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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Class that implements the Steamworks-specific lobby functionality
Class OnlineLobbyInterfaceSteamworks extends TWOnlineLobby within OnlineSubsystemCommonImpl
// This lobby interface is disabled by default, until it can be generalized into an interface usable by all online subsystems.
// Licensee's can enable and use this code, but expect significant changes and binary compatability breakage until it has
// been generalized into the main engine code
// NOTE: To enable the lobby interface, set STEAM_MATCHMAKING_LOBBY to 1 in Globals.uci
// Enables the C++ side of the lobby interface
// NOTE: If the 'STEAM_MATCHMAKING_LOBBY' define is removed, this cpptext can be removed (script compiler will automatically include this .h)
#include "UOnlineLobbyInterfaceSteamworks.h"
* The visibility/connectivity type of a lobby
enum ELobbyVisibility
LV_Public, // Lobby is visible to everyone
LV_Friends, // Visible to friends and invited players only
LV_Private, // Can only join by invite
LV_Invisible // @todo Steam: Figure out what this does exactly
* A basic key/value pair for holding various lobby settings
struct native LobbyMetaData
var string Key; // The key identifying the setting
var string Value; // The value of the setting
/** Stores Settings passed into CreateLobby, until they can be set */
var array<LobbyMetaData> CreateLobbySettings;
/** Stores the UID of the created lobby, while initial lobby settings are being set asynchronously */
var const UniqueNetId PendingCreateLobbyResult;
/** The list of delegates fired when 'CreateLobby' completes */
var array<delegate<OnCreateLobbyComplete> > CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates;
* Used to specify the desired geographical distance when searching for lobbies
enum ELobbyDistance
LD_Best, // Prefers close lobbies, but will search farther if none available (default)
LD_Close, // Only lobbies in the same general region (low latency)
LD_Far, // Returns lobbies from half way across the globe (high latency) (@todo Steam: see if >only< returns far)
LD_Any // No distance filtering; returns lobbies from anywhere
* Used for specifying filters based on key/value pairs, when searching for lobbies
* NOTE: Max size of a key is 255
struct native LobbyFilter
var string Key; // The key to be filtered
var string Value; // The value to filter against
var EOnlineGameSearchComparisonType Operator; // The operator to use for comparison
var bool bNumeric; // whether or not this filter is numeric (treated as string otherwise)
* Used for specifying the order in which lobby search results should be sorted
struct native LobbySortFilter
var string Key; // The key to use for sorting
var int TargetVal; // The other name is decapitalized by the script compiler because Unrealscript is god damned stupid
var int TargetValue; // The value to sort upon (the closer a key is to this value, the higher up in the results)
* Struct describing basic information about a lobby, typically from a lobby search result
struct native BasicLobbyInfo
var const UniqueNetId LobbyUID; // The unique id of the lobby
var const array<LobbyMetaData> LobbySettings; // The list of settings read for this lobby
/** whether or not a lobby search is in progress */
var const bool bLobbySearchInProgress;
/** Stores the most recent results from 'FindLobbies'; the 'LobbyList' parameter for 'OnFindLobbiesComplete' directly references this property */
var const array<BasicLobbyInfo> CachedFindLobbyResults;
/** The list of delegates fired when 'FindLobbies' completes */
var array<delegate<OnFindLobbiesComplete> > FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates;
* Describes information about a member of a lobby we are active in
struct native LobbyMember
var const UniqueNetId PlayerUID; // The unique id of the player
var const array<LobbyMetaData> PlayerSettings; // The list of settings read for this player
// @todo Steam: Decide whether or not to put extra fields here, e.g. avatar/community-name etc. (may be best to leave that up
// to the actual ingame implementation of lobbies)
* Describes all available information about a lobby we are active in
struct native ActiveLobbyInfo extends BasicLobbyInfo
var const array<LobbyMember> Members; // The list of members of a lobby we are in
/** Lobbies the player is currently connected to; many callback delegates have out parameters directly referencing this property */
var const array<ActiveLobbyInfo> ActiveLobbies;
/** The list of delegates fired when 'JoinLobby' completes */
var array<delegate<OnJoinLobbyComplete> > JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates;
/** Determines the set of keys that should be read from lobby members */
var config array<string> LobbyMemberKeys;
/** The list of delegates fired when a lobbies settings are updated */
var array<delegate<OnLobbySettingsUpdate> > LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates;
/** The list of delegates fired when a lobby members settings are updated */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate> > LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates;
/** The list of delegates fired when a lobby members status has changed */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate> > LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates;
/** The list of delegates fired when a message is received from a lobby */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyReceiveMessage> > LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates;
/** The list of delegates fired when binary data is received from a lobby */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData> > LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates;
/** Stores the most recently received binary from a lobby; the 'Data' parameter for 'OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData' directly references this property */
var const array<byte> CachedBinaryData;
/** The list of delegates fired when a lobby directs players to join a server */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyJoinGame> > LobbyJoinGameDelegates;
/** The list of delegates fired when the player receives or accepts a lobby invite */
var array<delegate<OnLobbyInvite> > LobbyInviteDelegates;
// @todo Steam: Add bools here, which locks the arrays being passed as out parameters, and spits out a log warning if anything tries to modify them
