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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ParticleSystemComponent extends PrimitiveComponent
var() const ParticleSystem Template;
var transient const array<ParticleSystem> ExtensionTemplates;
/** Class of the light environment that will get created for lit particle systems. */
var class<ParticleLightEnvironmentComponent> LightEnvironmentClass;
/** Lit particle components created from the emitter pool will only share particle DLE's if they have matching SharedInstigator's. */
var transient Actor LightEnvironmentSharedInstigator;
* Limit on the number of particle components that can reuse the same particle light environment.
* This controls the trade off between performance and particle lighting update rate.
var transient int MaxLightEnvironmentPooledReuses;
/** Total count of all emitter active particles when the emitters get ticked. */
var transient int NumActiveParticles;
struct ParticleEmitterInstance
// No UObject reference
var native transient const array<pointer> EmitterInstances{struct FParticleEmitterInstance};
* The static mesh components for a mesh emitter.
* This is to prevent the SMCs from being garbage collected.
var private transient duplicatetransient const array<StaticMeshComponent> SMComponents;
* The static mesh MaterialInterfaces for a mesh emitter.
* This is to prevent them from being garbage collected.
var private transient duplicatetransient const array<MaterialInterface> SMMaterialInterfaces;
* The skeletal mesh components used with the socket location module.
* This is to prevent them from being garbage collected.
var private transient duplicatetransient const array<SkeletalMeshComponent> SkelMeshComponents;
* Stores motion blur transform info for particles
struct native ParticleEmitterInstanceMotionBlurInfo
/** Maps unique particle Id to its motion blur info */
var const native transient Map_Mirror ParticleMBInfoMap{TMap<INT, struct FMeshElementMotionBlurInfo>};
* Stores motion blur transform info for emitter instances
struct native ViewParticleEmitterInstanceMotionBlurInfo
/** Maps unique emitter instance via ptr to its particle motion blur info */
var const native transient Map_Mirror EmitterInstanceMBInfoMap{TMap<const struct FParticleMeshEmitterInstance*, struct FParticleEmitterInstanceMotionBlurInfo>};
/** Emitter instance motion blur info stored per view */
var const native transient array<ViewParticleEmitterInstanceMotionBlurInfo> ViewMBInfoArray;
/** If true, activate on creation. */
var() bool bAutoActivate;
var transient const bool bWasCompleted;
var transient const bool bSuppressSpawning;
var transient const bool bWasDeactivated;
var() bool bResetOnDetach;
/** whether to update the particle system on dedicated servers */
var bool bUpdateOnDedicatedServer;
/** Indicates that the component has not been ticked since being attached. */
var transient bool bJustAttached;
* Set to TRUE when InitParticles has been called.
* Set to FALSE when ResetParticles has been called.
* Used to quick-out of Tick and Render calls
* (when caching PSysComps and emitter instances).
var transient bool bIsActive;
/** This flag will be set the first time the PSysComp is activated... used to prevent auto activated PSysComps from calling InitParticles twice on level load */
var transient bool bHasBeenActivated;
/** Enum for specifying type of a name instance parameter. */
enum EParticleSysParamType
/** Struct used for a particular named instance parameter for this ParticleSystemComponent. */
struct native ParticleSysParam
/** The name of the parameter */
var() name Name;
* The type of parameters
* PSPT_None - There is no data type
* PSPT_Scalar - Use the scalar value
* PSPT_ScalarRand - Select a scalar value in the range [Scalar_Low..Scalar)
* PSPT_Vector - Use the vector value
* PSPT_VectorRand - Select a vector value in the range [Vector_Low..Vector)
* PSPT_Color - Use the color value
* PSPT_Actor - Use the actor value
* PSPT_Material - Use the material value
var() EParticleSysParamType ParamType;
var() float Scalar;
var() float Scalar_Low;
var() vector Vector;
var() vector Vector_Low;
var() color Color;
var() actor Actor;
var() MaterialInterface Material;
* Array holding name instance parameters for this ParticleSystemComponent.
* Parameters can be used in Cascade using DistributionFloat/VectorParticleParameters.
var() editinline array<ParticleSysParam> InstanceParameters;
var vector OldPosition;
var vector PartSysVelocity;
var float WarmupTime;
var float WarmupTickRate;
var bool bWarmingUp;
var private{private} transient int LODLevel;
* bCanBeCachedInPool
* If this is true, when the PSC completes it will do the following:
* bHidden = TRUE
* This is used for Particles which are cached in a pool where you need
* to make certain to NOT kill off the EmitterInstances so we do not
* re allocate.
