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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// NavigationHandle
// Component that encapsulates navigation behavior. Attach this to your actor of choice to
// enable that actor to pathfind
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class NavigationHandle extends Object within Actor
struct native PolySegmentSpan
var native pointer Poly{FNavMeshPolyBase};
var Vector P1, P2;
explicit FPolySegmentSpan( struct FNavMeshPolyBase* inPoly, FVector inP1, FVector inP2 )
Poly = inPoly;
P1 = inP1;
P2 = inP2;
/** Current pylon AI is anchored to */
var Pylon AnchorPylon;
var native pointer AnchorPoly{FNavMeshPolyBase};
/** dummy struct used to match alignment in pathcache array */
struct {FNavMeshEdgeBase*} EdgePointer
var native const pointer Dummy{FNavMeshEdgeBase};
// struct containing the pathcache aray. Used so that
// pathcaches can easily be stored and copied around in script
struct native PathStore
FORCEINLINE FNavMeshEdgeBase*& operator()( INT i )
return EdgeList(i);
return EdgeList.Num();
FNavMeshEdgeBase*& Last( INT c=0 )
return EdgeList.Last(c);
FNavMeshEdgeBase*& Top()
return Last();
var native array<EdgePointer> EdgeList;
var PathStore PathCache;
* This points to the BestUnfinishedPathPoint. Which will usually be set by some EvaluateGoal or DetermineFinalGoal function/
* In some cases it is not possible to get a full path, but having the best unfinished path is good enough (e.g. ai on top
* of a crevice, or on a navmesh island disconnected from everyone else)
var transient native pointer BestUnfinishedPathPoint{FNavMeshPolyBase};
/** List of polys to move through */
var const native pointer CurrentEdge{FNavMeshEdgeBase};
/** the poly we're currently trying to get inside */
var const native pointer SubGoal_DestPoly{FNavMeshPolyBase};
/** Final destination */
var BasedPosition FinalDestination;
/** AI should not update route cache - flag to prevent cache from being changed when pathing is used to evaluate squad location */
var bool bSkipRouteCacheUpdates;
/** List of search constraints for pathing */
var NavMeshPathConstraint PathConstraintList;
var NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator PathGoalList;
/** when this is TRUE the goal evaluator chain will be treated as an OR chain instead of an AND chain */
var bool bUseORforEvaluateGoal;
/** this is a handy way of ensuring everyone is setting the necessary parameters.. this should always reflect the number of
* parameters in the NavMeshPathParams struct, and then in SetupPathingParams a check will be inserted with the
* number of params in existence at the time of writing the function, so if the number of params changes and the implementations
* are not updated an assert will fire
// this struct is where all the non-volatile pathing params are cached at the beginning of a path search.
// Populated from Interface_NavigationHandle::SetupPathfindingParams()
struct native NavMeshPathParams
/** the navhandle interface for the pathing entity */
var native pointer Interface{IInterface_NavigationHandle};
/** can this entity use mantle edges? */
var bool bCanMantle;
/** do we need to perform extra checks when determining if an edge supports the entiy? */
var bool bNeedsMantleValidityTest;
/** is this entity valid to pathfind (does it have a pawn, etc..) */
var bool bAbleToSearch;
/** the size of the entity looking for a path */
/* @NOTE: this will use the LARGEST of the X/Y dimensions. Pathfinding extents must be symmetrical, so if the extent is not,
it will be made to be symmetric. (for long train-like objects path with the extent of the leader, and the rest will follow)
@see FNavMeshEdgeBase::Supports()
var Vector SearchExtent;
var float SearchLaneMultiplier;
/** the starting location for the path search */
var vector SearchStart;
/** the maximum valid height for this entity to 'drop down' (e.g. max height to use on dropdown edges) */
var float MaxDropHeight;
/** the minimum value for the Z component of walkable surfaces */
var float MinWalkableZ;
/** max hover distance -- the maximum distance this entity can hover above the surface of a polygon. (-1 means arbitrarily high) */
var float MaxHoverDistance;
// the cached path params for the current search
var NavMeshPathParams CachedPathParams;
/** when this bool is TRUE, statistics about which constraints are doing what will be printed following
* path searches
var(PathDebug) bool bDebugConstraintsAndGoalEvals;
* when true TONS of information will be printed to the log, as well as a bunch of stuff drawn to the screen.
* debug lines will be drawn indicating the progress of the path traversal, and whenever a log message is printed related
* to an edge on the navmesh a number will be printed to the screen above it indexing into the log messages to tell you
* what that message is.
* RED lines indicate expansion was stopped at that step, other colors will change depending on the expansion generation
* (e.g. all edges traversed in the first step will be of the same color, second step a different color etc..
var(PathDebug) bool bUltraVerbosePathDebugging;
/** If true, only adds the visual parts of verbose path debugging, without the log spew */
var(PathDebug) bool bVisualPathDebugging;
* Relevant error code set by FindPath when a path search fails.
