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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SpeechRecognition extends Object
struct native RecognisableWord
var() int Id;
/** This is the reference word, which is returned upon recognition. e.g. "Loque". Does not need to be unique. */
var() string ReferenceWord;
/** This is the word string that is passed into the recognition. e.g. "Loke" */
var() string PhoneticWord;
struct native RecogVocabulary
/** Arrays of words that can be recognised - note that words need an ID unique among the contents of all three arrays */
var() array<RecognisableWord> WhoDictionary;
var() array<RecognisableWord> WhatDictionary;
var() array<RecognisableWord> WhereDictionary;
/** Name of vocab file */
var string VocabName;
/** Cached processed vocabulary data */
var array<byte> VocabData;
/** Working copy of vocab data */
var array<byte> WorkingVocabData;
* Creates the work data required for speech recognition
UBOOL CreateSpeechRecognitionData( class USpeechRecognition* Owner, FString Folder, INT Index );
* Loads the created vocabulary after it has been modified by BuildVoice
UBOOL LoadSpeechRecognitionData( void );
* Clear out all the created vocab data
void Clear( void );
* Returns name of created vocab file
FString GetVocabName( void );
* Returns address of converted vocab data
void* GetVocabData( void );
* Return the number of items in this vocabulary
INT GetNumItems( void );
* Return the number of bytes allocated by this resource
INT GetResourceSize( void );
* Write dictionary to a text file
void OutputDictionary( TArrayNoInit<struct FRecognisableWord>& Dictionary, FString& Line );
UBOOL SaveDictionary( FString& TextFile );
* Looks up the word in the dictionary
FString GetStringFromWordId( DWORD WordId );
* Initialise the recogniser
UBOOL InitSpeechRecognition( class USpeechRecognition* Owner );
struct native RecogUserData
/** Bitfield of active vocabularies */
var int ActiveVocabularies;
/** Workspace for recognition data */
var array<byte> UserData;
/** Language to recognise data in */
var() string Language<ToolTip=Use 3 letter code eg. INT, FRA, etc.>;
/** Threshhold below which the recognised word will be ignored */
var() float ConfidenceThreshhold<ToolTip=Values between 1 and 100.>;
/** Array of vocabularies that can be swapped in and out */
var() array<RecogVocabulary> Vocabularies;
/** Cached neural net data */
var array<byte> VoiceData;
/** Working copy of neural net data */
var array<byte> WorkingVoiceData;
/** Cached user data */
var array<byte> UserData;
/** Cached user data - max users */
var RecogUserData InstanceData[4];
/** Whether this object has been altered */
var duplicatetransient transient bool bDirty;
/** Whether the object was successfully initialised or not */
var duplicatetransient transient bool bInitialised;
/** Cached pointers to Fonix data */
var duplicatetransient native const pointer FnxVoiceData;
* Initialise the recogniser
UBOOL InitSpeechRecognition( INT MaxLocalTalkers );
* Validates a word from a dictionary
UBOOL ValidateRecognitionItem( BYTE* UniqueIDs, FRecognisableWord& Word );
* Validates the source speech recognition data
UBOOL ValidateRecognitionData( void );
* Creates the work data required for speech recognition
UBOOL CreateSpeechRecognitionData( void );
* Process input samples
DWORD RecogniseSpeech( DWORD UserIndex, SWORD* Samples, INT NumSamples );
* Select vocabularies
UBOOL SelectVocabularies( DWORD LocalTalker, DWORD VocabBitField );
* Returns an array of recognised words based on the grammer rules $who $what [$where]
UBOOL GetResult( DWORD UserIndex, TArray<struct FSpeechRecognizedWord>& Words );
* Looks up the word in the dictionary
FString GetStringFromWordId( DWORD WordID );
* Returns a one line description of an object for viewing in the thumbnail view of the generic browser
virtual FString GetDesc( void );
* Returns detailed info to populate listview columns
virtual FString GetDetailedDescription( INT InIndex );
* @return The size of the asset.
virtual INT GetResourceSize( void );
* Callback after any property has changed
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
* Called before the package is saved
virtual void PreSave( void );
* Manages any error codes that may have occurred
FString HandleError( INT Error );
* Convert the language code to Fonix folder
FString GetLanguageFolder( void );