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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// ParticleEmitter
// The base class for any particle emitter objects.
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ParticleEmitter extends Object
// General variables
/** The name of the emitter. */
var(Particle) name EmitterName;
// Burst emissions
enum EParticleBurstMethod
struct native ParticleBurst
/** The number of particles to burst */
var() int Count;
/** If >= 0, use as a range [CountLow..Count] */
var() int CountLow;
/** The time at which to burst them (0..1: emitter lifetime) */
var() float Time;
CountLow=-1 // Disabled by default...
// SubUV-related
enum EParticleSubUVInterpMethod
var transient int SubUVDataOffset;
// Cascade-related
enum EEmitterRenderMode
* How to render the emitter particles. Can be one of the following:
* ERM_Normal - As the intended sprite/mesh
* ERM_Point - As a 2x2 pixel block with no scaling and the color set in EmitterEditorColor
* ERM_Cross - As a cross of lines, scaled to the size of the particle in EmitterEditorColor
* ERM_None - Do not render
var(Cascade) EEmitterRenderMode EmitterRenderMode;
* The color of the emitter in the curve editor and debug rendering modes.
var(Cascade) editoronly color EmitterEditorColor;
// 'Private' data - not required by the editor
var editinline export array<ParticleLODLevel> LODLevels;
var bool ConvertedModules;
var int PeakActiveParticles;
// Performance/LOD Data
* Initial allocation count - overrides calculated peak count if > 0
var(Particle) int InitialAllocationCount;
* Scales the spawn rate of this emitter when the engine is running in medium or low detail mode.
* This can be used to optimize particle draw cost in splitscreen.
* A value of 0 effectively disables this emitter outside of high detail mode,
* And this does not affect spawn per unit, unless the value is 0.
var(Particle) float MediumDetailSpawnRateScale;
/** This value indicates the emitter should be drawn 'collapsed' in Cascade */
var(Cascade) editoronly bool bCollapsed;
/** If TRUE, then show only this emitter in the editor */
var transient bool bIsSoloing;
* If TRUE, then this emitter was 'cooked out' by the cooker.
* This means it was completely disabled, but to preserve any
* indexing schemes, it is left in place.
var bool bCookedOut;
/** The Flex container to emit into */
var (Flex) FlexContainer FlexContainerTemplate;
var (Flex) float FlexSmoothScreenRadius;
var (Flex) float FlexSmoothDepthRadius;
var (Flex) float FlexCutoffThickness;
* Get the longest possible lifespan for this emitter.
* @param InComponentDelay The delay from the component using the emitter
* @return FLOAT The longest lifespan this PSys could have; 0.0f if infinite.
native function float GetMaxLifespan(float InComponentDelay);
// C++
virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyThatWillChange);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual FParticleEmitterInstance* CreateInstance(UParticleSystemComponent* InComponent);
virtual void SetToSensibleDefaults() {}
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void UpdateModuleLists();
void SetEmitterName(FName Name);
FName& GetEmitterName();
virtual void SetLODCount(INT LODCount);
// For Cascade
void AddEmitterCurvesToEditor(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
void RemoveEmitterCurvesFromEditor(UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
void ChangeEditorColor(FColor& Color, UInterpCurveEdSetup* EdSetup);
void AutoPopulateInstanceProperties(UParticleSystemComponent* PSysComp);
// LOD
INT CreateLODLevel(INT LODLevel, UBOOL bGenerateModuleData = TRUE);
UBOOL IsLODLevelValid(INT LODLevel);
/** GetCurrentLODLevel
* Returns the currently set LODLevel. Intended for game-time usage.
* Assumes that the given LODLevel will be in the [0..# LOD levels] range.
* @return NULL if the requested LODLevel is not valid.
* The pointer to the requested UParticleLODLevel if valid.
FORCEINLINE UParticleLODLevel* GetCurrentLODLevel(FParticleEmitterInstance* Instance)
return Instance->CurrentLODLevel;
// for the game (where we care about perf) we don't branch
if (GIsGame == TRUE)
return Instance->CurrentLODLevel;
EditorUpdateCurrentLOD( Instance );
return Instance->CurrentLODLevel;
#endif // if CONSOLE
void EditorUpdateCurrentLOD(FParticleEmitterInstance* Instance);
UParticleLODLevel* GetLODLevel(INT LODLevel);
virtual UBOOL AutogenerateLowestLODLevel(UBOOL bDuplicateHighest = FALSE);
* CalculateMaxActiveParticleCount
* Determine the maximum active particles that could occur with this emitter.
* This is to avoid reallocation during the life of the emitter.
* @return TRUE if the number was determined
* FALSE if the number could not be determined
virtual UBOOL CalculateMaxActiveParticleCount();
* Retrieve the parameters associated with this particle system.
* @param ParticleSysParamList The list of FParticleSysParams used in the system
* @param ParticleParameterList The list of ParticleParameter distributions used in the system
void GetParametersUtilized(TArray<FString>& ParticleSysParamList,
TArray<FString>& ParticleParameterList);
// Default properties
EmitterName="Particle Emitter"
FlexSmoothScreenRadius = 5.0f
FlexSmoothDepthRadius = 5.0f
FlexCutoffThickness = 10.0f