* Allows decision on how to resolve a failed search by providing more information on the failure cause .
* Only valid if FindPath returns FALSE. Safe to ignore otherwise.
* This value is not updated until the next search fails.
var(PathDebug) EPathFindingError LastPathError;
var(PathDebug) float LastPathFailTime;
/** max breadcrumbs - number of breadcrumbs to keep track of */
const NumBreadCrumbs = 10;
/** ring buffer of breadcrumb positions */
var vector Breadcrumbs[NumBreadCrumbs];
/** index that represents the most recent breadcrumb */
var int BreadCrumbMostRecentIdx;
/** bread crumb interval (how far we need to move before laying a new breadcrumb) */
var float BreadCrumbDistanceInterval;
/** draw breadcrumb debug info? */
var() bool bDebug_Breadcrumbs;
// use this in SetupPathingParams and pass the number of params you have populated to ensure when new properties
// are added to the struct that you are setting them all
typedef char ERROR_Missing_NavMesh_param_please_Set_all_Params[( NUM != UCONST_NUM_PATHFINDING_PARAMS ) ? 0 : 1];
// returns TRUE if the pylon and poly associated with the interface's current location can be found
static UBOOL GetPylonAndPolyFromActorPos( AActor* Actor, APylon*& out_Pylon, struct FNavMeshPolyBase*& out_Poly);
* GetPylonANdPolyFromPos
* - will search for the pylon and polygon that contain this point
* @param Pos - position to get pylon and poly from
* @param out_Pylon - output var for pylon this position is within
* @param out_Poly - output var for poly this position is within
* @param PylonsToConsider - only check these pylons (useful for perf)
* @return - TRUE if the pylon and poly were found succesfully
static UBOOL GetPylonAndPolyFromPos(const FVector& Pos, FLOAT MinWalkableFloorZ, APylon*& out_Pylon, struct FNavMeshPolyBase*& out_Poly, TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToConsider=NULL);
* GetAllPylonsFromPos
* - will populate a list of all pylons which are valid (in terms of can a pawn walk from the possible pylon) for the given position
* @param Pos - position to test
* @param out_Pylons - list of pylons to be populated with results
* @param bWalkable - whether or not this pylon's polys need to be "walkable" FALSE for looking for disconnected pylons
* @return TRUE if any pylons were found
static UBOOL GetAllPylonsFromPos(const FVector& Pos, const FVector& Extent, TArray<APylon*>& out_Pylons, UBOOL bWalkable = TRUE );
* GetPylonAndPolyFromBox
* - will search for the pylon and polygon that contain this box
* @param Box - the box to use to find a poly for
* @param out_Pylon - output var for pylon this position is within
* @param out_Poly - output var for poly this position is within
* @return - TRUE if the pylon and poly were found succesfully
static UBOOL GetPylonAndPolyFromBox(const FBox& Box, FLOAT MinWalkableZ, APylon*& out_Pylon, struct FNavMeshPolyBase*& out_Poly);
* GetAnchorPoly
* - will find a suitable anchor (start) poly for this handle
* @return - the suitable poly (if any)
FNavMeshPolyBase* GetAnchorPoly();
* GetAllPolysFromPos
* will return all polys in any mesh which are within the passed extent
* @param Pos - Center of extent to check
* @param Extent - extent of box to check
* @param out_PolyList - output array of polys to check
* @param bIgnoreDynamic - if TRUE, dynamically created submeshes will be ignored
* @param bReturnBothDynamicAndStatic - if TRUE, BOTH dynamic and static polys will be returned.. using this is *DANGEROUS*! most of the time you should use dynamic polys if they exist
* as they are the 'correct' representation of the mesh at that point
* @param PylonsToConsider - list of pylons to consider for this check, defauls to doing an octree check to determine this list
* @param TraceFlags - flags for trace dilineation
* @return TRUE if polys were found
static UBOOL GetAllPolysFromPos( const FVector& Pos, const FVector& Extent, TArray<struct FNavMeshPolyBase*>& out_PolyList, UBOOL bIgnoreDynamic, UBOOL bReturnBothDynamicAndStatic=FALSE, TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToConsider=NULL, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
* GetAllObstaclePolysFromPos
