( ) ;
// save network address for re-associating with reconnecting player, after stripping out port number
Address = NewPlayer . GetPlayerNetworkAddress ( ) ;
pos = InStr ( Address , ":" ) ;
NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . SavedNetworkAddress = ( pos > 0 ) ? left ( Address , pos ) : Address ;
// check if this player is reconnecting and already has PRI
FindInactivePRI ( NewPlayer ) ;
if ( ! bDelayedStart )
// start match, or let player enter, immediately
bRestartLevel = false ; // let player spawn once in levels that must be restarted after every death
if ( bWaitingToStartMatch )
StartMatch ( ) ;
RestartPlayer ( newPlayer ) ;
bRestartLevel = Default . bRestartLevel ;
if ( NewPlayer . Pawn != None )
NewPlayer . Pawn . ClientSetRotation ( NewPlayer . Pawn . Rotation ) ;
NewPlayer . ClientCapBandwidth ( NewPlayer . Player . CurrentNetSpeed ) ;
UpdateNetSpeeds ( ) ;
GenericPlayerInitialization ( NewPlayer ) ;
// Tell the new player the stat guid
if ( GameReplicationInfo . bMatchHasBegun && OnlineSub != None && OnlineSub . StatsInterface != None )
// Get the stat guid for the server
StatGuid = OnlineSub . StatsInterface . GetHostStatGuid ( ) ;
if ( StatGuid != "" )
NewPlayer . ClientRegisterHostStatGuid ( StatGuid ) ;
// HSL - BWJ - 3-18-16 - Push to talk for non console build sonly
// Tell the player to disable voice by default and use the push to talk method
if ( bRequiresPushToTalk && ! WorldInfo . IsConsoleDedicatedServer ( ) )
NewPlayer . ClientStopNetworkedVoice ( ) ;
NewPlayer . ClientStartNetworkedVoice ( ) ;
if ( NewPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
NewPlayer . ClientGotoState ( 'Spectating' ) ;
// add the player to any matinees running so that it gets in on any cinematics already running, etc
GameSeq = WorldInfo . GetGameSequence ( ) ;
if ( GameSeq != None )
// find any matinee actions that exist
GameSeq . FindSeqObjectsByClass ( class 'SeqAct_Interp' , true , AllInterpActions ) ;
// tell them all to add this PC to any running Director tracks
for ( i = 0 ; i < AllInterpActions . Length ; i ++ )
SeqAct _Interp ( AllInterpActions [ i ] ) . AddPlayerToDirectorTracks ( NewPlayer ) ;
//Check to see if we should start in cinematic mode (matinee movie capture)
if ( ShouldStartInCinematicMode ( HidePlayer , HideHud , DisableMovement , DisableTurning , DisableInput ) )
NewPlayer . SetCinematicMode ( true , HidePlayer == 1 , HideHud == 1 , DisableMovement == 1 , DisableTurning == 1 , DisableInput == 1 ) ;
// Pass on to access control
if ( AccessControl != none )
AccessControl . PostLogin ( NewPlayer ) ;
function UpdateNetSpeeds ( )
local int NewNetSpeed ;
local PlayerController PC ;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer ) || ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone ) || ( GameSettings != None && GameSettings . bIsLanMatch ) )
return ;
if ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds - LastNetSpeedUpdateTime < 1.0 )
SetTimer ( 1.0 , false , nameof ( UpdateNetSpeeds ) ) ;
return ;
LastNetSpeedUpdateTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
NewNetSpeed = CalculatedNetSpeed ( ) ;
` log("New Dynamic NetSpeed " $ NewNetSpeed $ " vs old " $ AdjustedNetSpeed,,'DevNet');
if ( AdjustedNetSpeed != NewNetSpeed )
AdjustedNetSpeed = NewNetSpeed ;
ForEach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
PC . SetNetSpeed ( AdjustedNetSpeed ) ;
function int CalculatedNetSpeed ( )
return Clamp ( TotalNetBandwidth / Max ( NumPlayers , 1 ) , MinDynamicBandwidth , MaxDynamicBandwidth ) ;
/ * *
* Engine is shutting down .
* /
event PreExit ( )
if ( AccessControl != none )
AccessControl . NotifyExit ( ) ;
ClearOnlineDelegates ( ) ;
// Player exits.
function Logout ( Controller Exiting )
local PlayerController PC ;
local int PCIndex ;
PC = PlayerController ( Exiting ) ;
if ( PC != None )
if ( AccessControl != None &&
AccessControl . AdminLogout ( PlayerController ( Exiting ) ) )
AccessControl . AdminExited ( PlayerController ( Exiting ) ) ;
if ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
NumSpectators -- ;
if ( WorldInfo . IsInSeamlessTravel ( ) || PC . HasClientLoadedCurrentWorld ( ) )
NumPlayers -- ;
NumTravellingPlayers -- ;
//@SABER_EGS_BEGIN Crossplay support
if ( WorldInfo . IsEOSDedicatedServer ( ) && PC . bIsEosPlayer )
NumEosPlayers -- ;
// Tell the online subsystem the number of players in the game
UpdateGameSettingsCounts ( ) ;
// This person has left during an arbitration period
if ( bUsingArbitration && bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun && ! bHasEndGameHandshakeBegun )
` Log("Player " $ PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName $ " has dropped");
// Unregister the player from the online layer
UnregisterPlayer ( PC ) ;
// Remove from the arbitrated PC list if in an arbitrated match
if ( bUsingArbitration )
// Find the PC in the list and remove it if found
PCIndex = ArbitrationPCs . Find ( PC ) ;
if ( PCIndex != INDEX _NONE )
ArbitrationPCs . Remove ( PCIndex , 1 ) ;
//notify mutators that a player exited
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . NotifyLogout ( Exiting ) ;
if ( PC != None )
UpdateNetSpeeds ( ) ;
2021-03-02 14:56:51 +03:00
simulated function ExileServerUsingKickBan ( )
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( GameSettings != None )
GameSettings . bServerExiled = true ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/ * *
* Removes the player from the named session when they leave
* @ param PC the player controller that just left
* /
function UnregisterPlayer ( PlayerController PC )
local UniqueNetId ZeroId ;
// If there is a session that matches the name, unregister this remote player
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone &&
GameInterface != None &&
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId != ZeroId &&
GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . SessionName ) != None )
// Unregister the player from the session
GameInterface . UnregisterPlayer ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . SessionName , PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId ) ;
// Examine the passed player's inventory, and accept or discard each item.
