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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class AnimTree extends AnimNodeBlendBase
/** Anim Tree template we were created from, or None if we are a template */
var() const AnimTree AnimTreeTemplate;
/** Enable pooling for this AnimTree. This will pool freed copies of this AnimTree for later reuse */
var() bool bEnablePooling;
/** Definition of a group of AnimNodeSequences */
struct native AnimGroup
/** Cached array of AnimNodeSequence nodes to update. */
var transient const Array<AnimNodeSequence> SeqNodes;
/** Master node for synchronization. (Highest weight of the group) */
var transient const AnimNodeSequence SynchMaster;
/** Master node for notifications. (Highest weight of the group) */
var transient const AnimNodeSequence NotifyMaster;
/* Name of group. */
var() const Name GroupName;
/** Rate Scale */
var() const float RateScale;
/** Tracked Synch Position */
var const float SynchPctPosition;
/** List of animations groups */
var() Array<AnimGroup> AnimGroups;
* Skeleton Branches that should be composed first.
* This is to solve Controllers relying on bones to be updated before them.
var deprecated Array<Name> PrioritizedSkelBranches;
var() Array<Name> ComposePrePassBoneNames;
var() Array<Name> ComposePostPassBoneNames;
struct native SkelControlListHead
/** Name of bone that this list of SkelControls will be executed after. */
var name BoneName;
/** First Control in the linked list of SkelControls to execute. */
var editinline export SkelControlBase ControlHead;
/** For editor use. */
var editoronly int DrawY;
/** Root of tree of MorphNodes. */
var editinline export array<MorphNodeBase> RootMorphNodes;
/** Array of lists of SkelControls. Each list is executed after the bone specified using BoneName is updated with animation data. */
var editinline export array<SkelControlListHead> SkelControlLists;
/** Array for storing pose when bUseSavedPose is TRUE */
var array<BoneAtom> SavedPose;
/** If TRUE, AnimTree will always just return cached pose, rather than evaluating entire anim tree. */
var bool bUseSavedPose;
////// AnimTree Editor support
/** Y position of MorphNode input on AnimTree. */
var editoronly int MorphConnDrawY;
/** Used to avoid editing the same AnimTree in multiple AnimTreeEditors at the same time. */
var editoronly transient bool bBeingEdited;
/** Play rate used when previewing animations */
var() editoronly float PreviewPlayRate;
// DEPRECATED Preview data, editor only
var deprecated editoronly SkeletalMesh PreviewSkelMesh;
var deprecated editoronly SkeletalMesh SocketSkelMesh;
var deprecated editoronly StaticMesh SocketStaticMesh;
var deprecated editoronly Name SocketName;
var deprecated editoronly array<AnimSet> PreviewAnimSets;
var deprecated editoronly array<MorphTargetSet> PreviewMorphSets;
/** Structure to hold a preview mesh, and a name for quick selection from within the editor */
struct native PreviewSkelMeshStruct
/** Display name in combo box */
var() Name DisplayName;
/** Preview Skeletal Mesh */
var() SkeletalMesh PreviewSkelMesh;
/** MorphTargetSets used when previewing this AnimTree in the AnimTreeEditor. */
var() Array<MorphTargetSet> PreviewMorphSets;
/** SkeletalMesh used when previewing this AnimTree in the AnimTreeEditor. */
var() editoronly Array<PreviewSkelMeshStruct> PreviewMeshList;
var editoronly INT PreviewMeshIndex;
/** previewing of socket */
struct native PreviewSocketStruct
/** Preview Name for quick selection */
var() Name DisplayName;
/** Name of socket to use */
var() Name SocketName;
/** Attached preview skeletal mesh */
var() SkeletalMesh PreviewSkelMesh;
/** Attached preview staticmesh */
var() StaticMesh PreviewStaticMesh;
var() editoronly Array<PreviewSocketStruct> PreviewSocketList;
var editoronly INT PreviewSocketIndex;
/** AnimSets used when previewing this AnimTree in the AnimTreeEditor. */
struct native PreviewAnimSetsStruct
var() Name DisplayName;
var() Array<AnimSet> PreviewAnimSets;
var() editoronly Array<PreviewAnimSetsStruct> PreviewAnimSetList;
var editoronly INT PreviewAnimSetListIndex;
/** Preview AnimSet Index in the list - used to assign/preview for AnimSequenceNode **/
var editoronly INT PreviewAnimSetIndex;
/** Saved position of camera used for previewing skeletal mesh in AnimTreeEditor. */
var editoronly vector PreviewCamPos;
/** Saved orientation of camera used for previewing skeletal mesh in AnimTreeEditor. */
var editoronly rotator PreviewCamRot;
/** Saved position of floor mesh used for in AnimTreeEditor preview window. */
var editoronly vector PreviewFloorPos;
/** Saved yaw rotation of floor mesh used for in AnimTreeEditor preview window. */
var editoronly int PreviewFloorYaw;
var editoronly array<AnimNodeFrame> AnimNodeFrames;
////// End AnimTree Editor support
/** Keep track if ParentNodeArray has been built. Needs to happen in editor. Otherwise, we have to build it at runtime. */
var duplicatetransient BOOL bParentNodeArrayBuilt;
/** Copy of the AnimTickArray, to be serialized, and not rebuilt at run time. */
var duplicatetransient Array<AnimNode> AnimTickArray;
/** This is to notify (depending on version) to rebuild animtree. This information is saved during Serialize, and it will be used in InitAnimTree **/
/** was going to make this transient, but because of cooking problem, changing this to non-transient. Once tree is converted, it will be saved **/