* will return all obstacle polys in any mesh which are within the passed extent
* @param Pos - Center of extent to check
* @param Extent - extent of box to check
* @param out_PolyList - output array of polys to check
* @param PylonsToCheck - OPTIONAL param indicating the lsit of pylons we should check instead of hitting the pylon octree
* @param bSkipDynamicObstacleMesh - OPTIONAL param, when true only static obstacle mesh polys will be returned
* @param TraceFlags - flags for trace dilineation
* @return TRUE if polys were found
static void GetAllObstaclePolysFromPos( const FVector& Pos,
const FVector& Extent,
TArray<struct FNavMeshPolyBase*>& out_PolyList,
const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToCheck=NULL,
UBOOL bSkipDynamicObstacleMesh=FALSE,
DWORD TraceFlags=0);
// returns TRUE if the AABB provided intersects a loaded portion of the mesh
static UBOOL BoxIntersectsMesh( const FVector& Center, const FVector& Extent, APylon*& out_Pylon, struct FNavMeshPolyBase*& out_Poly, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
* returns TRUE if the poly described by the passed list of vectors intersects a loaded portion of the mesh
* @param Poly - vertexlist representing the poly we want to query against the mesh
* @param out_Pylon - pylon we collided with
* @param out_Poly - poly we collided with
* @arapm ExclusionPolys - optional list of polys we want to exclude from the search
* @param bIgnoreImportedMeshes - when TRUE meshes which unwalkable surfaces will be ignored for overlap testing
* @param IgnorePylons - optional pylons to ignore collisions from
* @return TRUE if poly intersects
static UBOOL PolyIntersectsMesh( TArray<FVector>& Poly, APylon*& out_Pylon, struct FNavMeshPolyBase*& out_Poly, TArray<FNavMeshPolyBase*>* ExclusionPolys=NULL, UBOOL bIgnoreImportedMeshes=FALSE, TArray<APylon*>* IgnorePylons=NULL, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
// queries the pylon octree and returns a list of pylons that intersect the given AABB
static void GetIntersectingPylons(const FVector& Loc, const FVector& Extent, TArray<APylon*>& out_Pylons,class AActor* SrcActor=NULL);
* Given a line segment, walks along the segment returning all polys that it crosses as entry and exit points of that segment
* (will find spans from any navmesh in the world)
* @param Start - Start point of span to check
* @param End - end point of span
* @Param out_Spans - out array of spans found and the polys they link to
static void GetPolySegmentSpanList( FVector& Start, FVector& End, TArray<struct FPolySegmentSpan>& out_Spans );
* static function that will do an obstacle line check against any pylon's meshes colliding with the line passed
* @param InOuter - The Outer which owns this NavHandle. Can be used for debugging
* @param Hit - Hitresult struct for line check
* @param Start - start of line check
* @param End - end of line check
* @param Extent - extent of box to sweep
* @param bIgnoreNormalMesh - OPTIONAL - default:FALSE - when TRUE no checks against the walkable mesh will be performed
* @param out_HitPoly - optional output param stuffed with the poly we collided with (if any)
* @param PylonsToCheck - OPTIONAL, if present only these pylons' meshes will be linecheck'd
* @param TraceFlags - bitfield to control tracing options
* @return TRUE if nothing hit
static UBOOL StaticObstacleLineCheck( const UObject* const InOuter,
FCheckResult& Hit,
FVector Start,
FVector End,
FVector Extent,
UBOOL bIgnoreNormalMesh=FALSE,
FNavMeshPolyBase** out_HitPoly=NULL,
const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToCheck=NULL,
DWORD TraceFlags=0);
* static function that will do a point check agains the obstacle mesh
* @param Hit - hitresult struct for point check
* @param Pt - centroid of extent box to point check
* @param Extent - extent of box to point check
* @param out_HitPoly - optional output param stuffed with the poly we collided with (if any)
* @param PylonsToCheck - OPTIONAL, if present only these pylons' meshes will be linecheck'd
* @param bSkipPointInMeshCheck - OPTIONAL, if TRUE ONLY a pointcheck against the obstacle mesh will be done, no verification that the point is on the mesh somewhere will be done (be careful with this one!)