// AcceptInventory needs to gracefully handle the case of some inventory
// being accepted but other inventory not being accepted (such as the default
// weapon). There are several things that can go wrong: A weapon's
// AmmoType not being accepted but the weapon being accepted -- the weapon
// should be killed off. Or the player's selected inventory item, active
// weapon, etc. not being accepted, leaving the player weaponless or leaving
// the HUD inventory rendering messed up (AcceptInventory should pick another
// applicable weapon/item as current).
event AcceptInventory ( pawn PlayerPawn )
//default accept all inventory except default weapon (spawned explicitly)
// Spawn any default inventory for the player.
event AddDefaultInventory ( Pawn P )
// Allow the pawn itself to modify its inventory
P . AddDefaultInventory ( ) ;
if ( P . InvManager == None )
` warn("GameInfo::AddDefaultInventory - P.InvManager == None");
/ * M u t a t e ( )
Pass an input string to the mutator list . Used by PlayerController . Mutate ( ) , intended to allow
mutators to have input exec functions ( by binding mutate xxx to keys )
* /
function Mutate ( string MutateString , PlayerController Sender )
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . Mutate ( MutateString , Sender ) ;
/ * S e t P l a y e r D e f a u l t s ( )
first make sure pawn properties are back to default , then give mutators an opportunity
to modify them
* /
function SetPlayerDefaults ( Pawn PlayerPawn )
PlayerPawn . AirControl = PlayerPawn . Default . AirControl ;
PlayerPawn . GroundSpeed = PlayerPawn . Default . GroundSpeed ;
PlayerPawn . WaterSpeed = PlayerPawn . Default . WaterSpeed ;
PlayerPawn . AirSpeed = PlayerPawn . Default . AirSpeed ;
PlayerPawn . Acceleration = PlayerPawn . Default . Acceleration ;
PlayerPawn . AccelRate = PlayerPawn . Default . AccelRate ;
PlayerPawn . JumpZ = PlayerPawn . Default . JumpZ ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . ModifyPlayer ( PlayerPawn ) ;
PlayerPawn . PhysicsVolume . ModifyPlayer ( PlayerPawn ) ;
function NotifyKilled ( Controller Killer , Controller Killed , Pawn KilledPawn , class < DamageType > damageType )
local Controller C ;
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'Controller' , C )
C . NotifyKilled ( Killer , Killed , KilledPawn , damageType ) ;
function Killed ( Controller Killer , Controller KilledPlayer , Pawn KilledPawn , class < DamageType > damageType )
if ( KilledPlayer != None && KilledPlayer . bIsPlayer )
KilledPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . IncrementDeaths ( ) ;
KilledPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . SetNetUpdateTime ( FMin ( KilledPlayer . PlayerReplicationInfo . NetUpdateTime , WorldInfo . TimeSeconds + 0.3 * FRand ( ) ) ) ;
BroadcastDeathMessage ( Killer , KilledPlayer , damageType ) ;
if ( KilledPlayer != None )
ScoreKill ( Killer , KilledPlayer ) ;
DiscardInventory ( KilledPawn , Killer ) ;
NotifyKilled ( Killer , KilledPlayer , KilledPawn , damageType ) ;
function bool PreventDeath ( Pawn KilledPawn , Controller Killer , class < DamageType > DamageType , vector HitLocation )
if ( BaseMutator == None )
return false ;
return BaseMutator . PreventDeath ( KilledPawn , Killer , DamageType , HitLocation ) ;
function BroadcastDeathMessage ( Controller Killer , Controller Other , class < DamageType > damageType )
if ( ( Killer == Other ) || ( Killer == None ) )
BroadcastLocalized ( self , DeathMessageClass , 1 , None , Other . PlayerReplicationInfo , damageType ) ;
BroadcastLocalized ( self , DeathMessageClass , 0 , Killer . PlayerReplicationInfo , Other . PlayerReplicationInfo , damageType ) ;
function Kick ( string S )
if ( AccessControl != None )
AccessControl . Kick ( S ) ;
` log("NO ACCESS CONTROL!!!");
function KickBan ( string S )
if ( AccessControl != None )
AccessControl . KickBan ( S ) ;
// Level gameplay modification.
// Return whether Viewer is allowed to spectate from the
// point of view of ViewTarget.
function bool CanSpectate ( PlayerController Viewer , PlayerReplicationInfo ViewTarget )
return true ;
/ * R e d u c e D a m a g e :
Use reduce damage for teamplay modifications , etc . * /
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
function ReduceDamage ( out int Damage , pawn injured , Controller instigatedBy , vector HitLocation , out vector Momentum , class < DamageType > DamageType , Actor DamageCauser , TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
` else
function ReduceDamage ( out int Damage , pawn injured , Controller instigatedBy , vector HitLocation , out vector Momentum , class < DamageType > DamageType , Actor DamageCauser )
` endif
local int OriginalDamage ;
OriginalDamage = Damage ;
if ( injured . PhysicsVolume . bNeutralZone || injured . InGodMode ( ) )
Damage = 0 ;
return ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . NetDamage ( OriginalDamage , Damage , Injured , InstigatedBy , HitLocation , Momentum , DamageType , DamageCauser ) ;
/ * C h e c k R e l e v a n c e ( )
returns true if actor is relevant to this game and should not be destroyed . Called in Actor . PreBeginPlay ( ) , intended to allow
mutators to remove or replace actors being spawned
* /
function bool CheckRelevance ( Actor Other )
if ( BaseMutator == None )
return true ;
return BaseMutator . CheckRelevance ( Other ) ;
/ * *
* Return whether an item should respawn . Default implementation allows item respawning in multiplayer games .
* /
function bool ShouldRespawn ( PickupFactory Other )
return ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone ) ;
/ * *
* Called when pawn has a chance to pick Item up ( i . e . when
* the pawn touches a weapon pickup ) . Should return true if
* he wants to pick it up , false if he does not want it .
* @ param Other the Pawn that wants the item
* @ param ItemClass the Inventory class the Pawn can pick up
* @ param Pickup the Actor containing that item ( this may be a PickupFactory or it may be a DroppedPickup )
* @ return whether or not the Pickup actor should give its item to Other
* /
function bool PickupQuery ( Pawn Other , class < Inventory > ItemClass , Actor Pickup )
local byte bAllowPickup ;
if ( BaseMutator != None && BaseMutator . OverridePickupQuery ( Other , ItemClass , Pickup , bAllowPickup ) )
return bool ( bAllowPickup ) ;
if ( Other . InvManager == None )
return false ;
return Other . InvManager . HandlePickupQuery ( ItemClass , Pickup ) ;
/ * *
* Discard a player ' s inventory after he dies .
* /
function DiscardInventory ( Pawn Other , optional controller Killer )
if ( Other . InvManager != None )
Other . InvManager . DiscardInventory ( ) ;
/ * T r y t o c h a n g e a p l a y e r ' s n a m e .
* /
function ChangeName ( Controller Other , coerce string S , bool bNameChange )
if ( S == "" )
return ;
Other . PlayerReplicationInfo . SetPlayerName ( S ) ;
/ * R e t u r n w h e t h e r a t e a m c h a n g e i s a l l o w e d .
* /
function bool ChangeTeam ( Controller Other , int N , bool bNewTeam )
return true ;
/ * R e t u r n a p i c k e d t e a m n u m b e r i f n o n e w a s s p e c i f i e d
* /
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
function byte PickTeam ( byte Current , Controller C , const out UniqueNetId PlayerId )
` else
function byte PickTeam ( byte Current , Controller C )
` endif
return Current ;
/ * S e n d a p l a y e r t o a U R L .
* /
function SendPlayer ( PlayerController aPlayer , string URL )
aPlayer . ClientTravel ( URL , TRAVEL _Relative ) ;
/** @return the map we should travel to for the next game */
function string GetNextMap ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns true if we want to travel _absolute
* /
function bool GetTravelType ( )
return false ;
/ * R e s t a r t t h e g a m e .
