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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFPawn
// Base Pawn for KFGame
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2012 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFPawn extends BaseAIPawn
* @name Character Info
********************************************************************************************* */
/** This pawn's current family/class info **/
var KFCharacterInfoBase CharacterArch;
/** This pawn's sound group archetype based on character info */
var KFPawnSoundGroup SoundGroupArch;
/** This pawn's dialog group class based on character info */
var class<KFPawnVoiceGroup> VoiceGroupArch;
/** This pawn's anim info archetype based on character info */
var KFPawnAnimInfo PawnAnimInfo;
/** This classes key to look up name to be displayed in UI **/
var name LocalizationKey;
var Texture2D CharacterPortrait;
* @name Pawn meshes and mesh components
********************************************************************************************* */
/** The lighting channel used by the pawn's meshes including the weapon and weapon attachments */
var transient LightingChannelContainer PawnLightingChannel;
/** Third person head component. Used by customizable characters only */
var SkeletalMeshComponent ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent;
/** Third person cosmetic attachments. Used by customizable characters only */
var name ThirdPersonAttachmentSocketNames[`MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS];
var MeshComponent ThirdPersonAttachments[`MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS];
/** First person cosmetic attachments. */
var name FirstPersonAttachmentSocketNames[`MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS];
var MeshComponent FirstPersonAttachments[`MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS];
* Character mesh MICs that are used for material params during gameplay
* 0: Always the main body (Replaced with the gore mesh)
* 1: Head MIC for Humans. Alternate body MIC for complex zeds
var array<MaterialInstanceConstant> CharacterMICs;
/** Whether to allow always on physics such as jiggly parts, cloth, etc */
var globalconfig bool bAllowAlwaysOnPhysics;
/** True if switched to Gore Skeleton/Physics Asset */
var const bool bIsGoreMesh;
* @name Damage & Hit Zones
********************************************************************************************* */
/** All pawns share a common head index. Use enum to access from any class */
enum EHitZoneIndex
var transient float LastHeadShotReceivedTime;
struct native HitZoneInfo
var() name ZoneName; // The name of this hitzone
var() name BoneName; // Name of the bone that corresponds to this hitzone
var() int GoreHealth; // The base amount of health for this hitzone, and stores health this zone has left (Not Replicated)
var() int MaxGoreHealth; // Max for this hit zone. Copied from GoreHealth if it isn't initialized at runtime
var() float DmgScale; // Damage multiplier for damage taken on this hitzone
var() EHitZoneBodyPart Limb; // Group zones together for hit reactions
var() byte SkinID; // ID used for impact effects
var transient bool bPlayedInjury; // When this hit zone was dismembered from the body
//var delegate<OnHitZoneInjury> OnInjury; // Called when zone Health reaches 0
var() array<HitZoneInfo> HitZones;
/** Tracks when the Pawn died */
var transient float TimeOfDeath;
/** Set only while inside TakeRadiusDamage */
var transient bool bTakingRadiusDamage;
/** How much resistance this pawn has to penetration. Whenever a projectile or
* weapon traces passes through this pawn and damages it, that projectile
* or weapon trace's PenetrationPower will be reduced by this amount.
* Additionally a weapon trace or projectile won't penetrate this pawn if the
* PenetrationPower is not greater than this resistance.
var() float PenetrationResistance;
/** Used to track damage over time */
struct native DamageOverTimeInfo
/** How much damage to apply at the Interval */
var transient int Damage;
/** The type of damage to apply at the Interval */
var transient class<KFDamageType> DamageType;
/** The type of damage to apply at the Interval */
var transient byte DoT_Type;
/** How long to keep applying damage over time */
var transient float Duration;
/** How often to apply the DoT_Damage */
var transient float Interval;
/** Countdown timer for next damage interval */
var transient float TimeUntilNextDamage;
/** The controller that caused this damage */
var transient Controller InstigatedBy;
/** Array of damage that must be applied over time */
var array<DamageOverTimeInfo> DamageOverTimeArray;
/** Track explosives which deal reduced damage when stacked */
struct native ExplosiveStackInfo
var GameExplosionActor Explosion;
var float LastHitTime;
/** List of active explosives that deal reduced damage when stacked */
var array<ExplosiveStackInfo> RecentExplosiveStacks;
/** The last time this pawn dealt or received any damage */
var transient float LastTimeDamageHappened;
/** Scale used in crease damage when crushed. */
var float CrushScale;
/** Current damage scalar from any volume I may be in */
var float VolumeDamageScale;
* Scoring/Dosh Distribution
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native DamageInfo
/** PRI from the player that did damage to us */
var Controller DamagerController;
/** PRI from the player that did damage to us */
var PlayerReplicationInfo DamagerPRI;
/** damage done from one player, might be reset during gameplay */
var float Damage;
/** Total damage done from one player total */
var float TotalDamage;
/** Last time the zed was damaged */
var float LastTimeDamaged;
/** List of each perk that should get xp for this damage */
var array<class<KFPerk> > DamagePerks;
var array<class<Actor> > DamageCausers;
var array<class<KFDamageType> > DamageTypes;
/** List of PRIs who damaged the specimen */
var array<DamageInfo> DamageHistory;
* @name HitFX & Gore
********************************************************************************************* */
/** replicated information on a hit we've taken */
struct native KFHitFxInfo
/** the location of the hit - Do not use this directly */
var vector HitLocation;
/** Momentum is only replicated as a normalized HitDir. Momentum transfer is handled server-side */
var vector EncodedHitDirection;
/** the damage type we were hit with */
var class<KFDamageType> DamageType;
/** the zone that was hit on our Mesh (if any) */
var byte HitBoneIndex;
/** Whether the pawn dealt radial damage */
var bool bRadialDamage;
/** Whether the pawn was obliterated */
var bool bObliterated;
//for special hit effects
var PlayerReplicationInfo DamagerPRI;
/** Additional replicated data if bRadialDamage = true */
struct native KFRadialHitFxInfo
/** Radius damage scale (falloff) used for ragdoll impulses */
var byte RadiusDamageScale;
/** Radius damage hurt origin used for ragdoll impulses. Will be heavily compressed (11 bits?) when it's 0 */
var vector RadiusHurtOrigin;
/** replicated information on a hit we've taken */
var repnotify KFHitFxInfo HitFxInfo;
/** replicated information radial information */
var KFRadialHitFxInfo HitFxRadialInfo;
/** the weapon that shot us */
var Pawn HitFxInstigator;
/** Replicate additionational hit locations for blood fx for certain weapons (ex. Shotguns) */
const MAX_ADDED_HITFX = 7;
/** Store the additional hit locations in local space to replicate easier */
var vector HitFxAddedRelativeLocs[MAX_ADDED_HITFX];
/** The number of hits this pawn has taken in a frame */
var byte HitFxAddedHitCount;
/** Set to true when we want to update HitFx at the end of the tick */
var bool bNeedsProcessHitFx;
/** stop considering HitFxInfo for replication when world time passes this (so we don't replicate out-of-date hits when pawns become relevant) */
var float LastTakeHitTimeout;
/** record value from TakeRadiusDamage to be used later this frame for PlayHit, these are not replicated */
var byte LastRadiusDamageScale;
var vector LastRadiusHurtOrigin;
/** The max number of times we should try to grab a parent bone if no bone is found on our ragdoll */
// Gore Materials
var array<MaterialInstance> BloodSplatterDecalMaterials;
var array<MaterialInstance> BloodPoolDecalMaterials;
// For ambient battle blood
var const name BattleBloodParamName;
var const float MinBattleBloodValue;
var const float BattleBloodRangeSq;
var transient float BattleBloodParamValue;
/** Names for specific bones in the skeleton */
var name LeftFootBoneName;
var name RightFootBoneName;
var name LeftHandBoneName;
var name RightHandBoneName;
var name HeadBoneName;
var name TorsoBoneName;
var name PelvisBoneName;
/** If TRUE we broke at least one constraints off the Gore mesh. */
var bool bHasBrokenConstraints;
/** Setting to control whether we allow ragdoll and dismemberment on dead bodies */
var globalconfig bool bAllowRagdollAndGoreOnDeadBodies;
/** The time when a gib last collided with something in the world (relative to WorldInfo.TimeSeconds) */
var transient float LastGibCollisionTime;
/** Whether or not to reinit phys asset on death */
var bool bReinitPhysAssetOnDeath;
/** Whether or not to allow the use of the death special move */
var bool bAllowDeathSM;
/** Scale to apply to mesh when changed */
var float IntendedBodyScale;
var float CurrentBodyScale;
/** Max amount per second that can change */
var float BodyScaleChangePerSecond;
/** Scales for tracking head size, IE: Big head mode */
var repnotify float IntendedHeadScale;
var float CurrentHeadScale;
/** Whether pawn can be pinned to a wall by pinning projectiles */
var bool bCanBePinned;
* @name Status Effects
********************************************************************************************* */
/* Manages various types of afflictions that this pawn may have that has smoe type of gameplay affect (such as panicking from fire, disrupted by EMP, etc) */
var instanced KFAfflictionManager AfflictionHandler;
/** Afflications that accumlate/decay over time and can stack with eachother (e.g. Panic, Burning) and are triggered when the accumulated value crosses the threshold */
var array<IncapSettingsInfo> IncapSettings;
/** Bit-flags 0:Alive 1:Dead. Up to (first) 32 hit zones */
var repnotify int InjuredHitZones;
/** This pawn is currently under the influense of the EMP distruption effect */
var repnotify bool bEmpDisrupted;
/** This pawn is currently Panicked by the EMP effect */
var repnotify bool bEmpPanicked;
/** This pawn is currently Panicked by the EMP effect */
var repnotify bool bFirePanicked;
/** Replicated the remaining StackedPower for fire on death so the zed keeps burning */
var byte DeathFireStackedPower;
/** How burned is this zed currently? Replicated version */
var repnotify byte RepFireBurnedAmount;
/** The last time a damage-type specific impact effect was spawned */
var float LastImpactParticleEffectTime;
var float LastImpactSoundTime;
* @name Rigid Body Hit reactions
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native KnockdownImpulseInfo
/** Linear velocity to apply to entire rigid body. */
var vector LinearVelocity;
/** Angular velocity to apply to entire rigid body. */
var vector AngularVelocity;
/** Dual purpose: Point Impulse Position | Radial Impulse Origin */
var vector ImpulsePosition;
/** Dual purpose: Point Impulse | Radial (X=Radius, Y=Strength) */
var vector ImpulseStrength;
/** Bone that receives point impulse. */
//var Name PointImpulseBoneName;
/** Use hit zone id instead for net bandwidth */
var byte PointImpulseHitZone;
/** Should Impulse Pos/Str be applied as point or radial */
var bool bIsRadialImpulse;
var KnockdownImpulseInfo KnockdownImpulse;
/** Struct used to replicated root body position when knocked down (not dead) */
struct native ReplicatedRootPosInfo
var vector Position;
var bool bNewData;
var ReplicatedRootPosInfo ReplicatedRootBodyPos;
/** If Pawn can or cannot play physics hit reactions. */
var(Physics) bool bCanPlayPhysicsHitReactions;
/** Scale impulses by this amount for Physics Hit Reactions. */
var(Physics) float PhysicsHitReactionImpulseScale;
/** List of RB bone names which should be UnFixed when playing a Physics Body Impact. */
var(Physics) editinline Array<Name> PhysicsBodyImpactBoneList;
/** List of RidigBodies where a spring should be attached to animation. */
var(Physics) editinline Array<Name> PhysicsImpactSpringList;
/** Time it takes to blend back to animations after being turned into physics. */
var(Physics) float PhysicsImpactBlendOutTime;
/** Time left to play this physics impact */
var float PhysicsImpactBlendTimeToGo;
/** Artifically scale impulses, to counter mass, for ragdoll hit reactions. */
var(Physics) float PhysRagdollImpulseScale;
/** As above, but applied to living (aka knockdown) impulse */
var(Physics) float KnockdownImpulseScale;
/** Ragdoll insomnia detection */
var const byte RagdollWarningLevel;
var const float NextRagdollFailsafeTime;
var const vector LastRootRigidBodyTestLoc;
* @name Movement & Physics
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Base movement speed while sprinting */
var float SprintSpeed;
/** currently sprinting */
var bool bIsSprinting;
/** whether or not sprinting is allowed */
var bool bAllowSprinting;
/** Movement rate while sprinting + strafe/backpedal. If zero, ignore and move at full speed */
var float SprintStrafeSpeed;
/** Replicated Floor property, used to set Floor on the client (for anims), currently used by Crawler */
var repnotify vector ReplicatedFloor;
/** Collision property for KFGameInfo's bDisableTeamCollision */
var bool bIgnoreTeamCollision;
/** Reduces the collision radius between pawns on the same team */
var float TeammateCollisionRadiusPercent;
/** If set, counter the World's TimeDilation using this Pawn's CustomTimeDilation */
var bool bUnaffectedByZedTime;
/** If true, will always move at normal speed in zed time */
var bool bMovesFastInZedTime;
/** Scale to use when moving in zed time. bMovesFastInZedTime must be set to TRUE */
var protected float ZedTimeSpeedScale;
/** Scale to use when moving with a speed reducing affliction. */
var float AfflictionSpeedModifier;
/** Scale to use when doing an attack */
var float AttackSpeedModifier;
/** Whether or not we are currently jumping. Allows for more specific checking of PHYS_Falling */
var bool bJumping;
/** Amount of multi-jumps allowed */
var int NumJumpsAllowed;
/** Amount remaining in current multi-jump cycle */
var int NumJumpsRemaining;
* @name Camera
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Base crouched eye height from bottom of the collision cylinder. */
var(Camera) float BaseCrouchEyeHeight;
/** If true enable weapon view bob */
var const bool bWeaponBob;
/** view bob properties */
var const float Bob<ClampMin=-0.05 | ClampMax=0.05>;
/** if true, UpdateEyeheight() will get called every tick */
var bool bUpdateEyeheight;
/** Old Z Location - used for eyeheight smoothing */
var float OldZ;
var float LandBob;
var float JumpBob;
var float AppliedBob;
var float BobTime;
var vector WalkBob;
var bool bJustLanded; /** used by eyeheight adjustment. True if pawn recently landed from a fall */
var bool bLandRecovery; /** used by eyeheight adjustment. True if pawn recovering (eyeheight increasing) after lowering from a landing */
* @name Weapon
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Default inventory added via AddDefaultInventory() */
var() array< class<Inventory> > DefaultInventory;
var() array<Inventory> DefaultInventoryArchetypes;
/** Holds the class type of the current weapon attachment. */
var KFWeaponAttachment WeaponAttachmentTemplate;
/** Holds the class type of the current weapon attachment's weapon class. Replicated to all clients. */
var repnotify class<KFWeapon> WeaponClassForAttachmentTemplate;
/** This holds the local copy of the current attachment. This "attachment" actor will exist independantly on all clients */
var KFWeaponAttachment WeaponAttachment;
/** client side flag indicating whether attachment should be visible - primarily used when spawning the initial weapon attachment
* as events that change its visibility might have happened before we received a WeaponAttachmentTemplate
* to spawn and call the visibility functions on
var bool bWeaponAttachmentVisible;
/** First person view left and right arm meshes */
var KFSkeletalMeshComponent ArmsMesh;
/** Name of the socket used for attaching third person weapons to this pawn. */
var name WeaponAttachmentSocket;
/** Reference to Weapon carried by Pawn. Set in PlayWeaponSwitch() when a new weapon is set. */
var KFWeapon MyKFWeapon;
/** Last time WeaponFired() was called, used by animation */
var transient float LastWeaponFireTime;
/** Whether this pawn needs a crosshair regardless of whether it has a weapon */
var bool bNeedsCrosshair;
* @name Animation
********************************************************************************************* */
/* 2d division of space around this pawn */
enum EPawnOctant
enum EAnimSlotStance
/** Cache nodes for convenience */
var transient Array<AnimNodeAimOffset> AimOffsetNodes;
var() transient Array<AnimNodeSlot> BodyStanceNodes;
/** List of RB bone names which should be UnFixed when playing a Physics Body Impact. */
var(Animation) editinline Array<Name> ArmPhysicsBoneList;
* 2d vector, representing a rotation offset percentage from actor's rotation. Used by Aim anim nodes.
* Range used (-1,-1) to (+1,+1) (angle equivalent : (-90d,-90d) to (+90d,+90d))
var() vector2d AimOffsetPct;
var bool bEnableAimOffset;
* This is the replicated version of AimOffsetPct that other clients will interpolate to.