* @see ActivateSystem() where it rewinds the indiv emitters if they need it
var bool bIsCachedInPool;
* Number of seconds of emitter not being rendered that need to pass before it
* no longer gets ticked/ becomes inactive.
var() float SecondsBeforeInactive;
/** Tracks the time since the last forced UpdateTransform. */
var private{private} transient float TimeSinceLastForceUpdateTransform;
* Time between forced UpdateTransforms for systems that use dynamically calculated bounds,
* Which is effectively how often the bounds are shrunk.
var float MaxTimeBeforeForceUpdateTransform;
* INTERNAL. Used by the editor to set the LODLevel
var editoronly int EditorLODLevel;
* Used for applying Cascade's detail mode setting to in-level particle systems
var editoronly int EditorDetailMode;
/** Used to accumulate total tick time to determine whether system can be skipped ticking if not visible. */
var transient float AccumTickTime;
/** indicates that the component's LODMethod overrides the Template's */
var(LOD) bool bOverrideLODMethod;
/** The method of LOD level determination to utilize for this particle system */
var(LOD) ParticleSystemLODMethod LODMethod;
* Flag indicating that dynamic updating of render data should NOT occur during Tick.
* This is used primarily to allow for warming up and simulated effects to a certain state.
var bool bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick;
* Flag indicating that the bounds should not be updated for the particle system.
* Should only be used when the particle system is being ticked in a controlled environment.
var bool bSkipBoundsUpdate;
* Set this to TRUE to have the PSysComponent update during the tick if 'dirty'.
var bool bUpdateComponentInTick;
* Set this to TRUE to have beam emitters defer their update until the data is being passed to the render thread.
var bool bDeferredBeamUpdate;
/** This is set when any of our "don't tick me" timeout values have fired */
var transient bool bForcedInActive;
/** This is set when the particle system component is warming up */
var transient bool bIsWarmingUp;
/** The view relevance flags for each LODLevel. */
var transient const array<MaterialViewRelevance> CachedViewRelevanceFlags;
/** If TRUE, the ViewRelevanceFlags are dirty and should be recached */
var transient bool bIsViewRelevanceDirty;
/** If TRUE, the VRF were updated and should be passed to the proxy. */
var transient bool bRecacheViewRelevance;
/** Allows particle systems to omit depth testing */
var transient bool bDepthTestEnabled;
/** Array of replay clips for this particle system component. These are serialized to disk. You really should never add anything to this in the editor. It's exposed so that you can delete clips if you need to, but be careful when doing so! */
var() const editinline array<ParticleSystemReplay> ReplayClips;
/** Particle system replay state */
enum ParticleReplayState
/** Replay system is disabled. Particles are simulated and rendered normally. */
/** Capture all particle data to the clip specified by ReplayClipIDNumber. The frame to capture
must be specified using the ReplayFrameIndex */
/** Replay captured particle state from the clip specified by ReplayClipIDNumber. The frame to play
must be specified using the ReplayFrameIndex */
/** Current particle 'replay state'. This setting controls whether we're currently simulating/rendering particles normally, or whether we should capture or playback particle replay data instead. */
var transient const ParticleReplayState ReplayState;
/** Clip ID number we're either playing back or capturing to, depending on the value of ReplayState. */
var transient const int ReplayClipIDNumber;
/** The current replay frame for playback */
var transient const int ReplayFrameIndex;
/** LOD updating... */
var transient float AccumLODDistanceCheckTime;
var transient bool bLODUpdatePending;
/** Check the spawn count and govern if needed */
var transient bool bSkipSpawnCountCheck;
* Event type
enum EParticleEventType
/** Any - allow any event */
/** Spawn - a particle spawn event */
/** Death - a particle death event */
/** Collision - a particle collision event */
/** World Attractor Collision - special handling for collisions with world attractors */
/** Kismet - an event generated by Kismet */
* The base class for all particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventData
/** The type of event that was generated. */
var int Type;
/** The name of the event. */
var name EventName;
/** The emitter time at the event. */
var float EmitterTime;
/** The location of the event. */
var vector Location;
/** The direction of the particle at the time of the event. */
var vector Direction;
/** The velocity at the time of the event. */
var vector Velocity;
* Spawn particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventSpawnData extends ParticleEventData
* Killed particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventDeathData extends ParticleEventData
/** The particle time at its death. */
var float ParticleTime;
* Collision particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventCollideData extends ParticleEventData
/** The particle time at collision. */
var float ParticleTime;
/** Normal vector in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none. */
var vector Normal;
/** Time until hit, if line check. */
var float Time;
/** Primitive data item which was hit, INDEX_NONE=none. */
var int Item;
/** Name of bone we hit (for skeletal meshes). */
var name BoneName;
* Attractor collision particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventAttractorCollideData extends ParticleEventCollideData
* Kismet particle event data.
