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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SplineActor extends Actor
/** Struct containing information about one connection from this SplineActor to another. */
struct native SplineConnection
/** Component that stores actual spline points, tangents, reparam table etc */
var() SplineComponent SplineComponent;
/** Which SplineActor this one connects to - spline is between these locations */
var() SplineActor ConnectTo;
/** Array of connections */
var array<SplineConnection> Connections;
/** Tangent of spline at this actor - this is in local space */
var() interp Vector SplineActorTangent;
/** Color to use to draw the splines */
var() Color SplineColor;
/** Splines connectin to this SplineActor will be marked as bSplineDisabled */
var() bool bDisableDestination;
/** Set of SplineActors that link to this one */
var array<SplineActor> LinksFrom;
var transient SplineActor nextOrdered;
var transient SplineActor prevOrdered;
var transient SplineActor previousPath;
var transient int bestPathWeight;
var transient int visitedWeight;
var transient bool bAlreadyVisited;
/** For actors using this spline, how quickly to move along the spline over time */
var() editinline InterpCurveFloat SplineVelocityOverTime;
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed();
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
// SplineActor interface
/** Called when spline is selected in editor, to overlay extra information */
virtual void EditModeSelectedDraw(const FSceneView* View,FViewport* Viewport,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) {}
/** Clear the transient properties used for path finding */
void ClearForSplinePathFinding();
/** Returns spline tangent at this actor, in world space */
native function vector GetWorldSpaceTangent();
/** Create/destroy/update SplineComponents belonging to this SplineActor. */
native function UpdateSplineComponents();
/** Create/destroy/update SplineComponents belonging to this SplineActor, and all SplineActors that link to this. */
native function UpdateConnectedSplineComponents(bool bFinish);
/** Create a connection to another SplineActor */
native function AddConnectionTo(SplineActor NextActor);
/** Returns TRUE if there is a connection from this SplineActor to NextActor */
native function bool IsConnectedTo(SplineActor NextActor, bool bCheckForDisableDestination) const;
/** Returns the SplineComponent that connects this SplineActor to NextActor. Returns None if not connected */
native function SplineComponent FindSplineComponentTo(SplineActor NextActor);
/** Returns the SplineActor that this SplineComponent connects to. */
native function SplineActor FindTargetForComponent(SplineComponent SplineComp);
/** Breaks a connection from this SplineActor to NextActor */
native function BreakConnectionTo(SplineActor NextActor);
/** Break all connections to and from this SplineActor */
native function BreakAllConnections();
/** Break all connections from this SplineActor */
native function BreakAllConnectionsFrom();
/** If bUseLinksFrom is false, returns a random SplineActor that is connected to from this SplineActor. Otherwise, returns a random SplineActor that connects to this SplineActor. If no connections, returns None. */
native function SplineActor GetRandomConnection(optional bool bUseLinksFrom);
/** Returns a SplineActor that takes you most in the specified direction. If no connections, returns None. If bUseLinksFrom is true, the best connection TO this spline will be returned */
native function SplineActor GetBestConnectionInDirection(Vector DesiredDir, optional bool bUseLinksFrom);
/** Find a path through network from this point to Goal, and put results into OutRoute. */
native function bool FindSplinePathTo(SplineActor Goal, out array<SplineActor> OutRoute);
/** Find all SplineActors connected to (and including) this one */
native function GetAllConnectedSplineActors(out array<SplineActor> OutSet);
/** Handle Toggle action for setting bDisableDestination */
function OnToggle(SeqAct_Toggle inAction)
if (inAction.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse)
bDisableDestination = FALSE;
else if (inAction.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
bDisableDestination = TRUE;
bDisableDestination = !bDisableDestination;
// Need to do this so that splines components change color
/** Handler for SeqAct_ToggleHidden, just sets bHidden. */
simulated function OnToggleHidden(SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action)
Super.OnToggleHidden( Action );
// update all components
UpdateConnectedSplineComponents( TRUE );
Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite
End Object