* Using FRotator compression with roll forced to 0
var rotator ReplicatedAimOffsetPct;
/** If set, turns off KFAnim_TurnInPlace (and related) nodes */
var(Animation) bool bDisableTurnInPlace;
/** Scales the anim rate of the KFAnimSeq_TurnInPlace node */
var float TurnInPlaceAnimRate;
/** Time when AnimGroup can play a new hit reaction */
var float NextHitReactionAnim_ActorTime;
/** Timer for swipe damage tick notify */
var const transient float LastMeleeNotify_ActorTime;
* @name Skeletal Controls
********************************************************************************************* */
var transient Array<GameSkelCtrl_Recoil> RecoilNodes;
struct native LookAtInfo
/** The actor that our head tracking should be looking at */
var Actor LookAtTarget;
/** Whether or not to use the spine to look at our target */
var bool bUseSpine;
/** Blend in/out values for the skeletal controls */
var float BlendIn;
var float BlendOut;
/** Offset from our target's location to look at */
var vector TargetOffset;
/** Pct to look at the target */
var float LookAtPct;
/** Forced lookat location, overrides lookattarget */
var vector ForcedLookAtLocation;
/** Skeletal controller for head bone */
var transient SkelControlLookAt IK_Look_Head;
/** Skeletal controller for spine bone */
var transient SkelControlLookAt IK_Look_Spine;
/** Skeletal controller for scaling the head */
var transient SkelControlSingleBone HeadScaleControl;
/** Current look at information (make repnotify?) */
var transient LookAtInfo MyLookAtInfo;
/** Whether or not this pawn is capable of head tracking */
var bool bCanHeadTrack;
/** Whether or not this pawn's head tracking mode is on or off */
var bool bIsHeadTrackingActive;
/** IK Controller for feet bones */
var transient KFSkelControl_FootPlacement IKFootLeft, IKFootRight;
* @name Special Moves
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Defines the current move the player is doing */
enum ESpecialMove
/** ZED standard attacks */
/** ZED Hit Reactions */
/** ZED Misc */
/** ZED special attacks */
/** Versus */
/** Correlates to firemode input (label w/ default bind for readability) */
/** Human Moves */
/** Boss special attacks */
/** Scripted Pawn */
/** Custom entries for extendability */
/** Dummy entry to avoid SM_MAX native collision */
/** Container for all special move properties (optimized for net bandwidth) */
struct native KFSpecialMoveStruct
/** Special Move Enum being performed. */
var ESpecialMove SpecialMove;
/** Interaction Pawn */
var Pawn InteractionPawn;
/** Additional Replicated Flags */
var byte Flags;
/** Special move currently performed by Pawn. SM_None, when doing none. */
var ESpecialMove SpecialMove;
/** Pawn ref used for Pawn to Pawn Interactions */
var KFPawn InteractionPawn;
/** Pack any additional data into special moves, and get it replicated so it's consistent across network. */
var byte SpecialMoveFlags;
/** Array of instanced special moves */
var(SpecialMoves) editinline editconst transient Array<KFSpecialMove> SpecialMoves;
/** Replicated information about the current SpecialMove */
var repretry repnotify KFSpecialMoveStruct ReplicatedSpecialMove;
/** Helper object (within pawn) that implements special moves */
var(SpecialMoves) instanced KFSpecialMoveHandler SpecialMoveHandler;
/** If this is greater than zero, we can't be grabbed by clots or other weak zeds until this time is hit */
var(Grab) Float WeakZedGrabCooldown;
/** If this pawn does zed grabs, they are weak zed grabs */
var(Grab) bool bWeakZedGrab;
* @name Mesh Translation / Smoothing (Based on UDKPawn)
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Additional translation for mesh */
var float BaseTranslationOffset;
/** Mesh Translation Offset (MTO) is used to modify Mesh.Translation value**/
/** MeshLocSmootherOffset:
* This variable is used to compensate mesh's translation
* when steps/inclines/bulky geometry causing cylinder to move up/downs rapidly
* To make it smooth this interpolates and creates smoother location transition **/
var const vector MTO_PhysSmoothOffset;
/** SpecialMoveOffset:
* This doesn't have to be used by SpecialMove but it's in-game usable mesh offset
* SpecialMoveInterp is interpolation variable to reach target SpecialMoveOffset
* SpecialMoveSpeed is interpolate speed to reach target SpecialMoveOffset per second
var vector MTO_SpecialMoveOffset;
var vector MTO_SpecialMoveInterp;
var float MTO_SpecialMoveSpeed;
/** Mesh translation calculated by UpdateFloorConform */
var const vector MTO_IKFloorConform;
/** Floor up vector used by floor conforming */
var const Vector MeshFloorConformNormal;
/** If set, interp the MeshFloorConformNormal */
var const bool bDoFloorConformBlend;
/** Track last Pawn rotation, to make any updates if necessary */
var const Rotator FloorConformLastPawnRotation;
/** Current floor conform rotation yaw */
var const int FloorConformMeshRotationYaw;
/** If set, floor conforming assumes this creature is a quadruped. See also GetFloorConformNormal() */
var const bool bUseQuadrupedFloorConform;
/** Cached values for Z smoothing */
var const float LastPhysSmoothDeltaZ;
/** if TRUE, disable mesh offset steps smoothing */
var() protected bool bDisableMeshSmoothing;
/** if TRUE, disable mesh replicated rotation smoothing */
var() protected bool bDisableMeshRotationSmoothing;
/** Additional yaw for mesh */
var const transient float MeshYawOffset;
var float MeshRotSmoothingInterpSpeed;
* @name Audio
********************************************************************************************* */
/** pawn ambient sound (for powerups and such) - Access via SetPawnAmbientSound() / GetPawnAmbientSound() */
var repnotify AkEvent AmbientSound;
var protected AkComponent AmbientAkComponent;
/** separate replicated ambient sound for weapon firing - access via SetWeaponAmbientSound() / GetWeaponAmbientSound() */
var repnotify AkEvent WeaponAmbientSound;
var protected AkComponent WeaponAkComponent;
var instanced KFWeaponAmbientEchoHandler WeaponAmbientEchoHandler;
var repnotify AkEvent SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound;
var protected AkComponent SecondaryWeaponAkComponent;
var protected AkComponent FootstepAkComponent;
var protected AkComponent DialogAkComponent;
struct native PowerUpAmbientSoundInfo
var AkEvent FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound;
var AkEvent ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound;
var AkEvent FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound;
var AkEvent ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound;
var byte Count;
var repnotify PowerUpAmbientSoundInfo PowerUpAmbientSound;
var protected AkComponent PowerUpAkComponent;
/** Whether foostep sounds are allowed. Always allow sounds for local player */
var globalconfig bool bAllowFootstepSounds;
* @name Network
********************************************************************************************* */
var float LastReplicateTime;
* @name AI
********************************************************************************************* */
var KFAIController MyKFAIC;
/** Extra path cost applied to each navigation point added to RouteCache to diversify paths */
var const float ExtraCostForPath;
/** Whether Pawn is using faster movement speed to catch up to player(s) */
var const bool bUseHiddenSpeed;
/** Whether Pawn can use faster movement speed to catch up to player(s) */
var bool bCanUseHiddenSpeed;
/** Whether or not to allow acceleration smoothing using TurningRadius parameters below */
var bool bAllowAccelSmoothing;
/** Maximum turning radius of this pawn when accel smoothing is on */
var float MaxTurningRadius;
/** Current turning radius we are using (based on TurningRadisu above, and scaled depending on how close to the goal we are) */
var transient float CurrentTurningRadius;
/** Acceleration smoothing will be ramped down within this distance from goal */
var float AccelConvergeFalloffDistance;
/** Pawn acceleration from previous frame */
var transient vector OldAcceleration;
/** AI using this pawn will pause for this amount of time when taking "heavy" damage */
var float DamageRecoveryTimeHeavy;
/** AI using this pawn will pause for this amount of time when taking "medium" damage */
var float DamageRecoveryTimeMedium;
/** How fast an AI will move when using this pawn when they are hidden from player view */
var float HiddenGroundSpeed;
/** AI Zeds won't target this pawn if this is true */
var bool bAIZedsIgnoreMe;
/** If other than none other AI should not target this pawn */
var Controller ExclusiveTargetingController;
/** If set to something other than zero, AI will ignore this pawn until the worldinfo timeseconds passes this value */
var float AIIgnoreEndTime;
/** Whether this AI pawn can cloak or not */
var bool bCanCloak;
/** Whether this AI pawn is cloaking or not */
var repnotify bool bIsCloaking;
/** KF1 legacy value for zed AIControl */
const AIAirControl = 0.35;
* @name Dialog
********************************************************************************************* */
var transient int CurrDialogEventID;
var transient byte CurrDialogPriority;
* @name ExtraVFX
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native ExtraVFXInfo
// Particle effect to play
var() ParticleSystem VFX;
// Socket to attach it to (if applicable)
var() Name SocketName;
// Label to use for code logic (if applicable)
var() Name Label;
// Audio event to play when vfx start
var() AkEvent SFXStartEvent;
// Audio event to play when vfx stop
var() AkEvent SFXStopEvent;
struct native ExtraVFXAttachmentInfo
var ParticleSystemComponent VFXComponent;
var ExtraVFXInfo Info;
var transient array<ExtraVFXAttachmentInfo> ExtraVFXAttachments;
* @name Debug
********************************************************************************************* */
// `log() conditions. Much more efficient than using log tags, because the msg is not evaluated.
var bool bLogTakeDamage;
var bool bLogPhysicsBodyImpact;
var bool bLogSpecialMove;
var bool bLogCustomAnim;
var Texture2D DebugRadarTexture;
var repnotify bool bHasStartedFire;
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
var repnotify byte WeaponSpecialAction;
* @name Cached last hit index.
* Afflictions are failing to get the proper zone index of the hit as it is read before
written. This is a temp fix for it.
********************************************************************************************* */
var transient byte LastHitZoneIndex;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Replicated to ALL
if ( bNetDirty )
AmbientSound, WeaponClassForAttachmentTemplate, bIsSprinting, InjuredHitZones,
KnockdownImpulse, ReplicatedSpecialMove, bEmpDisrupted, bEmpPanicked, bFirePanicked,
RepFireBurnedAmount, bUnaffectedByZedTime, bMovesFastInZedTime, IntendedBodyScale,
IntendedHeadScale, AttackSpeedModifier, bHasStartedFire, PowerUpAmbientSound;
if ( bNetDirty && WorldInfo.TimeSeconds < LastTakeHitTimeout )
HitFxInfo, HitFxRadialInfo, HitFxInstigator, HitFxAddedRelativeLocs, HitFxAddedHitCount;
if ( Physics == PHYS_RigidBody && !bTearOff )
if ( Physics == PHYS_Spider )
if( bNetDirty && bTearOff ) // on death/tearoff
// Replicated to owning client
if ( bNetDirty && bNetOwner )
SprintSpeed, AfflictionSpeedModifier, bAllowSprinting, bJumping, NumJumpsAllowed;
if ( bNetDirty && bNetOwner && bNetInitial )
// Replicated to all but the owning client
if ( bNetDirty && (!bNetOwner || bDemoRecording) )
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
WeaponAmbientSound, SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound, WeaponSpecialAction;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if ( bEnableAimOffset && (!bNetOwner || bDemoRecording) )
if ( bNetDirty && bCanCloak )
// actor
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
virtual void TickSpecial(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void TickSimulated(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void BeginTouch(AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FVector &HitLocation, const FVector &HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent* MyComp=NULL);
virtual void setPhysics(BYTE NewPhysics, AActor* NewFloor = NULL, FVector NewFloorV = FVector(0,0,1));
// network
INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
virtual UBOOL IsNetRelevantFor(APlayerController* RealViewer, AActor* Viewer, const FVector& SrcLocation);
virtual UBOOL ShouldDoSimpleNetRelevancy(APlayerController* RealViewer, const FVector& SrcLocation);
virtual void PreNetReceive();
virtual void PostNetReceive();
// sound
virtual void ReplicateSound(class UAkBaseSoundObject* InSoundCue, UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE, UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE, UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE, FVector* SoundLocation = NULL, UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE, FRotator* SoundRotation = NULL );
virtual UBOOL HasAudibleAmbientSound(const FVector& SrcLocation);
// collision / physics
virtual void performPhysics(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void PostProcessPhysics( FLOAT DeltaSeconds, const FVector& OldVelocity );
virtual void physFalling(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations);
virtual void physRigidBody(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void Crouch(INT bClientSimulation=0);
virtual void UnCrouch(INT bClientSimulation=0);
virtual FLOAT MaxSpeedModifier();
virtual void UpdateTimeDilation();
virtual void UpdateEyeHeight(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void SyncActorToRBPhysics();
virtual void physicsRotation(FLOAT deltaTime, FVector OldVelocity);
virtual UBOOL ShouldBypassSimulatedClientPhysics();
virtual UBOOL IgnoreBlockingBy( const AActor *Other) const;
void MoveToFloor();
void TickKnockdownCorrection(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
void TickPhysicsBodyImpact(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
// ragdoll violations
UBOOL CheckRigidBodyLinearConstraintViolations();
UBOOL IsRigidBodyInterpenetratingWorld(FName& BoneName);
void SetRagdollSleepThreshold(FLOAT Threshold);
void TickRagdollSleepFailsafe(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
// Mesh translation offset
void SmoothCorrection(const FVector& OldLocation);
void PerformStepsSmoothing(const FVector& OldLocation, FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
void TickMeshTranslationOffset(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
void TickMeshRotationSmoothing( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
// Floor conforming (IK, mesh translation/rotation, etc..)
UBOOL UpdateFloorConform(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
void physicsRotationCrawler(FLOAT deltaTime, FRotator deltaRot, FRotator& NewRotation);
FVector GetFloorConformNormal(FLOAT& out_HeightAdjust);
FRotator FindSlopeMeshRotation(const FVector& FloorNormal);
// AI related
virtual void PrePhysicsAISteering();
virtual void physWalking( FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations );
virtual UBOOL IsValidAnchor( ANavigationPoint* AnchorCandidate );
// Never try to jump over a wall (for now)
virtual UBOOL TryJumpUp(FVector Dir, FVector Destination, DWORD TraceFlags, UBOOL bNoVisibility);
// Additional falling checks
virtual UBOOL TestWalkFall(FVector GravDir, FVector &CurrentPosition, FVector CollisionExtent, FCheckResult& Hit, AActor* GoalActor, const FVector StartLocation);
// Disable serpentine movement (for now)
virtual void HandleSerpentineMovement(FVector& out_Direction, FLOAT Distance, const FVector& Dest ) { }
virtual void HandleAccelerationSmoothing(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
UBOOL moveToward(const FVector &Dest, AActor *GoalActor );
// Override of Pawn native function because that version considers the pawn to be dead if hidden. This version
// bypasses the hidden check to support ToggleDebugCamera so you can watch NPCs attacking your detached mesh.
virtual UBOOL IsAliveAndWell() const;
virtual UBOOL ReachedDestination(const FVector &Start, const FVector &Dest, AActor* GoalActor, UBOOL bCheckHandle=FALSE);
// animation
virtual void UpdateHeadTracking(FLOAT DeltaTime);
void TickAimOffset(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
native final simulated function bool FitCollision();
* @name Constructors, Destructors, and Loading
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Chris: See udn.unrealengine.com/questions/104007/replicated-clientgivento-has-none-newowner-paramet.html */
reliable client function ForceOpenActorChannel();
/** This will determine and then return the CharacterInfo for this pawn **/
native simulated function KFCharacterInfoBase GetCharacterInfo();
/** Queries the PRI and returns our current Perk */
native simulated function KFPerk GetPerk();
/** Whether the world can cast shadows on first person arms and weapon */
native function bool AllowFirstPersonPreshadows();
/** Removes all blood decals from pawn mesh */
native function ClearBloodDecals();
/** Force uncrouch */
native function ForceUnCrouch();
// Called immediately before gameplay begins.
simulated event PreBeginPlay()
local MapInfo MapInfo;
// Set the mesh to the proper offset
BaseTranslationOffset = Mesh.default.Translation.Z;
// If the pawn hasn't registered any touch/untouch events from a ligthing volume
// set it to the correct default lighting channel based on the map
if( LightingVolumeEnterCount == 0 )
MapInfo = WorldInfo.GetMapInfo();
if(MapInfo != None && MapInfo.bDefaultPawnsToOutdoor)
PawnLightingChannel.Indoor = false;
PawnLightingChannel.Outdoor = true;
PawnLightingChannel.bInitialized = true;
PawnLightingChannel.Indoor = true;
PawnLightingChannel.Outdoor = false;
PawnLightingChannel.bInitialized = true;
event PostBeginPlay()
SoundGroupArch.PlayEntranceSound( self );
// On the server only update the skelcomp when it needs to (see bTickDuringPausedAnims)
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
Mesh.bPauseAnims = true;
// called at the end of PostBeginPlay, when the pawn has been added to the world's pawn list
event PostAddPawn()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI != none)
/* Reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading. */
function Reset()
DetachFromController( true );
/** End any active special moves when pawn is destroyed (rather than killed
from incoming damage) - this can happen when using a cheat like "killpawns"
simulated event Destroyed()
// If we're currently doing a special move when we're being destroyed
if( SpecialMove != SM_None && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove] != None )
* Check on various replicated data and act accordingly.
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
switch( VarName )
case nameof(WeaponClassForAttachmentTemplate):
case nameof(AmbientSound):
case nameof(WeaponAmbientSound):
case nameof(PowerUpAmbientSound):
case nameof(SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound):
case nameof(HitFxInfo):
bNeedsProcessHitFx = true;
case nameof(InjuredHitZones):
case nameof(ReplicatedSpecialMove):
`log("Received replicated special move:"@ReplicatedSpecialMove.SpecialMove, bLogSpecialMove);
DoSpecialMove(ReplicatedSpecialMove.SpecialMove, TRUE, ReplicatedSpecialMove.InteractionPawn, ReplicatedSpecialMove.Flags);
case nameof(ReplicatedFloor):
Floor = ReplicatedFloor;
case nameof(bEmpDisrupted):
AfflictionHandler.ToggleEffects(AF_EMP, bEmpDisrupted, bEmpPanicked);
case nameof(bEmpPanicked):
AfflictionHandler.ToggleEffects(AF_EMP, bEmpDisrupted, bEmpPanicked);
case nameof(bFirePanicked):
AfflictionHandler.ToggleEffects(AF_FirePanic, bFirePanicked);
case nameof(RepFireBurnedAmount):
AfflictionHandler.UpdateMaterialParameter(AF_FirePanic, ByteToFloat(RepFireBurnedAmount));
case nameof(IntendedHeadScale):
SetHeadScale(IntendedHeadScale, CurrentHeadScale);
case nameof(bHasStartedFire):
if (bHasStartedFire)
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
case nameof(WeaponSpecialAction):
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/** Pawn is possessed by Controller */
function PossessedBy(Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition)
Super.PossessedBy(C, bVehicleTransition);
// By default, NotifyTeamChanged is only called on the client
/** Pawn is unpossessed by Controller */
function UnPossessed()
bUnaffectedByZedTime = false;
/** Returns true of pawns are on the same team, false otherwise */
simulated event bool IsSameTeam( Pawn Other )
// Added a check in case the pawn isn't on a team. By default they
// will still have a team num (255). This can be used to identify
// if a pawn is on the human team (0) or the zed team
if( Other != none && Other.GetTeamNum() == GetTeamNum() )
return true;
return Super.IsSameTeam(Other);
/** one time init of physics related options */
simulated function InitRBSettings()
// If PhysAsset is set in the defaults
if ( Mesh != none && Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance != None )
// Fix bodies so they update from animation until ragdoll
if ( Physics != PHYS_RigidBody )
Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance.SetFullAnimWeightBonesFixed(FALSE, Mesh);
// don't allow non-animating bones to collide with rigid bodies
// (the proper RB channel will be set upon ragdolling)
if( !Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation )
Mesh.SetRBCollidesWithChannel(RBCC_Pawn, FALSE);
* @name Character Info Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Notify pawn whenever mesh is swapped (e.g. new character or new outfit) */
simulated function OnCharacterMeshChanged();
/** SetCharacterAnimationInfo, separated out since this can be overriden if by certain classes */
simulated function SetCharacterArchAnimationInfo()
/** Set various basic properties for this KFPawn based on the character class metadata */
simulated function SetCharacterArch( KFCharacterInfoBase Info, optional bool bForce )
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo( PlayerReplicationInfo );
if (Info != CharacterArch || bForce)
CharacterArch = Info;
CharacterArch.SetCharacterFromArch( self, KFPRI );
CharacterArch.SetCharacterMeshFromArch( self, KFPRI );
// Sounds
SoundGroupArch = Info.SoundGroupArch;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
// refresh weapon attachment (attachment bone may have changed)
if (WeaponAttachmentTemplate != None)
// Give a warning if any of these bones are invalid. They are needed for
// explosive damage calcs.
if(HeadBoneName != `NAME_NONE && Mesh.MatchRefBone(HeadBoneName) == INDEX_NONE)
`Warn("CharacterInfo HeadBone is invalid for" @ Self);
//ClientMessage("CharacterInfo HeadBone is invalid for" @ Self);
if(LeftFootBoneName != `NAME_NONE && Mesh.MatchRefBone(LeftFootBoneName) == INDEX_NONE)
`Warn("CharacterInfo LeftFootBone is invalid for" @ Self);
//ClientMessage("CharacterInfo LeftFootBone is invalid for" @ Self);
if(RightFootBoneName != `NAME_NONE && Mesh.MatchRefBone(RightFootBoneName) == INDEX_NONE)
`Warn("CharacterInfo RightFootBone is invalid for" @ Self);
//ClientMessage("CharacterInfo RightFootBone is invalid for" @ Self);
if(TorsoBoneName != `NAME_NONE && Mesh.MatchRefBone(TorsoBoneName) == INDEX_NONE)
`Warn("CharacterInfo TorsoBone is invalid for" @ Self);
//ClientMessage("CharacterInfo TorsoBone is invalid for" @ Self);
if( CharacterArch != none )
if( CharacterArch.VoiceGroupArchName != "" )
VoiceGroupArch = class<KFPawnVoiceGroup>(DynamicLoadObject(CharacterArch.VoiceGroupArchName, class'Class'));
* Called from PlayerController UpdateRotation() -> ProcessViewRotation() to (pre)process player ViewRotation
* adds delta rot (player input), applies any limits and post-processing
* returns the final ViewRotation set on PlayerController
* @param DeltaTime, time since last frame
* @param ViewRotation, actual PlayerController view rotation
* @input out_DeltaRot, delta rotation to be applied on ViewRotation. Represents player's input.