* @return TRUE if nothing hit
static UBOOL StaticObstaclePointCheck(FCheckResult& Hit,FVector Pt,FVector Extent, FNavMeshPolyBase** out_HitPoly=NULL, const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToCheck=NULL, UBOOL bSkipPointInMeshCheck=FALSE, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
* static function that will do a line check against any pylon's (walkable) meshes colliding with the line passed
* @param Hit - Hitresult struct for line check
* @param Start - start of line check
* @param End - end of line check
* @param Extent - extent of box to sweep
* @param out_HitPoly - OPTIONAL, output param for hit poly
* @param PylonsToCheck - OPTIONAL, if present only these pylons' meshes will be linecheck'd
* @param TraceFlags - bitfield to control tracing options
* @return TRUE if nothing hit
static UBOOL StaticLineCheck(FCheckResult& Hit, FVector Start,FVector End,FVector Extent, FNavMeshPolyBase** out_HitPoly=NULL, const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToCheck=NULL, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
* static function that will do a point check agains the walkable
* @param Hit - hitresult struct for point check
* @param Pt - centroid of extent box to point check
* @param Extent - extent of box to point check
* @param out_HitPoly - OPTIONAL, poly the pointcheck hit
* @param PylonsToCheck - OPTIONAL, if present only these pylons' meshes will be linecheck'd
* @return TRUE of nothing hit
static UBOOL StaticPointCheck(FCheckResult& Hit,FVector Pt,FVector Extent, FNavMeshPolyBase** out_HitPoly=NULL, const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsToCheck=NULL, DWORD TraceFlags=0);
static APylon* StaticGetPylonFromPos( FVector Position );
UBOOL PathCache_Empty( FPathStore* PCache );
UBOOL PathCache_AddEdge( FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge, FPathStore* PCache = NULL );
UBOOL PathCache_InsertEdge( FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge, int Idx=0, FPathStore* PCache = NULL );
UBOOL PathCache_RemoveEdge( FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge, FPathStore* PCache = NULL );
UBOOL PathCache_RemoveIndex( int InIdx, int Count, FPathStore* PCache );
FVector PathCache_GetGoalPoint( FPathStore* PCache );
// Pathing functions
* internal function which does the heavy lifting for A* searches (typically called from FindPath()
* @param out_DestActor - output param goal evals can set if a particular actor was the result of the search
* @param out_DestItem - output param goal evans can set if they need an index into something (e.g. cover slot)
* @return - TRUE If search found a goal
virtual UBOOL GeneratePath( class AActor** out_DestActor, INT* out_DestItem );
* Adds successor edges from the given poly to the A* search
* @param CurPoly - poly to add sucessor edges for
* @param PathParams - path params being used to search currently
* @param PredecessorEdge - edge we got to this poly from
* @param PathSessionID - SessionID for this pathfind
* @param OpenList - first edge on the open list
void AddSuccessorEdgesForPoly(FNavMeshPolyBase* CurPoly,
const FNavMeshPathParams& PathParams,
FNavMeshEdgeBase* PredecessorEdge,
INT PathSessionID,
PathOpenList& OpenList,
INT OverrideVisitedCost=-1,
INT OverrideHeuristicCost=-1);
* finds the best node in the list, and pulls it out and returns it
* (assumes list is sorted)
* @param OpenList - list to find best node from
* @return the best node in the list
PathCardinalType PopBestNode( PathOpenList& OpenList );
* InsertSorted
* inserts the passed node into the passed list at the proper spot to maintain sort order
* @param NodeForInsertion - node to insert into the list
* @param OpenList - list ot insert into
* @return TRUE if succesful
UBOOL InsertSorted( PathCardinalType NodeForInsertion, PathOpenList& OpenList );
UBOOL AddNodeToOpen( PathOpenList& OpenList,
PathCardinalType NodeToAdd,
INT EdgeCost,
INT HeuristicCost,
PathCardinalType Predecessor,
const FVector& PrevPos,
FNavMeshPolyBase* DestinationPolyForEdge);
void RemoveNodeFromOpen( PathCardinalType NodeToRemove, PathOpenList& OpenList );
* will loop through all constraints in the constraint list and let them have their say on the current cost of the edge being considered
* @param Edge - the edge being considered
* @param SrcPoly - the poly we're coming from
* @param DestPoly - the poly we're going to!
* @param EdgeCost - output param with current edge cost, and should be updated cost after this function is called
* @param HeuristicCost - output param with current heuristiccost, and should be updated heuristic cost (h) after this function is called
* @param EdgePoint - the point on the edge being used for cost calculations ( a good place to do heuristic weighting )
* @return TRUE if this edge is fit at all, FALSE if it should be skipped
UBOOL ApplyConstraints( FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge, FNavMeshEdgeBase* PredecessorEdge, FNavMeshPolyBase* SrcPoly, FNavMeshPolyBase* DestPoly, INT& EdgeCost, INT& HeuristicCost, const FVector& EdgePoint );
* EvaluateGoal handles composition of goal evaluators, and will loop through the goaleval list
* calling EvaluateGoal on each one to determine if the possibleGoal is the node we're looking for
* @param PossibleGoal - the goal to be evaluated!