struct native ParticleEventKismetData extends ParticleEventData
/** If TRUE, use the particle system component location as spawn location. */
var bool UsePSysCompLocation;
/** Normal vector in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none. */
var vector Normal;
/** The Spawn events that occurred in this PSysComp. */
var transient array<ParticleEventSpawnData> SpawnEvents;
/** The Death events that occurred in this PSysComp. */
var transient array<ParticleEventDeathData> DeathEvents;
/** The Collision events that occurred in this PSysComp. */
var transient array<ParticleEventCollideData> CollisionEvents;
/** The Kismet events that occurred for this PSysComp. */
var transient array<ParticleEventKismetData> KismetEvents;
/** The Attractor Collision events that occurred in this PSysComp. */
var transient array<ParticleEventAttractorCollideData> AttractorCollisionEvents;
/** Command fence used to shut down properly */
var const native transient pointer ReleaseResourcesFence{class FRenderCommandFence};
/** Scales DeltaTime in UParticleSystemComponent::Tick(...) */
var() float CustomTimeDilation;
/** This is created at start up and then added to each emitter */
var transient float EmitterDelay;
/** Saved particle state for Flex emitters */
struct native FlexEmitterPreSimPositions
var array<Vector> FlexPreSimPositions;
var int EmitterIndex;
var const array<FlexEmitterPreSimPositions> FlexEmitterPreSimState;
delegate OnSystemFinished(ParticleSystemComponent PSystem); // Called when the particle system is done
native final function SetTemplate(ParticleSystem NewTemplate);
native final function ActivateSystem(bool bFlagAsJustAttached = false);
native final function DeactivateSystem();
native final function KillParticlesForced();
* Kill the particles in the specified emitter(s)
* @param InEmitterName The name of the emitter to kill the particles in.
native final function KillParticlesInEmitter(name InEmitterName);
* Function for setting the bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick flag.
native final function SetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick(bool bInSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick);
* Function for retrieving the bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick flag.
native final function bool GetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick();
* Function for setting the bSkipBoundsUpdate flag.
native final function SetSkipBoundsUpdate(bool bInSkipBoundsUpdate);
* Function for retrieving the bSkipBoundsUpdate flag.
native final function bool GetSkipBoundsUpdate();
* SetKillOnDeactivate is used to set the KillOnDeactivate flag. If true, when
* the particle system is deactivated, it will immediately kill the emitter
* instance. If false, the emitter instance live particles will complete their
* lifetime.
* Set this to true for cached ParticleSystems
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param bKill value to set KillOnDeactivate to
native function SetKillOnDeactivate(int EmitterIndex, bool bKill);
* SetKillOnDeactivate is used to set the KillOnCompleted( flag. If true, when
* the particle system is completed, it will immediately kill the emitter
* instance.
* Set this to true for cached ParticleSystems
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param bKill The value to set it to
native function SetKillOnCompleted(int EmitterIndex, bool bKill);
* Rewind emitter instances.
native function RewindEmitterInstance(int EmitterIndex);
native function RewindEmitterInstances();
* Beam-related script functions
* Set the beam type
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewMethod The new method/type of beam to generate
native function SetBeamType(int EmitterIndex, int NewMethod);
* Set the beam tessellation factor
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewFactor The value to set it to
native function SetBeamTessellationFactor(int EmitterIndex, float NewFactor);
* Set the beam end point
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewEndPoint The value to set it to
native function SetBeamEndPoint(int EmitterIndex, vector NewEndPoint);
* Set the beam distance
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param Distance The value to set it to
native function SetBeamDistance(int EmitterIndex, float Distance);
* Set the beam source point
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewSourcePoint The value to set it to
* @param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamSourcePoint(int EmitterIndex, vector NewSourcePoint, int SourceIndex);
* Set the beam source tangent
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewTangentPoint The value to set it to
* @param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamSourceTangent(int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int SourceIndex);
* Set the beam source strength
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewSourceStrength The value to set it to
* @param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamSourceStrength(int EmitterIndex, float NewSourceStrength, int SourceIndex);
* Set the beam target point
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewTargetPoint The value to set it to
* @param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamTargetPoint(int EmitterIndex, vector NewTargetPoint, int TargetIndex);
* Set the beam target tangent
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewTangentPoint The value to set it to
* @param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamTargetTangent(int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int TargetIndex);
* Set the beam target strength
* @param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
* @param NewTargetStrength The value to set it to
* @param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on
native function SetBeamTargetStrength(int EmitterIndex, float NewTargetStrength, int TargetIndex);
* This will determine which LOD to use based off the specific ParticleSystem passed in
* and the distance to where that PS is being displayed.
