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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SplineMeshComponent extends StaticMeshComponent
* Structure that holds info about spline, passed to renderer to deform StaticMesh.
* Also used by Lightmass, so be sure to update Lightmass::FSplineMeshParams and the static lighting code if this changes!
struct native SplineMeshParams
/** Start location of spline, in component space */
var vector StartPos;
/** Start tangent of spline, in component space */
var vector StartTangent;
/** X and Y scale applied to mesh at start of spline */
var vector2D StartScale;
/** Roll around spline applied at start */
var float StartRoll;
/** Starting offset of the mesh from the spline, in component space */
var vector2D StartOffset;
/** End location of spline, in component space */
var vector EndPos;
/** End tangent of spline, in component space */
var vector EndTangent;
/** X and Y scale applied to mesh at end of spline */
var vector2D EndScale;
/** Roll around spline applied at end */
var float EndRoll;
/** Ending offset of the mesh from the spline, in component space */
var vector2D EndOffset;
/** Spline that is used to deform mesh */
var SplineMeshParams SplineParams;
/** Axis (in component space) that is used to determine X axis for co-ordinates along spline */
var vector SplineXDir;
/** If TRUE, will use smooth interpolation (ease in/out) for Scale, Roll, and Offset along this section of spline. If FALSE, uses linear */
var bool bSmoothInterpRollScale;
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual void UpdateBounds();
virtual UBOOL PointCheck(FCheckResult& Result,const FVector& Location,const FVector& Extent,DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& Result,const FVector& End,const FVector& Start,const FVector& Extent,DWORD TraceFlags);
/** Allocates an implementation of FStaticLightingMesh that will handle static lighting for this component */
virtual class FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh* AllocateStaticLightingMesh(INT LODIndex, const TArray<ULightComponent*>& InRelevantLights);
/** Calculates the spline transform, including roll, scale, and offset along the spline at a specified distance */
FMatrix CalcSliceTransform(const USplineComponent* SplineComp, const FLOAT DistanceAlong);
// Temporary hack to avoid self-z-fighting on spline meshes on PC,
// Which happens because the shader compiler optimizes the depth only pass differently than the base pass,
// Which produces different depth results due to fp imprecision.
// This needs to be removed at some point to get rendering performance with spline meshes.