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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class LandscapeComponent extends PrimitiveComponent
hidecategories(Display, Attachment, Physics, Debug, Lighting, Collision, Movement, Rendering, PrimitiveComponent, Object);
var() const editconst int SectionBaseX,
var const int ComponentSizeQuads, // Total number of quads for this component
SubsectionSizeQuads, // Number of quads for a subsection of the component. SubsectionSizeQuads+1 must be a power of two.
NumSubsections; // Number of subsections in X or Y axis
var() MaterialInterface OverrideMaterial;
var MaterialInstanceConstant MaterialInstance;
/** Stores information about which weightmap texture and channel each layer is stored */
struct native WeightmapLayerAllocationInfo
var Name LayerName;
var byte WeightmapTextureIndex;
var byte WeightmapTextureChannel;
FWeightmapLayerAllocationInfo(FName InLayerName)
: LayerName(InLayerName)
, WeightmapTextureIndex(255) // Indicates an invalid allocation
, WeightmapTextureChannel(255)
/** List of layers, and the weightmap and channel they are stored */
var private const array<WeightmapLayerAllocationInfo> WeightmapLayerAllocations;
/** Weightmap texture reference */
var private const array<Texture2D> WeightmapTextures;
/** UV offset to component's weightmap data from component local coordinates*/
var Vector4 WeightmapScaleBias;
/** U or V offset into the weightmap for the first subsection, in texture UV space */
var float WeightmapSubsectionOffset;
/** UV offset to Heightmap data from component local coordinates */
var Vector4 HeightmapScaleBias;
/** Heightmap texture reference */
var private const Texture2D HeightmapTexture;
/** Cached bounds, created at heightmap update time */
var const BoxSphereBounds CachedBoxSphereBounds;
/** Cached local-space bounding box, created at heightmap update time */
var const Box CachedLocalBox;
/** Unique ID for this component, used for caching during distributed lighting */
var private const editoronly Guid LightingGuid;
/** Array of shadow maps for this component. */
var private const array<ShadowMap2D> ShadowMaps;
/** INTERNAL: Array of lights that don't apply to the terrain component. */
var const array<Guid> IrrelevantLights;
/** Reference to the texture lightmap resource. */
var native private const LightMapRef LightMap;
var(PersistentSplats) private const editconst int SplatterMapRes;
var private const TWSplatterMap2D SplatterMap;
/** Pointer to data shared with the render therad, used by the editor tools */
var private native pointer EditToolRenderData{struct FLandscapeEditToolRenderData};
/** Heightfield mipmap used to generate collision */
var int CollisionMipLevel;
/** Platform-specific data */
var private native pointer PlatformData{void};
/** Platform-specific data size */
var const native int PlatformDataSize;
var editoronly transient bool bNeedPostUndo;
/** Forced LOD level to use when rendering */
var(LOD) int ForcedLOD;
/** Neighbor LOD data to use when rendering, 255 is unspecified */
var byte NeighborLOD[8];
/** LOD level Bias to use when rendering */
var(LOD) int LODBias;
/** Neighbor LOD bias to use when rendering, 128 is 0 bias, 0 is -128 bias, 255 is 127 bias */
var byte NeighborLODBias[8];
// UObject interface
virtual void AddReferencedObjects( TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray );
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostEditImport();
virtual void PostEditUndo();
virtual void PostRename();
// Register ourselves with the actor.
ELandscapeSetupErrors SetupActor(UBOOL bForce = FALSE);
virtual void Attach();
// UPrimitiveComponent interface
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual void GetUsedMaterials( TArray<UMaterialInterface*>& OutMaterials ) const;
virtual void UpdateBounds();
void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld);
virtual INT GetNumElements() const { return 1; }
virtual UMaterialInterface* GetElementMaterial(INT MaterialIndex) const { return MaterialInstance; }
virtual void SetElementMaterial(INT ElementIndex, UMaterialInterface* InMaterial);
class ULandscapeInfo* GetLandscapeInfo(UBOOL bSpawnNewActor = TRUE) const;
virtual void GetStaticLightingInfo(FStaticLightingPrimitiveInfo& OutPrimitiveInfo,const TArray<ULightComponent*>& InRelevantLights,const FLightingBuildOptions& Options);
virtual UBOOL GetLightMapResolution( INT& Width, INT& Height ) const;
virtual void GetStaticTriangles(FPrimitiveTriangleDefinitionInterface* PTDI) const;
void DeleteLayer(FName LayerName, struct FLandscapeEditDataInterface* LandscapeEdit);
void GeneratePlatformData( UE3::EPlatformType Platform, void*& NewPlatformData, INT& NewPlatformDataSize, UTexture2D*& NewWeightTexture ) const;
// Persistent splatter editor support
virtual void InvalidateSplatterMapData();
virtual void MarkSplatterMapRequiringRebuild();
virtual UBOOL GetPersistentSplatterInfo(FTWPersistentSplatterPrimitiveInfo& OutPrimitiveInfo);
virtual UBOOL GetSplatterMapResolution( INT& Width, INT& Height ) const;
virtual UBOOL ShouldAllowPersistentSplats() const;
virtual void UpdateDependencies();
// Persistent splatter support
virtual UTWSplatterMap2D* GetSplattermap(const INT LODIndex = 0);
virtual void InvalidateLightingCache();
* Requests whether the component will use texture, vertex or no lightmaps.