* @param out_GeneratedGoal - the poly that we have chosen as our successful goal (if any)
* @NOTE: this will be NULL'd if the collective goals say no to PossibleGOal
* @return TRUE if PossibleGoal is a valid node to stop on (search stops once this happens)
UBOOL EvaluateGoal( PathCardinalType PossibleGoal, PathCardinalType& out_GeneratedGoal );
void ClearCrossLevelRefs(ULevel* Level);
* will clear all references to any navmeshes
void ClearAllMeshRefs();
* PostEdgeCleanup
* this function is called after an edge has been cleaned up, but before it has been deleted. Whatever triggerd
* the edge deletion is finished, so it's safe to call other code that might affect the mesh
* @param Edge - the edge that is being cleaned up
void PostEdgeCleanup(FNavMeshEdgeBase* Edge);
// UObject Interface - overidden to clear pathcache on destruction
virtual void BeginDestroy();
* will operate on the pathcache to generate a set of points to run through.. this is based on the edges in the path
* and a 'stringpull' method applied to the edges to find the best route through the edges
* @param Interface - the interface of the entity we're computing for
* @param PathIdx - the index of the edge we are computing
* @param out_EdgePos - the output of the computation
* @param ArrivalDist - the radius around points which the entity will consider itself arrived (used to offset points to make sure the bot moves far enough forward)
* @param bConstrainedToCurrentEdge - skip compensating if the edge requires special movement, rely solely upon GetEdgeDestination()
* @param out_EdgePoints - optional pointer to an array to fill with all the computed edge movement points
void ComputeOptimalEdgePosition(INT PathIdx, FVector& out_EdgePos, FLOAT ArrivalDistance, UBOOL bConstrainedToCurrentEdge = FALSE, TArray<FVector>* out_EdgePoints=NULL);
* This function will generate a move point which will get the bot into the next polygon
* by compensating for early-arrival if needed
* @param PathIdx - the index of the pathedge position we're trying to resolve (usually 0)
* @param out_movePosition - the position we determined to be best to move to (should be set with the current desired location to move to)
* @param NextMovePoitn - the next move point in the path
* @param HandleExtent - the extent of the handle we're resolving for
* @param CurHandlePos - the current world position of the handle we're resolving for
* @param ArrivalDistance - how close to a point we have ot be before moveto() will return
void CompensateForEarlyArrivals(INT PathIdx, FVector& out_MovePosition, const FVector& NextMovePoint, const FVector& CurHandlePos, FLOAT ArrivalDistance);
* This function is called from GetNextMoveLocation when it is detected that the entity is not within its path
* and it tries to recover from this happening
* @param Interface - the handle interface that's walking this path
* @param SearchStart - the location of the entity searching (saves on interface vf calls)
* @param Extent - extent of the entity searching (saves on interface vf calls)
* @param ArrivalDistance - how clsoe to a point we have to get before moveto() will return
* @param out_Dest - out_param dictating what our destination should be
* @return - whether we were succesful in finding a valid point to move to
UBOOL HandleNotOnPath(FLOAT ArrivalDistance, FVector& out_Dest );
* This function is called to give the Handle a chance to handled the adjustment instead of the controller fallback.
* @param HitNoraml - Normal of the wall at point of collision
* @param HitActor - Actor that we hit
* @return - TRUE if we handled the adjustment, FALSE means allow Outer (usually the AIController)
UBOOL HandleWallAdjust( FVector HitNormal, AActor* HitActor );
* This function is called after an adjust to the wall is complete (usually from execPollMoveTo/ward)
* @return - TRUE if we handled the adjustment and no other move should occur, FALSE means allow regular movement to continue
UBOOL HandleFinishedAdjustMove();
* This function is called by APawn::ReachedDestination and is used to coordinate when to stop moving to a point during
* path following (e.g. once we are inside the next poly, stop moving rather than trying to hit an exact point)
* @param Destination - destination we're trying to move to
* @param out_bReached - whether or not we have reached this destination
* @param HandleOuterActor - the actor which implements the navhandle interface for this test
* @param ArrivalTreshold - the radius within which code elsewhere is going to be doing arrival checks, so we can match in this function without breaking parity
* @return - returns TRUE If this function was able to determien if we've arrived (FALSE means keep checking elsewhere)
UBOOL ReachedDestination(const FVector& Destination, AActor* HandleOuterActor, FLOAT ArrivalThreshold, UBOOL& out_bReached);
// don't let navmeshes whose edges we are reffing be deleted before we are
void AddReferencedObjects( TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray );
void Serialize( FArchive& Ar );
* do an octree check and return all pylons whose bounds overlap the passed center/extent
* @param Ctr - center of box to check for overlap
* @param Extent - extent of box to check for overlap
* @param out_OverlappingPylons - out param stuffed with pylons
static void GetAllOverlappingPylonsFromBox(const FVector& Ctr, const FVector& Extent, TArray<APylon*>& out_OverlappingPylons);
* called from PointReachable, and is recursive to split the cast into several that conform to the mesh