* /
function RestartGame ( )
local string NextMap ;
local string TransitionMapCmdLine ;
local string URLString ;
local int URLMapLen ;
local int MapNameLen ;
// If we are using arbitration and haven't done the end game handshaking,
// do that process first and then come back here afterward
if ( bUsingArbitration )
if ( bIsEndGameHandshakeComplete )
// All arbitrated matches must exit after one match
NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd ( ) ;
return ;
if ( BaseMutator != None && BaseMutator . HandleRestartGame ( ) )
return ;
if ( bGameRestarted )
return ;
bGameRestarted = true ;
// these server travels should all be relative to the current URL
if ( bChangeLevels && ! bAlreadyChanged )
// get the next map and start the transition
bAlreadyChanged = true ;
if ( ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bUsingAutomatedTestingMapList )
NextMap = MyAutoTestManager . GetNextAutomatedTestingMap ( ) ;
NextMap = GetNextMap ( ) ;
if ( NextMap != "" )
if ( ( MyAutoTestManager == None ) || ! MyAutoTestManager . bUsingAutomatedTestingMapList )
WorldInfo . ServerTravel ( NextMap , GetTravelType ( ) ) ;
if ( ! MyAutoTestManager . bAutomatedTestingWithOpen )
URLString = WorldInfo . GetLocalURL ( ) ;
URLMapLen = Len ( URLString ) ;
MapNameLen = InStr ( URLString , "?" ) ;
if ( MapNameLen != - 1 )
URLString = Right ( URLString , URLMapLen - MapNameLen ) ;
// The ENTIRE url needs to be recreated here...
TransitionMapCmdLine = NextMap$URLString$ "?AutomatedTestingMapIndex=" $MyAutoTestManager . AutomatedTestingMapIndex ;
` log(">>> Issuing server travel on " $ TransitionMapCmdLine);
WorldInfo . ServerTravel ( TransitionMapCmdLine , GetTravelType ( ) ) ;
TransitionMapCmdLine = "?AutomatedTestingMapIndex=" $MyAutoTestManager . AutomatedTestingMapIndex$ "?NumberOfMatchesPlayed=" $MyAutoTestManager . NumberOfMatchesPlayed$ "?NumMapListCyclesDone=" $MyAutoTestManager . NumMapListCyclesDone ;
` log(">>> Issuing open command on " $ NextMap $ TransitionMapCmdLine);
ConsoleCommand ( "open " $ NextMap $ TransitionMapCmdLine ) ;
return ;
` log("GameInfo - RestartGame - Call ServerTravel()");
WorldInfo . ServerTravel ( "?Restart" , GetTravelType ( ) ) ;
// Message broadcasting functions (handled by the BroadCastHandler)
event Broadcast ( Actor Sender , coerce string Msg , optional name Type )
BroadcastHandler . Broadcast ( Sender , Msg , Type ) ;
function BroadcastTeam ( Controller Sender , coerce string Msg , optional name Type )
BroadcastHandler . BroadcastTeam ( Sender , Msg , Type ) ;
/ *
Broadcast a localized message to all players .
Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs .
The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI ' s and optional actor are used .
* /
event BroadcastLocalized ( actor Sender , class < LocalMessage > Message , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
BroadcastHandler . AllowBroadcastLocalized ( Sender , Message , Switch , RelatedPRI _1 , RelatedPRI _2 , OptionalObject ) ;
/ *
Broadcast a localized message to all players on a team .
Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs .
The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI ' s and optional actor are used .
* /
event BroadcastLocalizedTeam ( int TeamIndex , actor Sender , class < LocalMessage > Message , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
BroadcastHandler . AllowBroadcastLocalizedTeam ( TeamIndex , Sender , Message , Switch , RelatedPRI _1 , RelatedPRI _2 , OptionalObject ) ;
function bool CheckModifiedEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner , string Reason )
return ( BaseMutator != None && ! BaseMutator . CheckEndGame ( Winner , Reason ) ) ;
function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner , string Reason )
local Controller P ;
if ( CheckModifiedEndGame ( Winner , Reason ) )
return false ;
// all player cameras focus on winner or final scene (picked by mutator)
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'Controller' , P )
P . GameHasEnded ( ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Tells all clients to write stats and then handles writing local stats
* /
function WriteOnlineStats ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
local OnlineGameSettings CurrentSettings ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Make sure that we are recording stats
CurrentSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( CurrentSettings != None && CurrentSettings . bUsesStats )
// Iterate through the controllers telling them to write stats
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) == false )
PC . ClientWriteLeaderboardStats ( OnlineStatsWriteClass ) ;
// Iterate through local controllers telling them to write stats
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientWriteLeaderboardStats ( OnlineStatsWriteClass ) ;
/ * *
* If the match is arbitrated , tells all clients to write out their copies
* of the player scores . If not arbitrated , it only has the first local player
* write the scores .
* /
function WriteOnlinePlayerScores ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
if ( bUsingArbitration )
// Iterate through the controllers telling them to write stats
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
PC . ClientWriteOnlinePlayerScores ( ArbitratedLeaderboardId ) ;
// Find the first local player and have them write the data
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientWriteOnlinePlayerScores ( LeaderboardId ) ;
break ;
/ * E n d o f g a m e .
* /
function EndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner , string Reason )
// don't end game if not really ready
if ( ! CheckEndGame ( Winner , Reason ) )
bOverTime = true ;
return ;
// Allow replication to happen before reporting scores, stats, etc.
SetTimer ( 1.5 , false , nameof ( PerformEndGameHandling ) ) ;
bGameEnded = true ;
EndLogging ( Reason ) ;
/** Does end of game handling for the online layer */
function PerformEndGameHandling ( )
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Write out any online stats
WriteOnlineStats ( ) ;
// Write the player data used in determining skill ratings
WriteOnlinePlayerScores ( ) ;
// Force the stats to flush and change the status of the match
// to ended making join in progress an option again
EndOnlineGame ( ) ;
// Notify clients that the session has ended for arbitrated
if ( bUsingArbitration )
PendingArbitrationPCs . Length = 0 ;
ArbitrationPCs . Length = 0 ;
// Do end of session handling
NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd ( ) ;
/ * *
* Tells the online system to end the game and tells all clients to do the same
* /
function EndOnlineGame ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
GameReplicationInfo . EndGame ( ) ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Have clients end their games
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
// Skip notifying local PCs as they are handled automatically
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientEndOnlineGame ( ) ;
// Server is handled here
GameInterface . EndOnlineGame ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
/** Entry point of the stats code for custom game logging at a regular interval */
function GameEventsPoll ( ) ;
function EndLogging ( string Reason ) ; // Stub function
/** returns whether the given Controller StartSpot property should be used as the spawn location for its Pawn */
function bool ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot ( Controller Player )
return ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone && Player != None && Player . StartSpot != None &&
( bWaitingToStartMatch || ( Player . PlayerReplicationInfo != None && Player . PlayerReplicationInfo . bWaitingPlayer ) ) ) ;
/ * * F i n d P l a y e r S t a r t ( )
* Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from . PlayerStarts are rated by RatePlayerStart ( ) .
