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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Texture2DDynamic extends Texture
/** The width of the texture. */
var native transient int SizeX;
/** The height of the texture. */
var native transient int SizeY;
/** The format of the texture. */
var native transient EPixelFormat Format;
/** The number of mip-maps in the texture. */
var native transient int NumMips;
/** Whether the texture can be used as a resolve target. */
var native transient bool bIsResolveTarget;
* Initializes the texture with 1 mip-level and creates the render resource.
* @param InSizeX - Width of the texture, in texels
* @param InSizeY - Height of the texture, in texels
* @param InFormat - Format of the texture, defaults to PF_A8R8G8B8
* @param InIsResolveTarget - Whether the texture can be used as a resolve target
native final function Init(int InSizeX, int InSizeY, optional EPixelFormat InFormat = PF_A8R8G8B8, optional bool InIsResolveTarget = FALSE);
* Update the mip data for the texture and its render resource
* It is assumed that the data is being copied is already of the right format/size for the mip.
* @param MipIdx 0 based index to the mip level to update
* @param MipData byte array of data to copy to mip
native function UpdateMip(int MipIdx,const out array<byte> MipData);
* Update the mip data for the texture and its render resource from JPEG data.
* If the decoded JPEG size doesn't match the existing texture size
* then the texture is resized.
* @param MipIdx 0 based index to the mip level to update
* @param MipData byte array of JPEG to decode and then copy to mip
native function UpdateMipFromJPEG(int MipIdx,const out array<byte> MipData);
* Update the mip data for the texture and its render resource from PNG data.
* If the decoded PNG size doesn't match the existing texture size
* then the texture is resized.
* @param MipIdx 0 based index to the mip level to update
* @param MipData byte array of PNG to decode and then copy to mip
native function UpdateMipFromPNG(int MipIdx,const out array<byte> MipData);
// UTexture interface.
virtual FTextureResource* CreateResource();
virtual EMaterialValueType GetMaterialType() { return MCT_Texture2D; }
// USurface interface.
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceWidth() const;
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceHeight() const;
// UObject interface.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
/** Creates and initializes a new Texture2DDynamic with the requested settings */
static native noexport final function Texture2DDynamic Create(int InSizeX, int InSizeY, optional EPixelFormat InFormat = PF_A8R8G8B8, optional bool InIsResolveTarget = FALSE);
// all mip levels will be resident in memory
// must be a supported format