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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
class InterpTrackEvent extends InterpTrack
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* A track containing discrete events that are triggered as its played back.
* Events correspond to Outputs of the SeqAct_Interp in Kismet.
* There is no PreviewUpdateTrack function for this type - events are not triggered in editor.
// InterpTrack interface
virtual INT GetNumKeyframes() const;
virtual void GetTimeRange(FLOAT& StartTime, FLOAT& EndTime) const;
virtual FLOAT GetTrackEndTime() const;
virtual FLOAT GetKeyframeTime(INT KeyIndex) const;
virtual INT AddKeyframe(FLOAT Time, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, EInterpCurveMode InitInterpMode);
virtual INT SetKeyframeTime(INT KeyIndex, FLOAT NewKeyTime, UBOOL bUpdateOrder=true);
virtual void RemoveKeyframe(INT KeyIndex);
virtual INT DuplicateKeyframe(INT KeyIndex, FLOAT NewKeyTime);
virtual UBOOL GetClosestSnapPosition(FLOAT InPosition, TArray<INT> &IgnoreKeys, FLOAT& OutPosition);
virtual void UpdateTrack(FLOAT NewPosition, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst, UBOOL bJump);
/** Get the name of the class used to help out when adding tracks, keys, etc. in UnrealEd.
* @return String name of the helper class.*/
virtual const FString GetEdHelperClassName() const;
virtual class UMaterial* GetTrackIcon() const;
/** Whether or not this track is allowed to be used on static actors. */
virtual UBOOL AllowStaticActors() { return TRUE; }
virtual void DrawTrack( FCanvas* Canvas, UInterpGroup* Group, const FInterpTrackDrawParams& Params );
/** Information for one event in the track. */
struct native EventTrackKey
var float Time;
var() name EventName;
/** Array of events to fire off. */
var array<EventTrackKey> EventTrack;
/** If events should be fired when passed playing the sequence forwards. */
var() bool bFireEventsWhenForwards;
/** If events should be fired when passed playing the sequence backwards. */
var() bool bFireEventsWhenBackwards;
/** If true, events on this track are fired even when jumping forwads through a sequence - for example, skipping a cinematic. */
var() bool bFireEventsWhenJumpingForwards;