* @ param Player is the controller for whom we are choosing a playerstart
* @ param InTeam specifies the Player 's team (if the player hasn' t joined a team yet )
* @ param IncomingName specifies the tag of a teleporter to use as the Playerstart
* @ returns NavigationPoint chosen as player start ( usually a PlayerStart )
* /
function NavigationPoint FindPlayerStart ( Controller Player , optional byte InTeam , optional string IncomingName )
local NavigationPoint N , BestStart ;
local Teleporter Tel ;
// allow GameRulesModifiers to override playerstart selection
if ( BaseMutator != None )
N = BaseMutator . FindPlayerStart ( Player , InTeam , IncomingName ) ;
if ( N != None )
return N ;
// if incoming start is specified, then just use it
if ( incomingName != "" )
ForEach WorldInfo . AllNavigationPoints ( class 'Teleporter' , Tel )
if ( string ( Tel . Tag ) ~ = incomingName )
return Tel ;
// always pick StartSpot at start of match
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
// Allow ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot() to handle rating - see KFGameInfo
if ( ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot ( Player ) )
` else
if ( ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot ( Player ) &&
( PlayerStart ( Player . StartSpot ) == None || RatePlayerStart ( PlayerStart ( Player . StartSpot ) , InTeam , Player ) >= 0.0 ) )
` endif
return Player . StartSpot ;
BestStart = ChoosePlayerStart ( Player , InTeam ) ;
if ( ( BestStart == None ) && ( Player == None ) )
// no playerstart found, so pick any NavigationPoint to keep player from failing to enter game
` log("Warning - PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating");
ForEach AllActors ( class 'NavigationPoint' , N )
BestStart = N ;
break ;
return BestStart ;
/ * * C h o o s e P l a y e r S t a r t ( )
* Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from . PlayerStarts are rated by RatePlayerStart ( ) .
* @ param Player is the controller for whom we are choosing a playerstart
* @ param InTeam specifies the Player 's team (if the player hasn' t joined a team yet )
* @ returns NavigationPoint chosen as player start ( usually a PlayerStart )
* /
function PlayerStart ChoosePlayerStart ( Controller Player , optional byte InTeam )
local PlayerStart P , BestStart ;
local float BestRating , NewRating ;
local byte Team ;
// use InTeam if player doesn't have a team yet
Team = ( ( Player != None ) && ( Player . PlayerReplicationInfo != None ) && ( Player . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team != None ) )
? byte ( Player . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team . TeamIndex )
: InTeam ;
// Find best playerstart
foreach WorldInfo . AllNavigationPoints ( class 'PlayerStart' , P )
NewRating = RatePlayerStart ( P , Team , Player ) ;
if ( NewRating > BestRating )
BestRating = NewRating ;
BestStart = P ;
return BestStart ;
/ * * R a t e P l a y e r S t a r t ( )
* Return a score representing how desireable a playerstart is .
* @ param P is the playerstart being rated
* @ param Team is the team of the player choosing the playerstart
* @ param Player is the controller choosing the playerstart
* @ returns playerstart score
* /
function float RatePlayerStart ( PlayerStart P , byte Team , Controller Player )
local float Rating ;
if ( ! P . bEnabled )
return 5. f ;
Rating = 10. f ;
if ( P . bPrimaryStart )
Rating += 10. f ;
if ( P . TeamIndex == Team )
Rating += 15. f ;
return Rating ;
function AddObjectiveScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer , Int Score )
if ( Scorer != None )
Scorer . Score += Score ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . ScoreObjective ( Scorer , Score ) ;
function ScoreObjective ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer , Int Score )
AddObjectiveScore ( Scorer , Score ) ;
CheckScore ( Scorer ) ;
/ * C h e c k S c o r e ( )
see if this score means the game ends
* /
function bool CheckScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer )
return true ;
function ScoreKill ( Controller Killer , Controller Other )
if ( ( killer == Other ) || ( killer == None ) )
if ( ( Other != None ) && ( Other . PlayerReplicationInfo != None ) )
Other . PlayerReplicationInfo . Score -= 1 ;
Other . PlayerReplicationInfo . bForceNetUpdate = TRUE ;
else if ( killer . PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
Killer . PlayerReplicationInfo . Score += 1 ;
Killer . PlayerReplicationInfo . bForceNetUpdate = TRUE ;
Killer . PlayerReplicationInfo . Kills ++ ;
ModifyScoreKill ( Killer , Other ) ;
if ( Killer != None || MaxLives > 0 )
CheckScore ( Killer . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
/ * *
* For subclasses which don ' t call GameInfo . ScoreKill ( )
* /
function ModifyScoreKill ( Controller Killer , Controller Other )
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . ScoreKill ( Killer , Other ) ;
function DriverEnteredVehicle ( Vehicle V , Pawn P )
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . DriverEnteredVehicle ( V , P ) ;
function bool CanLeaveVehicle ( Vehicle V , Pawn P )
if ( BaseMutator == None )
return true ;
return BaseMutator . CanLeaveVehicle ( V , P ) ;
function DriverLeftVehicle ( Vehicle V , Pawn P )
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . DriverLeftVehicle ( V , P ) ;
function bool PlayerCanRestartGame ( PlayerController aPlayer )
return true ;
// Player Can be restarted ?
function bool PlayerCanRestart ( PlayerController aPlayer )
return true ;
// Returns whether a mutator should be allowed with this gametype
static function bool AllowMutator ( string MutatorClassName )
return ! class 'WorldInfo' . static . IsDemoBuild ( ) ;
function bool AllowCheats ( PlayerController P )
return ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone ) ;
/ * *
* @ return TRUE if the player is allowed to pause the game .
* /
function bool AllowPausing ( optional PlayerController PC )
return bPauseable
|| WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _Standalone
|| ( bAdminCanPause && AccessControl . IsAdmin ( PC ) ) ;
/ * *
* Called from C ++ ' s CommitMapChange before unloading previous level
* @ param PreviousMapName Name of the previous persistent level
* @ param NextMapName Name of the persistent level being streamed to
* /
event PreCommitMapChange ( string PreviousMapName , string NextMapName ) ;
/ * *
* Called from C ++ ' s CommitMapChange after unloading previous level and loading new level + sublevels
* /
event PostCommitMapChange ( ) ;
/ * * A d d I n a c t i v e P R I ( )
* Add PRI to the inactive list , remove from the active list
* /
function AddInactivePRI ( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI , PlayerController PC )
local int i ;
local PlayerReplicationInfo NewPRI , CurrentPRI ;
local bool bIsConsole ;
// don't store if it's an old PRI from the previous level or if it's a spectator
if ( ! PRI . bFromPreviousLevel && ! PRI . bOnlySpectator )
NewPRI = PRI . Duplicate ( ) ;
WorldInfo . GRI . RemovePRI ( NewPRI ) ;
// make PRI inactive
NewPRI . RemoteRole = ROLE _None ;
// delete after 5 minutes
NewPRI . LifeSpan = 300 ;
// On console, we have to check the unique net id as network address isn't valid
bIsConsole = WorldInfo . IsConsoleBuild ( ) ;
// make sure no duplicates
for ( i = 0 ; i < InactivePRIArray . Length ; i ++ )
CurrentPRI = InactivePRIArray [ i ] ;
if ( ( CurrentPRI == None ) || CurrentPRI . bDeleteMe ||
( ! bIsConsole && ( CurrentPRI . SavedNetworkAddress == NewPRI . SavedNetworkAddress ) ) ||
( bIsConsole && CurrentPRI . UniqueId == NewPRI . UniqueId ) )
InactivePRIArray . Remove ( i , 1 ) ;
i -- ;
InactivePRIArray [ InactivePRIArray . Length ] = NewPRI ;
// cap at 16 saved PRIs
if ( InactivePRIArray . Length > 16 )
InactivePRIArray . Remove ( 0 , InactivePRIArray . Length - 16 ) ;
PRI . Destroy ( ) ;
// Readjust the skill rating now that this player has left
RecalculateSkillRating ( ) ;
/ * * F i n d I n a c t i v e P R I ( )
* returns the PRI associated with this re - entering player
* /
function bool FindInactivePRI ( PlayerController PC )
local string NewNetworkAddress , NewName ;
local int i ;
local PlayerReplicationInfo OldPRI , CurrentPRI ;
local bool bIsConsole ;
// don't bother for spectators
if ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
return false ;
// On console, we have to check the unique net id as network address isn't valid
bIsConsole = WorldInfo . IsConsoleBuild ( ) ;
NewNetworkAddress = PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . SavedNetworkAddress ;
NewName = PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . PlayerName ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < InactivePRIArray . Length ; i ++ )
CurrentPRI = InactivePRIArray [ i ] ;
if ( ( CurrentPRI == None ) || CurrentPRI . bDeleteMe )
InactivePRIArray . Remove ( i , 1 ) ;
i -- ;
else if ( ( bIsConsole && CurrentPRI . UniqueId == PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId ) ||
( ! bIsConsole && ( CurrentPRI . SavedNetworkAddress ~ = NewNetworkAddress ) && ( CurrentPRI . PlayerName ~ = NewName ) ) )
// found it!