// while they are being accessed like this (this is important, even though you are not doing a compiler hack to pass array elements)
var bool CommandLineLobbyJoined;
function Initialize() {}
// General interface functions
* Creates a lobby, joins it, and optionally assigns its initial settings, triggering callbacks when done
* @param MaxPlayers The maximum number of lobby members
* @param Type The type of lobby to setup (public/private/etc.)
* @param InitialSettings The list of settings to apply to the lobby upon creation
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool CreateLobby(int MaxPlayers, optional ELobbyVisibility Type, optional array<LobbyMetaData> InitialSettings);
* Called when 'CreateLobby' completes, returning success/failure, and (if successful) the new lobby UID
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not 'CreateLobby' was successful
* @param LobbyId If successful, the UID of the new lobby
* @param Error If lobby creation failed, returns the error type
delegate OnCreateLobbyComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, UniqueNetId LobbyId, string Error);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a call to 'CreateLobby' has completed
* @param CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddCreateLobbyCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCreateLobbyComplete> CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate)
if (CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates.Find(CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_None)
CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates[CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates.Length] = CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearCreateLobbyCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnCreateLobbyComplete> CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate)
local int i;
i = CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates.Find(CreateLobbyCompleteDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
CreateLobbyCompleteDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Kicks off a search for available lobbies, matching the specified filters, triggering callbacks when done
* @todo Steam: Clean up the parameter list here, it's quite messy
* @todo Steam: It may be best to roll up the 'distance' filter, as a hardcoded filter key in the 'Filters' list; this standardizes
* the lobby implementation a bit more, allowing other subsystems to use it
* @param MaxResults The maximum number of results to return
* @param Filters Filters used for restricting returned lobbies
* @param SortFilters Influences sorting of the returned lobby list, with the first filter influencing the most
* @param MinSlots Minimum required number of open slots (@todo Steam: Test to see this doesn't list >exact< number of slots)
* @param Distance The desired geographical distance of returned lobbies
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool FindLobbies(optional int MaxResults=32, optional array<LobbyFilter> Filters, optional array<LobbySortFilter> SortFilters,
optional int MinSlots, optional ELobbyDistance Distance=LD_Best);
* Updates the lobby settings for all current lobby search results, and removes lobbies if they have become invalid
* NOTE: Triggers OnFindLobbiesComplete when done
* @todo Steam: See if you really want this (could be used to update lobby search results, as well as grab more info for specific lobbies a lobby
* when passing bUIDOnly to FindLobbies
* @todo Steam: Should this really trigger OnFindLobbiesComplete when done? That returns the entire lobby list
* @param LobbyId Allows you to specify the id of one particular lobby you want to update
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool UpdateFoundLobbies(optional UniqueNetId LobbyId);
* Called when 'FindLobbies' completes, returning success/failure, and (if successful) the final lobby list
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not 'FindLobbies' was successful
* @param LobbyList The list of returned lobbies
delegate OnFindLobbiesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const out array<BasicLobbyInfo> LobbyList);
* Triggers all 'OnFindLobbiesComplete' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass CachedFindLobbyResults as an out parameter, without copying
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not 'FindLobbies' was successful
event TriggerFindLobbiesCompleteDelegates(bool bWasSuccessful)
local array<delegate<OnFindLobbiesComplete> > DelList;
local delegate<OnFindLobbiesComplete> CurDel;
DelList = FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(bWasSuccessful, CachedFindLobbyResults);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a call to 'FindLobbies' has completed
* @param FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddFindLobbiesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindLobbiesComplete> FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate)
if (FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates.Find(FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_None)
FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates[FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates.Length] = FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearFindLobbiesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnFindLobbiesComplete> FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate)
local int i;
i = FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates.Find(FindLobbiesCompleteDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
FindLobbiesCompleteDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Joins the specified lobby, triggering callbacks when done
* @param LobbyId The unique id of the lobby to join
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool JoinLobby(UniqueNetId LobbyId);
* Called when 'JoinLobby' completes, returning success/failure, and (if successful) the full lobby info
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not 'JoinLobby' was successful
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby we joined
* @param LobbyUID The UID of the lobby (for when joining failed, and there is no valid LobbyIndex)
* @param Error If 'JoinLobby' failed, returns the error type
delegate OnJoinLobbyComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, UniqueNetId LobbyUID, string Error);
* Triggers all 'OnJoinLobbyComplete' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param bWasSuccessful whether or not 'JoinLobby' was successful
