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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
class TWOnlineLobby extends Object within OnlineSubsystem
* A basic key/value pair for holding various lobby settings
struct native LobbyMetaData
var string Key; // The key identifying the setting
var string Value; // The value of the setting
* Struct describing basic information about a lobby, typically from a lobby search result
struct native BasicLobbyInfo
var const UniqueNetId LobbyUID; // The unique id of the lobby
var const array<LobbyMetaData> LobbySettings; // The list of settings read for this lobby
* Describes information about a member of a lobby we are active in
struct native LobbyMember
var const UniqueNetId PlayerUID; // The unique id of the player
var const array<LobbyMetaData> PlayerSettings; // The list of settings read for this player
// @todo Steam: Decide whether or not to put extra fields here, e.g. avatar/community-name etc. (may be best to leave that up
// to the actual ingame implementation of lobbies)
* Describes all available information about a lobby we are active in
struct native ActiveLobbyInfo extends BasicLobbyInfo
var const array<LobbyMember> Members; // The list of members of a lobby we are in
* Used for specifying filters based on key/value pairs, when searching for lobbies
* NOTE: Max size of a key is 255
struct native LobbyFilter
var string Key; // The key to be filtered
var string Value; // The value to filter against
var EOnlineGameSearchComparisonType Operator; // The operator to use for comparison
var bool bNumeric; // whether or not this filter is numeric (treated as string otherwise)
* The visibility/connectivity type of a lobby
enum ELobbyVisibility
LV_Public, // Lobby is visible to everyone
LV_Friends, // Visible to friends and invited players only
LV_Private, // Can only join by invite
LV_Invisible // @todo Steam: Figure out what this does exactly
function bool LobbyJoinGame(optional string ServerIP);
function bool LobbyJoinServer(string ServerIP);
function SetServerPassword(string password);
function string GetLobbyURLString();
function bool IsInLobby();
function bool IsLobbyOwner();
function bool QuitLobby();
function bool GetLobbyAdmin(UniqueNetId LobbyId, out UniqueNetId AdminId);
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 7/16/2016 - Make sure we can get the party member ID instead of the account ID on PS4
function UniqueNetId GetMyId();
function string GetFriendNickname(UniqueNetId FriendId, optional bool IncludeSelf = true);
function SetLobbyData( string Key, string Value );
function string GetLobbyData( int LobbyIndex, string Key );
function bool SetVisibility( int VisibilityIndex );
function ShowLobbyInviteInterface(string InviteMessage);
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 8/15/2016 - Play Together needs a way to programmatically invite people to the party
function bool SendInviteToUsers(array<string> MembersToInvite, string InviteMessage);
function bool LobbyMessage(string Message);
function bool GetCurrentLobby(out ActiveLobbyInfo LobbyInfo);
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 8/17/2016 - Number of party members
function int GetCurrentPartySize();
function bool MakeLobby(int MaxPlayers, ELobbyVisibility Type);
function UniqueNetId GetCurrentLobbyId();
function bool GetLobbyFromCommandline(out UniqueNetId LobbyId, optional bool bMarkAsJoined=True);
function LobbyInvite(UniqueNetId LobbyId, UniqueNetId FriendId, bool bAccepted);