OldPRI = PC . PlayerReplicationInfo ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo = CurrentPRI ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . SetOwner ( PC ) ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . RemoteRole = ROLE _SimulatedProxy ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . Lifespan = 0 ;
OverridePRI ( PC , OldPRI ) ;
WorldInfo . GRI . AddPRI ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
InactivePRIArray . Remove ( i , 1 ) ;
OldPRI . bIsInactive = TRUE ;
OldPRI . Destroy ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * * O v e r r i d e P R I ( )
* override as needed properties of NewPRI with properties from OldPRI which were assigned during the login process
* /
function OverridePRI ( PlayerController PC , PlayerReplicationInfo OldPRI )
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . OverrideWith ( OldPRI ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d o n s e r v e r d u r i n g s e a m l e s s l e v e l t r a n s i t i o n s t o g e t t h e l i s t o f A c t o r s t h a t s h o u l d b e m o v e d i n t o t h e n e w l e v e l
* PlayerControllers , Role < ROLE _Authority Actors , and any non - Actors that are inside an Actor that is in the list
* ( i . e . Object . Outer == Actor in the list )
* are all autmoatically moved regardless of whether they ' re included here
* only dynamic ( ! bStatic and ! bNoDelete ) actors in the PersistentLevel may be moved ( this includes all actors spawned during gameplay )
* this is called for both parts of the transition because actors might change while in the middle ( e . g . players might join or leave the game )
* @ see also PlayerController : : GetSeamlessTravelActorList ( ) ( the function that ' s called on clients )
* @ param bToEntry true if we are going from old level - > entry , false if we are going from entry - > new level
* @ param ActorList ( out ) list of actors to maintain
* /
event GetSeamlessTravelActorList ( bool bToEntry , out array < Actor > ActorList )
local int i ;
// always keep PlayerReplicationInfos and TeamInfos, so that after we restart we can keep players on the same team, etc
for ( i = 0 ; i < WorldInfo . GRI . PRIArray . Length ; i ++ )
WorldInfo . GRI . PRIArray [ i ] . bFromPreviousLevel = true ;
WorldInfo . GRI . PRIArray [ i ] . bForceNetUpdate = true ;
ActorList [ ActorList . length ] = WorldInfo . GRI . PRIArray [ i ] ;
if ( bToEntry )
// keep general game state until we transition to the final destination
ActorList [ ActorList . length ] = WorldInfo . GRI ;
if ( BroadcastHandler != None )
ActorList [ ActorList . length ] = BroadcastHandler ;
if ( BaseMutator != None )
BaseMutator . GetSeamlessTravelActorList ( bToEntry , ActorList ) ;
if ( MyAutoTestManager != None )
ActorList [ ActorList . length ] = MyAutoTestManager ;
// Keep the AccessControl persistent, as it needs to >always< be ready for handling auth callbacks
if ( AccessControl != none )
ActorList [ ActorList . Length ] = AccessControl ;
/ * * u s e d t o s w a p a v i e w p o r t / c o n n e c t i o n ' s P l a y e r C o n t r o l l e r s w h e n s e a m l e s s t r a v e l l i n g a n d t h e n e w g a m e t y p e ' s
* controller class is different than the previous
* includes network handling
* @ param OldPC - the old PC that should be discarded
* @ param NewPC - the new PC that should be used for the player
* /
native final function SwapPlayerControllers ( PlayerController OldPC , PlayerController NewPC ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d a f t e r a s e a m l e s s l e v e l t r a n s i t i o n h a s b e e n c o m p l e t e d o n t h e * n e w * G a m e I n f o
* used to reinitialize players already in the game as they won ' t have * Login ( ) called on them
* /
event PostSeamlessTravel ( )
local Controller C ;
// handle players that are already loaded
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'Controller' , C )
if ( C . bIsPlayer )
if ( PlayerController ( C ) == None )
HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( C ) ;
if ( ! C . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
NumTravellingPlayers ++ ;
if ( PlayerController ( C ) . HasClientLoadedCurrentWorld ( ) )
HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( C ) ;
if ( bWaitingToStartMatch && ! bDelayedStart && NumPlayers + NumBots > 0 )
StartMatch ( ) ;
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
// Update any online advertised settings
UpdateGameSettings ( ) ;
/ * *
* Used to update any changes in game settings that need to be published to
* players that are searching for games
* /
function UpdateGameSettings ( ) ;
/ * * h a n d l e s r e i n i t i a l i z i n g p l a y e r s t h a t r e m a i n e d t h r o u g h a s e a m l e s s l e v e l t r a n s i t i o n
* called from C ++ for players that finished loading after the server
* @ param C the Controller to handle
* /
event HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( out Controller C )
local rotator StartRotation ;
local NavigationPoint StartSpot ;
local PlayerController PC , NewPC ;
local PlayerReplicationInfo OldPRI ;
` log(">> GameInfo::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer:" @ C,,'SeamlessTravel');
PC = PlayerController ( C ) ;
if ( PC != None && PC . Class != PlayerControllerClass )
if ( PC . Player != None )
// we need to spawn a new PlayerController to replace the old one
NewPC = SpawnPlayerController ( PC . Location , PC . Rotation ) ;
if ( NewPC == None )
` Warn("Failed to spawn new PlayerController for" @ PC.GetHumanReadableName() @ "(old class" @ PC.Class $ ")");
PC . Destroy ( ) ;
return ;
PC . CleanUpAudioComponents ( ) ;
PC . SeamlessTravelTo ( NewPC ) ;
NewPC . SeamlessTravelFrom ( PC ) ;
SwapPlayerControllers ( PC , NewPC ) ;
PC = NewPC ;
C = NewPC ;
PC . Destroy ( ) ;
// clear out data that was only for the previous game
C . PlayerReplicationInfo . Reset ( ) ;
// create a new PRI and copy over info; this is necessary because the old gametype may have used a different PRI class
OldPRI = C . PlayerReplicationInfo ;
C . InitPlayerReplicationInfo ( ) ;
OldPRI . SeamlessTravelTo ( C . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
// we don't need the old PRI anymore
//@fixme: need a way to replace PRIs that doesn't cause incorrect "player left the game"/"player entered the game" messages
OldPRI . Destroy ( ) ;
// get rid of team if this is not a team game
if ( ! bTeamGame && C . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team != None )
C . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team . Destroy ( ) ;
C . PlayerReplicationInfo . Team = None ;
// Find a start spot.
