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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SeqAct_Interp extends SeqAct_Latent
// UObject interface.
* Serialize function.
* @param Ar The archive to serialize with.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
// USequenceAction interface
virtual void Activated();
virtual UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT deltaTime);
virtual void DeActivated();
virtual void OnCreated();
virtual void Initialize();
virtual void UpdateObject();
// USeqAct_Interp interface
* Begin playback of this sequence. Only called in game.
* Will then advance Position by (PlayRate * Deltatime) each time the SeqAct_Interp is ticked.
void Play(UBOOL OnlyAIGroup=FALSE);
/** Similar to play, but the playback will go backwards until the beginning of the sequence is reached. */
void Reverse();
/** Hold playback at its current position, but leave the sequence initialised. Calling Pause again will continue playback in its current direction. */
void Pause();
/** Changes the direction of playback (go in reverse if it was going forward, or vice versa) */
void ChangeDirection();
/** Called to notify affected actors when a new impulse changes the interpolation (paused, reversed direction, etc) */
void NotifyActorsOfChange();
/** Increment track forwards by given timestep and iterate over each track updating any properties. */
virtual void StepInterp(FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bPreview=FALSE);
/** Move interpolation to new position and iterate over each track updating any properties. */
virtual void UpdateInterp(FLOAT NewPosition, UBOOL bPreview=FALSE, UBOOL bJump=FALSE, UBOOL OnlyAIGroup=FALSE);
* Updates the streaming system with the camera locations for the upcoming camera cuts, so
* that it can start streaming in textures for those locations now.
* @param CurrentTime Current time within the matinee, in seconds
* @param bPreview If we are previewing sequence (ie. viewing in editor without gameplay running)
void UpdateStreamingForCameraCuts(FLOAT CurrentTime, UBOOL bPreview=FALSE);
/** For each InterGroup/Actor combination, create a InterpGroupInst, assign Actor and initialise each track. */
void InitInterp();
/** Destroy all InterpGroupInst. */
void TermInterp();
/** Reset the 'initial transform' for all movement tracks to be from the current actor positions. */
void ResetMovementInitialTransforms();
/** See if there is an instance referring to the supplied Actor. Returns NULL if not. */
class UInterpGroupInst* FindGroupInst(AActor* Actor);
/** Find the first group instance based on the given InterpGroup. */
class UInterpGroupInst* FindFirstGroupInst(class UInterpGroup* InGroup);
/** Find the first group instance based on the InterpGroup with the given name. */
class UInterpGroupInst* FindFirstGroupInstByName( FName InGroupName );
class UInterpGroupInst* FindFirstGroupInstByName( const FString& InGroupName );
/** Resolves Named and External variables for the matinee preview */
void GetNamedObjVars(TArray<UObject**>& OutObjects, const TCHAR* InDesc);
/** Find the InterpData connected to the first Variable connector. Returns NULL if none attached. */
class UInterpData* FindInterpDataFromVariable();
/** Finds and returns the Director group, or NULL if not found. */
class UInterpGroupDirector* FindDirectorGroup();
/** Synchronise the variable connectors with the currently attached InterpData. */
virtual void UpdateConnectorsFromData();
/** Use any existing DirectorGroup to see which Actor we currently want to view through. */
class AActor* FindViewedActor();
* Utility for getting all Actors currently being worked on by this Matinee action.
* If bMovementTrackOnly is set, Actors must have a Movement track in their group to be included in the results.
void GetAffectedActors(TArray<AActor*>& OutActors, UBOOL bMovementTrackOnly);
* Conditionally saves state for the specified actor and its children
void ConditionallySaveActorState( UInterpGroupInst* GroupInst, AActor* Actor );
* Adds the specified actor and any actors attached to it to the list
* of saved actor transforms. Does nothing if an actor has already
* been saved.
void SaveActorTransforms( AActor* Actor, UBOOL bOnlyChildren );
* Applies the saved locations and rotations to all saved actors.
void RestoreActorTransforms();
/** Saves whether or not this actor is hidden so we can restore it later */
void SaveActorVisibility( AActor* Actor );
/** Applies the saved visibility state for all saved actors */
void RestoreActorVisibilities();
* Stores the current scrub position, restores all saved actor transforms,
* then saves off the transforms for actors referenced (directly or indirectly)
* by group instances, and finally restores the scrub position.
void RecaptureActorState();
/** Disables the radio filter effect if "Disable Radio Filter" is checked. */
void DisableRadioFilterIfNeeded();
/** Enables the radio filter */
void EnableRadioFilter();
/** called when the level that contains this sequence object is being removed/unloaded */
virtual void CleanUp();
/** Sets up the group actor for the specified InterpGroup. */
void InitGroupActorForGroup(class UInterpGroup* InGroup, class AActor* GroupActor);
/** Sets up the group actor for the specified InterpGroup. */
void InitSeqObjectForGroup(class UInterpGroup* InGroup, USequenceObject* SequenceObject);
* Checks to see if this Matinee should be associated with the specified player. This is a relatively
* quick test to perform.