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby we joined
* @param LobbyUID The UID of the lobby (for when joining failed, and there is no valid LobbyIndex)
* @param Error If 'JoinLobby' failed, returns the error type
event TriggerJoinLobbyCompleteDelegates(bool bWasSuccessful, int LobbyIndex, UniqueNetId LobbyUID, string Error)
local array<delegate<OnJoinLobbyComplete> > DelList;
local delegate<OnJoinLobbyComplete> CurDel;
DelList = JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(bWasSuccessful, ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, LobbyUID, Error);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a call to 'JoinLobby' has completed
* @param JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddJoinLobbyCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinLobbyComplete> JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate)
if (JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_None)
JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates[JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates.Length] = JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearJoinLobbyCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinLobbyComplete> JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate)
local int i;
i = JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates.Find(JoinLobbyCompleteDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
JoinLobbyCompleteDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Exits the specified lobby; always returns True, and has no callbacks
* @todo Steam: Is the corresponding callback for this 'OnLobbyKicked', since it says that is triggered upon disconnect as well?
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby to exit
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool LeaveLobby(UniqueNetId LobbyId);
* Changes the value of a setting for the local user in the specified lobby
* NOTE: You should specify any keys you set, in the 'LobbyMemberKeys' config array; otherwise they aren't read
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the change is to be applied
* @param Key The name of the setting to change
* @param Value The new value of the setting
native function bool SetLobbyUserSetting(UniqueNetId LobbyId, string Key, string Value);
* Sends a chat message to the specified lobby
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the message should be sent
* @param Message The message to send to the lobby
* @return Returns True if the message was sent successfully, False otherwise
native function bool SendLobbyMessage(UniqueNetId LobbyId, string Message);
* Sends binary data to the specified lobby
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the data should be sent
* @param Data The binary data which should be sent to the lobby (limit of around 2048 bytes)
native function bool SendLobbyBinaryData(UniqueNetId LobbyId, const out array<byte> Data);
* Called when lobby settings have been updated
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby whose settings have been updated
delegate OnLobbySettingsUpdate(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbySettingsUpdate' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby whose settings have been updated
event TriggerLobbySettingsUpdateDelegates(int LobbyIndex)
local array<delegate<OnLobbySettingsUpdate> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbySettingsUpdate> CurDel;
DelList = LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a lobbies settings have updated
* @param LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbySettingsUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbySettingsUpdate> LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate)
if (LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates[LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates.Length] = LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbySettingsUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbySettingsUpdate> LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbySettingsUpdateDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbySettingsUpdateDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when the settings of a specific lobby member have been updated
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member whose settings have been updated
delegate OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member whose settings have been updated
event TriggerLobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates(int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex)
local array<delegate<OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate> CurDel;
DelList = LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, MemberIndex);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a lobby members settings have been updated
* @param LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate> LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate)
if (LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates[LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates.Length] = LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyMemberSettingsUpdate> LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyMemberSettingsUpdateDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when the status of a lobby member changes (e.g. entering/leaving)
* NOTE: If the lobby member was kicked/banned, InstigatorIndex is set to the lobby member who kicked/banned the player
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member whose status has changed
* @param InstigatorIndex The index of the member (probably admin) who changed the other members status (may be INDEX_None)
* @param Status The new status of the member
delegate OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex, int InstigatorIndex,
string Status);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member whose status has changed
* @param InstigatorIndex The index of the member (probably admin) who changed the other members status (may be INDEX_None)
* @param Status The new status of the member
event TriggerLobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates(int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex, int InstigatorIndex, string Status)
local array<delegate<OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate> CurDel;
DelList = LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, MemberIndex, InstigatorIndex, Status);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a lobby members status has changed