StartSpot = FindPlayerStart ( C , C . GetTeamNum ( ) ) ;
if ( StartSpot == None )
` warn(GameMessageClass.Default.FailedPlaceMessage);
StartRotation . Yaw = StartSpot . Rotation . Yaw ;
C . SetLocation ( StartSpot . Location ) ;
C . SetRotation ( StartRotation ) ;
C . StartSpot = StartSpot ;
if ( PC != None )
PC . CleanUpAudioComponents ( ) ;
// tell the player controller to register its data stores again
PC . ClientInitializeDataStores ( ) ;
SetSeamlessTravelViewTarget ( PC ) ;
if ( PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
PC . GotoState ( 'Spectating' ) ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . bIsSpectator = true ;
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOutOfLives = true ;
NumSpectators ++ ;
NumPlayers ++ ;
NumTravellingPlayers -- ;
PC . GotoState ( 'PlayerWaiting' ) ;
NumBots ++ ;
C . GotoState ( 'RoundEnded' ) ;
GenericPlayerInitialization ( C ) ;
` log("<< GameInfo::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer:" @ C,,'SeamlessTravel');
function SetSeamlessTravelViewTarget ( PlayerController PC )
PC . SetViewTarget ( PC ) ;
/ * *
* Updates the online subsystem ' s information for player counts so that
* LAN matches can show the correct player counts
* /
function UpdateGameSettingsCounts ( )
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( GameSettings != None && GameSettings . bIsLanMatch )
// Update the number of open slots available
GameSettings . NumOpenPublicConnections = GameSettings . NumPublicConnections - GetNumPlayers ( ) ;
if ( GameSettings . NumOpenPublicConnections < 0 )
GameSettings . NumOpenPublicConnections = 0 ;
/ * *
* This is a base ( empty ) implementation of the completion notification
* @ param PC the player controller to mark as done
* @ param bWasSuccessful whether the PC was able to register for arbitration or not
* /
function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion ( PlayerController PC , bool bWasSuccessful ) ;
/ * *
* Empty implementation of the code that kicks off async registration
* /
function StartArbitrationRegistration ( ) ;
/ * *
* Empty implementation of the code that starts an arbitrated match
* /
function StartArbitratedMatch ( ) ;
/ * *
* Empty implementation of the code that registers the server for arbitration
* /
function RegisterServerForArbitration ( ) ;
/ * *
* Empty implementation of the code that handles the callback for completion
* @ param SessionName the name of the session this is for
* @ param bWasSuccessful whether the call worked or not
* /
function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ( name SessionName , bool bWasSuccessful ) ;
function bool MatchIsInProgress ( )
return true ;
/ * *
* This state is used to change the flow of start / end match to handle arbitration
* Basic flow of events :
* Server prepares to start the match and tells all clients to register arbitration
* Clients register with arbitration and tell the server when they are done
* Server checks for all clients to be registered and kicks any clients if
* they don ' t register in time .
* Server registers with arbitration and the match begins
* Match ends and the server tells connected clients to write arbitrated stats
* Clients write stats and notifies server of completion
* Server writes stats and ends the match
* /
auto State PendingMatch
function bool MatchIsInProgress ( )
return false ;
/ * *
* Tells all of the currently connected clients to register with arbitration .
* The clients will call back to the server once they have done so , which
* will tell this state to see if it is time for the server to register with
* arbitration .
* /
function StartMatch ( )
if ( bUsingArbitration )
StartArbitrationRegistration ( ) ;
Global . StartMatch ( ) ;
/ * *
* Kicks off the async tasks of having the clients register with
* arbitration before the server does . Sets a timeout for when
* all slow to respond clients get kicked
* /
function StartArbitrationRegistration ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
local UniqueNetId HostId ;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( ! bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun )
// Tell PreLogin() to reject new connections
bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun = true ;
// Get the host id from the game settings in case splitscreen works with arbitration
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
HostId = GameSettings . OwningPlayerId ;
PendingArbitrationPCs . Length = 0 ;
// Iterate the controller list and tell them to register with arbitration
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
// Skip notifying local PCs as they are handled automatically
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientSetHostUniqueId ( HostId ) ;
PC . ClientRegisterForArbitration ( ) ;
// Add to the pending list
PendingArbitrationPCs [ PendingArbitrationPCs . Length ] = PC ;
// Add them as having completed arbitration
ArbitrationPCs [ ArbitrationPCs . Length ] = PC ;
// Start the kick timer
SetTimer ( ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout , false , nameof ( ArbitrationTimeout ) ) ;
/ * *
* Does the registration for the server . This must be done last as it
* includes all the players info from their registration
* /
function RegisterServerForArbitration ( )
if ( GameInterface != None )
GameInterface . AddArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate ( ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ) ;
GameInterface . RegisterForArbitration ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
// Fake as working without subsystem
ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName , true ) ;
/ * *
* Callback from the server that starts the match if the registration was
* successful . If not , it goes back to the menu
* @ param SessionName the name of the session this is for
* @ param bWasSuccessful whether the registration worked or not
* /
function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ( name SessionName , bool bWasSuccessful )
// Clear the delegate so we don't leak with GC
GameInterface . ClearArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate ( ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ) ;
if ( bWasSuccessful )
// Start the match
StartArbitratedMatch ( ) ;
ConsoleCommand ( "Disconnect" ) ;
/ * *
* Handles kicking any clients that haven ' t completed handshaking
* /
function ArbitrationTimeout ( )
local int Index ;
// Kick any pending players
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < PendingArbitrationPCs . Length ; Index ++ )
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
AccessControl . KickPlayer ( PendingArbitrationPCs [ Index ] , "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".MaxedOutMessage>" ) ;
` else
AccessControl . KickPlayer ( PendingArbitrationPCs [ Index ] , GameMessageClass . Default . MaxedOutMessage ) ;
` endif
PendingArbitrationPCs . Length = 0 ;
// Do the server registration now that any remaining clients are kicked
RegisterServerForArbitration ( ) ;
/ * *
* Called once arbitration has completed and kicks off the real start of the match
* /
function StartArbitratedMatch ( )
bNeedsEndGameHandshake = true ;
// Start the match
Global . StartMatch ( ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the player controller from the pending list . Kicks that PC if it
* failed to register for arbitration . Starts the match if all clients have
* completed their registration
* @ param PC the player controller to mark as done
* @ param bWasSuccessful whether the PC was able to register for arbitration or not
* /
function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion ( PlayerController PC , bool bWasSuccessful )
local int FoundIndex ;
// Search for the specified PC and remove if found
FoundIndex = PendingArbitrationPCs . Find ( PC ) ;
if ( FoundIndex != INDEX _NONE )
PendingArbitrationPCs . Remove ( FoundIndex , 1 ) ;
if ( bWasSuccessful )
// Add to the completed list
ArbitrationPCs [ ArbitrationPCs . Length ] = PC ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
AccessControl . KickPlayer ( PC , "<Strings:" $PathName ( WorldInfo . Game . GameMessageClass ) $ ".MaxedOutMessage>" ) ;
` else
AccessControl . KickPlayer ( PC , GameMessageClass . Default . MaxedOutMessage ) ;
` endif
// Start the match if all clients have responded
if ( PendingArbitrationPCs . Length == 0 )
// Clear the kick timer
SetTimer ( 0 , false , nameof ( ArbitrationTimeout ) ) ;
RegisterServerForArbitration ( ) ;
event EndState ( name NextStateName )
// Clear the kick timer
SetTimer ( 0 , false , nameof ( ArbitrationTimeout ) ) ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
GameInterface . ClearArbitrationRegistrationCompleteDelegate ( ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ) ;
/ * *
* Tells all clients to disconnect and then goes to the menu
* /
function NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
// Iterate through the controllers telling them to disconnect
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) == false )
PC . ClientArbitratedMatchEnded ( ) ;
// Iterate through local controllers telling them to disconnect
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) )
PC . ClientArbitratedMatchEnded ( ) ;
/ * *
* Used to notify the game type that it is ok to update a player ' s gameplay
* specific muting information now . The playercontroller needs to notify
* the server when it is possible to do so or the unique net id will be
* incorrect and the muting not work .
