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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Streams gameplay events recorded during a session to disk
class GameplayEventsWriter extends GameplayEventsWriterBase
* Turns a controller into a player index, possibly adding new information to the player array
* @param TeamInfo - TeamInfo class to resolve an index for
* @return Index of the team in the team metadata array
virtual INT ResolveTeamIndex(class ATeamInfo *TeamInfo);
/** Turns a weapon class into an index, possibly adding new information to the array **/
INT ResolveWeaponClassIndex(UClass* WeaponClass);
/** Turns a damage class into an index, possibly adding new information to the array **/
INT ResolveDamageClassIndex(UClass* DamageClass);
/** Turns a projectile class into an index, possibly adding new information to the array **/
INT ResolveProjectileClassIndex(UClass* ProjectileClass);
/** Turns a pawn class into an index, possibly adding new information to the array **/
INT ResolvePawnIndex(UClass* PawnClass);
* Turns an actor into an index
* @param Actor the actor to find in the array
* @return the index in the array for that actor
INT ResolveActorIndex(AActor* Actor);
* Turns an sound cue into an index
* @param Cue the sound cue to find in the array
* @return the index in the array for that sound cue
INT ResolveSoundCueIndex(USoundCue* Cue);
/** Turns a controller into a player index, possibly adding new information to the player array **/
function native int ResolvePlayerIndex(Controller Player);
* Creates the archive that we are going to write to
* @param Filename - name of the file that will be open for serialization
* @return TRUE if successful, else FALSE
native function bool OpenStatsFile(string Filename);
* Closes and deletes the archive that was being written to
* clearing all data stored within
native function CloseStatsFile();
/** Serialize the contents of the file header */
native protected function bool SerializeHeader();
/** Serialize the contents of the file footer */
native protected function bool SerializeFooter();
* Mark a new session, clear existing events, etc
* @param HeartbeatDelta - polling frequency (0 turns it off)
native function StartLogging(optional float HeartbeatDelta);
* Resets the session, clearing all event data, but keeps the session ID/Timestamp intact
* @param HeartbeatDelta - polling frequency (0 turns it off)
native function ResetLogging(optional float HeartbeatDelta);
* Mark the end of a logging session
* closes file, stops polling, etc
native function EndLogging();
* Logs an int base game event
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Value the value associated with the event
native function LogGameIntEvent(int EventId, int Value);
* Logs a string based game event
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Value the value associated with the event
native function LogGameStringEvent(int EventId, string Value);
* Logs a float based game event
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Value the value associated with the event
native function LogGameFloatEvent(int EventId, float Value);
* Logs a position based game event
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Position the position of the event
* @param Value the value associated with the event
native function LogGamePositionEvent(int EventId, const out vector Position, float Value);
* Logs a int based team event
* @param EventId - the event being logged
* @param Team - the team associated with this event
* @param Value - the value associated with the event
native function LogTeamIntEvent(int EventId, TeamInfo Team, int Value);
* Logs a float based team event
* @param EventId - the event being logged
* @param Team - the team associated with this event
* @param Value - the value associated with the event
native function LogTeamFloatEvent(int EventId, TeamInfo Team, float Value);
* Logs a string based team event
* @param EventId - the event being logged
* @param Team - the team associated with this event
* @param Value - the value associated with the event
native function LogTeamStringEvent(int EventId, TeamInfo Team, string Value);
* Logs an event with an integer value associated with it
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param Value the value for this event
native function LogPlayerIntEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, int Value);
* Logs an event with an float value associated with it
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param Value the value for this event
native function LogPlayerFloatEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, float Value);
* Logs an event with an string value associated with it
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param EventString the value for this event
native function LogPlayerStringEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, string EventString);
* Logs a spawn event for a player (team, class, etc)
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param PawnClass the pawn this player spawned with
* @param Team the team the player is on
native function LogPlayerSpawnEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, class<Pawn> PawnClass, int TeamID);
* Logs when a player leaves/joins a session
* @param EventId the login/logout event for the player
* @param Player the player that joined/left
* @param PlayerName the name of the player in question
* @param PlayerId the net id of the player in question
* @param bSplitScreen whether the player is on splitscreen
native function LogPlayerLoginChange(int EventId, Controller Player, string PlayerName, UniqueNetId PlayerId, bool bSplitScreen);
* Logs the location of all players when this event occurred
* @param EventId the event being logged
native function LogAllPlayerPositionsEvent(int EventId);
* Logs a player killing and a player being killed
* @param EventId the event that should be written
* @param KillType the additional information about a kill
* @param Killer the player that did the killing
* @param DmgType the damage type that was done
* @param Dead the player that was killed
native function LogPlayerKillDeath(int EventId, int KillType, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DmgType, Controller Dead);
* Logs a player to player event
* @param EventId the event that should be written
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param Target the player that was the recipient
native function LogPlayerPlayerEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, Controller Target);
* Logs a weapon event with an integer value associated with it
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param WeaponClass the weapon class associated with the event
* @param Value the value for this event
native function LogWeaponIntEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, class<Weapon> WeaponClass, int Value);
* Logs damage with the amount that was done and to whom it was done
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param DmgType the damage type that was done
* @param Target the player being damaged
* @param Amount the amount of damage done
native function LogDamageEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, class<DamageType> DmgType, Controller Target, int Amount);
* Logs a projectile event with an integer value associated with it
* @param EventId the event being logged
* @param Player the player that triggered the event
* @param Proj the projectile class associated with the event
* @param Value the value for this event
native function LogProjectileIntEvent(int EventId, Controller Player, class<Projectile> Proj, int Value);
/** Log various system properties like memory usage, network usage, etc. */
native function LogSystemPollEvents();
/** will return a generic param list entry that can then have params set on it before commiting to disk */
native function GenericParamListStatEntry GetGenericParamListEntry();
function RecordAIPathFail(Controller AI, coerce string reason, vector dest)
local GenericParamListStatEntry PLE;
if( AI.Pawn != none )
PLE = GetGenericParamListEntry();
function int RecordCoverLinkFireLinks(CoverLink Link,Controller Player)
local GenericParamListStatEntry PLE;
local int SlotIdx;
local int FireLinkIdx;
local vector SlotLoc;
local vector DestLoc;
local int Recorded;
local CoverInfo DestInfo;
SlotLoc = Link.GetSlotLocation(SlotIdx);
for( FireLinkIdx = 0; FireLinkIdx < Link.Slots[SlotIdx].FireLinks.Length; ++FireLInkIdx )
if( Link.GetFireLinkTargetCoverInfo( SlotIdx, FireLinkIdx, DestInfo ) )
DestLoc = SlotLoc;
if( DestInfo.Link != none )
DestLoc = DestInfo.Link.GetSlotLocation(DestInfo.SlotIdx);
PLE = GetGenericParamListEntry();
return Recorded;
return 0;