* @param InPC The player controller to check
* @return TRUE if this Matinee sequence is compatible with the specified player
UBOOL IsMatineeCompatibleWithPlayer( APlayerController* InPC ) const;
* Activates the output for the named event.
virtual void NotifyEventTriggered(class UInterpTrackEvent const* EventTrack, INT EventIdx);
/** Scans the matinee for camera cuts and sets up the CameraCut array. */
void SetupCameraCuts();
/** Copies the values from all VariableLinks to the member variable [of this sequence op] associated with that VariableLink */
virtual void PublishLinkedVariableValues();
/** Retrieve group linked variable **/
AActor * FindGroupLinkedVariable(INT Index, const TArray<UObject**> &ObjectVars);
AActor * FindUnusedGroupLinkedVariable(FName GroupName);
/** Refresh variable links if it needs to be **/
virtual void OnVariableConnect(USequenceVariable *Var, INT LinkIdx);
* Helper type for storing actors' World-space locations/rotations.
struct native export SavedTransform
var vector Location;
var rotator Rotation;
/** Helper struct for storing the camera world-position for each camera cut in the cinematic. */
struct native CameraCutInfo
var vector Location;
var float Timestamp;
/** A map from actors to their pre-Matinee world-space positions/orientations. Includes actors attached to Matinee-affected actors. */
var private const transient noimport native map{AActor*,FSavedTransform} SavedActorTransforms;
/** A map from actors to their pre-Matinee visibility state */
var private const transient noimport native map{AActor*,BYTE} SavedActorVisibilities;
/** Time multiplier for playback. */
var() float PlayRate;
/** Time position in sequence - starts at 0.0 */
var float Position;
/** Time position to always start at if bForceStartPos is set to TRUE. */
var() float ForceStartPosition;
/** If sequence is currently playing. */
var bool bIsPlaying;
/** Sequence is initialised, but ticking will not increment its current position. */
var bool bPaused;
/** Indicates whether this SeqAct_Interp is currently open in the Matinee tool. */
var transient bool bIsBeingEdited;
* If sequence should pop back to beginning when finished.
* Note, if true, will never get Completed/Reversed events - sequence must be explicitly Stopped.
var() bool bLooping;
/** If true, sequence will rewind itself back to the start each time the Play input is activated. */
var() bool bRewindOnPlay;
* If true, when rewinding this interpolation, reset the 'initial positions' of any RelateToInitial movements to the current location.
* This allows the next loop of movement to proceed from the current locations.
var() bool bNoResetOnRewind;
* Only used if bRewindOnPlay if true. Defines what should happen if the Play input is activated while currently playing.
* If true, hitting Play while currently playing will pop the position back to the start and begin playback over again.
* If false, hitting Play while currently playing will do nothing.
var() bool bRewindIfAlreadyPlaying;
/** If sequence playback should be reversed. */
var bool bReversePlayback;
/** Whether this action should be initialised and moved to the 'path building time' when building paths. */
var() bool bInterpForPathBuilding;
/** Lets you force the sequence to always start at ForceStartPosition */
var() bool bForceStartPos;
/** If true, disables the realtime radio effect */
var() bool bDisableRadioFilter;
/** Indicates that this interpolation does not affect gameplay. This means that:
* -it is not replicated via MatineeActor
* -it is not ticked if no affected Actors are visible
* -on dedicated servers, it is completely ignored
var() bool bClientSideOnly;
/** if bClientSideOnly is true, whether this matinee should be completely skipped if none of the affected Actors are visible */
var() bool bSkipUpdateIfNotVisible;
/** Lets you skip the matinee with the CANCELMATINEE exec command. Triggers all events to the end along the way. */
var() bool bIsSkippable;
/** Cover linked to this matinee that should be updated once path building time has been played */
var() array<CoverLink> LinkedCover;
/** Actual track data. Can be shared between SeqAct_Interps. */
var export InterpData InterpData;
/** Instance data for interp groups. One for each variable/group combination. */
var array<InterpGroupInst> GroupInst;
/** on a net server, actor spawned to handle replicating relevant data to the client */
var const class<MatineeActor> ReplicatedActorClass;
var const transient MatineeActor ReplicatedActor;
/** Preferred local viewport number (when split screen is active) the director track should associate with, or zero for 'all'. */
var() int PreferredSplitScreenNum;
/** Cached value that indicates whether or not gore was enabled when the sequence was started */
var transient bool bShouldShowGore;
/** Contains the camera world-position for each camera cut in the cinematic. */
var transient array<CameraCutInfo> CameraCuts;
/** last time TermInterp() was called on this action. Only updated in game */
var float TerminationTime;
* Rendering overrides of this matinee, which will be used if the matinee has a director track.
* Cinematics add a bunch of rendering cost with their lighting and shadowing, so we need to disable some features to make room for that.
var() globalconfig RenderingPerformanceOverrides RenderingOverrides;
/** Constant camera anim to add to matinee, set to 1 (future we could have more) */
var(ConstantCameraAnim) byte ConstantCameraAnim;
var(ConstantCameraAnim) float ConstantCameraAnimRate;
/** sets the position of the interpolation
* @note if the interpolation is not currently active, this function doesn't send any Kismet or UnrealScript events
* @param NewPosition the new position to set the interpolation to
* @param bJump if true, teleport to the new position (don't trigger any events between the old and new positions, etc)
native final function SetPosition(float NewPosition, optional bool bJump = false);
/** stops playback at current position */
native final function Stop();
/** adds the passed in PlayerController to all running Director tracks so that its camera is controlled
* all PCs that are available at playback start time are hooked up automatically, but this needs to be called to hook up
* any that are created during playback (player joining a network game during a cinematic, for example)
* @param PC the PlayerController to add
native final function AddPlayerToDirectorTracks(PlayerController PC);
function Reset()
SetPosition(0.0, false);
// stop if currently playing
if (bActive)
InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse = true;
static event int GetObjClassVersion()
return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 1;
InputLinks(4)=(LinkDesc="Change Dir")