* @return processed ViewRotation to be set on PlayerController.
simulated function ProcessViewRotation( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot )
super.ProcessViewRotation( DeltaTime, out_ViewRotation, out_DeltaRot );
// Allow special moves to alter view rotation
if( SpecialMove != SM_None && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove] != none )
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].ProcessViewRotation( DeltaTime, out_ViewRotation, out_DeltaRot );
/** Setup animation and ragdoll here */
simulated function SetCharacterAnimationInfo()
// Physics
if ( CharacterArch.PhysAsset != Mesh.PhysicsAsset )
// Reinitialized in SetPhysicsAsset only if it needs to be Enabled (PhysicsAsset has flappy bits)
Mesh.bEnableFullAnimWeightBodies = FALSE;
// Force it to reinitialize if the skeletal mesh has changed (might be flappy bones etc).
// Fix bodies so they update from animation until ragdoll
if ( Physics != PHYS_RigidBody )
if( bAllowAlwaysOnPhysics )
Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance.SetFullAnimWeightBonesFixed(FALSE, Mesh);
// Character Animation+
CharacterArch.SetCharacterAnimFromArch( self );
if ( CharacterArch.AnimArchetype != None )
PawnAnimInfo = CharacterArch.AnimArchetype;
/** Reapply active gameplay related MIC params (e.g. when switching to the gore mesh) */
simulated function UpdateGameplayMICParams()
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
AfflictionHandler.ToggleEffects(AF_EMP, bEmpDisrupted, bEmpPanicked);
AfflictionHandler.UpdateMaterialParameter(AF_FirePanic, ByteToFloat(RepFireBurnedAmount));
/** If true, assign custom player controlled skin when available */
simulated event bool UsePlayerControlledZedSkin();
* @name Camera Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
* Calculate camera view point, when viewing this pawn.
* @param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
* @param out_CamLoc Camera Location
* @param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
* @param out_FOV Field of View
* @return true if Pawn should provide the camera point of view.
simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV )
// since we've added a first-person camera class (KFFirstPersonCamera),
// we don't need this to do anything at the moment, and we don't want to
// call the super because Gears doesn't because it does traces
return false;
event BaseChange()
// Push the pawn if it tries to stand on top of a door
if( KFDoorActor(Base) != none )
Velocity = KFDoorActor(Base).GetPushDirection( Location );
SetPhysics( PHYS_Falling );
/** Set BaseEyeheight/CameraLoc using a relative offset from the CylinderComponent center */
simulated function SetBaseEyeheight()
if ( !bIsCrouched )
BaseEyeheight = Default.BaseEyeheight * CurrentBodyScale;
BaseEyeheight = Default.BaseCrouchEyeHeight * CurrentBodyScale;
//`log(self@"Absolute BaseEyeheight="$BaseEyeheight + CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight);
/* UpdateEyeHeight()
* Update player eye position, based on smoothing view while moving up and down stairs, and adding view bobs for landing and taking steps.
* Called every tick only if bUpdateEyeHeight==true.
event UpdateEyeHeight( float DeltaTime )
local float MaxEyeHeight;
local Actor HitActor;
local vector HitLocation,HitNormal;
if ( bTearOff )
// no eyeheight updates if dead
EyeHeight = BaseEyeheight;
bUpdateEyeHeight = false;
if ( abs(Location.Z - OldZ) > 15 )
// if position difference too great, don't do smooth land recovery
bJustLanded = false;
bLandRecovery = false;
if ( (CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight - Eyeheight < 12) && IsFirstPerson() )
// desired eye position is above collision box
// check to make sure that viewpoint doesn't penetrate another actor
// min clip distance 12
if (bCollideWorld)
HitActor = trace(HitLocation,HitNormal, Location + WalkBob + (MaxStepHeight + CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight) * vect(0,0,1),
Location + WalkBob, true, vect(12,12,12),, TRACEFLAG_Blocking);
MaxEyeHeight = (HitActor == None) ? CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight + MaxStepHeight : HitLocation.Z - Location.Z;
Eyeheight = FMin(Eyeheight, MaxEyeHeight);
/* @see UpdateEyeHeight() */
private function SmoothEyeHeight( float DeltaTime )
local float smooth, OldEyeHeight;
if ( !bJustLanded )
// normal walking around
// smooth eye position changes while going up/down stairs
smooth = FMin(0.9, 10.0 * DeltaTime/CustomTimeDilation);
LandBob *= (1 - smooth);
if( Physics == PHYS_Walking || Physics==PHYS_Spider || Controller.IsInState('PlayerSwimming') )
OldEyeHeight = EyeHeight;
EyeHeight = FMax((EyeHeight - Location.Z + OldZ) * (1 - smooth) + BaseEyeHeight * smooth,
-0.5 * CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight);
EyeHeight = EyeHeight * ( 1 - smooth) + BaseEyeHeight * smooth;
else if ( bLandRecovery )
// return eyeheight back up to full height
smooth = FMin(0.9, 9.0 * DeltaTime);
OldEyeHeight = EyeHeight;
LandBob *= (1 - smooth);
// linear interpolation at end
if ( Eyeheight > 0.9 * BaseEyeHeight )
Eyeheight = Eyeheight + 0.15*BaseEyeheight*Smooth; // 0.15 = (1-0.75)*0.6
EyeHeight = EyeHeight * (1 - 0.6*smooth) + BaseEyeHeight*0.6*smooth;
if ( Eyeheight >= BaseEyeheight)
bJustLanded = false;
bLandRecovery = false;
Eyeheight = BaseEyeheight;
// drop eyeheight a bit on landing
smooth = FMin(0.65, 8.0 * DeltaTime);
OldEyeHeight = EyeHeight;
EyeHeight = EyeHeight * (1 - 1.5*smooth);
LandBob += 0.08 * (OldEyeHeight - Eyeheight);
if ( (Eyeheight < 0.25 * BaseEyeheight + 1) || (LandBob > 2.4) )
bLandRecovery = true;
Eyeheight = 0.25 * BaseEyeheight + 1;
// moved from PerformPhysics so that it works right on client
OldZ = Location.Z;
/* @see UpdateEyeHeight() */
private function UpdateWalkBob( float DeltaTime )
local float Speed2D;//, OldBobTime;
local vector X, Y, Z;
//local int m,n;
// don't bob if disabled, or just landed
if( bJustLanded || !bUpdateEyeheight )
BobTime = 0;
WalkBob = Vect(0,0,0);
// add some weapon bob based on jumping
if ( Velocity.Z > 0.f )
JumpBob = FMax(-1.5f, JumpBob - 0.03f * DeltaTime * FMin(Velocity.Z,300.f));
JumpBob *= 1.f - FMin(1.f, 8.f * DeltaTime);
// Add walk bob to movement
//OldBobTime = BobTime;
if (Physics == PHYS_Walking )
Speed2D = VSize2D( Velocity );
if ( Speed2D < 10.f )
BobTime += 0.2f * DeltaTime;
BobTime += DeltaTime * (0.3f + 0.7f * Speed2D/GroundSpeed);
WalkBob = Y * Bob * Speed2D * sin(8.f * BobTime);
AppliedBob = AppliedBob * (1.f - FMin(1.f, 16.f * DeltaTime));
WalkBob.Z = AppliedBob;
if ( Speed2D > 10.f )
WalkBob.Z = WalkBob.Z + 0.75f * Bob * Speed2D * sin(16.f * BobTime);
else if ( Physics == PHYS_Swimming )
BobTime += DeltaTime;
Speed2D = VSize2D( Velocity );
WalkBob = Y * Bob * 0.5f * Speed2D * sin(4.0f * BobTime);
WalkBob.Z = Bob * 1.5f * Speed2D * sin(8.0f * BobTime);
BobTime = 0.f;
WalkBob = WalkBob * (1.f - FMin(1.f, 8.f * DeltaTime));
// Match footsteps sounds with walkbob
/*if ( (Physics == PHYS_Walking) && (VSizeSq(Velocity) > 100) && IsFirstPerson() )
m = int(0.5 * Pi + 9.0 * OldBobTime/Pi);
n = int(0.5 * Pi + 9.0 * BobTime/Pi);
if ( (m != n) && !bIsWalking && !bIsCrouched )
/* GetPawnViewLocation()
Called by PlayerController to determine camera position in first person view. Returns
the location at which to place the camera
simulated function Vector GetPawnViewLocation()
local PlayerController MyPC;
if( Controller != none )
if( bUpdateEyeHeight )
return Location + EyeHeight * vect(0,0,1) + WalkBob;
return Location + BaseEyeHeight * vect(0,0,1);
if( Role < ROLE_Authority && Mesh != none && Mesh.SkeletalMesh != none && Mesh.bAnimTreeInitialised )
MyPC = WorldInfo.GetALocalPlayerController();
if( MyPC != none )
return Mesh.GetPosition() + ((CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight + MyPC.TargetEyeHeight) * vect(0,0,1));
return Mesh.GetPosition() + ((CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight + BaseEyeHeight) * vect(0,0,1));
return Location + BaseEyeHeight * vect(0,0,1);
simulated function float GetEyeHeight()
if( bUpdateEyeHeight )
return EyeHeight;
return BaseEyeHeight;
/* BecomeViewTarget - Called by Camera when this actor becomes its ViewTarget */
simulated event BecomeViewTarget( PlayerController PC )
if (LocalPlayer(PC.Player) != None)
// Toggle preshadows before attaching component (depending on graphics settings)
if( AllowFirstPersonPreshadows() )
ArmsMesh.bAllowPerObjectShadows = true;
ArmsMesh.bAllowPerObjectShadows = false;
bUpdateEyeHeight = true;
/* EndViewTarget - Called by Camera when this actor becomes its ViewTarget */
simulated event EndViewTarget( PlayerController PC )
if (LocalPlayer(PC.Player) != None)
* Event called from native code when Pawn stops crouching.
* Called on non owned Pawns through bIsCrouched replication.
* Network: ALL
* @param HeightAdjust height difference in unreal units between default collision height, and actual crouched cylinder height.
simulated event EndCrouch(float HeightAdjust)
OldZ += HeightAdjust;
// offset mesh by height adjustment
if( Mesh != None )
BaseTranslationOffset -= HeightAdjust;
Mesh.SetTranslation(Mesh.Translation - Vect(0,0,1)*HeightAdjust);
* Event called from native code when Pawn starts crouching.
* Called on non owned Pawns through bIsCrouched replication.
* Network: ALL
* @param HeightAdjust height difference in unreal units between default collision height, and actual crouched cylinder height.
simulated event StartCrouch(float HeightAdjust)
// Calculate our own HeightAdjust to fix engine off-by-one error for SimulatedProxies
// see PostNetRecieveLocation [aladenberger 4/11/2014]
HeightAdjust = default.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight - CrouchHeight;
OldZ -= HeightAdjust;
// offset mesh by height adjustment
if( Mesh != None )
BaseTranslationOffset += HeightAdjust;
Mesh.SetTranslation(Mesh.Translation + Vect(0,0,1)*HeightAdjust);
* @name Weapon Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
/** sets whether or not the third person weapon of this pawn is visible */
native function SetWeaponAttachmentVisibility(bool bAttachmentVisible);
/** Returns TRUE if this pawn is currently performing a Special Melee Attack Move. */
native function bool IsDoingMeleeAttack() const;
/** Notification called from Pawn animation, by KFAnimNotify_MeleeImpact. */
simulated function MeleeImpactNotify(KFAnimNotify_MeleeImpact Notify);
/** Called when a pawn's weapon changes state. */
simulated function WeaponStateChanged(byte NewState, optional bool bViaReplication);
/** Reset/Update ground speed based on perk/weapon selection (Net: Server) */
function UpdateGroundSpeed();
/** Reset/Update speed modifier tied to afflictions. Called from the affliction to aggregate all active
* mods when one of them needs to update.
function SetAfflictionSpeedModifier()
AfflictionSpeedModifier = AfflictionHandler.GetAfflictionSpeedModifier();
function SetAttackSpeedModifier()
AttackSpeedModifier = AfflictionHandler.GetAfflictionAttackSpeedModifier();
/** Toggle the flashlight on and off */
simulated function ToggleEquipment();
/** Server - Called when a new weapon is added or removed from inventory */
function NotifyInventoryWeightChanged()
* Player just changed weapon. Called from InventoryManager::ChangedWeapon().
* Network: Local Player and Server.
* @param OldWeapon Old weapon held by Pawn.
* @param NewWeapon New weapon held by Pawn.
simulated function PlayWeaponSwitch(Weapon OldWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon)
// Save a reference to carried Weapon, so we don't cast all over the place.
MyKFWeapon = KFWeapon(Weapon);
* Overridden to iterate through the DefaultInventory array and
* give each item to this Pawn.
* @see GameInfo.AddDefaultInventory
function AddDefaultInventory()
local KFInventoryManager KFIM;
local class<Inventory> InvClass;
local Inventory Inv;
foreach DefaultInventory(InvClass)
// Ensure we don't give duplicate items
Inv = FindInventoryType(InvClass);
// if item not found
if( Inv == None )
// Create it and add to inventory chain, only activate if we don't have a weapon currently selected
Inv = CreateInventory(InvClass, Weapon != None);
if ( KFWeapon( Inv ) != none )
KFWeapon( Inv ).bGivenAtStart = true;
KFIM = KFInventoryManager(InvManager);
foreach DefaultInventoryArchetypes(Inv)
// Create it and add to inventory chain, only activate if we don't have a weapon currently selected
KFIM.CreateInventoryArchetype(Inv, Weapon != None);
if(Role == ROLE_Authority)
/** First person weapon visility */
simulated function SetFirstPersonVisibility(bool bWeaponVisible)
local int AttachmentIdx;
// Added Instigator check to catch out of date cached weapon, can happen on death
if ( MyKFWeapon != None && MyKFWeapon.Instigator == self )
else if ( ArmsMesh != None )
for (AttachmentIdx = 0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++)
if (FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentIdx] != none)
* Called when there is a need to change the weapon attachment (either via
* replication or locally if controlled.
simulated function WeaponAttachmentChanged(optional bool bForceReattach)
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
// Detach/Destroy the current attachment if we have one
if (WeaponAttachment != None)
if (WeaponAttachment.ObjectArchetype != WeaponAttachmentTemplate || bForceReattach)
WeaponAttachment = None;
// Create the new Attachment.
if (WeaponAttachment == None)
if (Mesh.SkeletalMesh != None && WeaponAttachmentTemplate != None)
WeaponAttachment = Spawn(WeaponAttachmentTemplate.Class, self,,,, WeaponAttachmentTemplate);
if (WeaponAttachment != None)
WeaponAttachment.Instigator = self;
simulated function SetWeaponAttachmentFromWeaponClass(class<KFWeapon> WeaponClass)
if (WeaponClass == none)
WeaponAttachmentTemplate = none;
if (WeaponClass.default.AttachmentArchetype == none)
WeaponAttachmentTemplate = WeaponClass.default.AttachmentArchetype;
simulated function OnStartFire()
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
bHasStartedFire = true;
bNetDirty = true;
if(WeaponAttachment != none)
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
simulated function OnWeaponSpecialAction(int Arg)
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
WeaponSpecialAction = Arg;
bNetDirty = true;
if(WeaponAttachment != none)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Called when a pawn's weapon has fired and is responsibile for
* delegating the creation off all of the different effects.
* bViaReplication denotes if this call in as the result of the
* flashcount/flashlocation being replicated. It's used filter out
* when to make the effects.
simulated function WeaponFired(Weapon InWeapon, bool bViaReplication, optional vector HitLocation)
local KFWeapon KFW;
local class< KFProjectile > KFProj;
local KFImpactEffectInfo ImpactFX;
//local Vector vPlayerDir;
local Vector HitNormal;
HitNormal = Normal(Location - HitLocation);
// skip replication for owning client. This is done clientside for immediate
// player feedback (see 'InstantFireClient')
if ( Role == ROLE_AutonomousProxy && bViaReplication )
LastWeaponFireTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if ( IsFirstPerson() )
// most first person FX are done in Weapon.PlayFireEffects, but this allows us
// to reuse some code that is implemented in the weapon attachment (e.g. tracers)
if (WeaponAttachment != None)
WeaponAttachment.FirstPersonFireEffects(Weapon, HitLocation);
if (WeaponAttachment != None)
WeaponAttachment.ThirdPersonFireEffects(HitLocation, self, GetWeaponAttachmentAnimRateByte() );
// Play 1stP & 3rdP Impact Effects for FireType == EWFT_InstantHit
if ( HitLocation != Vect(0,0,0) && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if ( WorldInfo.MyImpactEffectManager != None )
// try to use custom impact info from projectile class
KFW = KFWeapon( InWeapon );
if( KFW != none )
KFProj = KFW.GetKFProjectileClass();
KFProj = WeaponClassForAttachmentTemplate.static.GetKFProjectileClassByFiringMode(FiringMode, GetPerk());
if (KFProj != none)
ImpactFX = KFProj.default.ImpactEffects;
KFProj.static.PlayAddedImpactEffect(HitLocation, HitNormal);
// no custom impact info, use ImpactEffectManager default
`ImpactEffectManager.PlayImpactEffects(HitLocation, self,, ImpactFX);
if ( Role == ROLE_Authority && bUnaffectedByZedTime && WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f )
simulated function WeaponStoppedFiring(Weapon InWeapon, bool bViaReplication)
if (WeaponAttachment != None)
// always call function for both viewpoints, as during the delay between calling EndFire() on the weapon
// and it actually stopping, we might have switched viewpoints (e.g. this commonly happens when entering a vehicle)
/** Returns the animation rate to scale all animations in the WeaponAttachment by */
simulated function byte GetWeaponAttachmentAnimRateByte()
return 0;
simulated function vector WeaponBob( float BobDamping, float JumpDamping )
local Vector V;
local KFPerk OwnerPerk;
OwnerPerk = GetPerk();
if( OwnerPerk != none && MyKFWeapon != none && MyKFWeapon.bUsingSights )
OwnerPerk.ModifyWeaponBopDamping( BobDamping, MyKFWeapon );
V = BobDamping * WalkBob;
V.Z = (0.45 + 0.55 * BobDamping)*WalkBob.Z;
if ( !bWeaponBob )
//V *= 2.5; // legacy? --- Instead, match WalkBob
V = WalkBob;
V.Z += JumpDamping *(LandBob - JumpBob);
return V;
/** Can Pawn reload his weapon? */
final simulated function bool CanReloadWeapon()
if( Physics == PHYS_RigidBody )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function KFWeapon FindBestWeapon()
local float BestPrimaryRating, BestSecondaryRating, BestMeleeRating;
local KFWeapon BestWeapon, BestPrimary, BestSecondary, BestMelee, TempWeapon;
foreach InvManager.InventoryActors(class'KFWeapon', TempWeapon)
// We only care about weapons we can actually drop
if (!TempWeapon.bDropOnDeath || !TempWeapon.CanThrow())
// Collect the best weapons from each inventory group
if (TempWeapon.InventoryGroup == IG_Primary)
if (BestPrimaryRating == 0.f || TempWeapon.GroupPriority > BestPrimaryRating)
BestPrimary = TempWeapon;
BestPrimaryRating = TempWeapon.GroupPriority;
else if (TempWeapon.InventoryGroup == IG_Secondary)
if (BestSecondaryRating == 0.f || TempWeapon.GroupPriority > BestSecondaryRating)
BestSecondary = TempWeapon;
BestSecondaryRating = TempWeapon.GroupPriority;
else if (TempWeapon.InventoryGroup == IG_Melee)
if (BestMeleeRating == 0.f || TempWeapon.GroupPriority > BestMeleeRating)
BestMelee = TempWeapon;
BestMeleeRating = TempWeapon.GroupPriority;
// Get our best possible weapon from all 3 categories and throw it
BestWeapon = BestPrimary != none ? BestPrimary : (BestSecondary != none ? BestSecondary : BestMelee);
return BestWeapon;
* Toss active weapon using default settings (location+velocity).