var bool bRebuildAnimTickArray;
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostAnimNodeInstance(UAnimNode* SourceNode, TMap<UAnimNode*,UAnimNode*>& SrcToDestNodeMap);
virtual void ResetAnimNodeToSource(UAnimNode *SourceNode);
virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* meshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent);
virtual void GetBoneAtoms(FBoneAtomArray& Atoms, const TArray<BYTE>& DesiredBones, FBoneAtom& RootMotionDelta, INT& bHasRootMotion, FCurveKeyArray& CurveKeys);
/** Optimisation way to see if this is a UAnimTree */
virtual UAnimTree* GetAnimTree() { return this; }
/** Remove from Sync Group **/
void RemoveFromSyncGroup(UAnimNodeSequence * SeqNode);
void SyncGroupPreTickUpdate();
void UpdateAnimNodeSeqGroups(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
/** Get all SkelControls within this AnimTree. */
void GetSkelControls(TArray<USkelControlBase*>& OutControls);
/** Get all MorphNodes within this AnimTree. */
void GetMorphNodes(TArray<class UMorphNodeBase*>& OutNodes);
/** Call InitMorph on all morph nodes attached to the tree. */
void InitTreeMorphNodes(USkeletalMeshComponent* InSkelComp);
/** Calls GetActiveMorphs on each element of the RootMorphNodes array. */
void GetTreeActiveMorphs(TArray<FActiveMorph>& OutMorphs);
/** Make a copy of entire tree, including all AnimNodes and SkelControls.
* @param NewTreeOuter Component that will hold this
* @param bAcceptPooled If true, function is allowed to return pooled anim tree*/
UAnimTree* CopyAnimTree(UObject* NewTreeOuter, UBOOL bAcceptPooled = FALSE);
/** Returns this Anim Tree to the global pool, if it is safe to do so */
void ReturnToPool();
/** Utility function to return the size of the AnimTree pool */
static INT GetPoolSize();
/** Utility function for copying a selection of nodes, maintaining any references between them, but leaving any external references. */
static void CopyAnimNodes(const TArray<class UAnimNode*>& SrcNodes, UObject* NewOuter, TArray<class UAnimNode*>& DestNodes, TMap<class UAnimNode*,class UAnimNode*>& SrcToDestNodeMap);
/** Utility function for copying a selection of controls, maintaining any references between them, but leaving any external references. */
static void CopySkelControls(const TArray<class USkelControlBase*>& SrcControls, UObject* NewOuter, TArray<class USkelControlBase*>& DestControls, TMap<class USkelControlBase*,class USkelControlBase*>& SrcToDestControlMap);
/** Utility function for copying a selection of morph nodes, maintaining any references between them, but leaving any external references. */
static void CopyMorphNodes(const TArray<class UMorphNodeBase*>& SrcNodes, UObject* NewOuter, TArray<class UMorphNodeBase*>& DestNodes, TMap<class UMorphNodeBase*,class UMorphNodeBase*>& SrcToDestNodeMap);
// UAnimNode interface
virtual FIntPoint GetConnectionLocation(INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex);
* Draws this node in the AnimTreeEditor.
* @param Canvas The canvas to use.
* @param SelectedNodes Reference to array of all currently selected nodes, potentially including this node
* @param bShowWeight If TRUE, show the global percentage weight of this node, if applicable.
virtual void DrawAnimNode(FCanvas* Canvas, const TArray<UAnimObject*>& SelectedNodes, UBOOL bShowWeight);
* This returns total size for this animtree including animnodes, skelcontrols, morphnodes
* This is only for ListAnimTress to get idea of how much size each tree cost in run-time
* Do not use this in GetResourceSize as it will be calculate multiple times of same data
INT GetTotalNodeBytes();
* Custom Serialize function
* This function will save some information we can use in InitAnimTree
void Serialize( FArchive& Ar );
native final function SkelControlBase FindSkelControl(name InControlName);
native final function MorphNodeBase FindMorphNode(name InNodeName);
* When passing in TRUE, will cause tree to evaluate and then save resulting pose. From then on will continue to use that saved pose instead of re-evaluating the tree
* This feature is turned off when the SkeletalMesh changes
native final function SetUseSavedPose(bool bUseSaved);
// Anim Groups
/** Add a node to an existing anim group */
native final function bool SetAnimGroupForNode(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, Name GroupName, optional bool bCreateIfNotFound);
/** Returns the master node driving synchronization for this group. */
native final function AnimNodeSequence GetGroupSynchMaster(Name GroupName);
/** Returns the master node driving notifications for this group. */
native final function AnimNodeSequence GetGroupNotifyMaster(Name GroupName);
/** Force a group at a relative position. */
native final function ForceGroupRelativePosition(Name GroupName, FLOAT RelativePosition);
/** Get the relative position of a group. */
native final function float GetGroupRelativePosition(Name GroupName);
/** Adjust the Rate Scale of a group */
native final function SetGroupRateScale(Name GroupName, FLOAT NewRateScale);
/** Get the Rate Scale of a group */
native final function float GetGroupRateScale(Name GroupName);
* Returns the index in the AnimGroups list of a given GroupName.
* If group cannot be found, then INDEX_NONE will be returned.
native final function INT GetGroupIndex(Name GroupName);