* @ param PC the playercontroller that is ready for updates
* /
function UpdateGameplayMuteList ( PlayerController PC )
// Let the server start sending voice packets
PC . bHasVoiceHandshakeCompleted = true ;
// And tell the client it can start sending voice packets
PC . ClientVoiceHandshakeComplete ( ) ;
/ * *
* Used by the game type to update the advertised skill for this game
* /
function RecalculateSkillRating ( )
local int Index ;
local array < UniqueNetId > Players ;
local UniqueNetId ZeroId ;
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone &&
OnlineSub != None &&
OnlineSub . GameInterface != None )
// Iterate through the players adding their unique id for skill calculation
for ( Index = 0 ; Index < GameReplicationInfo . PRIArray . Length ; Index ++ )
if ( ZeroId != GameReplicationInfo . PRIArray [ Index ] . UniqueId )
Players [ Players . Length ] = GameReplicationInfo . PRIArray [ Index ] . UniqueId ;
if ( Players . Length > 0 )
// Update the skill rating with the list of players
OnlineSub . GameInterface . RecalculateSkillRating ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName , Players ) ;
} ;
/** Called when this PC is in cinematic mode, and its matinee is cancelled by the user. */
event MatineeCancelled ( ) ;
/ * *
* Checks for the login parameters being passed on the command line . If
* present , it does an async login before starting the dedicated server
* registration process
* @ return true if the login is in progress , false otherwise
* /
function bool ProcessServerLogin ( )
if ( OnlineSub != None )
if ( OnlineSub . PlayerInterface != None )
OnlineSub . PlayerInterface . AddLoginChangeDelegate ( OnLoginChange ) ;
OnlineSub . PlayerInterface . AddLoginFailedDelegate ( 0 , OnLoginFailed ) ;
// Check the command line for login information and login async
if ( OnlineSub . PlayerInterface . AutoLogin ( ) == false )
ClearAutoLoginDelegates ( ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Clears the login delegates once the login process has passed or failed
* /
function ClearAutoLoginDelegates ( )
if ( OnlineSub . PlayerInterface != None )
OnlineSub . PlayerInterface . ClearLoginChangeDelegate ( OnLoginChange ) ;
OnlineSub . PlayerInterface . ClearLoginFailedDelegate ( 0 , OnLoginFailed ) ;
/ * *
* Called if the autologin fails
* @ param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @ param ErrorCode the async error code that occurred
* /
function OnLoginFailed ( byte LocalUserNum , EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ErrorCode )
ClearAutoLoginDelegates ( ) ;
/ * *
* Used to tell the game when the autologin has completed
* @ param LocalUserNum ignored
* /
function OnLoginChange ( byte LocalUserNum )
ClearAutoLoginDelegates ( ) ;
// The login has completed so start the dedicated server
RegisterServer ( ) ;
/ * *
* Registers the dedicated server with the online service
* /
function RegisterServer ( )
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
if ( OnlineGameSettingsClass != None && OnlineSub != None && OnlineSub . GameInterface != None )
// Create the default settings to get the standard settings to advertise
GameSettings = new OnlineGameSettingsClass ;
// Serialize any custom settings from the URL
GameSettings . UpdateFromURL ( ServerOptions , self ) ;
// If 'bIsLanMatch' is set, disable all authentication
if ( AccessControl != None &&
( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer || WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _ListenServer ) && GameSettings . bIsLanMatch )
` log("Disabling all authentication, due to bIsLanMatch being set to true");
AccessControl . ClearAuthDelegates ( false ) ;
// Register the delegate so we can see when it's done
OnlineSub . GameInterface . AddCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnServerCreateComplete ) ;
// Now kick off the async publish
if ( ! OnlineSub . GameInterface . CreateOnlineGame ( 0 , PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName , GameSettings ) )
OnlineSub . GameInterface . ClearCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnServerCreateComplete ) ;
` Warn("No game settings to register with the online service. Game won't be advertised");
/ * *
* Notifies us of the game being registered successfully or not
* @ param SessionName the name of the session that was created
* @ param bWasSuccessful flag telling us whether it worked or not
* /
function OnServerCreateComplete ( name SessionName , bool bWasSuccessful )
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
GameInterface . ClearCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnServerCreateComplete ) ;
if ( bWasSuccessful == false )
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( GameSettings != None && GameSettings . bIsLanMatch == false )
` Warn("Failed to register game with online service. Registering as a LAN match");
// Force to be a LAN match
GameSettings . bIsLanMatch = true ;
// Register the delegate so we can see when it's done
GameInterface . AddCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnServerCreateComplete ) ;
// Now kick off the async publish
if ( ! GameInterface . CreateOnlineGame ( 0 , SessionName , GameSettings ) )
GameInterface . ClearCreateOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnServerCreateComplete ) ;
` Warn("Failed to register game with online service. Game won't be advertised");
// If a game server is started without Steam running, auth code needs late initialization
// (as the auth interface is only setup within CreateOnlineGame when Steam was not started)
if ( OnlineSub . Class . Name == 'OnlineSubsystemSteamworks' && AccessControl != none && AccessControl . CachedAuthInt == none )
AccessControl . InitAuthHooks ( ) ;
// This delegate was not set until after the auth interface became ready, so kick it off here
AccessControl . OnAuthReady ( ) ;
UpdateGameSettings ( ) ;
/ * *
* Iterates the player controllers and tells them to return to their party
* /
function TellClientsToReturnToPartyHost ( )
local PlayerController PC ;
local OnlineGameSettings GameSettings ;
local UniqueNetId RequestingPlayerId ;
OnlineSub = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) ;
if ( OnlineSub != None )
// And grab one for the game interface since it will be used often
GameInterface = OnlineSub . GameInterface ;
if ( GameInterface != None )
// Use the game session owner as the host requesting travel
GameSettings = GameInterface . GetGameSettings ( PlayerReplicationInfoClass . default . SessionName ) ;
if ( GameSettings != None )
RequestingPlayerId = GameSettings . OwningPlayerId ;
// If no valid game session then use local player's net id as the host requesting the travel
foreach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) &&
PC . PlayerReplicationInfo != None )
RequestingPlayerId = PC . PlayerReplicationInfo . UniqueId ;
break ;
// Tell all clients to return using the net id of the host
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) &&
PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) )
PC . ClientReturnToParty ( RequestingPlayerId ) ;
// Host travels last as this can trigger a disconnect on clients
foreach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) )
PC . ClientReturnToParty ( RequestingPlayerId ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* Send notification to clients that a party host is about to leave the match
* @ param PartyHostPlayerId net id of the party host that is leaving