* @param DamageType allows this function to do different behaviors based on the damage type
function ThrowActiveWeapon( optional bool bDestroyWeap )
local Inventory WeaponToThrow;
local bool bIsHoldingCarryable;
// Only throw on server
if( Role < ROLE_Authority )
bIsHoldingCarryable = KFCarryableObject(Weapon) != none;
// If we're dead, throw our best weapon if the one we have out can't be thrown
if( InvManager != none && Health <= 0 && (Weapon == none || !Weapon.bDropOnDeath || !Weapon.CanThrow()) )
WeaponToThrow = FindBestWeapon();
// if the player has died and is going to throw a carryable, also throw their best weapon
if (Health <= 0 && bIsHoldingCarryable)
WeaponToThrow = FindBestWeapon();
super.ThrowActiveWeapon( bDestroyWeap );
// throw the best weapon if needed
if (WeaponToThrow != none)
// if the player has died and is going to throw a non-carryable, also throw a carryable if it is in the inventory
if (Health <= 0 && KFCarryableObject(WeaponToThrow) == none && !bIsHoldingCarryable)
WeaponToThrow = InvManager.FindInventoryType(class'KFCarryableObject', true);
/** Called by KFPawnAnimInfo when determining whether an attack can be performed */
function bool ShouldPlayHeadlessMeleeAnims();
/** Called by KFPawnAnimInfo when determining whether an attack can be performed */
function bool ShouldPlaySpecialMeleeAnims();
/** Called during zed time when this actor should become fully affected */
function StopPartialZedTime()
bUnaffectedByZedTime = false;
/** Enables/disables the light for night vision (humans only) */
simulated function SetNightVisionLight(bool bEnabled);
/** called from third person skel mesh */
simulated function ANIMNOTIFY_ShellEject()
if ( WeaponAttachment != None )
/** called from ANIMNOTIFY_SpawnKActor -- allows access to the KActor after spawn */
simulated function ANIMNOTIFY_SpawnedKActor( KFKActorSpawnable NewKActor, AnimNodeSequence AnimSeqInstigator );
* returns base Aim Rotation without any adjustment (no aim error, no autolock, no adhesion.. just clean initial aim rotation!)
* @return base Aim rotation.
simulated event Rotator GetBaseAimRotation()
local rotator AimRot;
if( IsDoingSpecialMove() && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].GetSMAimRotation(AimRot) )
return AimRot;
return super.GetBaseAimRotation();
* Allow Controller.GetAdjustedAimFor() on clients
simulated function Rotator GetAdjustedAimFor( Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc )
// If controller doesn't exist or we're a client, get the where the Pawn is aiming at
if ( Controller == None /*|| Role < Role_Authority*/ )
return GetBaseAimRotation();
// otherwise, give a chance to controller to adjust this Aim Rotation
return Controller.GetAdjustedAimFor( W, StartFireLoc );
* @name Aim Assist
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Returns bone names to use for ironsight lock-on targeting */
simulated function bool GetAutoTargetBones(out array<name> WeakBones, out array<name> NormalBones)
if ( !IsHeadless() )
return true;
/** For a given camera location give the best auto target location on this character */
simulated function vector GetAutoLookAtLocation(vector CamLoc, Pawn InstigatingPawn)
local vector HitLocation, HitNormal;
local Actor HitActor;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local vector HeadLocation, TorsoLocation, PelvisLocation;
// Check to see if we can hit the head
HeadLocation = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(HeadBoneName);
HitActor = InstigatingPawn.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, HeadLocation, CamLoc, TRUE, vect(0,0,0), HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
if( HitActor == none || HitActor == Self )
//`log("Autotarget - found head");
return HeadLocation + (vect(0,0,-10.0));
// Try for the torso
TorsoLocation = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(TorsoBoneName);
HitActor = InstigatingPawn.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, TorsoLocation, CamLoc, TRUE, vect(0,0,0), HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
if( HitActor == none || HitActor == Self)
//`log("Autotarget - found torso");
return TorsoLocation;
// Try for the pelvis
PelvisLocation = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(PelvisBoneName);
HitActor = InstigatingPawn.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, PelvisLocation, CamLoc, TRUE, vect(0,0,0), HitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
if( HitActor == none || HitActor == Self)
//`log("Autotarget - found pelvis");
return PelvisLocation;
//`log("Autotarget - found noting - returning location");
return Location + BaseEyeHeight * vect(0,0,0.5f);
* @name Movement Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Cloaking & Spotted */
function SetCloaked( bool bNewCloaking );
/** Is this pawn using super speed? */
native final function bool IsUsingSuperSpeed() const;
native function bool IsPawnMovingAwayFromMe( Pawn CheckPawn, optional float MinSpeed );
native function bool IsPawnMovingTowardMe( Pawn CheckPawn, optional float MinSpeed );
/** returns true if this pawn is surrounded by other pawns */
native function bool IsSurrounded(bool bOnlyEnemies, optional int MinNearbyPawns=2, optional float Radius=200);
/** Called from KFAIController::MoveToward, a good time to update sprinting status right before a move. */
event UpdateSprinting( Actor Goal );
function SetSprinting(bool bNewSprintStatus)
if ( bNewSprintStatus )
//Sprinting completely disabled
if (!bAllowSprinting)
bNewSprintStatus = false;
// Wait for uncrouch; see CheckJumpOrDuck
else if ( bIsCrouched )
bNewSprintStatus = false;
else if ( MyKFWeapon != None && !MyKFWeapon.AllowSprinting() )
bNewSprintStatus = false;
bIsSprinting = bNewSprintStatus;
if ( MyKFWeapon != None )
/** Perform jump if bJumpCapable=TRUE */
function bool DoJump( bool bUpdating )
if ( Super.DoJump(bUpdating) && !IsDoingSpecialMove() )
// cancel ironsights
if ( MyKFWeapon != None && MyKFWeapon.bUsingSights && !MyKFWeapon.bKeepIronSightsOnJump )
bJumping = true;
NumJumpsRemaining = NumJumpsAllowed - 1;
return true;
else if (NumJumpsRemaining > 0 && bJumping)
Velocity.Z = JumpZ;
return true;
return false;
/** Local Player - Short jump delay while waiting on Uncrouch */
function bool CannotJumpNow()
local PlayerController PC;
local KFPlayerInput Input;
if ( bIsCrouched )
PC = PlayerController(Controller);
if ( PC != None && PC.bDuck == 0 )
Input = KFPlayerInput(PC.PlayerInput);
if ( Input != None && `TimeSince(Input.PressedJumpTime) < 0.05f )
return true;
return false;
/** Overridden for CanBecomeDynamic actors */
simulated event Touch( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal )
local StaticMeshComponent OtherSMC;
// Check for CanBecomeDynamic - When BlockActors=TRUE MakeDynamic is handled through physics
// code, otherwise use the touch event to activate. Generally, we want BlockActors=FALSE
// because these are clientside actors that can be in different positions on client and server.
if ( Other.bWorldGeometry && !OtherComp.BlockActors && Physics != PHYS_Spider )
// since we allow this on remote clients, do EffectIsRelevant check
if ( !WorldInfo.bDropDetail && WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() > DM_Low && ActorEffectIsRelevant(self, false) )
OtherSMC = StaticMeshComponent(OtherComp);
if ( OtherSMC != None && OtherSMC.CanBecomeDynamic() )
* Are we allowing this Pawn to be based on us?
* Allow Interaction Pawns to be based, since we do a lot of attachment stuff there.
simulated function bool CanBeBaseForPawn(Pawn APawn)
return bCanBeBaseForPawns || (InteractionPawn == APawn);
/** Modified with increased X/Y and decreased Z */
function JumpOffPawn()
local float Theta;
// Make sure we're jumping off a pawn that is below us, otherwise we could
// end up in a situation where both pawns are constantly calling JumpOffPawn()
// which results in... interesting physics issues. -MattF
if( Base == none || Base.Location.Z > Location.Z )
// 2d version of vrand
Theta = 2.f * PI * FRand();
if ( Controller != None && !IsHumanControlled() )
// push AI more aggresively
Velocity.X += Cos(Theta) * (750 + CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius);
Velocity.Y += Sin(Theta) * (750 + CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius);
if ( VSize2D(Velocity) > 2.0 * FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) )
Velocity = 2.0 * FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) * Normal(Velocity);
Velocity.Z = 400;
// counteract the AI's high AirControl
AirControl = 0.05f;
SetTimer(1.0, false, nameof(RestoreAirControlTimer));
Velocity.X += Cos(Theta) * (150 + CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius);
Velocity.Y += Sin(Theta) * (150 + CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius);
if ( VSize2D(Velocity) > FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) )
Velocity = FMax(500.0, GroundSpeed) * Normal(Velocity);
Velocity.Z = 200;
/** Called from JumpOffPawn */
function RestoreAirControlTimer()
// temp until we investigate why it's set in PossessedBy
if ( Controller != None && !IsHumanControlled() )
AirControl = AIAirControl;
AirControl = default.AirControl;
/** Let Kismet know we've teleported so it can handle any transitions */
function PostTeleport( Teleporter OutTeleporter )
local array<SequenceObject> AllTeleportEvents;
local KFSeqEvent_PawnTeleported TeleportEvt;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local int i;
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client )
// Get the gameplay sequence.
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if( GameSeq != none )
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass( class'KFSeqEvent_PawnTeleported', true, AllTeleportEvents );
for( i = 0; i < AllTeleportEvents.Length; ++i )
TeleportEvt = KFSeqEvent_PawnTeleported( AllTeleportEvents[i] );
if( TeleportEvt != None )
TeleportEvt.CheckActivate( self, self );
* @name Rendering Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
/** sets whether or not the owner of this pawn can see it */
simulated function SetMeshVisibility(bool bVisible)
// Handle the main player mesh
if (Mesh != None)
Mesh.CastShadow = bVisible;
// Head Mesh
HideHead( !bVisible );
// Handle weapon attachment
// Handle any weapons they might have
// FleX collision is off while in 1st person
/** Set the lighting channels on all the appropriate pawn meshes */
simulated function SetMeshLightingChannels(LightingChannelContainer NewLightingChannels)
local int AttachmentIdx;
// When this function gets called during PostBeginPlay(), the pawn does not have
// a weapon or a weapon attachment. So, cache the current lighting channel here.
// This is set on the weapon and weapon attachment when they are assigned to the
// pawn in KFWeapon::AttachWeaponTo() and KFPawn::WeaponAttachmentChanged() respectively.
PawnLightingChannel = NewLightingChannels;
// Third Person
if( mesh != none )
if( ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent != none )
for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ )
if( ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentIdx] != none )
// First Person
if( ArmsMesh != none )
for (AttachmentIdx = 0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++)
if (FirstPersonAttachments[AttachmentIdx] != none)
// Weapon Attachment
if( WeaponAttachment != none)
// Weapon
if( Weapon != none )
simulated function HideHead( bool bHide )
// Head Mesh
if( ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent != none )
// @fixme Assuming cosmetic attachment is part of head mesh for now
SetThirdPersonAttachmentVisibility( !bHide );
simulated function SetThirdPersonAttachmentVisibility( bool bVisible )
local int AttachmentIdx;
for( AttachmentIdx=0; AttachmentIdx < `MAX_COSMETIC_ATTACHMENTS; AttachmentIdx++ )
if( ThirdPersonAttachments[AttachmentIdx] != none )
* @name Damage/Death Methods
********************************************************************************************* */
/** If returns true, this monster is vulnerable to this damage type damage */
function bool IsVulnerableTo(class<DamageType> DT, optional out float DamageMod);
/** If returns true, this monster is vulnerable to this damage type damage */
function bool IsResistantTo(class<DamageType> DT, optional out float DamageMod);
simulated final function float GetHealthPercentage()
return float(Health) / float(HealthMax);
simulated function bool CanBeHealed();
* Applies a push-back velocity on taking damage
* @note: Momentum is actually velocity! For some reason it's been processed and divided by mass (see TakeDamage)
function HandleMomentum( vector Momentum, Vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
// Does our current special move allow momentum pushback?
