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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
//* ===================================================================================
//* ::Scr GamePadLightbarSubsystem.uc
//* ===================================================================================
* @author Brandon Johnson
* @brief Gamepad light bar used for setting light on gamepad. Currently only supported for orbis
//* ===================================================================================
//* Created: Jun 07, 2013 01:00PM
//* Modified: Jun 07, 2013 01:00PM
//* Copyright (c) 2013 Zombie, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//* ===================================================================================
class GamePadLightbarSubsystem extends Object
//* ===================================================================================
//* ===================================================================================
enum LightBarState
/** The current light bar state */
var LightBarState CurrentLightBarState;
/** The current color */
var LinearColor CurrentColor;
/** The original color used before lerping */
var LinearColor OriginalColor;
/** The target color to set */
var LinearColor TargetColor;
/** The lerp time remaining */
var float LerpTimeRemaining;
/** The total time required for lerp/pulse */
var float TotalLerpTime;
/** The default color to display (blue) */
var() const config Color DefaultColor;
struct native ColorDefinition
/** The string ID for the color */
var init string Id;
/** The R color to use */
var byte R;
/** The G color to use */
var byte G;
/** The B color to use */
var byte B;
/** The list of color definitions to use */
var() const config editinline array<ColorDefinition> ColorDefinitions;
struct native LerpToInstruction
/** The ID of this lerp instruction */
var init string Id;
/** The time for this instruction to complete */
var float Time;
/** The color to lerp to. If empty will be the default color */
var init string LerpToId;
/** The list of instructions to lerp to */
var() const config editinline array<LerpToInstruction> LerpToInstructions;
struct native SetAndLerpInstruction extends LerpToInstruction
/** The color to set to */
var init string LerpFromId;
/** The list of instructions to set to a color and lerp after */
var() const config editinline array<SetAndLerpInstruction> SetAndLerpInstructions;
struct native PulseInstruction extends SetAndLerpInstruction
/** The list of pulse instructions */
var const config editinline array<PulseInstruction> PulseInstructions;
//* ===================================================================================
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//* @function Initialize
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:24PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Instantiates and initializes this subsystem
//* ===================================================================================
virtual void Initialize();
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function Tick
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:04PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Update function for the light bar
//* @param DeltaTime is the elapsed time
//* ===================================================================================
virtual void Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function UpdateLerp
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:57PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Updates the lerp
//* @param DeltaTime is the elapsed time
//* ===================================================================================
virtual void UpdateLerp( FLOAT DeltaTime );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function UpdatePulse
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:57PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Updates the pulse
//* @param DeltaTime is the elapsed time
//* ===================================================================================
virtual void UpdatePulse( FLOAT DeltaTime );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetColor
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 03:31PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets a new linear color
//* @param NewColor is the new linear color to set
//* ===================================================================================
void SetColor( FLinearColor& NewColor );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetColor
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:18PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets a new color to the pad
//* @param NewColor is the new color to set
//* ===================================================================================
void SetColor( FColor& NewColor );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function GetColorFromId
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:08AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Retrieves a color from a color ID found in config
//* @param TheColorId is the string Id of the color
//* @out Color is the result color. Set to default if not found.
//* @return TRUE on success
//* ===================================================================================
UBOOL GetColorFromId( const FString& TheColorId, FColor& Color );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function GetLerpInstructionFromId
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:11AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Retrieves a lerp instruction from an ID
//* @param InstructionId is the string Id of the instruction
//* @out Instruction is the result instruction
//* @return TRUE on success
//* ===================================================================================
UBOOL GetLerpInstructionFromId( const FString& InstructionId, FLerpToInstruction& Instruction );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function GetSetAndLerpInstructionFromId
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:14AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Retrieves a set and lerp instruction from an ID
//* @param InstructionId is the string Id of the instruction
//* @out Instruction is the result instruction
//* @return TRUE on success
//* ===================================================================================
UBOOL GetSetAndLerpInstructionFromId( const FString& InstructionId, FSetAndLerpInstruction& Instruction );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function GetPulseInstructionFromId
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:14AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Retrieves a set and pulse instruction from an ID
//* @param InstructionId is the string Id of the instruction
//* @out Instruction is the result instruction
//* @return TRUE on success
//* ===================================================================================
UBOOL GetPulseInstructionFromId( const FString& InstructionId, FPulseInstruction& Instruction );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPadColor
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:21PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets the pad to a new color
//* @param NewPadColor is the new pad color
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPadColor( Color NewPadColor );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPadColorFromDef
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:01AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets the pad color from a color definition in config
//* @param TheColorId is the color ID to use
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPadColorFromDef( string TheColorId );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function BeginLerp
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:22PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Begins a lerp
//* @param NewLerpColor is the new color to lerp to
//* @param LerpTime is the time for the lerp
//* ===================================================================================
static native function BeginLerp( Color NewLerpColor, float LerpTime );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function BeginLerpFromDef
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:02AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Begins a lerp from an instruction in config
//* @param InstructionId is the string Id of the instruction
//* ===================================================================================
static native function BeginLerpFromDef( string InstructionId );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPadColorAndLerp
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:26PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets a pad color and begins lerping
//* @param LerpTime is the total time used to lerp
//* @param NewPadColor is the new pad color to set
//* @param NewTargetColor is the new target color to set
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPadColorAndLerp( float LerpTime, Color NewPadColor, Color NewTargetColor = default.DefaultColor );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPadColorAndLerpFromDef
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:03AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets the pad color and lerp from instruction Id in config
//* @param InstructionId is the string Id of the instruction
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPadColorAndLerpFromDef( string InstructionId );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPulsing
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 03:49PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets the lighting to pulse. Is reset by calling ResetState
//* @param LerpTime is the total time used to lerp
//* @param Target1 is the first color to lerp to
//* @param Target2 is the second target to lerp to
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPulsing( float LerpTime, Color Target1, Color Target2 = default.DefaultColor );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function SetPulsingFromDef
//* @date Jun 10, 2013 11:06AM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Sets pulsing between 2 colors from an instruction found in config
//* @param InstructionId is the Id of the instruction
//* ===================================================================================
static native function SetPulsingFromDef( string InstructionId );
//* ===================================================================================
//* @function InterruptState
//* @date Jun 07, 2013 01:28PM
//* @author Brandon Johnson
//* @brief Interrupts the current state, whether it be lerping or pulsing and sets to default color
//* ===================================================================================
static native function ResetState();
//* ===================================================================================
//* ===================================================================================