* /
function TellClientsPartyHostIsLeaving ( UniqueNetId PartyHostPlayerId )
local PlayerController PC ;
// Tell all clients to return using the net id of the host
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) )
PC . ClientNotifyPartyHostLeaving ( PartyHostPlayerId ) ;
/ * *
* Iterates the player controllers and tells remote players to travel to the specified session
* @ param SessionName the name of the session to register
* @ param SearchClass the search that should be populated with the session
* @ param PlatformSpecificInfo the binary data to place in the platform specific areas
* /
function TellClientsToTravelToSession ( name SessionName , class < OnlineGameSearch > SearchClass , byte PlatformSpecificInfo [ 80 ] )
local PlayerController PC ;
foreach WorldInfo . AllControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
if ( ! PC . IsLocalPlayerController ( ) && PC . IsPrimaryPlayer ( ) )
PC . ClientTravelToSession ( SessionName , SearchClass , PlatformSpecificInfo ) ;
/ * *
* AutoTestManager INTERFACE
* /
/** function to start the world traveling **/
exec function DoTravelTheWorld ( )
if ( MyAutoTestManager != None )
GotoState ( 'TravelTheWorld' ) ;
MyAutoTestManager . DoTravelTheWorld ( ) ;
/** Alters the synthetic bandwidth limit for a running game **/
exec native function SetBandwidthLimit ( float AsyncIOBandwidthLimit ) ;
/** This our state which allows us to have delayed actions while traveling the world (e.g. waiting for levels to stream in) **/
state TravelTheWorld
/ * *
* @ returns true if Automated Performance testing is enabled
* /
function bool IsAutomatedPerfTesting ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bAutomatedPerfTesting ;
/ * *
* @ returns true if checking for fragmentation is enabled
* /
function bool IsCheckingForFragmentation ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bCheckingForFragmentation ;
/ * *
* @ returns true if checking for memory leaks is enabled
* /
function bool IsCheckingForMemLeaks ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bCheckingForMemLeaks ;
/ * *
* @ returns true if doing a sentinel run
* /
function bool IsDoingASentinelRun ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bDoingASentinelRun ;
/ * *
* @ returns true if should auto - continue to next round
* /
function bool ShouldAutoContinueToNextRound ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . bAutoContinueToNextRound ;
/ * *
* Asks AutoTestManager to start a sentinel run if needed
* Must be called by gameinfo subclass - not called in base implementation of GameInfo . StartMatch ( )
* @ returns true if should skip normal startmatch process
* /
function bool CheckForSentinelRun ( )
return ( MyAutoTestManager != None ) && MyAutoTestManager . CheckForSentinelRun ( ) ;
/** This is for the QA team who don't use UFE nor commandline :-( **/
exec simulated function BeginBVT ( optional coerce string TagDesc )
if ( MyAutoTestManager == None )
MyAutoTestManager = spawn ( AutoTestManagerClass ) ;
MyAutoTestManager . BeginSentinelRun ( "BVT" , "" , TagDesc ) ;
MyAutoTestManager . SetTimer ( 3.0 f , TRUE , nameof ( MyAutoTestManager . DoTimeBasedSentinelStatGathering ) ) ;
/ * *
* Turns standby detection on / off
* @ param bIsEnabled true to turn it on , false to disable it
* /
native function EnableStandbyCheatDetection ( bool bIsEnabled ) ;
/ * *
* Notifies the game code that a standby cheat was detected
* @ param StandbyType the type of cheat detected
* /
event StandbyCheatDetected ( EStandbyType StandbyType ) ;
/ * *
* Used to create a new online session after the previous one has been destroyed after travelling
* @ param SessionName The name of the game session ( not used with Steamworks )
* @ param bWasSuccesful Whether or not the session was succesfully destroyed
* /
function OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete ( name SessionName , bool bWasSuccessful )
if ( ! ProcessServerLogin ( ) )
RegisterServer ( ) ;
GameInterface . ClearDestroyOnlineGameCompleteDelegate ( OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete ) ;
/ * *
* Notifies the game code that the engine has finished loading . This
* function will only be called one time only .
* /
event OnEngineHasLoaded ( ) ;
function InitCrowdPopulationManager ( )
if ( PopulationManagerClass != None )
PopulationManager = Spawn ( PopulationManagerClass ) ;
/ * *
* Cleans up any online subsystem delegates that are set
* /
function ClearOnlineDelegates ( ) ;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 6-8-16 - Playfab hooks for server. Not using delegates for these because they are one-off and don't have to worry about cleanup
event OnRetreivedPFInternalUserData ( const string ForPlayerId , array < string > Keys , array < string > Values ) ;
/** returns TRUE if this server was launched by playfab */
native function bool WasLaunchedByPlayfab ( ) ;
event string GetFriendlyNameForCurrentGameMode ( ) ;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 2-16-17 - Hooks for controller change notifications
function NotifyControllerDisconnected ( ) ;
function NotifyControllerReconnected ( ) ;
` if ( ` _ _TW _ )
event bool GetRequiresPassword ( )
return RequiresPassword ( ) ;
` endif
// The game spawns bots/players which can't be done during physics ticking
TickGroup = TG _PreAsyncWork
GameSpeed = 1.0
bDelayedStart = true
HUDType = class 'Engine.HUD'
bWaitingToStartMatch = false
bRestartLevel = True
bPauseable = True
AccessControlClass = class 'Engine.AccessControl'
BroadcastHandlerClass = class 'Engine.BroadcastHandler'
DeathMessageClass = class 'LocalMessage'
PlayerControllerClass = class 'Engine.PlayerController'
GameMessageClass = class 'GameMessage'
GameReplicationInfoClass = class 'GameReplicationInfo'
AutoTestManagerClass = class 'Engine.AutoTestManager'
FearCostFalloff = + 0.95
CurrentID = 1
PlayerReplicationInfoClass = Class 'Engine.PlayerReplicationInfo'
MaxSpectatorsAllowed = 32
MaxPlayersAllowed = 32
Components . Remove ( Sprite )
// Defaults for if your game has only one skill leaderboard
LeaderboardId = 0xFFFE0000
ArbitratedLeaderboardId = 0xFFFF0000
// PopulationManagerClass=class'CrowdPopulationManagerBase'
StreamingPauseIcon = Material 'EngineResources.M_StreamingPause'
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
// @note: this could be be done in the config (GameInfoClassAliases is normally config),
// but then we have to mess with ini patching, etc... so just do it here.
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "BenchMark" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_BenchMark" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Survival" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Survival" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Versus" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Weekly" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_WeeklySurvival" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Tutorial" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Tutorial" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Endless" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Endless" ) )
GameInfoClassAliases . Add ( ( ShortName = "Objective" , GameClassName = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Objective" ) )
` endif
//@SABER_EGS_BEGIN Crossplay support
// number of players, using epic online system
NumEosPlayers = 0