if ( SpecialMove != SM_None && !SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].bAllowMomentumPush )
// Don't transfer momentum unless it's large enough to be useful. This will prevent rapid PHYS_Walking<->PHYS_Falling
if ( VSizeSq(Momentum) > Square(200) )
AddVelocity( Momentum, HitLocation, DamageType, HitInfo );
event bool HealDamage(int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional bool bRepairArmor=true, optional bool bMessageHealer=true)
local int i;
local int OldHealth;
local bool superResult;
// Reduce burn duration and damage in half if you heal while burning
for( i=0; i<DamageOverTimeArray.Length; ++i )
if( DamageOverTimeArray[i].DoT_Type == DOT_Fire )
DamageOverTimeArray[i].Duration *= 0.5;
DamageOverTimeArray[i].Damage *= 0.5;
OldHealth = Health;
superResult = Super.HealDamage(Amount, Healer, DamageType);
if (Health - OldHealth > 0)
WorldInfo.Game.ScoreHeal(Health - OldHealth, OldHealth, Healer, self, DamageType);
return superResult;
/** Overloaded to use a custom damagetype */
function TakeFallingDamage()
local float EffectiveSpeed;
if (Velocity.Z < -0.5 * MaxFallSpeed)
if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
if (Velocity.Z < -1 * MaxFallSpeed)
EffectiveSpeed = Velocity.Z;
if (TouchingWaterVolume())
EffectiveSpeed += 100;
if (EffectiveSpeed < -1 * MaxFallSpeed)
TakeDamage(-100 * (EffectiveSpeed + MaxFallSpeed)/MaxFallSpeed, None, Location, vect(0,0,0), class'KFDT_Falling');
else if (Velocity.Z < -1.4 * JumpZ)
else if ( Velocity.Z < -0.8 * JumpZ )
/** Radius damage (e.g. explosives) */
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage
Controller InstigatedBy,
float BaseDamage,
float DamageRadius,
class<DamageType> DamageType,
float Momentum,
vector HurtOrigin,
bool bFullDamage,
Actor DamageCauser,
optional float DamageFalloffExponent=1.f
bTakingRadiusDamage = true;
Super.TakeRadiusDamage(InstigatedBy, BaseDamage, DamageRadius, DamageType, Momentum, HurtOrigin, bFullDamage, DamageCauser, DamageFalloffExponent);
bTakingRadiusDamage = false;
/** apply some amount of damage to this actor */
event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
local int OldHealth, ActualDamage;
local class<KFDamageType> KFDT;
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local KFPawn_Monster PawnMonster;
local bool bAllowHeadshot;
local KFPowerUp KFPowerUp;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
if( WorldInfo.Game != none && KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).bNVAlwaysHeadshot )
HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex = HZI_HEAD;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
bAllowHeadshot = CanCountHeadshots();
OldHealth = Health;
Super.TakeDamage(Damage, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser);
2021-03-11 22:29:08 +03:00
// using the passed in damage type instead of the hitfxinfo since that doesn't get updated when zero damage is done
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
// HandleAfflictionsOnHit(InstigatedBy, Normal(Momentum), class<KFDamageType>(DamageType), DamageCauser);
2021-03-11 22:29:08 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ActualDamage = OldHealth - Health;
if( ActualDamage > 0 )
WorldInfo.Game.ScoreDamage( ActualDamage, OldHealth, InstigatedBy, self, DamageType );
// Handle DamageOverTime. Must be done in TakeDamage for access to original unmodified
// damage. Requires valid DamageCauser, 'None' for DoT, to prevent recursion
if ( Health < OldHealth && DamageCauser != None )
KFDT = class<KFDamageType>(DamageType);
if ( KFDT != None )
KFDT.static.ApplySecondaryDamage(self, Damage, InstigatedBy);
if (Health <= 0)
// Apply secondary damages from power ups
KFPC = KFPlayerController(InstigatedBy);
if( KFPC != none )
KFPowerUp = KFPC.GetPowerUp();
if( KFPowerUp != none && KFPowerUp.default.SecondaryDamageType != DamageType )
KFPowerUp.ApplySecondaryDamage(self, Damage, InstigatedBy);
if( bAllowHeadshot && HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex == HZI_HEAD && OldHealth > 0 && WorldInfo.Game != None )
KFPC = KFPlayerController(InstigatedBy);
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if( KFPC != none && KFGI != none && (PlayerReplicationInfo == none || PlayerReplicationInfo.GetTeamNum() == 255) && LastHeadShotReceivedTime != WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)
LastHeadShotReceivedTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// potentially gives player extra XP
KFPC.AddZedHeadshot( KFGI.GetModifiedGameDifficulty(), HitFxInfo.DamageType );
`RecordWeaponHeadShot(KFPC, HitFxInfo.DamageType)
// Notify game info of a headshot kill. Done here instead of Died() so we have an accurate HitInfo/HitZone
if ( bPlayedDeath )
KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).NotifyHeadshotKill(InstigatedBy, self);
PawnMonster = KFPawn_Monster(self);
if(PawnMonster != none && KFPC != none && KFGI != none)
KFPC.AddZedHeadshotKill( PawnMonster.class, KFGI.GetModifiedGameDifficulty(), DamageType );
/** Adjust damage based on inventory, other attributes */
function AdjustDamage(out int InDamage, out vector Momentum, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> DamageType, TraceHitInfo HitInfo, Actor DamageCauser)
local int HitZoneIdx;
local KFPawn_Monster InstigatorMonster;
local class<KFDamageType> KFDT;
`log(self@GetFuncName()@"Starting Damage="$InDamage@"Momentum="$Momentum@"Zone="$HitInfo.BoneName@"DamageType="$DamageType, bLogTakeDamage);
// Allow current weapon state to reduce damage
if ( MyKFWeapon != None )
MyKFWeapon.AdjustDamage(InDamage, DamageType, DamageCauser);
InstigatorMonster = InstigatedBy == none ? none : KFPawn_Monster(InstigatedBy.Pawn);
if( InDamage > 0 && InstigatorMonster != None )
// Increase AI damage by AI Damage modifiers
`log(self@GetFuncName()@" Difficulty Damage Mod ="$InstigatorMonster.DifficultyDamageMod, bLogTakeDamage);
InDamage = Max(InDamage * InstigatorMonster.DifficultyDamageMod, 1);
//Modify based on AI pawn's affliction status
`log(self@GetFuncName()@" Affliction Damage Mod = "$InstigatorMonster.AfflictionHandler.GetAfflictionDamageModifier(), bLogTakeDamage);
InDamage = Max(InDamage * InstigatorMonster.AfflictionHandler.GetAfflictionDamageModifier(), 1);
// apply zone specific vulnerability/resistance
HitZoneIdx = HitZones.Find('ZoneName', HitInfo.BoneName);
if( HitZoneIdx != INDEX_NONE )
InDamage *= HitZones[HitZoneIdx].DmgScale;
InDamage *= VolumeDamageScale;
// Check non lethal damage
KFDT = class<KFDamageType>(DamageType);
if ( InDamage >= Health && KFDT != none && KFDT.default.bNonLethalDamage )
InDamage = Health - 1;
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
LastHitZoneIndex = HitZoneIdx;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
`log(self @ GetFuncName() @ " After KFPawn adjustment Damage=" $ InDamage @ "Momentum=" $ Momentum @ "Zone=" $ HitInfo.BoneName @ "DamageType=" $ DamageType, bLogTakeDamage);
/** Updates the time damage was dealt or received */
function UpdateLastTimeDamageHappened()
LastTimeDamageHappened = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** Adjusts RadiusDamage (called just before AdjustDamage) */
function AdjustRadiusDamage(out float InBaseDamage, float DamageScale, vector HurtOrigin)
// Reduce the damage by the amount of exposuse this pawn has to the explosion
InBaseDamage *= GetExposureTo(HurtOrigin);
// Replicated value for clientside ragdoll momentum
LastRadiusDamageScale = FloatToByte(DamageScale);
LastRadiusHurtOrigin = HurtOrigin;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
if( WorldInfo.Game != none && KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).bNVDebugDamage)
DrawDebugSphere( LastRadiusHurtOrigin, LastRadiusDamageScale, 10, 255, 255, 0, true );
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
/** Overridden in subclasses, determines if we should record a headshot when taking damage */
function bool CanCountHeadshots()
return true;
/** Overriden in subclasses. Determines if we should explode on death in specific game modes */
function bool WeeklyShouldExplodeOnDeath()
return true;
* Damage (Taken) History
********************************************************************************************* */
function int GetMostRecentDamageHistoryIndexFor( Pawn CheckKFP )
local int i;
for ( i = 0; i < DamageHistory.Length; i++ )
if ( DamageHistory[i].DamagerController != none )
if( DamageHistory[i].DamagerController == CheckKFP.Controller )
return i;
return -1;
function int RecentDamageFrom( Pawn CheckKFP, optional out int DamageAmount )
local int i;
for ( i = 0; i < DamageHistory.Length; i++ )
if ( DamageHistory[i].DamagerController != none )
if( DamageHistory[i].DamagerController == CheckKFP.Controller )
DamageAmount += DamageHistory[i].Damage;
//return true;
return DamageAmount;
function AddTakenDamage( Controller DamagerController, int Damage, Actor DamageCauser, class<KFDamageType> DamageType )
// Allow AI to process friendly fire differently
if( !DamagerController.bIsPlayer && !DamagerController.bIsPlayer )
NotifyFriendlyAIDamageTaken( DamagerController, Damage, DamageCauser, DamageType );
else if( Damage > 0 && DamagerController.GetTeamNum() != GetTeamNum() )
UpdateDamageHistory( DamagerController, Damage, DamageCauser, DamageType );
function UpdateDamageHistory( Controller DamagerController, int Damage, Actor DamageCauser, class<KFDamageType> DamageType )
local DamageInfo Info;
local Pawn BlockerPawn;
local bool bChangedEnemies;
local int HistoryIndex;
local float DamageThreshold;
local KFAIController KFAIC;
if( !GetDamageHistory( DamagerController, Info, HistoryIndex ) )
DamageHistory.Insert(0, 1);
if( Controller != none && !Controller.bIsPlayer )
KFAIC = KFAIController( Controller );
if( KFAIC != none )
DamageThreshold = float(HealthMax) * KFAIC.AggroPlayerHealthPercentage;
UpdateDamageHistoryValues( DamagerController, Damage, DamageCauser, KFAIC.AggroPlayerResetTime, Info, DamageType );
if( `TimeSince(DamageHistory[KFAIC.CurrentEnemysHistoryIndex].LastTimeDamaged) > 10 )
DamageHistory[KFAIC.CurrentEnemysHistoryIndex].Damage = 0;
if( KFAIC.IsAggroEnemySwitchAllowed()
&& DamagerController.Pawn != KFAIC.Enemy
&& Info.Damage >= DamageThreshold
&& Info.Damage > DamageHistory[KFAIC.CurrentEnemysHistoryIndex].Damage )
BlockerPawn = KFAIC.GetPawnBlockingPathTo( DamagerController.Pawn, true );
if( BlockerPawn == none )
bChangedEnemies = KFAIC.SetEnemy(DamagerController.Pawn);
bChangedEnemies = KFAIC.SetEnemy( BlockerPawn );
UpdateDamageHistoryValues( DamagerController, Damage, DamageCauser, 0, Info, DamageType );
DamageHistory[HistoryIndex] = Info;
if( KFAIC != none && bChangedEnemies )
KFAIC.CurrentEnemysHistoryIndex = HistoryIndex;
function bool GetDamageHistory( Controller DamagerController, out DamageInfo InInfo, out int InHistoryIndex )
// Check if this controller is already in our Damage History
InHistoryIndex = DamageHistory.Find( 'DamagerController', DamagerController );
if( InHistoryIndex != INDEX_NONE )
InInfo = DamageHistory[InHistoryIndex];
return true;
InHistoryIndex = 0;
return false;
function UpdateDamageHistoryValues( Controller DamagerController, int Damage, Actor DamageCauser, float DamageResetTime, out DamageInfo InInfo, class<KFDamageType> DamageType )
local class<KFPerk> WeaponPerk;
// Update the history
InInfo.DamagerController = DamagerController;
// if too much time has passed since our last damage, reset the damage history
if( `TimeSince( InInfo.LastTimeDamaged ) > DamageResetTime )
InInfo.Damage = 0;
InInfo.Damage += Damage;
InInfo.TotalDamage += Damage;
// Zeds will not have a PRI unless game analytics is on
if( DamagerController.PlayerReplicationInfo != none )
InInfo.DamagerPRI = DamagerController.PlayerReplicationInfo;
// Make sure we have a weapon perk class. Grab the active perk's class as a fallback.
// Helps with the shared weapons like the 9mm etc.
WeaponPerk = GetUsedWeaponPerk( DamagerController, DamageCauser, DamageType );
if( WeaponPerk != none && InInfo.DamagePerks.Find( WeaponPerk ) == INDEX_NONE )
InInfo.DamagePerks.AddItem( WeaponPerk );
if (DamageCauser != none && InInfo.DamageCausers.Find(DamageCauser.Class) == INDEX_NONE)
if (DamageType != none && InInfo.DamageTypes.Find(DamageType) == INDEX_NONE)
function NotifyFriendlyAIDamageTaken( Controller DamagerController, int Damage, Actor DamageCauser, class<KFDamageType> DamageType );
function class<KFPerk> GetUsedWeaponPerk( Controller DamagerController, Actor DamageCauser, class<KFDamageType> DamageType )
local class<KFPerk> WeaponPerk, InstigatorPerkClass;
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local KFWeapon KFW;
KFPC = KFPlayerController(DamagerController);
if( KFPC == none )
return none;
InstigatorPerkClass = KFPC.GetPerk().GetPerkClass();
if( InstigatorPerkClass == none )
return none;
// Make sure we have a weapon perk class. Grab the active perk's class as a fallback.
// Helps with the shared weapons like the 9mm etc.
WeaponPerk = class'KFPerk'.static.GetPerkFromDamageCauser( DamageCauser, InstigatorPerkClass );
if( WeaponPerk == none )
KFW = KFWeapon(DamageCauser);
if( KFW == none && DamageType != none && DamageType.static.IsNotPerkBound() )
KFW = KFWeapon(KFPC.Pawn.Weapon);
if( KFW != none )
WeaponPerk = class'KFPerk'.static.GetPerkFromDamageCauser( KFW, InstigatorPerkClass );
if( WeaponPerk == none && KFW != none && class'KFPerk'.static.IsBackupWeapon( KFW ) )
WeaponPerk = InstigatorPerkClass;
return WeaponPerk;
/** Returns the best enemy based on damage history values */
function Pawn GetBestAggroEnemy()
local int i;
local int DamageThreshold;
local DamageInfo DamageHistoryInfo;
DamageThreshold = float(HealthMax) * KFAIController(Controller).AggroZedHealthPercentage;
for( i = 0; i < DamageHistory.Length; ++i )
DamageHistoryInfo = DamageHistory[i];
if( DamageHistoryInfo.DamagerController != none
&& DamageHistoryInfo.DamagerController.Pawn != none
&& DamageHistoryInfo.Damage >= DamageThreshold
&& `TimeSince(DamageHistory[i].LastTimeDamaged) < 5.f )
return DamageHistoryInfo.DamagerController.Pawn;
return none;
* returns how exposed this pawn is to a location
function float GetExposureTo(vector TraceStart)
local float PercentExposed;
// DrawDebugLine(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(HeadBoneName), TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
// DrawDebugLine(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(LeftFootBoneName), TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
// DrawDebugLine(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(RightFootBoneName), TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
// DrawDebugLine(Location, TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
if( FastTrace(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(HeadBoneName), TraceStart,, true) )
PercentExposed += 0.4;
// A trace to location is already done by GameExplosionActor.uc, so we always have
// a base exposure of 0.3
//if ( FastTrace(Location, TraceStart,, true) )
// PercentExposed += 0.3;
PercentExposed += 0.3f;
if( FastTrace(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(LeftFootBoneName), TraceStart,, true) )
PercentExposed += 0.15;
if( FastTrace(Mesh.GetBoneLocation(RightFootBoneName), TraceStart,, true) )
PercentExposed += 0.15;
return PercentExposed;
/** Called before InitRagdoll() to make sure kinematic update is active */
simulated function PrepareRagdoll()
// Turn off hit reactions
if( PhysicsImpactBlendTimeToGo > 0.f )
// Ensure we are always updating kinematic
Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = 0.0;
// Force update mesh when ragdoll starts
Mesh.bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered = true;
// If we had stopped updating kinematic bodies on this character due to distance from camera, force an update of bones now.
// Also ensure rigid body collision is on.
if( Mesh.bNotUpdatingKinematicDueToDistance )
Mesh.UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases(TRUE, TRUE);
else if ( !Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation )
Mesh.UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases(TRUE, TRUE);
else if ( !bPlayedDeath && Role < ROLE_Authority )
// @hack: fix a bug with character stuck in ground after knockdown
// This is probably happening because SyncActorToRBPhysics is called before InitRigidBody()
Mesh.UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases(TRUE, TRUE);
/* PlayDying() is called on server/standalone game when killed
and also on net client when pawn gets bTearOff set to true (and bPlayedDeath is false)
simulated function PlayDying(class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc)
// Clean up and terminate any currently playing effects
// Replicate input params to other clients. These are from Pawn.uc, but never get set.
if ( !bTearOff )
HitDamageType = DamageType;
TakeHitLocation = HitLoc;
// Abort current special move
if( IsDoingSpecialMove() )
if( bCanHeadTrack && bIsHeadTrackingActive && MyLookAtInfo.LookAtTarget != none )
ClearHeadTrackTarget( MyLookAtInfo.LookAtTarget );
// If possible, initialize a ragdoll death
if( ShouldRagdollOnDeath() )
PlayRagdollDeath(DamageType, HitLoc);
// no need for cylinder to block anymore
CylinderComponent.SetTraceBlocking(FALSE, FALSE);
// Track start time for gore effects (see Gears)
if (TimeOfDeath == 0.0f)
TimeOfDeath = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// @NOTE: Epic has code in the dying state that checks to see if bTearOff=true before setting the lifespan.
// The problem is that bTearOff is set in super.PlayDying(), _after_ entering the dying state. Fix it here. -MattF
bTearOff = true;
Super.PlayDying(DamageType, HitLoc);
// Undo the addtional velocity from super(). This causes problems for ApplyRagdollImpulse
Velocity -= TearOffMomentum;
/** Returns true if this pawn should call PlayRagdollDeath */
simulated function bool ShouldRagdollOnDeath()
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
return false;
// When DropDetail is set, cull non-visible deaths
if ( (WorldInfo.bDropDetail || WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() == DM_Low ) &&
!ActorEffectIsRelevant((LastHitBy != None) ? LastHitBy.Pawn : None, false, 50000) )
return false;
return true;
/* PlayDying() is called on server/standalone game when killed
and also on net client when pawn gets bTearOff set to true (and bPlayedDeath is false)
simulated function PlayRagdollDeath(class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc)
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local vector HitDirection;
if (bReinitPhysAssetOnDeath && CharacterArch != none && CharacterArch.PhysAsset != none)
Mesh.SetPhysicsAsset(CharacterArch.PhysAsset, , true);
if ( InitRagdoll() )
// Switch to a good RigidBody TickGroup to fix projectiles passing through the mesh
// https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/190581/projectile-touch-not-called.html
// Allow all ragdoll bodies to collide with all physics objects (ie allow collision with things marked RigidBodyIgnorePawns)
Mesh.SetRBCollidesWithChannel(RBCC_DeadPawn, ShouldCorpseCollideWithDead());
// ignore blocking volumes, this is important for volumes that don't always block (e.g. PawnBlockingVolume)
Mesh.SetRBCollidesWithChannel(RBCC_BlockingVolume, FALSE);
// Call CheckHitInfo to give us a valid BoneName
HitDirection = Normal(TearOffMomentum);
CheckHitInfo(HitInfo, Mesh, HitDirection, HitLoc);
// Play ragdoll death animation (bSkipReplication=TRUE)
if( bAllowDeathSM && CanDoSpecialMove(SM_DeathAnim) && ClassIsChildOf(DamageType, class'KFDamageType') )
DoSpecialMove(SM_DeathAnim, TRUE,,,TRUE);
KFSM_DeathAnim(SpecialMoves[SM_DeathAnim]).PlayDeathAnimation(DamageType, HitDirection, HitInfo.BoneName);
StopAllAnimations(); // stops non-RBbones from animating (fingers)
/** Called when ShouldRagdollOnDeath returns FALSE (server or client) */
simulated event HideMeshOnDeath()
if ( !Mesh.HiddenGame )
// Hide Meshes. Can't use Actor.SetHidden because it will replicate
Mesh.SetTraceBlocking( false, false );
if( ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.bAttached )
ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.SetTraceBlocking( false, false );
// turn off skeletal anims
// Abuse SetOnlyOwnerSee/bOverrideAttachmentOwnerVisibility to hide attached FX (e.g. blood jets)
// destroy soon after TearOff
LifeSpan = 2.f;
/** Changed to simulated so we don't have to replicate the sound */
simulated function PlayDyingSound()
SoundGroupArch.PlayDyingSound( self );
/** This pawn has died. */
function bool Died(Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation)
if (Super.Died(Killer, DamageType, HitLocation))
// Other pathing NPCs will stop considering me as a potential path blocker.
bBlocksNavigation = false;
return true;
return false;
/** We do not want to be encroached. (Important for Knockdown) */
event EncroachedBy( actor Other )
/** CrushedBy()
* Called for pawns that have bCanBeBaseForPawns=false when another pawn becomes based on them
* DW: This is a copy/paste of the Pawn.uc implementation w/ a scalar added to allow for mutators/gametypes
* to ramp up crush damage in a cleaner fashion.
function CrushedBy(Pawn OtherPawn)
TakeDamage( (1-OtherPawn.Velocity.Z/400) * OtherPawn.Mass/Mass * CrushScale, OtherPawn.Controller,Location, vect(0,0,0) , class'DmgType_Crushed');
/** Called when a melee attack has been parried by another pawn */
function bool NotifyAttackParried(Pawn InstigatedBy, byte InParryStrength)
local KFPawn InstigatorPawn;
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk;
if ( IsDoingSpecialMove() && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].CanInterruptWithParry() )
if ( CanDoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble) || CanDoSpecialMove(SM_KnockDown) )
InstigatorPawn = KFPawn(InstigatedBy);
if( InstigatorPawn != none )
InstigatorPerk = InstigatorPawn.GetPerk();
if( CanDoSpecialMove(SM_KnockDown) && InstigatorPerk != none && InstigatorPerk.ShouldKnockdown() )
Knockdown(, vect(1,1,20),,,, 1000 * Normal(Location - InstigatorPawn.Location ), Location);
DoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble,,, class'KFSM_Stumble'.static.PackParrySMFlags(self, Location - InstigatedBy.Location));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/** Checks all factors that would impede combat and returns TRUE if none of them are active */
simulated function bool IsCombatCapable()
return IsAliveAndWell() && !IsHeadless() && !IsImpaired() && !IsIncapacitated();
/** Overridden in subclasses, determines if pawn is impaired (panicked, etc) */
simulated function bool IsImpaired();
/** Returns true if pawn is incapacitated in any way */
simulated function bool IsIncapacitated()
return IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Stumble)
|| IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Stunned)
|| IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Frozen)
|| IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Knockdown)
|| IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_RecoverFromRagdoll);
/** Overridden in subclasses, determines if a pawn is headless */
simulated function bool IsHeadless();
/** Clean up function to terminate any effects on death */
simulated function TerminateEffectsOnDeath()
// Destroy our weapon attachment
if( WeaponAttachment != None && !WeaponAttachment.bPendingDelete )
// stop dialog and looping sounds
WeaponAmbientEchoHandler.StopAllEchoes(bPendingDelete); // force if called from Destroy
SetPowerUpAmbientSound(None, None, None, None);
// send a special stop event to the audio system
if ( SoundGroupArch.OnDeathStopEvent != None )
PostAkEvent( SoundGroupArch.OnDeathStopEvent );
* @name Gore / Hit Reactions
********************************************************************************************* */
* Helper function to get a hexagon around the character
* @param R Orientation. Either pawn rotation or camera.
