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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
// KFSM_Block
// Handles playing directional blocks
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSM_Block extends KFSM_PlaySingleAnim;
/** Animation to play */
var const array<AnimVariants> BlockAnims;
/** Cached gameinfo reference */
var protected KFGameInfo MyKFGI;
/** Cached reference to monster pawn */
var protected KFPawn_Monster MyMonsterPawn;
/** How many times a block has been executed while in the special move */
var protected int NumBlocks;
/** The direction of the hit reaction when a block is broken */
var protected EPawnOctant ReactionDir;
/** Used to determine if the animation needs to be blended out when the special move ends */
var protected bool bPlayedBlockBreak;
/** When TRUE, will use the Monster pawn's BlockSprintSpeedModifier */
var protected bool bUseBlockSprintSpeed;
/** How long from start of block until Zed can actually block. */
var protected float WindupTime;
static function byte PackBlockSMFLags( byte BlockDir )
local byte Variant;
Variant = Rand( 2 );
return BlockDir + ( Variant << 4 );
/** Checks to see if this Special Move can be done */
protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove()
// Can block if not doing a special move or already in a block
return ( !KFPOwner.IsDoingSpecialMove() || KFPOwner.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Block) );
* Allow melee attacks to override blocks. This is so if the AI bumps an enemy,
* they will always be able attack
function bool CanOverrideMoveWith( Name NewMove )
if( NewMove == class'KFSM_MeleeAttack'.default.Handle )
return true;
return super.CanOverrideMoveWith( NewMove );
/** Can the special move be chained after the current one finishes? */
function bool CanChainMove( Name NextMove )
return NextMove == class.name;
function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, name PrevMove )
// Cache our pawn
if( MyMonsterPawn == none )
MyMonsterPawn = KFPawn_Monster( KFPOwner );
// Reset block breaker values
bPlayedBlockBreak = false;
ReactionDir = DIR_None;
NumBlocks = 1;
if( MyMonsterPawn.Role == ROLE_Authority )
bUseBlockSprintSpeed = true;
MyMonsterPawn.SetTimer( MyMonsterPawn.GetBlockSettings().Duration, false, nameOf(Timer_BlockDurationExpired), self );
MyMonsterPawn.SetTimer( WindupTime, false, nameOf(Timer_EnableBlocking), self );
super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove );
function AdjustSprintSpeed()
local float GCMoveSpeedMod;
// Only allow for server and local player
if( MyMonsterPawn.Role == ROLE_Authority )
GCMoveSpeedMod = 1.0f;
// Set movement speed modifier
if( MyMonsterPawn.WorldInfo.Game != none )
if( MyKFGI == none )
MyKFGI = KFGameInfo( MyMonsterPawn.WorldInfo.Game );
if( MyKFGI != none && MyKFGI.GameConductor != none )
GCMoveSpeedMod = MyKFGI.GameConductor.CurrentAIMovementSpeedMod;
MyMonsterPawn.AdjustMovementSpeed( GCMoveSpeedMod );
* Network: SERVER
function float GetSprintSpeedModifier()
return bUseBlockSprintSpeed ? MyMonsterPawn.GetBlockingSprintSpeedModifier() : 1.0f;
function PlayAnimation()
local byte Type, Variant;
Type = MyMonsterPawn.SpecialMoveFlags & 15;
Variant = MyMonsterPawn.SpecialMoveFlags >> 4;
AnimName = BlockAnims[Type].Anims[Variant];
// Call super; play selected animation
// Clear the special move flags on the next frame
MyMonsterPawn.SetTimer( MyMonsterPawn.WorldInfo.DeltaSeconds, false, nameOf(Timer_ResetSpecialMoveFlags), self );
// Make sure that everything is sent this frame so that the special move flags can be safely cleared
MyMonsterPawn.bForceNetUpdate = true;
/** Resets the special move flags on the pawn for future updates */
function Timer_ResetSpecialMoveFlags()
MyMonsterPawn.SpecialMoveFlags = 255;
/** Called when DoSpecialMove() is called again with this special move, but the special move flags have changed */
function SpecialMoveFlagsUpdated()
local EPawnOctant BlockDir;
if( MyMonsterPawn.SpecialMoveFlags != 255 && !MyMonsterPawn.IsTimerActive( nameOf(Timer_BlockBroken), self) )
// Increment our block number
// End the block cycle if we've reached the maximum number of hits
if( NumBlocks > MyMonsterPawn.GetBlockSettings().MaxBlocks )
BlockDir = EPawnOctant( MyMonsterPawn.SpecialMoveFlags & 15 );
if( BlockDir == DIR_Right )
ReactionDir = DIR_ForwardLeft;
else if( BlockDir == DIR_Left )
ReactionDir = DIR_ForwardRight;
ReactionDir = DIR_Forward;
// End the special move with a hit reaction (block breaker!)
MyMonsterPawn.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_BlockDurationExpired), self );
MyMonsterPawn.SetTimer( BlendInTime, false, nameOf(Timer_BlockBroken), self );
else if( MyMonsterPawn.Role == ROLE_Authority )
MyMonsterPawn.SetTimer( MyMonsterPawn.GetBlockSettings().Duration, false, nameOf(Timer_BlockDurationExpired), self );
/** Toggles the blocking flag on the owner pawn to TRUE */
function Timer_EnableBlocking()
MyMonsterPawn.bIsBlocking = true;
/** We've reached the end of our block, end the special move */
function Timer_BlockDurationExpired()
if( MyMonsterPawn != none )
/** Block was broken by too many successive hits */
function Timer_BlockBroken()
bPlayedBlockBreak = true;
MyMonsterPawn.StopBodyAnim( AnimStance, BlendOutTime );
MyMonsterPawn.PawnAnimInfo.PlayHitReactionAnim( MyMonsterPawn, HIT_Heavy, ReactionDir );
/** Hit reactions won't interrupt blocks */
function NotifyHitReactionInterrupt();
function SpecialMoveEnded( Name PrevMove, Name NextMove )
super(KFSpecialMove).SpecialMoveEnded( PrevMove, NextMove );
// Stop looping anim, clear timers and blocking flag
if( MyMonsterPawn != none )
if( !bPlayedBlockBreak )
MyMonsterPawn.StopBodyAnim( AnimStance, BlendOutTime );
if( MyMonsterPawn.Role == ROLE_Authority )
bUseBlockSprintSpeed = false;
MyMonsterPawn.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_ResetSpecialMoveFlags), self );
MyMonsterPawn.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_EnableBlocking), self );
MyMonsterPawn.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_BlockDurationExpired), self );
MyMonsterPawn.ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_BlockBroken), self );
MyMonsterPawn.bIsBlocking = false;
MyMonsterPawn.LastBlockTime = MyMonsterPawn.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// ---------------------------------------------
// SpecialMove
// ---------------------------------------------
// Animations
BlockAnims(DIR_Forward)=(Anims=(Block_Idle, Block_Idle))
BlockAnims(DIR_Backward)=(Anims=(Block_Idle, Block_Idle))
BlockAnims(DIR_Left)=(Anims=(Block_R, Block_R))
BlockAnims(DIR_Right)=(Anims=(Block_L, Block_L))