* @param LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate> LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate)
if (LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates[LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates.Length] = LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate> LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates.Find(LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyMemberStatusUpdateDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when a chat message has been received from the lobby
* @todo Steam: Remove 'Type' if it's not used by Steam
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby the message came from
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member the message is from
* @param Type The type of message (chat/is-typing/game-starting/etc.)
* @param Message The actual message
delegate OnLobbyReceiveMessage(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex, string Type, string Message);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbyReceiveMessage' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby the message came from
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member the message is from
* @param Type The type of message (chat/is-typing/game-starting/etc.)
* @param Message The actual message
event TriggerLobbyReceiveMessageDelegates(int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex, string Type, string Message)
local array<delegate<OnLobbyReceiveMessage> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbyReceiveMessage> CurDel;
DelList = LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, MemberIndex, Type, Message);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a lobby message is received
* @param LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyReceiveMessageDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyReceiveMessage> LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate)
if (LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates.Find(LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates[LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates.Length] = LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyReceiveMessageDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyReceiveMessage> LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates.Find(LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyReceiveMessageDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when a binary message has been received from the lobby
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby the message came from
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member the message is from
* @param Data The received binary data
delegate OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex, const out array<byte> Data);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies/CachedBinaryData as out parameters
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby the message came from
* @param MemberIndex The index of the member the message is from
event TriggerLobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates(int LobbyIndex, int MemberIndex)
local array<delegate<OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData> CurDel;
DelList = LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, MemberIndex, CachedBinaryData);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when binary data is received from a lobby
* @param LobbyReceiveMessageDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData> LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate)
if (LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates.Find(LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates[LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates.Length] = LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyReceiveBinaryData> LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates.Find(LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyReceiveBinaryDataDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when the lobby activity has completed, and the player is directed towards a server
* NOTE: Player does not automatically leave the lobby when this is triggered
* @param LobbyList The list of active lobbies
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby making the join-game request
* @param ServerId The UID of the server to join
* @param ServerIP The IP of the server to join
delegate OnLobbyJoinGame(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, UniqueNetId ServerId, string ServerIP);
* Triggers all 'OnLobbyJoinGame' delegates; done from UScript, as C++ can't pass ActiveLobbies as an out parameter, without copying it
* @param LobbyIndex The index of the lobby making the join-game request
* @param ServerId The UID of the server to join
* @param ServerIP The IP of the server to join
event TriggerLobbyJoinGameDelegates(int LobbyIndex, UniqueNetId ServerId, string ServerIP)
local array<delegate<OnLobbyJoinGame> > DelList;
local delegate<OnLobbyJoinGame> CurDel;
DelList = LobbyJoinGameDelegates;
foreach DelList(CurDel)
CurDel(ActiveLobbies, LobbyIndex, ServerId, ServerIP);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when a lobby directs the player towards a server
* @param LobbyJoinGameDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyJoinGameDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyJoinGame> LobbyJoinGameDelegate)
if (LobbyJoinGameDelegates.Find(LobbyJoinGameDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyJoinGameDelegates[LobbyJoinGameDelegates.Length] = LobbyJoinGameDelegate;
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyJoinGameDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyJoinGameDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyJoinGame> LobbyJoinGameDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyJoinGameDelegates.Find(LobbyJoinGameDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyJoinGameDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* Called when the
* @todo Steam: IMPORTANT: It is suggested by searching the Steam partner documentation, that this may not even be implemented;
* remove it if you can't test it, and don't implement this callback until you have tested the native part
* @todo Steam: Should this be named OnLobbyDisconnect? Does this get called when the player leaves a lobby through LeaveLobby?