* NOTE: This is distance based LOD not perf based. Perf and distance are orthogonal concepts.
native function int DetermineLODLevelForLocation(const out vector EffectLocation);
* Get the longest possible lifespan for this particle system.
* @return FLOAT The longest lifespan this PSys could have; 0.0f if infinite.
native function float GetMaxLifespan();
/** Return the HasCompleted result */
native function bool SystemHasCompleted();
// ActorComponent interface.
virtual void CheckForErrors();
// UObject interface
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual void FinishDestroy();
virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyThatWillChange);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(FPropertyChangedChainEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
* Returns the size of the object/ resource for display to artists/ LDs in the Editor.
* @return size of resource as to be displayed to artists/ LDs in the Editor.
virtual INT GetResourceSize();
// Collision Handling...
virtual UBOOL SingleLineCheck(FCheckResult& Hit, AActor* SourceActor, const FVector& End, const FVector& Start, DWORD TraceFlags, const FVector& Extent);
virtual void InitComponentRBPhys(UBOOL bFixed);
virtual void TermComponentRBPhys(FRBPhysScene* InScene);
// UActorComponent interface.
virtual void Attach();
virtual void UpdateTransform();
virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE );
virtual void UpdateLODInformation();
* Static: Supplied with a chunk of replay data, this method will create dynamic emitter data that can
* be used to render the particle system
* @param EmitterInstance Emitter instance this replay is playing on
* @param EmitterReplayData Incoming replay data of any time, cannot be NULL
* @param bSelected TRUE if the particle system is currently selected
* @return The newly created dynamic data, or NULL on failure
static FDynamicEmitterDataBase* CreateDynamicDataFromReplay( FParticleEmitterInstance* EmitterInstance, const FDynamicEmitterReplayDataBase* EmitterReplayData, UBOOL bSelected );
* Creates dynamic particle data for rendering the particle system this frame. This function
* handle creation of dynamic data for regularly simulated particles, but also handles capture
* and playback of particle replay data.
* @return Returns the dynamic data to render this frame
FParticleDynamicData* CreateDynamicData();
/** Orients the Z axis of the ParticleSystemComponent toward the camera while preserving the X axis direction */
void OrientZAxisTowardCamera();
* Returns the the correct LocalToWorld transform for this system if attached to a skeletal mesh
* @param Transform output transform if it exists
* @return Returns true if the transform exists
bool GetSkeletalMeshAttachmentTransform(FMatrix &Transform);
FORCEINLINE INT GetCurrentLODIndex() const
return LODLevel;
virtual void UpdateDynamicData();
virtual void UpdateDynamicData(FParticleSystemSceneProxy* Proxy);
virtual void UpdateViewRelevance(FParticleSystemSceneProxy* Proxy);
// UPrimitiveComponent interface
virtual void UpdateBounds();
virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual void SetLightEnvironment(ULightEnvironmentComponent* NewLightEnvironment);
* Retrieves the materials used in this component
* @param OutMaterials The list of used materials.
virtual void GetUsedMaterials( TArray<UMaterialInterface*>& OutMaterials ) const;
* Determine if the primitive supports motion blur velocity rendering by storing
* motion blur transform info at the MeshElement level.
* @return TRUE if the primitive supports motion blur velocity rendering in its generated meshes
virtual UBOOL HasMotionBlurVelocityMeshes() const;
* Determine if the given LODLevel requires motion blur velocity rendering.