* @param InOuter - The Outer which owns this NavHandle. Can be used for debugging
* @param Hit - Hitresult struct for line check
* @param Start - start of line check
* @param End - end of line check
* @param Extent - extent of box to sweep
* @param bIgnoreNormalMesh - OPTIONAL - default:FALSE - when TRUE no checks against the walkable mesh will be performed
* @param out_HitPoly - optional output param stuffed with the poly we collided with (if any)
* @param bComparePolyNormalZs - optional bool dictating whether this function should return a collision when any two polys found along
* the way have very different Normal.Z values
* @param TraceFlags - bitfield to control tracing options
* @return TRUE of nothing hit
static UBOOL PointReachableLineCheck( const UObject* const InOuter,
FCheckResult& Hit,
FVector Start,
FVector End,
FVector Extent,
UBOOL bIgnoreNormalMesh=FALSE,
FNavMeshPolyBase** out_HitPoly=NULL,
UBOOL bComparePolyNormalZs=FALSE,
DWORD TraceFlags=0,
UINT StackDepth=0);
* called when a path is searched for and not found
* sets the lastpatherror and saves off the time of the failure
* @param ErrorType - the type of path error that just occurred
void SetPathError(EPathFindingError ErrorType);
struct FFitNessFuncParams
FFitNessFuncParams( UNavigationHandle* InAskingHandle,
const FVector& InStartPt,
const FVector& InExtent,
const FVector& InPoint,
FNavMeshPolyBase* InPolyContainingPoint,
const TArray<APylon*>* InPylonsWeCareAbout)
UNavigationHandle* AskingHandle;
FVector StartPt;
FVector Extent;
FVector Point;
FNavMeshPolyBase* PolyContainingPoint;
const TArray<APylon*>* PylonsWeCareAbout;
// typedef for getvalidpositionsforbox acceptability function pointer
typedef UBOOL (*ValidBoxPositionFunc)(const FFitNessFuncParams& Params);
* will return a list of valid spots on the mesh which fit the passed extent and are within radius to Pos
* @param Pos - Center of bounds to check for polys
* @param Radius - radius from Pos to find valid positions within
* @param Extent - Extent of entity we're finding a spot for
* @param bMustBeReachableFromStartPos - if TRUE, only positions which are directly reachable from the starting position will be returned
* @param ValidPositions - out var of valid positions for the passed entity size
* @param MaxPositions - the maximum positions needed (e.g. the search for valid positions will stop after this many have been found)
* @param MinRadius - minimum distance from center position to potential spots (default 0)
* @param ValidBoxAroundStartPos - when bMustBeReachableFromStartPos is TRUE, all hits that are within this AABB of the start pos will be considered valid
* @param ValidBoxPositionFunc - function pointer which can be supplied to filter out potential points from the result list
void GetValidPositionsForBoxEx(FVector pos,
FLOAT Radius,
FVector Extent,
UBOOL bMustBeReachableFromStartPos,
TArray<FVector>& out_ValidPositions,
INT MaxPositions=-1,
FLOAT MinRadius=0,
FVector ValidBoxAroundStartPos=FVector(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000),
ValidBoxPositionFunc FitnessFunction=NULL);
// macros to support debuglog, should call these instead of debuglog directly so that it gets compiled out in release builds
IInterface_NavigationHandle* Interface = InterfaceCast<IInterface_NavigationHandle>(GetOuter());\
if(Interface != NULL)\
* sets the pathcache to a copy of the passed path store
* @param PathStore - path store to copy over pathcache
native function CopyPathStoreToPathCache(const out PathStore InStore);
* checks if we've moved far enough, and if so updates the breadcrumb trail
* @param Location - current location
native function UpdateBreadCrumbs(vector InLocation);
* will return the most recent breadcrumb, and pop it off the list
native function bool GetNextBreadCrumb(out vector out_BreadCrumbLoc);
* Path constraint operations
* Allows the user to push a list of constraints which affect pathing heuristics, as well as determine when the path traversal is finished
native function ClearConstraints();
native function AddPathConstraint( NavMeshPathConstraint Constraint );
native function AddGoalEvaluator( NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator Evaluator );
* returns whether or not pylon A has any path to Pylon B (useful for high level early outs)
native function Pylon BuildFromPylonAToPylonB(Pylon A, Pylon B);
* returns whether or not pylon A has any path to Pylon B (useful for high level early outs)
native function bool DoesPylonAHaveAPathToPylonB(Pylon A, Pylon B);
* Path shaping creation functions...
* these functions by default will just new the class, but this offers a handy
* interface to override for to do things like pool the constraints
function NavMeshPathConstraint CreatePathConstraint( class<NavMeshPathConstraint> ConstraintClass )
return WorldInfo.GetNavMeshPathConstraintFromCache(ConstraintClass,self);
function NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator CreatePathGoalEvaluator( class<NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator> GoalEvalClass )
return WorldInfo.GetNavMeshPathGoalEvaluatorFromCache(GoalEvalClass,self);
function int GetPathCacheLength()
return PathCache.EdgeList.Length;
/** Path Cache Operations
* Allows operations on nodes in the route while modifying route (ie before emptying the cache)
* Should override in subclasses as needed
native function bool PathCache_Empty();
* After FindPath has been called this will return the location in the world that the pathfind found based on the NavMeshGoals
* the FindPath used.