* @todo Steam: Update this to take a const out array, with an index
delegate OnLobbyKicked(const out array<ActiveLobbyInfo> LobbyList, int LobbyIndex, int AdminIndex);
* Returns the UID of the person who is admin of the specified lobby
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby to check
* @param AdminId Outputs the UID of the lobby admin
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool GetLobbyAdmin(UniqueNetId LobbyId, out UniqueNetId AdminId);
* Sets the value of a specified setting, in the specified lobby
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the setting should be changed
* @param Key The name of the setting to change
* @param Value The new value for the setting
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool SetLobbySetting(UniqueNetId LobbyId, string Key, string Value);
* Removes the specified setting, from the specified lobby
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the setting should be removed
* @param Key The name of the setting to remove
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool RemoveLobbySetting(UniqueNetId LobbyId, string Key);
* Sets the game server to be joined for the specified lobby
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the game server should be set
* @param ServerUID The UID of the game server
* @param ServerIP The IP address of the game server
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool SetLobbyServer(UniqueNetId LobbyId, UniqueNetId ServerUID, string ServerIP);
* Changes the visibility/connectivity type for the specified lobby
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where the change should be made
* @param Type The new visibility/connectivity type for the lobby
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool SetLobbyType(UniqueNetId LobbyId, ELobbyVisibility Type);
* Locks/unlocks the specified lobby (i.e. sets whether or not people can join it, regardless of friend/invite status)
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby to be locked/unlocked
* @param bLocked whether to lock or unlock the lobby
* @return Returns True if successful, False otherwise
native function bool SetLobbyLock(UniqueNetId LobbyId, bool bLocked);
* Changes the owner of the specfied lobby
* NOTE: Admin-only
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby where ownership should be changed
* @param NewOwner The UID of the new lobby owner (must be present in lobby)
native function bool SetLobbyOwner(UniqueNetId LobbyId, UniqueNetId NewOwner);
* Invites a player to the specified lobby
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby to invite the player to
* @param PlayerId The UID of the player to invite
* @return Returns True if the invitation was sent successfully, False otherwise
native function bool InviteToLobby(UniqueNetId LobbyId, UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Called when the user receives or accepts a lobby invite
* @param LobbyId The UID of the lobby the player was invited to
* @param FriendId The UID of the player who invited the user to the lobby (may be invalid, if not invited directly by a friend)
* @param bAccepted whether or not the player has already accepted the invite
delegate OnLobbyInvite(UniqueNetId LobbyId, UniqueNetId FriendId, bool bAccepted);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when the player receives or accepts a lobby invite
* @param AcceptLobbyInviteDelegate The delegate to use for notifications
function AddLobbyInviteDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyInvite> LobbyInviteDelegate)
if (LobbyInviteDelegates.Find(LobbyInviteDelegate) == INDEX_None)
LobbyInviteDelegates[LobbyInviteDelegates.Length] = LobbyInviteDelegate;
* Removes the specifed delegate from the notification list
* @param LobbyInviteDelegate The delegate to remove from the list
function ClearLobbyInviteDelegate(delegate<OnLobbyInvite> LobbyInviteDelegate)
local int i;
i = LobbyInviteDelegates.Find(LobbyInviteDelegate);
if (i != INDEX_None)
LobbyInviteDelegates.Remove(i, 1);
* If the player accepted a lobby invite from outside of the game, this grabs the lobby UID from the commandline
* @param LobbyId Outputs the UID of the lobby to be joined
* @param bMarkAsJoined Set this when the lobby is joined; future calls to this function will return False, but will still output the UID
* @return Returns True if a lobby UID is on the commandline, but returns False if it has been joined
native function bool GetLobbyFromCommandline(out UniqueNetId LobbyId, optional bool bMarkAsJoined=True);