* @param V Incident vector
native static function EPawnOctant CalcOctagonRegion(rotator R, vector V);
native static function EPawnOctant CalcQuadRegion(rotator R, vector V);
/* returns all hit zones where HitZoneInjuries is set */
native final iterator function DamagedHitZones( out int Idx );
/** Partial-ragdoll hit reactions */
native simulated function PlayPhysicsBodyImpact(vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, name HitBoneName);
native simulated function StartPhysicsBodyImpact(Name HitBoneName, bool bUseMotors, class<DamageType> DamageType);
native simulated function StopPhysicsBodyImpact();
native simulated function vector GetImpactPhysicsImpulse(class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc, vector Momentum, Name HitBoneName);
/** Enables partial ragdoll updates for physics effects while still alive */
native simulated function InitPartialKinematics();
/** (Network: All) Play any gore effects related to a zone/limb being damaged */
simulated function HitZoneInjured(optional int HitZoneIdx=INDEX_None);
/** Called before, and in addition to, NotifyTakeHit() to processes melee specifically (Network: Server) */
function NotifyMeleeTakeHit(Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation);
* Very small momentum values get truncated during replication. So, we need to scale the
* momentum vector during replication. This needs to match the function DecodeUnitVector()
function vector EncodeUnitVector(vector V)
return Normal(V) * 256.f;
simulated function vector DecodeUnitVector(vector V)
return Normal(V / 256.f);
static function bool IsLargeZed()
return false;
function int GetHitZoneIndex(name BoneName)
return HitZones.Find('ZoneName', BoneName);
function PlayHit(float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo)
local int HitZoneIdx;
local class<KFDamageType> KFDT;
if( Damage <= 0 || (Controller != none && Controller.bGodMode) )
// Cached hit params
HitZoneIdx = GetHitZoneIndex(HitInfo.BoneName);
KFDT = class<KFDamageType>(damageType);
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
if( WorldInfo.Game != none && KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).bNVAlwaysHeadshot )
HitZoneIdx = HZI_HEAD;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
AddHitFX(Damage, InstigatedBy, HitZoneIdx, HitLocation, Momentum, KFDT);
// Damage hit zones for replicated gore effects
if ( HitZoneIdx != INDEX_None )
if( InstigatedBy != none )
// Let the accuracy tracking system know our head was hit
if( HitZoneIdx == HZI_HEAD && KFPlayerController(InstigatedBy) != none )
TakeHitZoneDamage(Damage, HitFxInfo.DamageType, HitZoneIdx, InstigatedBy.Pawn.Location);
// after tear-off, on a simulated proxy, InstigatedBy is none
TakeHitZoneDamage(Damage, HitFxInfo.DamageType, HitZoneIdx, vect(0,0,0));
LastPainTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
//Record weapon Damage for AAR
`RecordWeaponDamage(InstigatedBy, KFDT, Damage, Self, HitZoneIdx);
function AddHitFX(int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, int HitZoneIdx, Vector HitLocation, Vector Momentum, class<KFDamageType> KFDT)
local bool bHasNewHitEffect;
bHasNewHitEffect = true;
// We don't process any new effects until we are done processing old ones.
if (bNeedsProcessHitFx)
if (InstigatedBy != none && InstigatedBy.Pawn == HitFxInstigator && KFDT != none && KFDT == HitFXInfo.DamageType)
// Add any additional hits to a separate repliated array
// @note: Do not stack radial hits because they already affect the whole body (and are more expensive)
if (HitFxAddedHitCount < MAX_ADDED_HITFX && !bTakingRadiusDamage)
// Replicate any additional hits separately from the HitFxInfo struct and pass them as relative location to replicate easier
HitFxAddedRelativeLocs[HitFxAddedHitCount] = HitLocation - HitFxInfo.HitLocation;
bHasNewHitEffect = false;
else if (!bTakingRadiusDamage && HitFxInfo.bRadialDamage)
// if we have to choose (rare), prioritize radius damage
bHasNewHitEffect = false;
// This is the first (and usually only) hit that occured this frame
if (bHasNewHitEffect)
HitFxInstigator = InstigatedBy != None ? InstigatedBy.Pawn : None;
HitFxInfo.HitLocation = HitLocation;
HitFxInfo.EncodedHitDirection = (KFDT != none && KFDT.default.bPointImpulseTowardsOrigin && InstigatedBy.Pawn != none)
? EncodeUnitVector(Normal(Location - InstigatedBy.Pawn.Location))
: EncodeUnitVector(Normal(Momentum));
HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex = HitZoneIdx;
HitFxInfo.bRadialDamage = bTakingRadiusDamage;
HitFxInfo.DamageType = KFDT; // If we do not have a damagetype, replicate none
if (InstigatedBy != none)
HitFxInfo.DamagerPRI = InstigatedBy.PlayerReplicationInfo;
LastTakeHitTimeout = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + (0.5f);
if (bTakingRadiusDamage && !IsZero(LastRadiusHurtOrigin))
HitFxRadialInfo.RadiusDamageScale = LastRadiusDamageScale;
LastRadiusDamageScale = 255;
HitFxRadialInfo.RadiusHurtOrigin = LastRadiusHurtOrigin;
LastRadiusHurtOrigin = vect(0, 0, 0);
// Nudge HitLoc a bit for edge-case where Victim and Explosive are stationary (NEQ fails)
HitFxInfo.HitLocation.Z += FRand();
if (bPlayedDeath && KFDT != none && KFDT.default.bCanObliterate)
HitFxInfo.bObliterated = KFDT.static.CheckObliterate(self, Damage);
HitFxInfo.bObliterated = false;
HitFxAddedHitCount = 0;
bNeedsProcessHitFx = true;
/** Plays and replicates heal effects
* parallels PlayHit
function PlayHeal( class<KFDamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
HitFxInfo.HitLocation = Location;
HitFxInfo.HitLocation.Z += FRand();
HitFxInfo.DamageType = DamageType;
HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex = HitZones.Find('ZoneName', HitInfo.BoneName);
LastTakeHitTimeout = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + (0.5f);
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
/** Apply damage to a specific zone (useful for gore effects) */
function TakeHitZoneDamage(float Damage, class<DamageType> DamageType, int HitZoneIdx, vector InstigatorLocation)
local float GoreDamage;
local class<KFDamageType> DmgType;
// Start with tha actual damage
GoreDamage = Damage;
// Scale the gore damage by the damage scale specified in the damage type.
// This allows us to customize the gore effects independently of the actual damage
// and also allow the damage type to attenuate the damage based on distance
DmgType = class<KFDamageType>(DamageType);
if( DmgType != none )
if( !IsZero(InstigatorLocation) )
GoreDamage *= DmgType.static.GetGoreDamageScale(Location, InstigatorLocation);
if ( bPlayedDeath && TimeOfDeath == WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
GoreDamage *= DmgType.static.GetOnDeathGoreScale();
HitZones[HitZoneIdx].GoreHealth -= GoreDamage;
/** Called on the server when GoreHealth reaches zero */
function bool CanInjureHitZone(class<DamageType> DamageType, int HitZoneIdx)
local class<KFDamageType> KFDmgType;
local name HitZoneName;
//Don't attempt hit zone damage if we have an invalid hit zone
if (HitZoneIdx > HitZones.Length)
return false;
KFDmgType = class<KFDamageType>(DamageType);
HitZoneName = HitZones[HitZoneIdx].ZoneName;
// Added TimeOfDeath check, so if we've just died always do head gore
if( (!bPlayedDeath || WorldInfo.TimeSeconds == TimeOfDeath) && HitZoneIdx == HZI_HEAD )
if (KFDmgType.static.CanDismemberHitZoneWhileAlive(HitZoneName))
return true;
if ( bPlayedDeath )
if ( KFDmgType != none && KFDmgType.static.CanDismemberHitZone( HitZoneName ) )
return true;
return false;
/** Returns TRUE if any limbs were dismembered */
simulated function bool HasInjuredHitZones()
return InjuredHitZones > 0;
/** Plays clientside hit effects using the data in HitFxInfo */
simulated function PlayTakeHitEffects( vector HitDirection, vector HitLocation, optional bool bUseHitImpulse = true )
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local class<KFDamageType> DmgType;
local KFPawn InstigatedBy;
DmgType = HitFxInfo.DamageType;
if( IsLocallyControlled() && !Controller.bGodMode )
// Apply gameplay post process effects
KFPC = KFPlayerController(Controller);
if( KFPC != none && DmgType != None )
KFPC.PlayScreenHitFX(DmgType, true);
// assumes all types with radial impulse (which include husk fireball) are "explosive"
if( Dmgtype.default.RadialDamageImpulse > 0 )
KFPC.PlayEarRingEffect( ByteToFloat(HitFxRadialInfo.RadiusDamageScale) );
// Allow weapon to play additional special effects
if( MyKFWeapon != None )
MyKFWeapon.PlayTakeHitEffects(HitFxInfo.HitLocation, HitFxInstigator);
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
if( WorldInfo.Game != none && KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game).bNVAlwaysHeadshot )
HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex = HZI_HEAD;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN - RLS - Debugging Effects
if ( HitFxInfo.DamageType != None )
HitFxInfo.DamageType.static.PlayImpactHitEffects(self, HitLocation, HitDirection, HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex, HitFxInstigator);
// Finally, notify the damage instigator (if net relevant) to play it's own hit effects
if ( HitFxInstigator != None )
InstigatedBy = KFPawn(HitFxInstigator);
LastPainTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** Plays clientside heal effects using the data in HitFxInfo (which is set in PlayHeal)
* parallels PlayTakeHitEffects
simulated function PlayHealEffects(class<KFDamageType> DamageType)
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
KFPC = KFPlayerController(Controller);
if( KFPC != none )
KFPC.PlayScreenHitFX(DamageType, false);
if ( DamageType != None )
DamageType.static.PlayImpactHitEffects(self, Location, vect(0,0,1), HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex, HitFxInstigator);
/** client side call to update visual scale of the mesh */
simulated event UpdateBodyScale(float NewScale)
//Since resetting phys asset after death caused rocket ships, just exit out of here.
// Let it continue updating internal scale value in case we need it in the future.
if (!IsAliveAndWell() || Physics == PHYS_RigidBody)
bReinitPhysAssetOnDeath = true;
CurrentBodyScale = NewScale;
simulated function PitchAudio(float NewScale)
SetRTPCValue('Visual_Scale', NewScale);
DialogAkComponent.SetRTPCValue("Visual_Scale", NewScale);
/** Called clientside by PlayTakeHitEffects on the Instigating Pawn */
simulated function PlayDamageInstigatorHitEffects(KFPawn Victim)
// Implemented in KFPawn_Human
/** Applies the contents of HitFxInfo. Called from PlayTakeHitEffects() */
simulated function ApplyRagdollImpulse(class<KFDamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc, vector HitDirection, Name HitBoneName, optional float GoreImpulseScale=1.f)
local vector Impulse;
local vector LinearVelocity;
// Skip if no damage type
if( DamageType == None || Mesh.PhysicsWeight == 0.f )
// Skip if impulse is scaled down to 0
if( GoreImpulseScale == 0.f )
// Handle linear velocity
if ( !bHasBrokenConstraints && DamageType.default.KDeathVel > 0 )
LinearVelocity += HitDirection * DamageType.default.KDeathVel;
if ( !IsZero(LinearVelocity) )
`log("ApplyRagdollImpulse RBLinearVelocity:" @ VSize(LinearVelocity) @ "KDeathVel:" @ DamageType.default.KDeathVel, bLogPhysicsBodyImpact );
Mesh.SetRBLinearVelocity(LinearVelocity, TRUE);
// Add up PointImpulse from damage type
if ( DamageType.default.KDamageImpulse > 0.f )
Impulse += HitDirection * DamageType.default.KDamageImpulse;
if ( DamageType.default.KDeathUpKick > 0 )
Impulse += Vect(0,0,1) * DamageType.default.KDeathUpKick;
// Add RadialImpulse (e.g. Explosives)
if ( DamageType.default.RadialDamageImpulse > 0.f )
Impulse += HitDirection * DamageType.default.RadialDamageImpulse;
if ( HitFxInfo.bRadialDamage && HitFxRadialInfo.RadiusDamageScale < 255 )
// Calculate falloff
Impulse *= ByteToFloat(HitFxRadialInfo.RadiusDamageScale);
// AddRadialImpulse applies impulse to the root RB, however using the Torso gives better results. If
// we want this to truly function like AddRadialImpulse both HitBoneName and HitLoc should be zeroed
//if( HitBoneName == '' )
// HitBoneName = TorsoBoneName;
// HitLoc = vect(0,0,0);
// Reduce impulse if the gore system has dismembered this bone already
if ( bHasBrokenConstraints && Mesh.IsBrokenConstraint( HitBoneName ) )
GoreImpulseScale *= DamageType.default.GibImpulseScale;
// Lastly, multiply scaling factors and apply impulse
Impulse *= PhysRagdollImpulseScale * GoreImpulseScale;
if ( !IsZero(Impulse) )
`log("ApplyRagdollImpulse Impulse:"@VSize(Impulse)@"Bone:"$HitBoneName@"KDamageImpulse:"$DamageType.default.KDamageImpulse
@"RadialDamageImpulse:"$DamageType.default.RadialDamageImpulse, bLogPhysicsBodyImpact );
Mesh.AddImpulse(Impulse, HitLoc, HitBoneName);
* Given a skeletal bone, returns the next rigid body bone in the heirarchy. This is useful
* if we hit a bone that doesn't have an RB (like Spine2) and we want to apply an impulse
simulated function name GetRBBoneFromBoneName(Name BoneName)
local int BodyIndex;
local byte RBBoneCheckCount;
local name OriginalBoneName;
OriginalBoneName = BoneName;
// If our hit bone does not exist in the physics asset, use the hitbones parent
BodyIndex = mesh.PhysicsAsset.FindBodyIndex(BoneName);
while(BodyIndex == INDEX_NONE)
BoneName = mesh.GetParentBone(BoneName);
if( BoneName == '' )
return ''; // no more parents (root bone)
BodyIndex = mesh.PhysicsAsset.FindBodyIndex(BoneName);
if( (++RBBoneCheckCount) >= MAX_GET_RBBONE_CHECKS)
`log(Self @ GetFuncName() @"Rigidbody bone " @OriginalBoneName @" not found after" @MAX_GET_RBBONE_CHECKS @"Checks");
return ''; // exhausted tries
return BoneName;
/** On Injury ragdoll the arm */
simulated function RagdollArm(bool bUseMotors)
// Turn off hit reactions
if( PhysicsImpactBlendTimeToGo > 0.f )
// For now disable physics hit reactions until they can be properly handled
bCanPlayPhysicsHitReactions = false;
// Unfix bones that should be affected by physics, fix others (Kinematic)
Mesh.PhysicsAssetInstance.SetNamedBodiesFixed(FALSE, ArmPhysicsBoneList, Mesh, FALSE, TRUE);
if ( Mesh.PhysicsWeight < 1.f )
/** Called when a specific contraint is stretched further than it should be */
event OnRigidBodyLinearConstraintViolated(name StretchedBoneName)
// @todo: use the gore system to gib the closest valid bone
//mesh.HideBoneByName(StretchedBoneName, PBO_Term);
`log("Linear constraint violated, hiding bone " @ StretchedBoneName);
/** Called when all attempts fail to make this corpse go to sleep. */
event OnRigidBodyRefusedToSleep()
local KFGoreManager GM;
GM = `GoreManager;
if ( GM != None )
//GM.CauseObliteration(self, Location, None);
/** Starts at 0 when pawn dies */
native function SetRagdollWarningLevel(byte WarningLevel);
* Send this pawn to ragdoll and apply the given forces. All params are optional, to enable
* any combination of forces (whole-body, radial, or point)
* @param RBLinearVelocity Linear velocity to apply to entire rigid body.
* @param RBAngularVelocity Angular velocity to apply to entire rigid body.
* @param RadialOrigin World-space origin of radial impulse.
* @param RadialRadius Radius of radial impulse. If 0.0, no radial impulse will be applied.
* @param RadialStrength Strength of radial impulse. If 0.0, no radial impulse will be applied.
* @param PointImpulse Point impulse to apply. if 0,0,0, no point impulse will be applied.
* @param PointImpulsePosition Position in world space at which PointImpulse should be applied.
* @param PointImpulseBoneName Bone that receives point impulse.
function Knockdown( optional vector RBLinearVelocity, optional vector RBAngularVelocity, optional vector RadialOrigin,
optional float RadialRadius, optional float RadialStrength, optional vector PointImpulse,
optional vector PointImpulsePosition, optional byte HitZoneIdx=255 )
if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
`warn("Only allowed on server");
if (IsZero(RBLinearVelocity) && IsZero(RBAngularVelocity))
`Warn("No linear or angular velocity - one or the other must be set for replication to work");
// only one knockdown allowed at a time and not at all if dead or DBNO
// don't knock them out if driving vehicle
if (Physics == PHYS_RigidBody || bPlayedDeath || DrivenVehicle != None)
if( CanDoSpecialMove(SM_Knockdown) )
// set the knockdown information for use in ApplyKnockdownImpulse()
KnockdownImpulse.LinearVelocity = RBLinearVelocity;
KnockdownImpulse.AngularVelocity = RBAngularVelocity;
if ( RadialStrength > 0 )
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulsePosition = RadialOrigin;
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulseStrength.X = RadialRadius;
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulseStrength.Y = RadialStrength;
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulseStrength.Z = 0;
KnockdownImpulse.bIsRadialImpulse = true;
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulsePosition = PointImpulsePosition;
KnockdownImpulse.ImpulseStrength = PointImpulse;
//KnockdownImpulse.PointImpulseBoneName = PointImpulseBoneName;
KnockdownImpulse.PointImpulseHitZone = HitZoneIdx;
KnockdownImpulse.bIsRadialImpulse = false;
// transition to the KnockedDown state
DoSpecialMove(SM_Knockdown, TRUE);
/** Gets skin effects associated with hit zone (allows pawns to override) */
simulated function KFSkinTypeEffects GetHitZoneSkinTypeEffects( int HitZoneIdx )
local int HitZoneSkinID;
if( HitZoneIdx != 255 )
HitZoneSkinID = HitZones[HitZoneIdx].SkinID;
if ( HitZoneSkinID >= CharacterArch.ImpactSkins.Length )
return none;
return CharacterArch.ImpactSkins[HitZoneSkinID];
* Used to adjust strength of all incoming afflictions (similar to AdjustDamage)
* based on current situation / state.