native function vector PathCache_GetGoalPoint();
native function bool PathCache_RemoveIndex(int InIdx, int Count = 1);
* This will return the best "unfinished path". We need this for things where we are using the navmesh to find locations which
* are not connected (pathable) to the originating NavHandle but are still valid world positions.
native function vector GetBestUnfinishedPathPoint() const;
// finds the the pylon the AI attached to this handle is within
native function bool FindPylon();
// finds the pylon (if any) assoicated with the position passed
native static function Pylon GetPylonFromPos( vector Position );
* will return the actual point that we should move to right now to walk along our path
* this will usually be a point along our current edge, but sometimes will
* be something else in special situations (e.g. right on top of the edge)
* @param out_MoveDest - output movement destination we have determined
* @param ArrivalDistance - this tells getnextmovelocation how close to a point we have to be before MoveTo() returns
* necessary so we can compesnate for early arrivals in some situations
native function bool GetNextMoveLocation( out Vector out_MoveDest, float ArrivalDistance );
* lets the navigation handle know what the ultimate goal of the current move is
* @param FinalDest - the destination desired
* @return - whether or not the final destination is reachable
native function bool SetFinalDestination(Vector FinalDest);
* ComputeValidFinalDestination
* will find a valid, pathable point near the passed desired destination
native function bool ComputeValidFinalDestination(out vector out_ComputedPosition);
* this will set up a path search, and ultimately call GeneratePath to do the A* path search
* Note: it's up to your constraints to determine what it is you're doing.. if you're trying to
* path to a particular point you probably want to add a NavmeshGoal_At goal evaluator
* and supply it with the position you're pathing toward so the goal evaluator can stop the path search
* once the destination is found. You also need a path constraint to provide a heuristic for the search,
* which typically is going to consist of at least a NavMeshPath_Toward which will weight based on
* euclidian distance to the goal.
* @param out_DestActor - output variable which goal evaluators can use to supply the 'found' actor at path finish
* @param out_DestItem - output variable which goal evaluators can use to supply extra data to path search clients
* @return - whether the path search was successful or not
native function bool FindPath( optional out Actor out_DestActor, optional out int out_DestItem );
* this will notify our curretn edge we're about to traverse it, and allow that edge to perform custom actions for traversal
* @param MovePt - the point we're about to move to
* @param C - controller we're suggesting move prep for
* @return TRUE if the edge is handling getting the bot to the proper position for the move, FALSE if
* calling code is responsible for getting th bot to movept
native function bool SuggestMovePreparation( out Vector MovePt, Controller C );
* does a line check against the obstacle mesh
* @param Start - start of the line segment to check
* @param End - end position of the line segment to check
* @param Extent - extent of box to be swept along line segment
* @param out_HitLoc - hit location of obstacle line check (if any)
* @param out_hitNorm - hit normal of surface we hit during obstacle line check (if any)
* @return - TRUE if nothing was hit (note: only collides against the obstacle mesh, not the normal mesh)
static native final function bool ObstacleLineCheck( vector Start, vector End, vector Extent, optional out vector out_HitLoc, optional out vector out_HitNorm );
* Does a point check against the obstacle mesh
* @param Pt - centroid of box to check aginast obstacle mesh
* @param Extent - Extent of box to check against obstacl mesh
* @return - TRUE if didn't hit anything
static native final function bool ObstaclePointCheck(vector Pt, vector Extent);
* does a line check against the Walkable mesh
* @param Start - start of the line segment to check
* @param End - end position of the line segment to check
* @param Extent - extent of box to be swept along line segment
* @return - TRUE if nothing was hit
native function bool LineCheck( vector Start, vector End, vector Extent, optional out vector out_HitLocation, optional out vector out_HitNormal );
* Does a point check against the Walkable mesh
* @param Pt - centroid of box to check against obstacle mesh
* @param Extent - Extent of box to check against obstacle mesh
* @return - TRUE if didn't hit anything
native function bool PointCheck( vector Pt, vector Extent );
* returns TRUE if Point/Actor is directly reachable
* @param Point - point we want to test to
* @param OverrideStartPoint (optional) - optional override for starting position of AI (default uses bot location)
* @param bAllowHitsInEndCollisionBox (optional) - optional.. (defaults to ON) if this is true and a hit is detected that falls within the collision cylinder of the entity, let the hit pass
* @return TRUE if the point is reachable
native function bool PointReachable( Vector Point, optional Vector OverrideStartPoint, optional bool bAllowHitsInEndCollisionBox=true);
native function bool ActorReachable( Actor A );
// debug function for drawing cache polys
native function DrawPathCache(optional Vector DrawOffset, optional bool bPersistent, optional color DrawColor);
