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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ApexClothingAsset.h: PhysX APEX integration. Clothing Asset
Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation.
class ApexClothingAsset extends ApexAsset
struct native ClothingLodInfo
/** Mapping of clothing submesh to material array */
var() const init editfixedsize array<INT> LODMaterialMap;
/** Clothing Material Mapping for each graphical lod level */
var() const editfixedsize array<ClothingLodInfo> LodMaterialInfo;
var native pointer MApexAsset{class FIApexAsset};
/** Clothing material override. Used only when UseClothingAssetMaterial is checked in the skeletal mesh component. */
var() const editfixedsize array<MaterialInterface> Materials;
/** ApexClothingLibrary is only for legacy APEX 0.9 assets. */
var const deprecated ApexGenericAsset ApexClothingLibrary;
var() const bool bUseHardwareCloth; // if true use hardware clothing for simulation
var() const bool bFallbackSkinning; // if true, falls back to skinning clothing in software instead of using GPU skinning
var() const bool bSlowStart; // Designates the 'slowStart' flag; see APEX clothing documentation
var() const bool bRecomputeNormals; // Designates the 'recomputeNormals' flag; see APEX clothing documentation
var() const bool bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency; // Slightly modifies gravity to avoid high frequency jittering due to variable time steps.
var() const int UVChannelForTangentUpdate; // Which UV channel is used for updating tangent space.
var() const float MaxDistanceBlendTime<ClampMin=0.0>; // The maximimum distance blend time (see APEX clothing documentation)
var() const float ContinuousRotationThreshold; // The angle in degrees to consider the clothing simulation continuous.
var() const float ContinuousDistanceThreshold; // The distance to consider the clothing simulation continuous.
var() const bool bResetAfterTeleport; // If true, it resets the simulation after a teleport.
var() const float LodWeightsMaxDistance; // LodWeightMaxDistance (see APEX clothing documentation)
var() const float LodWeightsDistanceWeight; // LodWeightDistanceWeight (see APEX clothing documentation)
var() const float LodWeightsBias; // LodWeightBias (see APEX clothing documentation)
var() const float LodWeightsBenefitsBias; // LodWeightMaxBenefitsBias (see APEX clothing documentation)
** If true, cloth is simulated in local space.
** Inertia effects are added based on inertiaScale (from the imported clothing asset) if 3.x simulation is used.
** This needs to be turned off for 2.8.x cloth (unless collisions are filtered correctly).
var() const bool bUseLocalSpaceSimulation;
var bool bHasUniqueAssetMaterialNames;
var() const float LODDecayTime<ClampMin=0.0>; // How fast LodWeightDistanceWeight is reduced to 0 when the clothing is not visible.
/** Sound cue to play when the clothing starts moving */
var(Sound) SoundCue SoundOnMove;
/** Sound cue to play when clothing is moving*/
var(Sound) SoundCue SoundOnRest;
/** Sound cue to play when the clothing is settling down */
var(Sound) SoundCue SoundWhileMoving;
/** Speed above which the clothing is considered moving */
var(Sound) float SpeedThresholdOnMove;
/** Speed below which the clothing is considered at rest */
var(Sound) float SpeedThresholdOnRest;
/** Whether to ignore the triggers when the cloth first settles into place */
var(Sound) bool IgnoreInitialTrigger;
/** Notification of the post load event. */
virtual void PostLoad();
/**** Serializes the asset
* @param : Ar is a reference to the FArchive to either serialize from or to.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
/*** Returns the array of strings to display in the browser window */
virtual TArray<FString> GetGenericBrowserInfo();
/*** This method is called when a generic asset is imported from an external file on disk.
** @param Buffer : A pointer to the raw data.
** @param BufferSize : The length of the raw input data.
** @param Name : The name of the asset which is being imported.
** @return : Returns true if the import was successful.
UBOOL Import( const BYTE* Buffer, INT BufferSize, const FString& Name,UBOOL convertToUE3Coordinates );
/*** Export asset to a file, in xml/bin format.
** @param Name: The name of file name for exported asset
** @param isKeepUE3Coords: Export type, in original coords (true) or keep UE3 coords (false)
virtual UBOOL Export(const FName& Name, UBOOL isKeepUE3Coords);
/*** This method is called after a property has changed. */
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
/** Fix up unique material names in the APEX asset after rename or duplication */
virtual void PostRename();
virtual void PostDuplicate();
/** This method is called prior to the object being destroyed */
virtual void BeginDestroy(void);
/*** This method is called when the asset is renamed
** @param : InName : The new name of the object
** @param : NewOuter : The new outer object (package) for this object.
** @param : Flags : The ERenameFlags to honor.
** @return : Returns TRUE if the rename was successful
virtual UBOOL Rename( const TCHAR* NewName=NULL, UObject* NewOuter=NULL, ERenameFlags Flags=REN_None );
/** virtual method to return the number of materials used by this asset */
virtual UINT GetNumMaterials(void) const
return Materials.Num();
return 0;
/** Returns the default ::NxParameterized::Interface for this asset. */
virtual UMaterialInterface* GetMaterial(UINT Index) const
return Materials(Index);
return NULL;
/** Returns the default ::NxParameterized::Interface for this object */
virtual void * GetNxParameterized(void);
/** Returns a *copy* of the :NxParameterized::Interface for this asset. Caller must manually 'destroy' it.*/
virtual void * GetAssetNxParameterized(void);
/** Interface to ApexGenericAsset */
class FIApexAsset * GetApexGenericAsset() const { return MApexAsset; }
/** Re-assigns the APEX material resources by name with the current array of UE3 materials */
void UpdateMaterials(void);
virtual void NotifyApexEditMode(class ApexEditInterface *iface);
/** Whether the APEX asset's materials can be overridden */
virtual UBOOL SupportsMaterialOverride() const { return bHasUniqueAssetMaterialNames; }
bUseHardwareCloth=true // if true use hardware clothing for simulation
bFallbackSkinning=false // if true, falls back to skinning clothing in software instead of using GPU skinning
bSlowStart=true // Designates the 'slowStart' flag; see APEX clothing documentation
bAllowAdaptiveTargetFrequency=false; // Slightly modifies gravity to avoid high frequency jittering due to variable time steps.
UVChannelForTangentUpdate=0 // Which UV channel is used for updating tangent space.
MaxDistanceBlendTime=1 // The maximimum distance blend time (see APEX clothing documentation)
ContinuousRotationThreshold=84 // The angle in degrees to consider the clothing simulation continuous.
ContinuousDistanceThreshold=50.0f // The distance to consider the clothing simulation continuous.
bResetAfterTeleport = true // If true, it resets the simulation after a teleport
LodWeightsMaxDistance=10000 // LodWeightMaxDistance (see APEX clothing documentation)
LodWeightsDistanceWeight=1 // LodWeightDistanceWeight (see APEX clothing documentation)
LodWeightsBias=0 // LodWeightBias (see APEX clothing documentation)
LodWeightsBenefitsBias=0 // LodWeightMaxBenefitsBias (see APEX clothing documentation)
LODDecayTime=10.0f // LODDecayTime