simulated function AdjustAffliction(out float AfflictionPower);
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
function HandleAfflictionsOnHit(Controller DamageInstigator, vector HitDir, class<DamageType> DamageType, Actor DamageCauser)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
//Handle afflictions
if (AfflictionHandler != None)
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
AfflictionHandler.NotifyTakeHit(DamageInstigator, HitDir, class<KFDamageType>(DamageType), DamageCauser);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* @name Damage over Time
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Add (or udpate existing) damage over time effect */
function ApplyDamageOverTime(int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, class<KFDamageType> KFDT)
local DamageOverTimeInfo DoTInfo;
local int DoTIndex;
local int NewDoTDamage, NewTotalDamage, RemainingTotalDamage;
local float NewDoTDuration;
// Check to see if we already have this type of damage in the array
DoTIndex = KFDT.default.bStackDot ? -1 : DamageOverTimeArray.Find('DoT_Type', KFDT.default.DoT_Type);
NewDoTDamage = Round( Damage * KFDT.default.DoT_DamageScale );
NewDoTDuration = KFDT.default.DoT_Duration * GetPerkDoTScaler( InstigatedBy, KFDT );
// If we aren't already doing this type of damage over time, add it to the DamageOverTimeArray to be processed
if( DoTIndex < 0 )
// Only add more damage if its not zero
if( NewDoTDamage > 0 )
DoTInfo.Damage = NewDoTDamage;
DoTInfo.DamageType = KFDT;
DoTInfo.DoT_Type = KFDT.default.DoT_Type;
DoTInfo.Duration = NewDoTDuration;
DoTInfo.Interval = KFDT.default.DoT_Interval;
DoTInfo.InstigatedBy = InstigatedBy;
DoTInfo.TimeUntilNextDamage = KFDT.default.DoT_Interval;
DamageOverTimeArray[DamageOverTimeArray.Length] = DoTInfo;
RemainingTotalDamage = (DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].Duration / DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].Interval) * DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].Damage;
NewTotalDamage = (NewDoTDuration / KFDT.default.DoT_Interval) * NewDoTDamage;
if( NewTotalDamage > RemainingTotalDamage )
DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].Damage = NewDoTDamage;
DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].Duration = NewDoTDuration;
DamageOverTimeArray[DoTIndex].DamageType = KFDT;
function float GetPerkDoTScaler( optional Controller InstigatedBy, optional class<KFDamageType> KFDT ){ return 1.f; }
/** Tick the damage over time system */
function TickDamageOverTime(float DeltaTime)
local int i;
// Nothing to do if there is no damage over time to apply
if( DamageOverTimeArray.Length < 1 )
for( i = DamageOverTimeArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
DamageOverTimeArray[i].Duration -= DeltaTime;
DamageOverTimeArray[i].TimeUntilNextDamage -= DeltaTime;
// Do damage at each DoT interval
if( DamageOverTimeArray[i].TimeUntilNextDamage <= 0.f )
DamageOverTimeArray[i].TimeUntilNextDamage = DamageOverTimeArray[i].Interval;
TakeDamage(DamageOverTimeArray[i].Damage, DamageOverTimeArray[i].InstigatedBy, Location, vect(0,0,0), DamageOverTimeArray[i].DamageType);
// Remove damage over time elements from the array when they have timed out
if( DamageOverTimeArray[i].Duration <= 0 || DamageOverTimeArray[i].Duration < DamageOverTimeArray[i].Interval )
* @name Animation
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Used by KFPawnAnimInfo and bosses/large Zeds that have different phases of combat */
simulated function int GetCurrentBattlePhase()
return 0;
function AnimInterruptNotifyTimer();
/** Play a body stance animation on slots defined in the Pawn's AnimTree */
native function float PlayBodyAnim(name AnimName, EAnimSlotStance BodyStance,
optional float Rate=1.f,
optional float BlendInTime=0.2f,
optional float BlendOutTime=0.2f,
optional bool bLooping,
optional bool bOverride=TRUE);
/** Stop playing body stance animation on slots defined in the Pawn's AnimTree */
native function StopBodyAnim(EAnimSlotStance BodyStance, optional float BlendOutTime);
/** Set new MeshTranslationOffset (world offset) **/
native simulated function bool UpdateMeshTranslationOffset(vector NewOffset, optional bool bForce);
/* Sets our head tracking target and turns on head tracking */
simulated native function SetHeadTrackTarget(Actor NewHeadTrackTarget, optional vector TargetOffset, optional float TargetTrackPct = 1.f, optional bool bUseSpine=false, optional float BlendIn=-1.f);
/* Clears our head tracking target and turns off head tracking */
simulated native function ClearHeadTrackTarget(Actor HeadTrackTargetToClear, optional float BlendOut=-1.f);
/** Save off commonly used nodes so the tree doesn't need to be iterated over often */
simulated native event CacheAnimNodes();
/** script version of CacheAnimNodes */
simulated event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp)
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody] = AnimNodeSlot(SkelComp.FindAnimNode('Custom_FullBody'));
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_UpperBody] = AnimNodeSlot(SkelComp.FindAnimNode('Custom_Upper'));
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_LowerBody] = AnimNodeSlot(SkelComp.FindAnimNode('Custom_Lower'));
if( BodyStanceNodes[EAS_LowerBody] != none )
// we don't want anims played on lower body to duplicate notifies triggered by anims on the upper body
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_LowerBody].bNoNotifies = true;
// Optional additive node. The fullbody node can also be used, but this allows additives during another fullbody.
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_Additive] = AnimNodeSlot(SkelComp.FindAnimNode('Custom_Additive'));
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_Face] = AnimNodeSlot(SkelComp.FindAnimNode('Custom_Face'));
IKFootLeft = KFSkelControl_FootPlacement(SkelComp.FindSkelControl('FootIK_L'));
IKFootRight = KFSkelControl_FootPlacement(SkelComp.FindSkelControl('FootIK_R'));
// Always tick gameplay critical BodyStance nodes (anim notifies, etc...)
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody].bTickDuringPausedAnims = true;
BodyStanceNodes[EAS_UpperBody].bTickDuringPausedAnims = true;
/** Event called when an AnimNodeSequence reaches the end and stops. */
simulated event OnAnimEnd(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
if( SpecialMove != SM_None )
//`Log"SpecialMove ==" @ SpecialMove @ "calling AnimEndNotify()");
if( Mesh.TickGroup == TG_DuringAsyncWork && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].bShouldDeferToPostTick )
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].DeferredSeqName = SeqNode.AnimSeqName;
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].AnimEndNotify(SeqNode, PlayedTime, ExcessTime);
/** Stops all animations on character */
simulated function StopAllAnimations()
Mesh.bPauseAnims = true;
if (Physics == PHYS_RigidBody)
Mesh.PhysicsWeight = 1.0;
Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation = false;
* Set a new profile on all the AimOffset nodes.
simulated final function SetAimOffsetNodesProfile(Name NewProfileName)
local int i;
for( i=0; i<AimOffsetNodes.Length; ++i )
AimOffsetNodes[i].SetActiveProfileByName( NewProfileName );
* Returns aim offset profile to default (index 0)
simulated final function SetDefaultAimOffsetNodesProfile()
local int i;
for( i=0; i<AimOffsetNodes.Length; ++i )
AimOffsetNodes[i].SetActiveProfileByIndex( 0 );
simulated function name GetSpecialMoveTag()
local byte AtkIndex;
if( IsDoingSpecialMove() && SpecialMoveFlags != 255 && PawnAnimInfo != none )
AtkIndex = SpecialMoveFlags & 15;
return PawnAnimInfo.Attacks[AtkIndex].Tag;
return '';
* Configure mesh settings based on current FleX level.
* @param bResetDefaults If set, when flex is off reset to mesh defaults
simulated function UpdateMeshForFleXCollision()
local GameEngine Engine;
if ( bPlayedDeath || Physics == PHYS_RigidBody )
Engine = GameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine());
// force update kinematic bones for flex collision, but still disable RBChannel iff
// default.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation==FALSE so this pawn doesn't push around corpses, etc...
if ( Mesh.RBCollideWithChannels.FlexAsset && class'Engine'.static.GetPhysXLevel() >= 2 && Engine.GetSystemSettingBool("FlexRigidBodiesCollisionAtHighLevel") )
// @note: also requires that scene query flag is set (see InstancePhysXGeom)
Mesh.bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation = true;
Mesh.MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate = 0.0;
/** Called when flex collision should be toggled regardless of PhysXLevel */
simulated function SetEnableFleXCollision(bool bEnabled)
/** Called from SkeletalMeshComponent::PlayParticleEffect() */
simulated function OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned( const AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData, ParticleSystemComponent PSC )
if( IsDoingSpecialMove() )
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned( AnimNotifyData, PSC );
/** Set the visual and hit zone scale of */
simulated native function SetHeadScale(float Scale, float OldScale);
* @name Audio
********************************************************************************************* */
/** returns the rotation to use when playing AKEvent sounds that
* require a rotation
native simulated function rotator GetAKRotation();
/** Same as PlaySound, but without playing it locally */
native noexport simulated function ReplicateSound(AkBaseSoundObject InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant, optional rotator SoundRotation);
event Landed(vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor)
Super.Landed(HitNormal, FloorActor);
if ( Velocity.Z < -200 )
OldZ = Location.Z;
bJustLanded = bUpdateEyeHeight && (Controller != None) && Controller.LandingShake();
if (Velocity.Z < -MaxFallSpeed)
else if( Velocity.Z < MaxFallSpeed * -0.35 )
/** Triggered by AnimNotify_Footstep to select and play a footstep sound */
simulated event PlayFootStepSound(int FootDown)
local EMaterialTypes MaterialType;
local AkBaseSoundObject Sound;
local vector FootSoundLoc;
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer
/* Validate footsetps */
|| Physics != PHYS_Walking || Base == None
/* Skip if we're encountering low frame rates */
|| WorldInfo.bDropDetail
/* Check if foostep sounds are enabled. Always allow footstep sounds from local player */
|| (!bAllowFootstepSounds && Controller != GetALocalPlayerController())
/* Is within audible range */
|| !ActorEffectIsRelevant(self, false, SoundGroupArch.MaxFootstepSoundRanges.X, SoundGroupArch.MaxFootstepSoundRanges.Y) )
// Play the foot sound locational to where the foot actually is
switch( FootDown )
case 0:
FootSoundLoc = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(LeftFootBoneName, 0);
case 1:
FootSoundLoc = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(RightFootBoneName, 0);
case 2:
FootSoundLoc = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(LeftHandBoneName, 0);
case 3:
FootSoundLoc = Mesh.GetBoneLocation(RightHandBoneName, 0);
MaterialType = GetMaterialBelowFeet( FootSoundLoc );
if( bIsSprinting )
Sound = SoundGroupArch.GetSprintingFootstepSound(FootDown, MaterialType);
Sound = SoundGroupArch.GetFootstepSound(FootDown, MaterialType);
if ( AkEvent(Sound) != none )
FootstepAkComponent.PlayEvent( AkEvent(Sound), true );
* Trace down and find the material type we are walking on
simulated function EMaterialTypes GetMaterialBelowFeet( optional const vector FootSoundLoc )
local vector HitLocation, HitNormal;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local KFPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalProperty;
local float TraceDist;
local vector TraceLoc;
TraceDist = 1.5 * GetCollisionHeight();
TraceLoc = IsZero( FootSoundLoc ) ? Location : FootSoundLoc;
Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, TraceLoc - TraceDist*vect(0,0,1), TraceLoc, false,, HitInfo);
if ( HitInfo.PhysMaterial != None )
PhysicalProperty = KFPhysicalMaterialProperty(HitInfo.PhysMaterial.GetPhysicalMaterialProperty(class'KFPhysicalMaterialProperty'));
if (PhysicalProperty != None)
return PhysicalProperty.MaterialType;
return EMT_None;
/** starts playing the given sound via the AmbientAkComponent and sets AmbientSound for replicating to clients
* @param NewAmbientSound the new sound to play, or None to stop any ambient that was playing
simulated function SetPawnAmbientSound(AkEvent NewAmbientSound)
if ( NewAmbientSound == None )
AmbientSound = None;
AmbientSound = NewAmbientSound;
if (NewAmbientSound != None)
// play sound spatialized if this is not a player or this player is not locally controlled
AmbientAkComponent.PlayEvent( AmbientSound, !IsPlayerPawn() || !IsLocallyControlled() );
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
simulated function bool IsWeaponAmbientSoundPlaying(AkEvent AmbientSoundToCheck)
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:09:05 +03:00
return WeaponAkComponent.IsPlaying(AmbientSoundToCheck);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/** starts playing the given sound via the WeaponAmbientSound AudioComponent and sets WeaponAmbientSoundCue for replicating to clients
* @param NewAmbientSound the new sound to play, or None to stop any ambient that was playing
simulated function SetWeaponAmbientSound(AkEvent NewAmbientSound, optional AkEvent FirstPersonAmbientSound)
if ( NewAmbientSound == None )
WeaponAmbientSound = None;
else if( !bPlayedDeath && !bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe )
WeaponAmbientSound = NewAmbientSound;
// Replicate 3rd person, but play 1st person
if ( FirstPersonAmbientSound != None && IsFirstPerson() )
// don't check occlusion for first person sound
WeaponAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.f;
WeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent( FirstPersonAmbientSound );
if( FirstPersonAmbientSound.bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality )
WeaponAmbientEchoHandler.HandleEchoes( FirstPersonAmbientSound );
else if (NewAmbientSound != None)
// check occlusion for third person sound
WeaponAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.001f;
SetTimer( 0.2f, false, nameof(RestoreOcclusionUpdate) );
WeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent( NewAmbientSound, false );
if( NewAmbientSound.bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality )
WeaponAmbientEchoHandler.HandleEchoes( NewAmbientSound );
simulated function RestoreOcclusionUpdate()
WeaponAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.2f;
/** starts playing the given sound via the SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound AudioComponent and sets SecondaryWeaponAmbientSoundCue for replicating to clients
* @param NewAmbientSound the new sound to play, or None to stop any ambient that was playing
simulated function SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound(AkEvent NewAmbientSound, optional AkEvent FirstPersonAmbientSound)
if ( NewAmbientSound == None )
SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound = None;
else if( !bPlayedDeath && !bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe )
SecondaryWeaponAmbientSound = NewAmbientSound;
// Replicate 3rd person, but play 1st person
if ( FirstPersonAmbientSound != None && IsFirstPerson() )
// don't check occlusion for first person sound
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.f;
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent( FirstPersonAmbientSound );
else if (NewAmbientSound != None)
// check occlusion for third person sound
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.2f;
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent( NewAmbientSound, false );
/** starts playing the given sound via the PowerUpAmbientSound AudioComponent and sets PowerUpAmbientSoundCue for replicating to clients
* @param NewAmbientSound the new sound to play, or None to stop any ambient that was playing
simulated function SetPowerUpAmbientSound(AkEvent NewAmbientSound,
optional AkEvent FirstPersonAmbientSound,
optional AkEvent StopAmbientSound,
optional AkEvent FirstPersonStopAmbientSound)
if ( NewAmbientSound == None && FirstPersonAmbientSound == None &&
StopAmbientSound == None && FirstPersonStopAmbientSound == None)
PowerUpAmbientSound.FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound = None;
PowerUpAmbientSound.ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound = None;
PowerUpAmbientSound.FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound = None;
PowerUpAmbientSound.ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound = None;
else if( !bPlayedDeath && !bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe )
PowerUpAmbientSound.FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound = FirstPersonAmbientSound;
PowerUpAmbientSound.ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound = NewAmbientSound;
PowerUpAmbientSound.FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound = StopAmbientSound;
PowerUpAmbientSound.ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound = FirstPersonStopAmbientSound;
// Replicate 3rd person, but play 1st person
if ( FirstPersonAmbientSound != None && IsFirstPerson() )
// don't check occlusion for first person sound
PowerUpAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.f;
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( FirstPersonAmbientSound );
else if (NewAmbientSound != None)
// check occlusion for third person sound
PowerUpAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.2f;
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( NewAmbientSound, false );
if ( FirstPersonStopAmbientSound != None )
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( FirstPersonStopAmbientSound, IsFirstPerson() );
if( StopAmbientSound != None )
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( StopAmbientSound, IsFirstPerson() );
simulated function SetReplicatedPowerUpAmbientSound(PowerUpAmbientSoundInfo PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound)
if ( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound == None &&
PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound == None &&
PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound == None &&
PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound == None)
else if( !bPlayedDeath && !bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe )
// Replicate 3rd person, but play 1st person
if ( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound != None && IsFirstPerson() )
// don't check occlusion for first person sound
PowerUpAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.f;
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonPowerUpAmbientSound );
else if ( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound != None )
// check occlusion for third person sound
PowerUpAkComponent.OcclusionUpdateInterval = 0.2f;
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonPowerUpAmbientSound, false );
if ( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound != None )
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.FirstPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound, IsFirstPerson() );
if ( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound != None )
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent( PowerUpReplicatedAmbientSound.ThirdPersonStopPowerUpAmbientSound, IsFirstPerson() );
* Set an RTPC value on the WeaponAKComponent
function SetWeaponComponentRTPCValue( String InRTPC, float targetvalue )
WeaponAkComponent.SetRTPCValue( InRTPC, targetvalue);
/** starts playing the given sound event on the weapon audio component
simulated function PlayWeaponSoundEvent(AkEvent NewSoundEvent)
WeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent(NewSoundEvent, true, true);
* Set an RTPC value on the SecondaryWeaponAKComponent
simulated function SetSecondaryWeaponComponentRTPCValue( String InRTPC, float targetvalue )
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.SetRTPCValue( InRTPC, targetvalue);
/** starts playing the given sound event on the secondary weapon audio component
simulated function PlaySecondaryWeaponSoundEvent(AkEvent NewSoundEvent)
SecondaryWeaponAkComponent.PlayEvent(NewSoundEvent, true, true);
/** starts playing the given sound event on the powerup audio component
simulated function PlayPowerUpSoundEvent(AkEvent NewSoundEvent)
PowerUpAkComponent.PlayEvent(NewSoundEvent, true, true);
simulated event Tick( float DeltaTime )
if( Role == ROLE_Authority )
if( DamageOverTimeArray.Length > 0 )
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if( bNeedsProcessHitFx )
bNeedsProcessHitFx = false;
if( WeaponAmbientEchoHandler.EchoSets.Length > 0 )
// Tick special moves
if( SpecialMove != SM_None && SpecialMoves[SpecialMove] != none )
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].Tick( DeltaTime );
// always clear for server (client already clears in ProcessHitFx)
bNeedsProcessHitFx = false;
/** Process all hit effects that have occured this frame */
simulated function ProcessHitFx()
local vector HitDirection;
// Skip FX if HideMeshOnDeath was called
if ( bPlayedDeath && Mesh.HiddenGame )
bNeedsProcessHitFx = false;
if( HitFxInfo.DamageType != none && HitFxInfo.DamageType.default.bNoPain )
HitDirection = DecodeUnitVector( HitFxInfo.EncodedHitDirection );
PlayTakeHitEffects( HitDirection, HitFxInfo.HitLocation );
// If the pawns taken multiple hits from the same DamageType, process additional hit effects
if( HitFxAddedHitCount > 0 )
ProcessAdditionalHitFx( HitDirection );
bNeedsProcessHitFx = false;
// If our weapon supports multiple hits, process the additional hit effects
simulated function ProcessAdditionalHitFx( vector HitDirection )
local byte i, MaxAddedHits;
local int InjuredHitZone;
local vector HitStartLoc, NewHitLocation, NewHitDir;
MaxAddedHits = min( HitFxAddedHitCount, MAX_ADDED_HITFX );
for( i = 0; i < MaxAddedHits; i++ )
// Put the relative hit locations in world space again
NewHitLocation = HitFxAddedRelativeLocs[i] + HitFxInfo.HitLocation;
// Calculate the direction of additional hits relative to the HitFxInstigator
if( HitFxInstigator != none )
HitStartLoc = HitFxInfo.HitLocation - (HitDirection * VSize(HitFxInfo.HitLocation - HitFxInstigator.Location));
NewHitDir = Normal(NewHitLocation - HitStartLoc);
NewHitDir = HitDirection;
PlayTakeHitEffects( NewHitDir, NewHitLocation, false );
if( bPlayedDeath )
foreach DamagedHitZones( InjuredHitZone )
if( !HitZones[InjuredHitZone].bPlayedInjury )
HitFxInfo.HitBoneIndex = InjuredHitZone;
PlayTakeHitEffects( HitDirection, HitFxInfo.HitLocation, false );
/** SERVER ONLY - Update any AI or animation behaviors based on state */
function OnStackingAfflictionChanged(byte Id);
* @name Dialog
* param DialogEvent: event to be played; if none, will stop dialog
native function PlayDialog( optional AkEvent DialogEvent, optional byte bCanBeMinimized );
function StopDialog()
function bool IsSpeaking()
return CurrDialogEventID >= 0;
function bool IsPlayingDialogEvent( int EventID )
return IsSpeaking() && CurrDialogEventID == EventID;
simulated function PlayDialogEvent( AkEvent DialogEvent )
if( VoiceGroupArch == none )
if( DialogEvent != none )
DialogAkComponent.PlayEvent( DialogEvent, Controller != GetALocalPlayerController() || !PlayerController(Controller).UsingFirstPersonCamera() );
function HandleDialogResponse();
function bool HasValidVoiceEventData()
return VoiceGroupArch != none && VoiceGroupArch.default.EventDataClass != none;
function class< KFPawnVoiceGroupEventData > GetVoiceGroupEventDataClass()
if( HasValidVoiceEventData() )
return VoiceGroupArch.default.EventDataClass;
return none;
/** Used as SetTimer callback. Set by KFDialogManager::PlayDialogEvent. */
function EndOfDialogTimer()
CurrDialogEventID = -1;
* @name Special Moves
/* Is this KFPawn doing a special move? */
simulated final native function bool IsDoingSpecialMove( optional ESpecialMove AMove ) const;
* Start a special move.