* @return ELightMapInteractionType The type of lightmap interaction the component will use.
virtual ELightMapInteractionType GetStaticLightingType() const { return LMIT_Texture; }
virtual void GetStreamingTextureInfo(TArray<FStreamingTexturePrimitiveInfo>& OutStreamingTextures) const;
// Decal
void GenerateDecalRenderData(FDecalState* Decal, TArray< FDecalRenderData* >& OutDecalRenderDatas) const;
// ULandscapeComponent Interface
/** Return's the landscape actor associated with this component. */
class ALandscape* GetLandscapeActor() const;
class ALandscapeProxy* GetLandscapeProxy() const;
TMap< UTexture2D*,struct FLandscapeWeightmapUsage >& GetWeightmapUsageMap();
virtual const FGuid& GetLightingGuid() const
return LightingGuid;
static const FGuid NullGuid( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
return NullGuid;
virtual void SetLightingGuid()
LightingGuid = appCreateGuid();
// UObject interface
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
/** Initialize the landscape component */
void Init(INT InBaseX,INT InBaseY,INT InComponentSizeQuads, INT InNumSubsections,INT InSubsectionSizeQuads);
* Recalculate cached bounds using height values.
void UpdateCachedBounds();
* Update the MaterialInstance parameters to match the layer and weightmaps for this component
* Creates the MaterialInstance if it doesn't exist.
void UpdateMaterialInstances();
* Generate mipmaps for height and tangent data.
* @param HeightmapTextureMipData - array of pointers to the locked mip data.
* This should only include the mips that are generated directly from this component's data
* ie where each subsection has at least 2 vertices.
void GenerateHeightmapMips(TArray<FColor*>& HeightmapTextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT,struct FLandscapeTextureDataInfo* TextureDataInfo=NULL);
* Generates empty mipmaps for weightmap
static void CreateEmptyTextureMips(UTexture2D* Texture, UBOOL bClear = FALSE);
* Generate mipmaps for weightmap
* Assumes all weightmaps are unique to this component.
* @param WeightmapTextureBaseMipData: array of pointers to each of the weightmaps' base locked mip data.
template<typename DataType>
static void GenerateMipsTempl(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* WeightmapTexture, DataType* BaseMipData);
static void GenerateWeightmapMips(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* WeightmapTexture, FColor* BaseMipData);
static void GenerateDataMips(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* WeightmapTexture, BYTE* BaseMipData);
* Update mipmaps for existing weightmap texture
template<typename DataType>
static void UpdateMipsTempl(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* WeightmapTexture, TArray<DataType*>& WeightmapTextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT, struct FLandscapeTextureDataInfo* TextureDataInfo=NULL);
static void UpdateWeightmapMips(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* WeightmapTexture, TArray<FColor*>& WeightmapTextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT, struct FLandscapeTextureDataInfo* TextureDataInfo=NULL);
static void UpdateDataMips(INT InNumSubsections, INT InSubsectionSizeQuads, UTexture2D* Texture, TArray<BYTE*>& TextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT, struct FLandscapeTextureDataInfo* TextureDataInfo=NULL);
* Creates or updates collision component height data
* @param HeightmapTextureMipData: heightmap data
* @param ComponentX1, ComponentY1, ComponentX2, ComponentY2: region to update
* @param Whether to update bounds from render component.
void UpdateCollisionHeightData(FColor* HeightmapTextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT, UBOOL bUpdateBounds=FALSE, UBOOL bRebuild=FALSE);
* Updates collision component dominant layer data
* @param WeightmapTextureMipData: weightmap data
* @param ComponentX1, ComponentY1, ComponentX2, ComponentY2: region to update
* @param Whether to update bounds from render component.
void UpdateCollisionLayerData(TArray<FColor*>& WeightmapTextureMipData, INT ComponentX1=0, INT ComponentY1=0, INT ComponentX2=MAXINT, INT ComponentY2=MAXINT);
* Updates collision component dominant layer data for the whole component, locking and unlocking the weightmap textures.
void UpdateCollisionLayerData();
* Creates weightmaps for this component for the layers specified in the WeightmapLayerAllocations array
void ReallocateWeightmaps(struct FLandscapeEditDataInterface* DataInterface=NULL);
* Generate a key for this component's layer allocations to use with MaterialInstanceConstantMap.
UMaterialInterface* GetLandscapeMaterial() const;
FString GetLayerAllocationKey() const;
void GetLayerDebugColorKey(INT& R, INT& G, INT& B) const;
void RemoveInvalidWeightmaps();
virtual void ExportCustomProperties(FOutputDevice& Out, UINT Indent);
virtual void ImportCustomProperties(const TCHAR* SourceText, FFeedbackContext* Warn);
void InitHeightmapData(TArray<FColor>& Heights, UBOOL bUpdateCollision);
void InitWeightmapData(TArray<FName>& LayerNames, TArray<TArray<BYTE> >& Weights);
FLOAT GetLayerWeightAtLocation( const FVector& InLocation, FName InLayerName, TArray<BYTE>* LayerCache=NULL );
/** Return the LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent matching this component */
ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent* GetCollisionComponent() const;
virtual void InvalidatePrecomputedVisibility()
friend class FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy;
friend struct FLandscapeComponentDataInterface;
INT GetLODBias(FLOAT HeightThreshold); // Calculate LOD Bias based on heightmap complexity
void SetLOD(UBOOL bForced, INT InLODValue);
// Landscape lighting channels are toggled per actor
// Do not assign lighting channesl per component