* @param InLODIndex The index of LOD level of interest
* @return TRUE if the given LODLevel requires motion blur velocity rendering in its generated meshes
virtual UBOOL LODLevelHasMotionBlurVelocityMeshes(INT InLODIndex) const;
// UParticleSystemComponent interface
virtual void InitParticles();
void ResetParticles(UBOOL bEmptyInstances = FALSE);
void ResetBurstLists();
void UpdateInstances();
UBOOL HasCompleted();
#if __TW_
UBOOL GetDepthTestEnabled() const;
void SetDepthTestEnabled(UBOOL bEnabled);
void InitializeSystem();
* This function actually does the work for the GetProfilerAssetObject and is virtual.
* It should only be called from GetProfilerAssetObject as GetProfilerAssetObject is safe to call on NULL object pointers
virtual UObject* GetProfilerAssetObjectInternal() const;
* This will return detail info about this specific object. (e.g. AudioComponent will return the name of the cue,
* ParticleSystemComponent will return the name of the ParticleSystem) The idea here is that in many places
* you have a component of interest but what you really want is some characteristic that you can use to track
* down where it came from.
virtual FString GetDetailedInfoInternal() const;
* Cache the view-relevance for each emitter at each LOD level.
* @param NewTemplate The UParticleSystem* to use as the template.
* If NULL, use the currently set template.
void CacheViewRelevanceFlags(class UParticleSystem* NewTemplate = NULL);
* DetermineLODLevel - determines the appropriate LOD level to utilize.
INT DetermineLODLevel(const FSceneView* View);
void AutoPopulateInstanceProperties();
void FlushSMComponentsArray();
/** Event reporting... */
* Record a spawning event.
* @param InEventName The name of the event that fired.
* @param InEmitterTime The emitter time when the event fired.
* @param InLocation The location of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InVelocity The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
void ReportEventSpawn(FName& InEventName, FLOAT InEmitterTime,
FVector& InLocation, FVector& InVelocity);
* Record a death event.
* @param InEventName The name of the event that fired.
* @param InEmitterTime The emitter time when the event fired.
* @param InLocation The location of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InVelocity The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InParticleTime The relative life of the particle when the event fired.
void ReportEventDeath(FName& InEventName, FLOAT InEmitterTime,
FVector& InLocation, FVector& InVelocity, FLOAT InParticleTime);
* Record a collision event.
* @param InEventName The name of the event that fired.
* @param InEmitterTime The emitter time when the event fired.
* @param InLocation The location of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InDirection The direction of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InVelocity The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InParticleTime The relative life of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InNormal Normal vector of the collision in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none.
* @param InTime Time until hit, if line check.
* @param InItem Primitive data item which was hit, INDEX_NONE=none.
* @param InBoneName Name of bone we hit (for skeletal meshes).
void ReportEventCollision(FName& InEventName, FLOAT InEmitterTime, FVector& InLocation,
FVector& InDirection, FVector& InVelocity, FLOAT InParticleTime, FVector& InNormal,
FLOAT InTime, INT InItem, FName& InBoneName);
* Record a world attractor collision event.
* @param InEventName The name of the event that fired.
* @param InEmitterTime The emitter time when the event fired.
* @param InLocation The location of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InDirection The direction of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InVelocity The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InParticleTime The relative life of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InNormal Normal vector of the collision in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none.
* @param InTime Time until hit, if line check.
* @param InItem Primitive data item which was hit, INDEX_NONE=none.
* @param InBoneName Name of bone we hit (for skeletal meshes).
void ReportEventAttractorCollision(FName& InEventName, FLOAT InEmitterTime, FVector& InLocation,
FVector& InDirection, FVector& InVelocity, FLOAT InParticleTime, FVector& InNormal,
FLOAT InTime, INT InItem, FName& InBoneName);
* Record a kismet event.
* @param InEventName The name of the event that fired.
* @param InEmitterTime The emitter time when the event fired.
* @param InLocation The location of the particle when the event fired.
* @param InVelocity The velocity of the particle when the event fired.
* @param bInUsePSysCompLocation If TRUE, use the particle system component location as spawn location.