* @Note this doesn't handle replication to owning client if called from server.
* See ServerDoSpecialMove() and LocalDoSpecialMove() for alternatives.
* @network: local player and server
simulated event DoSpecialMove(ESpecialMove NewMove, optional bool bForceMove, optional Pawn InInteractionPawn, optional INT InSpecialMoveFlags, optional bool bSkipReplication)
// Debug warning since we now control initiation only on the server
if ( !bForceMove && Role < ROLE_Authority )
`Warn(Self @ GetFuncName() @ "initiated from client!" @ NewMove);
if( NewMove == SM_Emote && MyKFWeapon != None && MyKFWeapon.IsInState('WeaponFiring') )
if ( SpecialMoveHandler != None )
SpecialMoveHandler.DoSpecialMove(NewMove, bForceMove, InInteractionPawn, InSpecialMoveFlags, bSkipReplication);
* Replicate a client initiated special move
* @note: move entry validation happens independently and could become out of sync
reliable server final function ServerDoSpecialMove(ESpecialMove NewMove, optional bool bForceMove, optional Pawn InInteractionPawn, optional byte InSpecialMoveFlags, optional bool bSkipReplication)
DoSpecialMove(NewMove, bForceMove, InInteractionPawn, InSpecialMoveFlags, bSkipReplication);
* Request to abort/stop current SpecialMove
simulated final event EndSpecialMove(optional ESpecialMove SpecialMoveToEnd, optional bool bForceNetSync)
if ( SpecialMoveHandler != None )
SpecialMoveHandler.EndSpecialMove(SpecialMoveToEnd, bForceNetSync);
simulated event bool CanDoSpecialMove(ESpecialMove AMove, optional bool bForceCheck)
return SpecialMoveHandler.CanDoSpecialMove( AMove, bForceCheck );
/** Called from KFSpecialMove::SpecialMoveEnded */
simulated function NotifySpecialMoveEnded( KFSpecialMove FinishedMove, ESpecialMove SMHandle );
simulated event bool IsMovementDisabledDuringSpecialMove()
if( IsDoingSpecialMove() )
return SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].bDisableMovement;
return false;
/** Can this pawn be grabbed by Zed performing grab special move (clots & Hans's energy drain) */
function bool CanBeGrabbed(KFPawn GrabbingPawn, optional bool bIgnoreFalling, optional bool bAllowSameTeamGrab)
if( Health <= 0 || (Physics == PHYS_Falling && !bIgnoreFalling) || (!bAllowSameTeamGrab && IsSameTeam(GrabbingPawn)) || IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_GrappleVictim) )
return false;
// Don't allow weak AI zed grabs if we're waiting for a cooldown
if( GrabbingPawn.MyKFAIC != None && GrabbingPawn.bWeakZedGrab && WeakZedGrabCooldown > 0
&& `TimeSince(WeakZedGrabCooldown) < 0 )
//`log("Can't be grabbed because cooldown "$`TimeSince(WeakZedGrabCooldown));
return false;
return true;
/** Set the cooldown time for weak zed grab */
function SetWeakGrabCoolDown(float CooldownTime)
WeakZedGrabCooldown = fMax(WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + CooldownTime, WeakZedGrabCooldown);
/** Puts a pawn into the panic wander state */
function CausePanicWander();
/** Used to detect if we should currently be doing a wander special move */
simulated function bool ShouldBeWandering();
* @name AI
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Return true if AI can target this pawn */
function bool CanAITargetThisPawn(Controller TargetingController)
if( bAIZedsIgnoreMe )
return false;
if( ExclusiveTargetingController != none && ExclusiveTargetingController != TargetingController )
//`log(TargetingController$" FALSE trying to target "$self$" ExclusiveTargetingController = "$ExclusiveTargetingController);
return false;
if( AIIgnoreEndTime > 0 && `TimeSince(AIIgnoreEndTime) < 0 )
//`log(TargetingController$" FALSE trying to target "$self$" AIIgnoreEndTime = "$AIIgnoreEndTime$" TimeSeconds: "$WorldInfo.TimeSeconds);
return false;
//`log(TargetingController$" trying to target "$self$" ExclusiveTargetingController = "$ExclusiveTargetingController$" AIIgnoreEndTime = "$AIIgnoreEndTime$" TimeSeconds: "$WorldInfo.TimeSeconds);
return true;
* @name Debug
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Just like Pawn.MessagePlayer, but this version lets you override the message type, message
* lifetime, and checks !ShippingPC instead of Final_Release*/
final event KFMessagePlayer( coerce String Msg, optional name Type, optional float MsgLifeTime )
local PlayerController PC;
foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
PC.ClientMessage( Msg, Type, MsgLifeTime );
* list important Pawn variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when
* the ShowDebug exec is used
* @param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
* @input out_YL - Height of the current font
* @input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local Canvas Canvas;
//local int i;
//local KFPerk CurrentPerk;
Super.DisplayDebug(HUD, out_YL, out_YPos);
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('camera'))
HUD.DrawDebugSphere( Instigator.GetPawnViewLocation(), 10, 10, 0, 255, 0 );
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('movement'))
Canvas.DrawText("---------- KFPawn: movement ----------");
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Velocity:" @ Velocity @ "Accel:" @ Acceleration, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Physics:" @ Physics, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Walking: "$bIsWalking$" Sprinting: "$bIsSprinting$" Crouched: "$bIsCrouched);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("GroundSpeed:" @ GroundSpeed, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Speed:" @ VSize(Velocity) @ "Speed2D:" @ VSize2D(Velocity), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Pawn state:" @ GetStateName(), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Controller state:" @ Controller.GetStateName(), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('physics') )
Canvas.DrawText("Velocity:" @ VSize(Velocity)/100 @ "Meters Per Second");
out_YPos += out_YL;
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('rendering'))
Canvas.DrawText("---------- KFPawn: rendering ----------");
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Lighting Channels:");
out_YPos += out_YL;
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Mesh - " $ mesh.LightingChannels.Indoor ?
(mesh.LightingChannels.Outdoor ? "Both Indoor and Outdoor" : "Indoor") : "Outdoor");
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent - " $ ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.LightingChannels.Indoor ?
(ThirdPersonHeadMeshComponent.LightingChannels.Outdoor ? "Both Indoor and Outdoor" : "Indoor") : "Outdoor");
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("ArmsMesh0 - " $ ArmsMesh.LightingChannels.Indoor ?
(ArmsMesh.LightingChannels.Outdoor ? "Both Indoor and Outdoor" : "Indoor") : "Outdoor");
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( WeaponAttachment != none )
Canvas.DrawText("WeaponAttachment - " $ WeaponAttachment.HasIndoorLighting() ?
(WeaponAttachment.HasOutdoorLighting() ? "Both Indoor and Outdoor" : "Indoor") : "Outdoor");
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( Weapon != none )
Canvas.DrawText("Weapon - " $ Weapon.Mesh.LightingChannels.Indoor ?
(Weapon.Mesh.LightingChannels.Outdoor ? "Both Indoor and Outdoor" : "Indoor") : "Outdoor");
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('animation') )
if( Mesh != None && Mesh.Animations != None )
Canvas.DrawText("Left Hand IK:"@Mesh.FindSkelControl('HandIK_L').GetControlMetadataWeight());
out_YPos += out_YL;
if (HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('perk'))
// CurrentPerk = GetPerk();
// if ( CurrentPerk != none )
// {
// Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,127);
// out_YPos += 30;
// Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("Active perk:" @ CurrentPerk);
// out_YPos += out_YL;
// Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("Current skilltree:");
// out_YPos += out_YL;
// Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("-----------------------------");
// out_YPos += out_YL;
// Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("PASSIVE NAME");
// Canvas.SetPos(154,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("PASSIVE POINTS (0-10)");
// Canvas.SetPos(304,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("PASSIVE INCREMENT(0-100%)");
// Canvas.SetPos(474,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText("PASSIVE TOTAL");
// out_YPos += out_YL;
// for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
// {
// Canvas.SetPos(4,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText(CurrentPerk.SkillNames[i]);
// Canvas.SetPos(154,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText(CurrentPerk.Skilltree[i]);
// Canvas.SetPos(304,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText(CurrentPerk.SkillIncrement[i] * 100);
// Canvas.SetPos(474,out_YPos);
// Canvas.DrawText(CurrentPerk.Skilltree[i] * CurrentPerk.SkillIncrement[i] * 100 + 100);
// out_YPos += out_YL;
// }
// }
* @name States
********************************************************************************************* */
/** System settings */
static native function bool ShouldCorpseCollideWithDead();
static native function bool ShouldCorpseCollideWithLiving();
static native function bool ShouldCorpseCollideWithDeadAfterSleep();
static native function bool ShouldCorpseCollideWithLivingAfterSleep();
State Dying
ignores Bump, HitWall, HeadVolumeChange, PhysicsVolumeChange, Falling, BreathTimer, FellOutOfWorld;
event Timer()
// destroy/lifespan is handled by the GoreEffectManager
/** RigidBody went to sleep after being awake - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnSleepRBPhysics()
`log(self@"took"@WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - Max(LastPainTime,TimeOfDeath)@"for RB sleep. WarningLevel="$RagdolLWarningLevel, bLogPhysicsBodyImpact);
// Optimize out 'static' dead bodies. Could also reduce the cost by using SetTickIsDisabled
// or overriding the native Tick() function, but this solution should be good enough.
if ( !ShouldCorpseCollideWithLivingAfterSleep() )
// Turn off collision with the living, unless their DeadPawn==TRUE
Mesh.SetRBCollidesWithChannel(RBCC_Pawn, FALSE);
/** RigidBody woke up after being stationary - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnWakeRBPhysics()
`log(self@"wake RB physics", bLogPhysicsBodyImpact);
// Wait until after the ragdoll is re-awakened and then turn off collision with dead
if ( TimeOfDeath < WorldInfo.TimeSeconds && SpecialMove != SM_DeathAnim && !ShouldCorpseCollideWithDeadAfterSleep() )
Mesh.SetRBCollidesWithChannel(RBCC_DeadPawn, FALSE);
event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
if ( damagetype == None )
// `warn("No damagetype for damage by "$instigatedby.pawn$" with weapon "$InstigatedBy.Pawn.Weapon);
DamageType = class'DamageType';
Health -= Damage;
Momentum = Momentum/Mass;
// Play clientside hit effects (only plays on LocalPlayer & ListenServer because bTearOff=true)
// Make sure any additional hits dealt during the time of the killing blow are also replicated to clients
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer || TimeOfDeath == WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)
SetRagdollWarningLevel(0); // restart the ragdoll warning/failsafe
PlayHit(Damage, EventInstigator, HitLocation, DamageType, Momentum, HitInfo);
// Notify the DeathAnim move that we were hit, since NotifyTakeHit is not called after death
if( SpecialMove == SM_DeathAnim )
SpecialMoves[SpecialMove].NotifyOwnerTakeHit(class<KFDamageType>(damageType), HitLocation, Normal(TearOffMomentum), EventInstigator);
/** simulated for clients (super will not be called). This is necessary because in Pawn.PlayDying GotoState is called before TearOff */
simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)
// Add ragdolled corpse to the gore pool
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && Physics == PHYS_RigidBody )
bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents = true;
if ( !WorldInfo.bDropDetail && WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() != DM_LOW )
// Enable rigid body collision events (impact sounds, etc...)
if( WorldInfo.MyGoreEffectManager != none )
// otherwise, hide and destroy
* @name UI / Localization
********************************************************************************************* */
/**Looks up and returns localized name */
static function string GetLocalizedName()
return "";
* @name Particle systems
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Shuts down provided emitter */
simulated function DetachEmitter( out ParticleSystemComponent Emitter )
if( Emitter != none )
Emitter = None;
* @name ExtraVFX
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated function ParticleSystemComponent SpawnExtraVFX(ExtraVFXInfo info)
local name SFXBoneName;
local ParticleSystemComponent VFXComponent;
if (info.SocketName == `NAME_NONE)
if (info.VFX != none)
VFXComponent = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(info.VFX, Location, Rotation, self);
if (info.SFXStartEvent != none)
PostAkEvent(info.SFXStartEvent, false, true, false);
if (info.VFX != none)
VFXComponent = WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitterMeshAttachment(info.VFX, Mesh, info.SocketName, true);
if (info.SFXStartEvent != none)
SFXBoneName = Mesh.GetSocketBoneName(info.SocketName);
if (SFXBoneName != `NAME_NONE)
PostAkEventOnBone(info.SFXStartEvent, SFXBoneName, false, true);
PostAkEvent(info.SFXStartEvent, false, true, false);
return VFXComponent;
// Plays extra VFX associated with FXLabel, or restarts deactivated effects if already attached
simulated function PlayExtraVFX(Name FXLabel)
local int i;
local ExtraVFXAttachmentInfo VFXAttachment;
local bool bActivatedExistingSystem;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || FXLabel == `NAME_NONE)
// re-play an existing effect
for (i = 0; i < ExtraVFXAttachments.Length; ++i)
if (ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.Label == FXLabel)
if (ExtraVFXAttachments[i].VFXComponent != none)
ExtraVFXAttachments[i].VFXComponent = SpawnExtraVFX(ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info);
bActivatedExistingSystem = true;
if (bActivatedExistingSystem)
// play a new effect
for (i = 0; i < CharacterArch.ExtraVFX.Length; ++i)
if (CharacterArch.ExtraVFX[i].Label == FXLabel)
VFXAttachment.VFXComponent = SpawnExtraVFX(CharacterArch.ExtraVFX[i]);
VFXAttachment.Info = CharacterArch.ExtraVFX[i];
// Stops all extra VFX associated with the FXLabel, or all extra VFX is FXLabel is NAME_NONE
simulated function StopExtraVFX(Name FXLabel)
local int i;
local name SFXBoneName;
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
for (i = 0; i < ExtraVFXAttachments.Length; ++i)
if (FXLabel == `NAME_NONE || ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.Label == FXLabel)
if (ExtraVFXAttachments[i].VFXComponent != none)
if (ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.SFXStopEvent != none)
SFXBoneName = Mesh.GetSocketBoneName(ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.SocketName);
if (SFXBoneName != `NAME_NONE)
PostAkEventOnBone(ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.SFXStopEvent, SFXBoneName, false, true);
PostAkEvent(ExtraVFXAttachments[i].Info.SFXStopEvent, false, true, false);
// Third person body component
Begin Object Class=KFSkeletalMeshComponent Name=KFPawnSkeletalMeshComponent
// Animation
Translation=(Z=-86) // based on CollisionHeight
// Physics
bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation=false // perf
// Rendering
PerObjectShadowCullDistance=2500 //25m
End Object
// Third person head component
Begin Object class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=ThirdPersonHead0
End Object
// First person arms component
Begin Object Class=KFSkeletalMeshComponent Name=FirstPersonArms
// Rendering
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=AmbientAkSoundComponent_0
// OcclusionUpdateInterval is set in SetWeaponAmbientSound based on first/third person
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=AmbientAkSoundComponent_1
BoneName=dummy // need bone name so it doesn't interfere with default PlaySoundBase functionality
End Object
Begin Object Class=KFWeaponAmbientEchoHandler name=WeaponAmbientEchoHandler_0
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=FootstepAkSoundComponent
OcclusionUpdateInterval=0.f // never update occlusion for footsteps
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=DialogAkSoundComponent
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=PowerUpAkSoundComponent
// OcclusionUpdateInterval is set in SetPowerUpAmbientSound based on first/third person
End Object
Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=SecondaryWeaponAkSoundComponent
// OcclusionUpdateInterval is set in SetSecondaryWeaponAmbientSound based on first/third person
End Object
// ---------------------------------------------
// Special moves
Begin Object Class=KFSpecialMoveHandler Name=SpecialMoveHandler_0
End Object
// ---------------------------------------------
// Gore
// Blood splats
// Blood pool
// Bone names
// ---------------------------------------------
// Camera
// ---------------------------------------------
// Collision
Begin Object Name=CollisionCylinder
BlockZeroExtent=false // blocked by mesh
End Object
// IgnoreBlockingBy ragdoll/knockdown pawns to avoid 'stepup' glitch.
// Common with fleshpound rage.
// ---------------------------------------------
// Movement & Physics (1uu = 1cm)
// This is true in KF1, but adds a line of sight check for any additional damage
// PHYS_Walking
// PHYS_Falling
Mass=65.f // (in kilograms) Used by HandleMomentum()
// ---------------------------------------------
// Damage
// ---------------------------------------------
// Afflictions
Begin Object Class=KFAfflictionManager Name=Afflictions_0
End Object
// ---------------------------------------------
// AI / Navigation
// ---------------------------------------------
// Network
AlwaysRelevantDistanceSquared=1000000 // 10m (see KF1's CustomAmbientRelevancyScale)
// ---------------------------------------------
// Visuals
2021-06-02 23:06:18 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00