// debug function which prints out info about the current path cache
native function PrintPathCacheDebugText();
* for debugging.. will return descriptive text about the current edge
native function string GetCurrentEdgeDebugText();
* NULLs the currentedge reference
native function ClearCurrentEdge();
* @returns the edge type for the current edge (if any)
native function ENavMeshEdgeType GetCurrentEdgeType();
* returns the center points of all polys within the specefied area
* @param Pos - Center of bounds to check for polys
* @param Extent - Extent of area to return
* @param out_PolyCtrs - out var of poly centers within the specefied area
native static function GetAllPolyCentersWithinBounds(Vector Pos, Vector Extent, out Array<Vector> out_PolyCtrs);
* will return a list of valid spots on the mesh which fit the passed extent and are within radius to Pos
* @param Pos - Center of bounds to check for polys
* @param Radius - radius from Pos to find valid positions within
* @param Extent - Extent of entity we're finding a spot for
* @param bMustBeReachableFromStartPos - if TRUE, only positions which are directly reachable from the starting position will be returned
* @param ValidPositions - out var of valid positions for the passed entity size
* @param MaxPositions - the maximum positions needed (e.g. the search for valid positions will stop after this many have been found)
* @param MinRadius - minimum distance from center position to potential spots (default 0)
* @param ValidBoxAroundStartPos - when bMustBeReachableFromStartPos is TRUE, all hits that are within this AABB of the start pos will be considered valid
native static function GetValidPositionsForBox(Vector Pos, float Radius, Vector Extent, bool bMustBeReachableFromStartPos, out Array<Vector> out_ValidPositions, optional int MaxPositions=-1, optional float MinRadius, optional vector ValidBoxAroundStartPos=vect(0,0,0));
* will clip off edges from the pathcache which are greater than the specified distance from the start of the path
* @param MaxDist - the maximum distance for the path
native function LimitPathCacheDistance(float MaxDist);
* this function will determine if the poly this entity is currently in is inescapable by that entity
* @return TRUE If the poly this handle is in isn't escapable
native function bool IsAnchorInescapable();
* this will a good point on the first edge in the pathcache (or the finaldest if there is no pathcache)
native function vector GetFirstMoveLocation();
* this will calculate the optimal edge positions along the pathcache, and add up the distances
* to generate an accurate distance that will be travelled along the current path
* Note: includes distance to final destination
* @param FinalDest - optional finaldest override (if not passed will use NavigationHandle.FinalDestination)
* @return - the path distance calculated
native function float CalculatePathDistance(optional Vector FinalDest);
* Copies over move points into the passed vector array
* @param FinalDest -
* @param out_MovePoints - array to be stuffed with move points
native function CopyMovePointsFromPathCache(Vector FinalDest, out array<vector> out_MovePoints);
* this will take the given position and attempt to move it the passed height above the poly that point is in (along a cardinal axis)
* @param Point - point to adjust
* @param Height - height above mesh you would like
* @return Adjusted point
static native function Vector MoveToDesiredHeightAboveMesh(vector Point, float Height);
* This will attempt to grab an interface_navigationhandle from outer, and have that interface populate
* our cached pathing params.
* @return TRUE if cache population was succesful
native final function bool PopulatePathfindingParamCache();
* Gather all cover slot info within radius of the given point
* @param FromLoc - location at center of sphere to check
* @param Radius - radius of sphere within which to gather cover
* @param out_CoverList - out array filled with cover infos within radius
* @return TRUE if found any cover
static native final function bool GetAllCoverSlotsInRadius( Vector FromLoc, FLOAT Radius, out array<CoverInfo> out_CoverList );
* will get a point nearby which is in a poly that has edges outbound that support this AI
* @param out_NewAnchorLoc - out param stuffed with the position we found
* @param OverrideStartLoc - optional param to override the starting location for this query (if none is given this AI's searchstart will be used)
* @return - TRUE if we found a spot
native final function bool GetValidatedAnchorPosition(out vector out_NewAnchorLoc, optional vector OverrideStartLoc );
* will get a point nearby which is in a poly that has edges outbound that support this AI
* @param out_NewAnchorLoc - out param stuffed with the position we found
* @param StartCheckBaseLocation - location to start looking (to find poitns near)
* @param Extent - extent of the AI we're trying to find a spot for
* @return - TRUE if we found a spot
static native final function bool StaticGetValidatedAnchorPosition(out vector out_NewAnchorLoc, Vector StartCheckBaseLocation, Vector Extent );
function DrawBreadCrumbs(bool bPersistent=false)
local int i,count;
local vector lastPt,curPt;
if( bDebug_Breadcrumbs )
if( bPersistent) FlushPersistentDebugLines();
for(i=BreadCrumbMostRecentIdx;count < NumBreadCrumbs; ++count)
curPt = Breadcrumbs[i];
if( curPt == vect(0,0,0) )
if( lastPt != vect(0,0,0) && count < NumBreadCrumbs-1)
if( i<0 )