* @param InNormal Normal vector of the collision in coordinate system of the returner. Zero=none.
void ReportEventKismet(FName& InEventName, FLOAT InEmitterTime, FVector& InLocation,
FVector& InDirection, FVector& InVelocity, UBOOL bInUsePSysCompLocation, FVector& InNormal);
* Finds the replay clip of the specified ID number
* @return Returns the replay clip or NULL if none
UParticleSystemReplay* FindReplayClipForIDNumber( const INT InClipIDNumber );
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
void TrailsNotify(const UAnimNotify_Trails* AnimNotifyData);
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
void TrailsNotifyTick(const UAnimNotify_Trails* AnimNotifyData);
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
void TrailsNotifyEnd(const UAnimNotify_Trails* AnimNotifyData);
FORCEINLINE INT GetNumParticleEmitters(class UParticleSystem* NewTemplate = NULL) const
class UParticleSystem* Temp = NewTemplate ? NewTemplate : Template;
INT Num = (Temp ? Temp->Emitters.Num() : 0);
for(INT i = 0; i < ExtensionTemplates.Num(); i++)
Num += ExtensionTemplates(i)->Emitters.Num();
return Num;
UParticleEmitter* GetParticleEmitter(INT Index, class UParticleSystem* NewTemplate = NULL) const;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Merge the fluid rendering based on the material
/** Call to merge the fluid rending based on the material */
void MergeFluidDynamicData();
// NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Merge the fluid rendering based on the material
* SetLODLevel - sets the LOD level to use for this instance.
native final function SetLODLevel(int InLODLevel);
native final function SetEditorLODLevel(int InLODLevel);
* GetLODLevel - gets the LOD level currently set.
native final function int GetLODLevel();
native final function int GetEditorLODLevel();
native final function SetFloatParameter(name ParameterName, float Param);
native final function SetFloatRandParameter(name ParameterName, float Param, float ParamLow);
native final function SetVectorParameter(name ParameterName, vector Param);
native final function SetVectorRandParameter(name ParameterName, const out vector Param, const out vector ParamLow);
native final function SetColorParameter(name ParameterName, color Param);
native final function SetActorParameter(name ParameterName, actor Param);
native final function SetMaterialParameter(name ParameterName, MaterialInterface Param);
* Retrieve the Float parameter value for the given name.
* @param InName Name of the parameter
* @param OutFloat The value of the parameter found
* @return TRUE Parameter was found - OutFloat is valid
* FALSE Parameter was not found - OutFloat is invalid
native function bool GetFloatParameter(const name InName, out float OutFloat);
* Retrieve the Vector parameter value for the given name.
* @param InName Name of the parameter
* @param OutVector The value of the parameter found
* @return TRUE Parameter was found - OutVector is valid
* FALSE Parameter was not found - OutVector is invalid
native function bool GetVectorParameter(const name InName, out vector OutVector);
* Retrieve the Color parameter value for the given name.
* @param InName Name of the parameter
* @param OutColor The value of the parameter found
* @return TRUE Parameter was found - OutColor is valid
* FALSE Parameter was not found - OutColor is invalid
native function bool GetColorParameter(const name InName, out color OutColor);
* Retrieve the Actor parameter value for the given name.
* @param InName Name of the parameter
* @param OutActor The value of the parameter found
* @return TRUE Parameter was found - OutActor is valid
* FALSE Parameter was not found - OutActor is invalid
native function bool GetActorParameter(const name InName, out actor OutActor);
* Retrieve the Material parameter value for the given name.
* @param InName Name of the parameter
* @param OutMaterial The value of the parameter found
* @return TRUE Parameter was found - OutMaterial is valid
* FALSE Parameter was not found - OutMaterial is invalid
native function bool GetMaterialParameter(const name InName, out MaterialInterface OutMaterial);
/** clears the specified parameter, returning it to the default value set in the template
* @param ParameterName name of parameter to remove
* @param ParameterType type of parameter to remove; if omitted or PSPT_None is specified, all parameters with the given name are removed
native final function ClearParameter(name ParameterName, optional EParticleSysParamType ParameterType);
/** calls ActivateSystem() or DeactivateSystem() only if the component is not already activated/deactivated
* necessary because ActivateSystem() resets already active emitters so it shouldn't be called multiple times on looping effects
* @param bNowActive - whether the system should be active
* @param bFlagAsJustAttached - if TRUE, then pass the 'JustAttached' value into the ActivateSystem call
native final function SetActive(bool bNowActive, optional bool bFlagAsJustAttached);
/** stops the emitter, detaches the component, and resets the component's properties to the values of its template */
native final function ResetToDefaults();
* Calls SetStopSpawning with the given emitter instance passing in the given value.
* @param InEmitterIndex The index of the emitter instance to call SetHaltSpawning on; -1 for ALL
* @param bInStopSpawning The value to pass into the EmitterInstance SetHaltSpawning call
native final function SetStopSpawning(int InEmitterIndex, bool bInStopSpawning);
// Share light environment with many other particle components by default to be inexpensive
// This means particle lighting will update fairly slowly by default as well